- /CI PROSPERITY DESIROYS FOOLS, AND ENDANGERS THE WISE. ulss f,An0p KABIS, ntUCHlEiP OF llR. AllD Im.s. JosEpH J. KARIS 0E 5oo3 w. B0NNm DH., It cHEltRY BECAIE THE BBIDE OF ENSfGH AIE"RED L. CALTDEIL, SON 0F ]1R,. AND IrIRS . I . C. CAIInELL OF GREEIWTLLE, SoUfiI CARCLfM, IIIIRCH lr, fN SffiPI{ERD OF Tm HTIIS II,?TI{ERAN CHTIRCH. TIIE BBI]]E IS A SENIOR AT ST. THENESE I{OSPTTAI SCHOOI OF }MRSING AND WII,I, RESTDE TN WAUKEGAN r]![Trt GRADT]ATTOU 0t{ JIITI 30. HER BRIm GROOH BOARDED TI{E U. S. S. GI,ENI{OI FOR A NAVY CBUTSE. A CTVrt ENGTI'IEEN HE TS A OBINIJATE O.lr CLEI\6ON UNTVERSTIY 1}{ SOIITH CAP.OITNA AISD ATMI{DED OTT'ICIERS CANDMAMS SCHOOT TI{ RI{ODE ISLAI{"D. Ptroto by Gaylord C CRREC TIOT' Thc VlIlage of trls0ul]om il,ake eleotloa rlll bc hcld Aprtl tB lnstead of tprll 14th a8 stated ln last rcekrs l[o0u1]m Lake llews oolrm,a, ln the loo aI DcrE- papolo C0IIi&ATIIL.IIfON! T0 EERII,AII E, l[l$.8 of Lake Shore Drivc, Vlllqge of IoCuIIon Lakrr oE hls 59th ??? blrthday, on lfiaroh l6thr Subscribe J{ow EVER1B @Y I,{}IIES A BAtsTI Flve moath oId Denlse Branham, daughter of Ur. & Urs. Franklla D. Branham of the Viilage of ldo0ullon take. DO}I I ? DIG IOUR GRTVE WITIT A SNCft{ SHOVEL When s now cones drifting down, marry ocople grab thetr Bnou shovels ad nrsh out to eloar the drlvenay or etdc- walk. This frequently restrlts Ln atralned rmrseles or e sore baek, or worse, a heart atteck. Irfhatts the lntallLgent nay to shovel snow when your are past h0?It0nly when absolutely necessary and then slowlyr8 says Dr. Hoah Sloan, rredical dJ-rector sf thc A[Istatc f nsurance Coryant es. Thls applJ.cs to wonrea &E wcll es man, Dr. Sloan declares. nAn;rone wtth a rccorC of eardiac troublc or past h0 shoula avold ua- aeeugtomed cxertton ln cold weatberrr he rarns. nThLs ls espeelally trrre when it eones to shoveltng sno.!il, but lt elso appll-es to earqrlng heavy paekagesr- lcc skatlng, ekilng, slcddLng or Just plala hllrtng.r Ilr. Sloan polntcd out tlrat eold reather mskes preplc mov6 brtskly, ard thcy get the fdlse Ldce they arc fecllag reLL arul not d.ol.ng teo mrch rhcn la reallty they are overcxtondiag thense Lveg. I