" ti k4, North Shore Thus wo WANG E. B. FOXWC 'atnt2lttintr" All _aatd Phone H. P. 674 615 Deirheid Ave†Highland Jewelry R. R. SCHNEIDER NEW LOCA Sheridan Road and 360 Central A Telephone 331 ' i W EYE' GLASS REHAIRING All lenses dupiipated ii', . and work guari81teed, _:," Welcome Alf /Niicou,ttti, Checking agd$avings Make Real Estate Loans Quality and Service Gda-ranteed General But] CONTRA C (ASH! Watched hi) TOR DR-TE venue .i' »- 'tten Biuiii,tsg ding TION Company Avenue CloCks Park W " . Ladies' Aid society thir race will be held at tlie' of Mrs .' E. minim ‘tomotrow; Pri. dar) afternoon at 2t80.', All em- bers nd friends of the society a in.. 53c . M. D. Dick dndy dun m, Hub! attended the ftmeryl of rd, In}: ad. Their presence w: . I aim of plenum to the ifamily and men . Bro. Dick’s temtito A the new _were timely and gelive in his t vein. ' :' ' _ ;Ou Sunday school is yhtmin In 't d interest “one" all inâ€. e re teaching or goihg ond 19itrti water" uni-k almost very Sand y. j i all otWrUAltY F 2 P owintr in I "win" fro the that M. E. church pros/rpm of Sun- n may toth. l _ . ony of the saddest evént. s the hiatoty of Grace church I um Int Tue ay, May 8. Mun-{E " and. Who o'raome timehu rn‘sufl ing from]: serious "ietion. “a sud only stricken. on Monday, anti the next ditcrhoon paused Away. iHe w " yea old and leaves a who an two and children, a mothei' and four trot ens, Charles; Hinrei h of Mil- wuu , August Himgich, Port Way e, Wm. Hinreich, .3801: City, U.,' _ arman Juhrepd of this cit and one hister, Mrs. Henry {Nums n of Libertyville. g , ', Tile new: of his deathl'came as ar, “motto the entire community; or he ', Was known by everyone {ind hi ttne quail ies of heart and mind were! 'rea y tsppreciated. Heimd hi wile. 'w,:',,",','?,", that 'troup. of Splzndid' (may peop _who before and 1ptttritt the. world war did such no ble rvicei in the Epworth League nd c urch.f for bhey, were faithful, 1 nthu ityrtici' and 'tulrof good works; 4nd F d, as, he wins familiarly known,jwas a ways; ready to devote his timegund t' knitsl for" tverytod work. ‘JDurin the} pastyyear or two, sickness; in th T fam- l ity snd his own afflietititt pres ntedl him trom giving much attention them than: to his home and business. He, was the cashier and office mama r or, $prihger & J'erson's auto obile' agency. q . ‘ ' g l The funeral service on Friday May ll, Was largely attended, Rev. . C. Peri, former pastor assisted i the servlce. Mrs. Herbert Smith sang sieve al solos, and the water ' ve a tit serm'0n from the text, " " ye wholare about hint bemogm him; and All e that know his name say How is tile Stromrstaft broken an the beautiful rod/u-Jeremiah 48:1 . 3 T e floral offerings were w nder- hug beautiful, and quit; mu mus. A odest quiet man, yet ‘resou ceful 't,tnl,t/ttteac' a lover of life. and he F; true to the highest. idea and, sions, jentlous in thought and deed, he 1 s gone from us, Sympath with the ' "owing ones is universutl. E g, f Cimtrih ed. .t'"io""'""'"t"'""o4""""'e"'r , iCHRlSTIAN SCIENCI 'Y'? Sunday morning At 10: Sun- day; schoisl meets at -twelu 'eloeit sushi! open to pupils up to the so of go years. The Wednesday (2 hing meeting. which inclining bani allies aif Christian Science heating,, is It , o'clock, ' Ypu ne cordinlly invited to nuke map! the reading room, " " Con- mu avenue. which is open everr. wool day frdm nine o'clock itrthe m in; until six o'clock in threvenin and Si: day afternoons front. two It: oleitei. _ tef2,ld - Several impro nta he been made on South We can road. The. old Fred Meyer leek- a'mith shop which)“ stood l e for a: number of years, he; bee torn dodn and the lot we: pure by theiMasonle club, where a club home will be erected. This co unity house has been mo'ved to this I t and will be remodelled for use f r the pungent time. ' , irectly across the street a the Jnhrend garage, another "w saline pu '1) has been installed an two 1.1% square electric light have bee erected. The interior and exterlor f the George Hermann T Cohfec onery store on But Ihsertuld even have been modernized and made we " trattive. . "Now that our transportatio prob- Ian; is being solved through the motor bug Intent by .the North sud Etee.. trio: muting from Wnnkmn loath to Glencoo and Highland Park Deer- thr14 has 1 wonderful future. Many consider it to be the choice its ot the entire North .Shore. e can make it such I plooe by C ration and every one boosting. 