I MANY HAVE QUARRELED ABOUT RELIGION THAT NEVER PRACTICED 1T EASTEAN STAR n'cb. 22ndJicorge Washington eard party Feb. 28th-Stated nceting - 8:00 P.U. BFTHllt # ,g oRIER oE JoB rs nAU,:]HTERS Feb. 23rd.- Stated Heettng 7:OO P.tr. 0trfieial Vlsit I{arch 23rd- Revelation Nlght FCITRTH NORTTMRN DTS'IRICT Or' rLtr,MOrS 4.tr.& A.U. r.eb. zLrth- Distriet Sehoo1 or fnstnretion XcHenrT Lodge IIall f tI l{aster l,fagons eordlally invltad. nATqS T0 REUEIIBER qlsD PIIT DOITIN OH YOIIR CALT.I\TDAR &Tareh Zlrrl-.Iob t s Daughters reve Latlon nieht when Y,qster Uasons wtll dj-seover the tdentity of thelr a4opted claughters. I{ay 16th-Hasonie Servtce Aopreclation Ntght. f believe aLL nrenbers rrlll Jotn with t,he ofrieers in thanking Bob fhonpaon for a Job wcII done, as he direeted the affairs of thc rl,ow L2 Clubn for twelve years, stepplng down this year, and did a rnagnifteent Job. CARY{ROVE SIUDEN? GEIS APPOTNU{ETTT F'BOH CHARI,ES I{. PERCY f ras notlfLad terCay that Senator CharLes H. Fercy has appotnted Cartsr Eendrlcks, Jr.e a Paga of the Unttcd States Senatc. Carter is a cophenore et Cary-Orove Hlgh Sehool and qui-te aettve tr Gxtra- eumlcular aetivltlcs, erpsclally tha sehool paper. VTLLAGE OF' UC CULLCU tAf,E - NOTE Final date to fIIo for offioo of is February 27tt.,. Eleotloa date 3 trus tee s f or 4 yr. Term I Trustec for 2 yr. Terrn The 0uality of ()ur llork ls A dYertising0ur Best Trus tesE Apr, I8. For Reliable Service Call 385-2221 Residential lndustrial Commercial Gontainer Service 2-Way Radio McHENRY DISPOSAL C0. WILLIAM DEVRIES 3402 W. Third Avenue t r* *"