?, d NEWSLETTER: News fuom McHenry Tov,rnst:rp, McHenry Co urty, City of Mc}{enry, Lak*!.nnd Park, West Strore Beach, Village of McCr"r]lom Lake, Pistakee Highlands, Hunterville Park, Village of Lakemoor and Village of Sunnyside" Rrblished every other Wedne sday by NEWS- LETfER PUBLISHERS. Copy to be in one week before publicatibn date. ROOress P.O. Box 67, McHenry, Illinois. Phone EV5-0716. Compiled and Owned by ARTHUR STTHLFEIER PUBLICATION OFFICE 2722 N. ORCtrIARD DR. VILLAGE OF McCLJLLOM LAKE Driae Safely a good time to r8visw your homo insurance protection ? Maybcyou'veadded on toyour house. Or purchatsd new furnishings. Welt then . . . take stock of things. And see to it th.t you're f ully covered. Call me now for the lull story about State Farm's safe.sensible homc insur. anco. (Comprehengive protection that can provide covorage in case ol lawsuits,) lt's another good deal from Stats Farm. NOBERT !. COT{WAY 3:lt5 W. Elm Slrrt HcHrnrY, lllinoir Phil. 3t$52s5 STATE FARM TIRE AIiD CASUALTY COMPANY H0ntE 0FflCt. BL00+rllNcT0tt tLLtt{OtS SUBSCRIPTION BLANK SUBSCRIPTION TO THE PICTORIAL NEWS- LETTER IS $2.00 PER Y-EAR or $1,15 FOR 6 MCI.IT}IS. ADDRESS-- P.O. BOX 67, cIIENRY, ILLINOIS. AildE N0. ROUTE NO. CITY ST'ATE MAKE GIECI(oTMONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO NEWSLETTER PUBLISI{E RS. Sirtce I936 ANqERSON TREE SEMUICE Ed Reid Orvis Goad 385.2575 338.2598 Tre,e Surgery - Planling - RemoValSpraying - Stump Removal,7ll W. Maple Avenue lAcHenry, tllinois Sweelcr Than Words! Mrs. Steven's CANDIES Beautifut llearts for your Valenline 59c'fo $10 Assorted Chocolaier Beautiful Hallmark and Rurtirafl Valentines. Gifrs - Jewelry AGATHA GIFTS & CANDIES 1242 t{o. Green Street