. y t The 'apeedmx mowaakhb a least avoid mashing down danger signs along the roads of ntirthis. Some men an map In“: alone the trout but“. t?t walk down ttrmt to In“ W for their win» . _ a Remm It's a Ion Golf _, Fish, Mining Boating "d mm: Saddle Polouplos‘Bn 'raf iFruits and vegetable fresh, twice dairy, ' j We deliver all ordei, and over free of charge) Open iii',')) We wish) to annouhce to put patrons that We are nori located at 393. Central Avenue)) and have opened with a completég line of: Groceries, Fancy; F wits and _ Wgetaliles i; . Shooting no“ ‘oru: , a " From tho North P to _ South Pole, butRo I: Ltt ing Powder went ; th At-l, miral Pejur-am i has 1.tmri.thlu)nhoiiiTii, twith; Scott to theSou, Pole; Stinky land it iniidarkost A -..- , __ . " _ Af “ca-I, Royal, is I fl 6%] balmng Hamlet you?I an buyâ€; anywhexfe under th4 sun. . i," 393 Central It . Telephone 42 r Made sid, Cream of, " deroedfromtm, val Notice The ki Eminent T "ut. ti, be inter- ested in Hartline“ Ibopt the ting; theswim6intrrtoo1tFrilNe. . i on u wheat mun aiming troubled “an, but; t do†not - to prod _ any turn “may "eet on internal 1 m1ntiotl_ / I T its? bnue Mlle 'ise?fff, ts ived § iHarry 01amier, C I ' 3 , PeterJ.Dufr, , ' 1" N i I 3 Walter Cope l _ , _ , T T I of Schools of toi, F No. fl tl.'? Range 12, - v, ‘!‘ EVERETT L. MILLAR: L L“ Pre AT’IJIEST: T ,litiii quice is he,reby given that oniSat, unit? the 28ed day of June . D. 1928 the Trustees of Schoo ' of iiithili; No. as North, 12, Ma; County, Illinois, will sell " uh- lip Au on the premises ,herei tor dqulfibed between Ten o'dloek m. and f'Three‘oclock p. m., to l '.--. One P’clock‘P. M., the old'nch line the] .buildings thereon, situated nnd my _ P ilitieat candidates can’t [many to, influence anyon'e's an: hat '/ heyg‘ can promise that tide [ shall be appointed to lue riot'leth. _ ’ o4tiitt" Liwrrautntrthtnoes 'tavi ‘ a 1‘- new c. Av-semi/tmeta' at Religion V 1 _ wine, Priutk--Ptlities l Fl mum-ion, Ftiiiii'CC'-isth tad Eddie}; H. E.-Chris nity and Proxies: . , ', Potter, H. L.--" Backroom r ht the ttrient, (, _ _ _ 'itt J. V.--Bisinark'd Dip! it. " Zenith. . i t H Inworth. Htulti--pus tit. shop. of the Mind. i ' Al r, W. re-Nei, of'the l, :19th American 'i't';u"tidr, . Mei die, A1dimmier--hittd and Wea her _ ' l Mf hen, Arthur-Far Win a Mania, Lioyib-'rhs P of. Ed- win {Arlington Robinson 1 AN ORDINANCE prohibiting rio int of automobiles and vehicl on I her Avenue cut and son fly ohms out line of Forest Av e in T Sdktion 8. Any person, fl , or corppntion violating the ptovisl of thiaiiordinnnce than be fined n less dud! Five, Dollars (85) T nor to Pei, Hundred Dollar, _ (8100) for enchiyandv every otretue. ' V ', Satin 4. This ordinance ll be in f _ and effect from and}! ' its '/'dllll', approval, and due' pa lien- tion.) , Live ita rt) mahnight, A. L--ipiatiu and Mayer Shooting. 4 fl S ll ion 1. _ That after May 1 and nntiTtOctobei lat of, each year gin- ttind with the present calendar ear, no 'yrson owning, controlling. riv- inz,$r operating my automobile ca;- 1413. product vehicle “rope“ in dra rn by animal or other power, shall tau or permit the same to st: d on that part of Ravine Avenue ying eutgi‘pnd southerly of the out ll e of tedit Aeertue,in the City of itrh- lpndi;Puk, Lake County, Illinol thnrdi, "J. G.--smi, of 11ml: Gui _ ':,' Pabir, A. N.---The Fore“: of aw Yor State 3 7 Pd inn, Gioii-=Life oi Christ So n. G. T.-A Womn Te P- footgtn Egypt . 5 3 man, H. a.