'Boosti our business men, our location,‘ intt etch other and above all else those nth? own land and desire to ll, O willingness to dispose of our p party " a fair price. Nothing will ll our more“ quicked than the neces- trar't holding of propertrfor specu- ltitire purposes" 1 _. Doom“ is booming as it never hug before. New and modern stores are being built and new re" noon are. under construction. and nuny new street: have been opened. Increase in the attendance it the MIME school has made ry tin; engagement of eight they: for next year, instead of six, V for- megly. 7 ' EThe following on the “Gm Deerfield" appeared in list Bi weekly" bulletin of thefmsb: church: ' Simmer for next Sundny'n Sérmon. "Mortahr and; hmno als." Sauces gm held In this Mirth {TE IMPROVEMENTS i _ NOTED IN DEERF ELO am dar'ts erim of "I MORE lilr, EBring in . We have received: another "lot of new wash dresses flit} summer wear; newest creations in'Linerts, Ginghams, Liihi, eens, Tub Silks; Tissue Ginghsms, Ratihes, Printed Sillis; and Shantungs, Our policy is/to/Kee' showing the “New Things" and just nowitnese‘ dresses ard the last word inn summer styles. This lot incliidesmothing but the-best in: spring wash dresses; Come and see them. g g .' Highla‘ $1 Ar 'i', _ WMB‘“? Tel. H.t.11i) GARNETT‘S Free Delivefy‘ Neie" imported Dottéd of 3colors. BeautifuL dresses. at per 'fl'lfLf em line)" rag rugs: 'gh; are val ttitt in various colors; 24 F y 44 inch “.10 27 br64 inch - V f i .3; Complete new line of Nemo 500mm. Come and see them. . They are why popu- lar. Our prices are up from f; F i _ In Silks, Crepe dd -, k, , Crepes etc: These are! t Giliiiiiy priced “112,15 down: M ABBY PAUL Viola-President We are havinga special nib Ioniour‘gnew >“A‘ -_-.. u..__ m‘__ -__ -" _‘_‘-€’A__J Imported Dot New Jacquet Blou: New Line Rag Rugs arc having“: nminl Ink nnnm . Victoryi tiotes' béaripg. (ii % interest, matuée on [ ( . f ' g . jri/';', ' , _ . . May 20th ah? intergst d'ease f,_io.tt that date. If you will bring to us yiur holdings; wegéi’ll [give sro) choice: . _ __' , _" , ", .JackTarTogs 3 is New Nemoi Corsets :' Jack Tar m. toy Ishihiren, Kai-3i wash? securities. Holiday Satin _ 2nd. Haj . l 3rd. Exd lst. 33 $1.25 $2.95 F $4.00 d ' $7.50 ma I Tlies are well Wefhnd i; 24 by 44 inch lit ttuo; ted SWiss ' ', Imported Ratines. E Swiss in bode fdr give cadh ii,ioayi,ii)sitt; of sam). . ' ye us credit the apount to yiptr accojmt. . t T 1 'i. l, 5 _ ' 5 _ l huge éthej notes for otheir high grade 'id Park State Bank. m2 Vice-President & My oxnofm [hill' DRESSES my New Straw Hats full line fi, "il,itte immrqed Ratineiin a variety “miner j‘gcol'qrs. “unaligned: are ttitexee1led at l Paisley blouses, , 53133;: F .' â€LS“ _ V. $1.00 :. Fast-Color Ginghams skiers, per rtmF-- Handwme in of ned necktiesi . and . tiful . f,'21li the ",',sii),'iir,ii',,a'i.' M1 quit: for girl; and boys. Both Bloom and Enieker models for girls, and be! styles for the Ma. - . ‘. Latest strict and slave: in Men's 8 I w', Hats. This its tine line arrd includes T to suit. all h . nuke your on) while the '3 ' is complete. Price tret mm 86.60, My? to - ; P I 1. we Sp1etsdid when in FuhColor G T , inches wid6 30am 'vuluu at I {if} ‘2 FOR MEN .' swag meow l tiso 595% ingra- $1.50 b't?R'rs?,tlitTtttit, Notes: ".vai.j' cor, In: of EV he D h o! E! it ES: itt In