/0 BETTER SILENT LIKE A FOOL, THAN TAIK IIKE A TOOT I/IDTES OT' THN LAKE },IAI(E PI-qNS FOF- T}IE CO}TING UONTI{S The Lafies of The Lake held their Itlovember neeting last Thursday anrl it was ouite a large gathering. - Thev welcomed four grests that Jvening, hs. 0raf f , hs. Erce I[ Lock, Mrs. Ivlarie Burg anC a new resicient to the coruntrnity Mrs. Hilda Linders, who resides wlth her family on Spring pC. The Ladies lr"ill holrJ thelr Crarringfor the turkeyts on Sunday, Nov. ZOat 3:00 P.Y. ln the bea.ehhouse. The publle is invited to attend. The sehool shelter wiII undergo sone najor repairs in the near future, I)on Parenti r"iII renalr it and put it in top shaoe once more. The Ladies dis- cussed a seeond shelter for the children sinee the existing one is rather erowded. "lore on that at a later rlate. Onee more Carrie Kurth has offered her lovely hore for their annual Chrj-st- mas narty, uMer the capable chairman- ship or l{arie 'tle(lm. A $ l. OO qrab bag exchanqe is requlred, o o c Arrrr's sornetht g new .rr.l dif{."ent Browsingf and Elool.s * * * FOUNTAIN SERVICE -Sodos, Sundoes, Shokes SUGAR CONES HAND PACKED ICE CREAM SHERBET AND ICES -Pinls, Qucrts, Holf Gollons, Gollons ..PARTY.TIME" SPECIATTIES BriJes Be S.rre to Register w.e Lrr" a special treat {or you * _ GIFTS FOR EVER.YONE _ Ann's Gi{t Slrop 1266 No. Green - McHenry, lllinois 9 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. ETqThrrJ TI.AVORS lce Cream Shop J i l*k i',) flavors \ hand packed ,t