2/ Get the wtrrole PACI(AGE rrritkr a,rl a,ccourlt a,t WALK-UP OPEN & DNIVE-IN WINDOWS FRIDAY EVENINGS to 7:30 p.m. McHenry State Banl( "IVhero Family PHONE lloney llatters" 385- r 040 wlth Hellum and oxygen and ZBi feet wlth air in deep sea dress. ALso tJ?O feet with scuba and 60 feet with shaLlow water dlving outfit. John has been in the NatT 9 years and eleven months and, his neu duty sta.tion wiII be at pearl Ilarbor HiwaiJ., aboard the USS Greenlet ASR,-IN. ELECTTON OF OF'FTCFJRS FOR CULI.oH KNOtt AUGUST 7. At the last meetlng of the CuIIon KnoIL Assoc. held JuIy L0. a slate of candidates was presented to the membersr The slate includes Ray Lary for presldent, Ken Betts for vlce-president, Mlra Ifurray for treasurer and Laurie Schaefer for secretary. The followLng slate presented for tnrsteeg include Frank Kurth, Eve Levesque, Elmer Thorp, ALIan McKim, BtIl Gleeson, Ray Fisher, Bud Brendle and Ron Godina. Lenny jensen, Jrrt lras named to fufill the unexpi:ed term of Harry Berry who restgned as trustee. Nominations wtLI also be accepted fron the floor on the day of the election. P.tronizc tlrrr ldvcdizcrs All Grrnrul Oflio Supptrt LEADIXG iIA].{DS TYFf,Wft.ITf E5 AIID ADDIHG TAACHINE 5 T"E}'TED ffiNfrUSE NEWd AGEilCY Iltl W" Elm Strrrr Phom 3tt{t5 CANDIES COSMETICS TOILET ITEAAS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green Sireet 395 45OO