5 hou?'tne protect Uour prescri,pti,on Your prescription NEEDS protection . . . be- cause some of its important ingredients can lose up to SOVo of their effectiveness if ex- poscd to light. That's why we pack your pre- scription in an Armstrong AMBER bottle . . . it reduces light penetration by 98 % . . . actually PROTECTS the prescription against Ioss of strength, flavor, and freshness. An r-xtra service . . . but a mighty important one! JlorGiuing. .. S&H Gruen Stamps We guarantee the fairest price in town. im . AM l.,lRS. RQNALD ZAI\i't( AF_E F.ESI]III,JG IN KANSAS 'yiIrEFE in0 1S STAT'I0NED !*IITI{ T}TE AR}{T E}IGTNEEF COP,P. AT F'OF,T FTLEY. TTMY }IERE },IAP'FTED JIILY 2. IN SI{EPI{ERD 0F TI{E HILIS LtITIiF;F.A}tr CHLP.CH, l,leliENRY" BBIDE IS TIXE I'OI?I,F]R KATI{I,EEN KONECTTT, DAI.IGLITER OF' I4R . AI\TD }MS. FF" \NK KO}IECNT THE BPI:,EGROLIM fS THI{ S0II 09 h . CHF"IS ZANK, Mc[iEh]R.Y. lT's ouR PoucY NYE DRUGS t3il5 N" R.ivcrridc Drivc Phone 3t54426 til0w OPEN McHENRY KART PARK Track Open Daily I p.m. to 11 p.m. Special Rates on Club and Party Dates Corner of Lincoln and Chapet HitI Road Phone 385-9736 or 385- lgg4 CHABLES STII,I.ING