q A RASH 'VTAN PROVOKES TROUBLE, BUT IS NO 'NATCH FOR IT WHEN IT COMri HAPI,TES,| iiQr,I[ r.lsTTVAL |ANCE Lei,s not rorset the .tate sr this ili.nner: an:l da"nee, Novenber l2th eL the Polish Naticnal Tlnion Camp, Ioeaterl onFlan.'lers B.l. e:st or Rinryvoort Frl. Thls is sponsore.l by the CuILorn KnoLl Ass rnn The buffet dinner r.'iLL start at Z:00 P.14. and continrre to 9:00 p.M. anrl nnrsl_ewiII be by the Ron t"litehelts BanC. Tickets are on sale at the three business houses in the village or co!t_+,act AII-an Mc(im or eny oof ieer of the elub for yolrr tiekets. ACmisslon is $5.00 a eorrple of $3.00 a rrerson. you ean dress in your favorite Farm orIdestern syle ensemb Le , Lets a LI try an,l make this dance a big sueeess. See you there. FTIIL TrI'E RESrnENrs 0NcE I,ltoF.E I hearty welcorne home is extencledto Louise and Erl Hammerstein who are now full time residents onee againn nd has taken an early retirementfron hig job in busy Chicagor so he can enJoSr 16s beauty anrl se"enfty oi country ?Oe 7a6e ?oide . . . ln Our Decoroted Cokes for All Occosions STORE NO. I Hours: 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Closed Wednesday Open Sundays 7 a.m. to i2 CALL 385-0t90 1238 N. Green STORE NO. 2 Hours: 6:30 a.m. io 6:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursdav, Frilay ind Saturday Closed Wednesday Sunday, 7 a.m. to l2 noon CALL 385-35t0 4720 Route No. 120 Lakeland park McHEilRY BAKERY Saturday p.rn. McHenry Iivlng onee again. Their rl aughter Bileen, husband and little boy are hereror a visit from their home in Florida. They helped the f olks ryrove from their apartment ln Chieagor so their vlsit was very timely indeed. ft r^rill be ni-ee for friends and neighbors to renew old acqualntanees again. sAys ON QUAI,TTY CLEAtrlrtrlG f--ql'e liilffip*-]i SAYE to% ! lnlcHARDs cLrAltiRs! L:'-.eltEffi:ilffi:lj Srrry 7*z4ot.&ul &ql Lunchconr Served PRIME BEEF SEA FOODS COMPLETE MENU Op.n 7 deyt e wcok 2l Boot Slips on Fox River for Curtomcr prrking Fronz Millbrook ot the orgqn Fridoy ond Soturdoy Evenings 801 N. Rivrr Rd. - McHonry, South of 120 a o o