q NOTHING IS fNORE ANNOYING THAN A LOW,YIAN IN A HIGH PTAcE Any Standard Repairable Watch Cleaned and Repaired STEFFAN'S 123,6 Grecn srrccr $5.00 Parts E.xtra WE NOW REPAIR AND SERVICE TIME X WATCHES CANDIES COSMETICS TOILET ITEMS PTTESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N Green Slreet 385-4500 SrryZu,ln Eoat gnl Lunchconr Sorved . PRIME BEEF O SEA FOODS O COMPLETE MENU Opct Tdayrawcok 21 Boot Slips on Fox River for Curlomcr Perking Fronz Millbrook of the orgqn Fridoy ond Soturdoy Evenings 801 N. Rivrr Rd. - McHrnry, Soulh of l?0 ISt. ANNUAI CULLOM KI{OLL Lth. OF JULY CEI,EBRATION. Ihe CuILom KnoII Assoco of McCuIIom Lake wtll host their first htfr of JuIy celebration at the beach. There wttl be exeiting games, dancLng, swlmrd.ng and refreshments, also neny prises wfff be gtven &wafo Join in on the fun and. help the bullding fund. Ray tary is the chaLrrnan and wtII be abLy asiisted, !y nis two eo-ehairmen, Ken Betts and.BiII Gleason. BETTJRNS FROM VACATTON Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fernandez anrJ thelr chlldren, Yolanda, Gloria and Sylvia Just returned from an elght day vaeation to thelr home town Fllssion, Teias. They Journeyed into lfuxieo about three tlmes for shooplng trips and polnts 6r interest. 0n their homewarcl trlp they st,ooped off at Houston, Texas tovisit trith Bobrs brother and then they journeyed to Corpus Chrlsti to spenC a day at the beaches and soak up some sun. ft was an enJo;rable trip for them visiting with all the famLly but wepe glad to be home in the cooler climaie. McIIENRY AREA iAI{ OBSER\rES 30th YEAR AT AUTOMATTC EI,EC?RIC COMPAIIT. Raymond r'. Seharlow, SLQf West Hlgh- I-and i[fot West Shore Beaeh, celebrates his 30th anniversary this month at Auto- matie Electrie Company, NorthLake. An Automatie scre$ maehLne operator, Seharlow started with the telephone and eomrmrnieations equipment manuf acturing firm on June 20, L935. He and his wlfe, the former Virginia Williams, have Lived in McHenry area for 26 1rears. The Northlake eorpany is a subsldtary of General Tel.ephone & Electronics Corporati-on. Driue Sofely