q ADVERSITY REVEATS GENIUS, PROSPERITY HIDES IT. Lake endorse the proposcd JunLor Co[Iegc for l{cHenry County. On AprLl 2rth, Boy Seout rorkers wlLI be honored at a Dlnner to bc held at the HcHen4y Amertean teglon. fhe KiuanJ.s Ctub w.iII pay the shlpplng eosts on sehool books end materLals betng shlpped to a vtllage in vlet Nam where sone of our loeal GIs are conduet- tng classes for native children. CANDIES COSMETICS TOILET TTEAAS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N Green Slreet 385 4500 For Sale Household Goods Some Furniture Glassware Dishes Gall 395-0716 FOR APPOINT}TENT WONDEN LAKX FTRE PROTECTTOI{ DTSTB"TCT Fire Chief George Gutzman, AssJ-stant Chtef Ed OtBrien, Captians Lee Leman, Jaek Btee, Attorney Frarrk Htggins and Tmstees Jaek Busse[I and Horaee Wagner Attended the elrtfr Anrmal Confsr:6nsg of the f LI: nolc Agsoelation of Fl-rc Protee- tion Distriets at the Pere Marquatte Hotel ln Peoria, f Lllnols frorn Mareh I0th throus,h March 12th. Bssidcs thc general diseusslons, panel diseusslons were he lril for the Fire Chiefg, Attorncys and Trugtees. Pendtng and recently passed Legic- lation was dieeusscd. Of concern is the oending leglslation on the operation or Reseue Vehleles and f,nbulances. PTNllrutr OUR ilIU[RINMS ?,rc. Ouality Cleaning Laundry Shirts 'l Slreeialists in . . ..G O I(NIT DRI.]SSNS O DRAPERIES -dS. oFoRNTALS 'L'ATIIER'Y =a o FrrRS lK 0,1 Fri. to e p.m. wE cHALLENGEi _v I ^-.._-' cotttPARRrsoN,tgii ,".J:";r.-. ffi.ti- fz0t N. Green Street Sgi-f?I2 trIeHenry, Ill. McHEI{RY GARAGE leep Sales and Service NICK P. MILLER, Owner Phone 385-0403 926 N. Front Strect McHonry, lllinois