PEOPLE, WIIO TALK TO TIIEMSELVES HEAR A LOT OT COMPLII}IENTS Speeialists in O I(NIT f}trIqSSES O . FORNIALS f'ri. to I p.m. DailY ?a.m.-6p.m. Ouality Cleaning Laundry Shirts o*irrnrrs O LEATTIER o rfrBs ?qc.'- f20t N. Green Street WE CHALLBNGE COiUPARBISO\I TITY US AND SEE 3E5-l?I2 trIcHenry, Ill.t PHONE,.385-0716 If no answer Call 385-0258 Srrrg Taqlot &u,t &qf ST. PATRICI('S DAY PARTY FRANZ NAILLBROOK AT THE ORGAN FRIDAY, mARCH 17th Rwrrzfilcfioaac'.' 2 Ghicken Dlnners for $3.50 MONDAY ANO TUESDAY ON THE FOX RIYER 8Ol N. River Road McHenry, lllinoir 385-26r r IDEIOORACY: WI{AT TT HEANS TO Hnn by Kathy PLgree Being e sentor student in a hlgh sehool of the Unltcd States of Amertea, I have thc pracl"orre prlvtlege of havlag a personal role in nreserving our dGn- oeratte wnv of ltfe. Being a youth, f also havc *.he opoortrrnLty to keep otrr Cernoeraey alive and worktag and to kecp our natlon free awl strong. When eouragcous pilgrtms r+crG fornlng our natton, they turned to Sod for ctrcng,th to do rha t they thought uaa rtght. They f orned a goverfticat nlrcrc people m1ed. They eraved frcedon and fulfilled their rishes. ?hey natLoa- altzcd docurnents such as the B1LL of Rlghts, wh5-eh eonrl-rmecl freedon of speech, press, anrt reltglon. These concerned 5ratrlots wanted Llberty for every lndtvidual, cquallty of aLL men, and brot,herhood o{n aII tnrrnan belngs. Furtherrnot:e, our forefounders drew thtg eonstltutton, whl"eh set up a superb form sf government and set the llmtts o'f goverilrental po?rero They had so rmreh fatth that after +"hey forned our eountry wLth a denoerar"ic rr.rlo, they tngeribed e remernbrance, nTn God tde Trustn, on all the eurreney. lty rnrmber cne Dersona1 role le believlng in God Pictoriol Newsletter Phone Numbers 385-0716 IF NO ANSWER, CALL 395 -0259