SOME PEOPTE ARE MORE EVEN.TEfiIPERED IHAN OIHERS - II{EY'RE XIAD ALL IHE IIIAE Hanrlieappcd Instltute, tt51 S. tlosd St. T'ha exhtblt rrlll mn Februery 5 through Uareh L2. Chieagoland Llons siLL asgl-st the fnstLtute in sectng ts lt the bllnd anl visually haadl-eapped hear of the cxhlbtt anC areage the neeessery transportatlon. The National Aeronautl-es and Spaee A.Inrlntstratton exhlblt, entitled trEnltght- enment for the B1lndn, traees the story 6f manrs eonquest of elr and speec. ft was pro.lueed wlth thc eooperatLon of thc trIattonal tr'oundatlon for the Rlin6, New York City, at a eost of $30r00O. The etreular extrtbltts lnterior ls dlvlded lnto five seettong. With the scnse of toueh erd follorrlng the narrated dlrcettoffir the vlsltor folk:r's the story anl proeeeds around the zutderatls touehing the desertbed morlels, diaqralns, an:l rnapg Traeed ls the U.So program fron thc W: lgtrt Brothers f Llght 53 yGers ago to the eurrent l{ercury arrl GenlnL tllghts and ruture lpoollo moon Landlng oroJeets.pllnd anl vlsually handleaoped a4tultg IUIcHENRY BAI(ERY ?Oe 7a6e ?octe . , , In Our Decoroted Cokes for All Occosions STORE NO. I Hours: 6:00 a.m. to 6:(X) p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Closed Wednesday Open Sundays 7 a,m. to l2 p.rn. CALL 385-0t90 1238 N. Green McHenry STORE NO. 2 Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursdav, Friday and Saturday Closed Wednesday Sunday, 7 a.m. to 12 noon cALL 385-3510 4720 Route No. 120 Lakeland Park (" anrl ehlldren should contaet the lastLtutc, aroe eode 312-35[-?5h8r to make errenBe- nnents f or a speelf ie date. lny ca LIs llor transportatlon for lndLvidualt, elasses or groups ntII be referrcd by the fnstltute to the flltnots tions Bltad Aettvttles Conuatttcc Offlcc, 1105 .ChleagoAve., Oak Perk, f1[. Fhone-383-L6I6 }dARIAH CEITTRIL IIMTHER tS CI,IIB On F'cbrrrary 20, 1167, ttfarian Ccntral Hotherts CIub cf Woodttoek, flllEoLg held itfs nonthly nectlng tn the sehool eafeterLa at 8lO0 F,!I. ?he prosen this month ras Furnltr:re Roftatghlns & Antlqulag and the speaker wes Isbs. Barbara De Hark. The rcfrcsh- nncnte en,l prog?an ras through the court- asy of ?he Lakelan',t Patnt Spot, Lakeland Fark, l{eficnrry, I1I, ACACIA NEIdS MCHENRY IODGE #T58 I.F.&.A.H. Hareh 2lrd- n-evelatl-on Night- Jobs Daushters come out and meet your adooted daughtcr. IffiEEIIB.Y CHAFTER #5hZOnnr;n o? mIE Srry 7*r4ot,tsoat &al o o o 2l Boot Slips on Fox River for Curlomcr prrking Fronz Millbrook ot the orgqn Fridoy ond Soturdoy Evenings 801 N. Rivrr Rd. - McHonry, South of 120 Lunchconr Servcd PRIME BEEF SEA FOODS COMPLETE MENU Op"t l dcyt r wrok 5 t I