-ooirn's ible . UQtermeyer, Louitr--Rotust via. Birn dances being held now, and care; must be taken that the milk shanut be sound by the in: sic. Tab mnny trouser sent: and not Tdo muny trousér aegis " eno h overall knees are being 'ou‘p I this country. ' f ttit City ot. Highltnd Park. _ Cdunty, Illinois. after May In until _ Oiitotrer lat of each year, begi : will: the present egtleesatr y . 'Bd it Ordained by, the Boa of Co 't iuionefa of the Highland ark Eaza'nPu-k District, Lake C nty, mirit)U: V wan 2. Nothing in, this rdi- tami' contained shall be dee d to dpp to can or vehicles owned y or [oi , to or from the property of resi- deht situated cut and muther y of aidii‘north line of said lot six ( ) in nidgi‘block sixty-eight (68). tgut/ Lot, tr and the West 20 f of Sub; last 6 of Lot 49, Pk; of H - 5w , being Evert: & Jettirg's vi.. bio of Lands, in Sections " d (ts, ITownship, 43 North, Rim 12; , of the Third Princbal ri- m. , situated in the Citr/of H h- gw Luke County, Illinois. . Di ai,' ‘Hny 21, 1928? h fothtwimr books huh bean Anise“, Norman--" Biitain it to Pa At Virriii, As- R.-..an the Wake‘ ofl- the Won~Miu Mapp .; ese--Rube , B rtt1utm---Great Gramdinothtr C F ratr--Beintt Rumble H tttrt-Covered Wazon’, 2nd e . ' Jo ,ts--Vedtrwood Medgllion .?fitltttpirfuoyrtrrttr Wetther M ttoid---BUek Buttes I 'ii',ii1'i'-ij'?iiiieit', Gold', M n-Mr. and Mrs. Sen Babatini--.sea..Hnwk _ . 8arwiek--Retrtoration- _ Bri-an-Marriage Verdict Kiipurd--career _ W"tlu--Afrair " Flower Acre (ted u; Arurhtruid Path, Illirioin, . 'A., WARREN Secretary ' d Mly 15, 1928. . gov“! May 15, 1923. sale will beUnde for mama "-mmm mew SPEPPM’ NOTICE OF' SALE , during do mom sii, d tin? j President heir tive 16 l3 iait'i'i' "‘95? }é Chicago Niit HIGHLAND FAB bil] a l ' thefertei Operates Notth Shari [m By investing ypkur savings iin this growing' public utility compaiuy ybil 7 become a1 sh' holder in dnis of your pwn hoime fisstititiims. " i Y? investment will bring you quérteriy dividend; : fail on the firtit day of January, April, ilguly tind C T ber atthe rate of tun per share, year attlsr year. .' 1ririttrriheipa1 will be trate---, gas is necessary 'to? publiq wisitlare kind is sold in good timessandbtuititiiei,V i' (i I _ NP?,.e,'i,, the change in; tithe became effec- ' tive) tht North Slime}; Line readjusted its schedule,“ making: sdifl/iil?,ttt,s,', as were necessary io acedmmod ,lie tiaveiers who are using Daylight-saving tithe. E r ,You may 1ii1reNisis thede shafes either for' 'cash or on small monthis) payrtieptti. ',"' _ i ' _ ( . , Are you shving but in: you? 'iuorm, and. investing your] savings iso that yodriutmje Mppinm and that of mu}; family it assured? _ We haive a plan that will help ymtto do this; It is? based on we g overS07o Inf the ,11eiiss,tistltr: by hard' work and thrift: tb work for them in buSinéSé ani) had tio inoémes, (Mic frppt the their iinrestm)ne. ' ".' i' . " OPERATED BY THE WILLIAM A trains leave for Chubagot 4:4q‘a. ,m. to 10,46 hm; _,':,': Limited trains for? Chic: Park eWsry hour trpm (ir? Baggage checked m at? Express, trains for: Cl Park evitry half hour 2 p. m., then every hour except Saturday and ving and. Careful Wishing---)" l {e fi, a. Shore and temember That the HIS our l) Good'I TICKET ofFICE, "Passenger Station F Telitphone 40l .- - taking. a?) a? :commod slits tl saving tithe. 1 fl s of dime Nbrth Shore Company gr lHllrt,"irRE LINE! ntral Standard Time reams Come True d (fl 0 ve Highland £4: a. m. to 6:46 i11).46p.rn.,daiiy pay, when express (ery half hour from EOE? Life _ hem of today got ahead h.: out their savings' to {industries so that they it work, the other from ttft Highland a. in. to 1:27 a. m. tBAEHR, ORGANIZATION Milwaukee Railroad} II , hts on the line Not PAGE k: N? T21