P I CTO R I A [. ffi M I,f S I, [TT[B SEPTEMBER 21, 1966 - VOLUI{E 11 , NO. 2 FAN AND IMPAITTA& NEUYS Or IHE CONilUNITIES ffiw ffiffiw [nidry, $eptem[Bn 23 lfltlllfiilr$ II$ IIAY sEmt-moilTlttv m (ents Per Copy KT^IqNTS KTDS I I')AY PFANITT SALE The sixteenth anmr.a I Ki'oranis Kirls t na}r Feanut Sale wlII" be on FrlCay, Sept,enber 23 , L966 and thelr goa L f or 1965 wiIL be *lZ5r0O0. Nearly I0rOO0Itvolr.rnteer vendorstt lncludtng Kiwani-ans, their families anC fri-enrjs wiII" seII- oeanuts on street eorners throughout Chj eago and suburban eomrmrnities in Cook, l,ake, DuPage, Kane, lfill anrl Mc- I{enry Countles in f lli.nols and ln Lake County, Tndiana. Ba-qs ot' salted-in-the- shell peanuts will be siben to the ge nera 1 or rb li e f or wha t ever amount e aeh Derson wishes to contrlbute. Funcls eollected, nrovj",le fo:: ]re&f-rou1d KlwanJ-s C Lu:.h serniee work, particular ly ','ith handieapped and underprivileged PETER M. JUSTEN & FUNERAL HOME SON McHenry, lllinois3807 W. Elm Street 385-0063 OXYGEN EQUIPPED Ambulance 385-0063 HANDY RESUSCITATOR