t IHE GOID EN RULE IN IIFE IS I{TODERATIO N IN ALL THINGS SAINT PAIILTS EPISCOPAL CI{MCH Saint Paulrs Episeopal Church, McHenry, extenCs a cordial Lnvitation to the general public to partictpate l-n an 6cumenicll Lent. This program is designed' to promote better understanding among Chrisbian Churches. There wiIL be four DO ALL YOUR BANKING UNDER, ONE ROOF- great speakers representing four Christian tradittons. Thursday, Mareh 3r B:00 P.M. - The Eevo John Mclntyre, I'aith Presbyterian Church. rtlrJhy I arn a Presbyberian.rt Thursday, I,larch L0, B:00 P.M. - The R.ev. rr. Leonard Guzzardo, St. Patriek t s Catholic Chureh. ttWhy f am a Catholicrr. Thursday, F'{arch L7 , B : O0 P.l{. - The Rev. Ernest CarCer, Cornnrrunity Methodist Chureh. nWhy I am a Hetliodisttr. Thursrlay, Mareh 2Lr, 8:0O P.M. The Fev. Er. John Taylor, St. Andrews Episeopal Chrrrch, Grays la.ke. rrlrlhy I am an Episcopalian.rt S Plrs, r'vel-r,r: Hans, chairman of the Spr:j.nrr Teas soonsored b:,r the Womenr s Soeiet;r o'n Chri.stian Serviee 6r the Conrrriurnity i4et'hodlst Church, states that ,T. David tacCartney r.rill spea.k at the arloair lrhich wiIL be held at the V.F.W. I{aII on 'b,tednesday, Mareh 2, L956 at 1:00 P.i4. Title oo his talk is ttPotpour- l'jlt. Conrmittees have beerr aooointec' as follous: },Irs. Yeretta *erstad, rerresh- nentsi Mrs. Clera Swanson, ssffee and t,ea servlng i Mrs. LiIa. Jorrlan, assisted by Mrs. Haze I tuaelaughli.n, tickets I Hrs .lrildred SniveLy, deeorati-onsi illrs. '{ilincla Eassett, posters anl Mrs. Trene ldittroek, oub l-j.eity. Other eornmittee menbers are n4rs. Jean Caneron and '{rs. llorna Thonrpson. ! t!! ! - CANCER PNEVTNTION CENTER During L965, Trlr8 I prop Le, L5 of them from the McHenryr hlonier..,take area "$rere examined at the Caneer Prevention Center of Chicago. This ineludes 5 rZlp women anC 2 1239 men, anC repres€nted a twenty five percent increase in the number of examinaticns over the previous yearo fn making ' this report pubLic, Albert A. F.obtn, Chieaqo real estate developer an4 the Center I s presldent attributed the rise in exaninations to increased pub lie alrereness . rrMore and more peop Ler t' he saidr t'are realizing that cancer ean be eured if it is detected early enough.. MCHENRY STATE BANK IE @ "wher',;:HI#"#atters" PATRO}IIZE OUR ADYERTISERS