,{- THE SECRET OF SUCCESS IS CONSTANCY Of PURPOSE T}M ENG,qGlr.l"]I1}J'I' OI iTiSS NI.I'ICY LEE SCHIWNK TO l"'TLT,iAl4 r,l. BUK0iISKY, SON OF I\4?.. AI{l) hBS. l,IfKE BUKO\ISKY, LLII6, E. ll0llDER LAKE Rr]. Tr,l0lXnER LAKE, ldAS ANNOIINCED RY FmR PAPFIT\TTS, nB. AI$D '{RS. SA}T SCHM,}IK, 31120 !,'. q'AIRL{qy DP, c r }4cIIENRY, ON I,[SS SCI{M- INK I S f Bth BIR.THDAY, OCT. 2A. irlrR EIAIICE fS A DEPIITY OTt Tfm McIffiNF"Y COIIN'IY POLTCE DqPAF.TT\MNT. A },TAY hEDDTNC TS tsTiTNG DT.,A}$I{ED. o!EB" $ZOOT0OO PAID T0 CmISTMAS SAVERS ThursCay, November L0, MeHenry State Bank rnailed Christmas Savings CIub checks tota ling in excess of Tlro Hundred Thousand DoLIars ($aOorOo0.O0), This will be of great interest to the Mciienry area Merchants, but wi[I, of eourse, be of greater interest to the nore than one thousand club members r^iho wi]-I be recelving their cheeks. 0f interest to local store merchants would be surveys that show approximately l/l of the Christmas Savings are act- ual-ly used for: Christmas shopping. A simil-ar amount is llkely to be eonvert- ed to permanent savings with the bal- anee being used for accunrulated bills or the downpayment for a larger pur- chase or for many other individual needs. The Christmas CIub origlnated more than 50 years ago and now anmlally totals billions of dollars. Many of the eountryrs millions of savers made thelr first contact trith banks through Sttry %alclot Eoat 9",4 $r'lu N THAt{ITSGItrilIt{G DAV DII{HERS SERVED FROM NOON TO 9 P.'tA. TR.Y OUR COMBINATION Goose and Turkey Dlnner PLUS OTHER. SELECTIONS MUSIC FR.IDAY' AND SATURDAY Excellcnt Food - Cekteilr 2l Plcrr for Bort Docking on Fox River 8Ot N. Rivtr Rod McHenry, lllinoir38S267t