\ I t i t g 'r'a GoGl rrIilE c{As IIAD By ALil', A largo group of l{cIJenry Lroa rosiCoats atton,lod Srug }Iarb or ljoet C lub r s annual Fobruary B ir thd ay pa.rty, ho ld Saturd av, Fob. lZth. From all roports, it vus.q agroat oarty. Cand,id shots at loft &ro as f oI1orn's i I,{o. 1 - The birthciay oal:o, enjoyeci byall, Ils ting namcs of birtirday partiei_ pants. Itro . 2 Zoo Ruthorf o rd at tho vib raprftoflc o l'lo. 3 Rita Barbia.n, Joe Ritter urrd Zoe Rutherford. No" 4 r.'-iolet Satos anet ,joo fritter, I..jo. f, Zoa Rutherfcrrj witil the bongos anci !'rane IIi l- }b ro ok at Lho org an . ' .TOHN CAtr..q"OLL FOH SI{ERI}'F Jchn Car:rollr of Wooclstoekr Chief Deputy Sheri+f and lifeLong Mcllerrry County resiclent, today announeed he is a eandidate for the Republiean nomin- ation ss Sherlff in the primary election to be hek' June ll,th. , Carroll was born and raised in Hart- Iand Township, attended sehool there an4 1ps gra.luated rrom lJoodstoek Comm- unity High Sehool. lle was emplolred at E leetrie Auto-Lite, anrt a trueking comp- anv ln lrloodstoekr and was e special clenuty Sherlff ror I0 vears before assuminq full time duties with the Mc- Henry County Sheriff t s Deoartnent in 195L. Slnee then he has come up through the ranks serving [r ],rears as a oatrolmin, orocess serl'er an-t bai lirr to the County anrl Cireuit Courts, 2 years as Crirrlnal- Investigator Sergeant, anri Z trears as Chief fnvestlsator Lieutenant. Sinee 1962 he has senrecl as Chief Deputy Sherif f under Sherif f Edward A. Do',rcl. He is e eharter nernber of MeHenry !-ogntr Deputy Sheriff t s Association,rvTcHenry County Law Enforcement Asso6- iatlon, fll-lnois Assoel-atton of Chiefs of Police, fllinois Folice Association, and ts a i'aember of Weodstoek Eire Depart- Te!t, Moose and l-loose Legion, Knights of Columbus, and Elksr of which he is a past Exalted Ruler. Carroll is rnarried to the f ornpr Elvera Anrlerson. They Live at 33L Becktng Street, Woodstoekr and have two sons, John and Tom.