E _ 1 1‘1! I? PAGE 813 PERMIT FOR HOTEL 9 l MAY YET BE ;GIVEN~: It is MAY yrrr BE EGIVEN‘E It is: very much . ---.-. l Eany edmmunity t Continued from page; 1) 'ieood In“ repre grant or issue a permit tori erection. in the/lending at nlthough the plans In all tthes com- aceonti lish that m ply or will comply with all the build- '; cial B pport." ’1‘ ing' ordinances and 'esruiatihns. (expo ' 1 in runnin "The only substantial ioNeetiottlor foo ' ll team, p thereto being that said real state has times m,','. hen it is c been zonal.- midence pro rty. ' to he competent “Believing that and: n m is mmtearrtothrteatAte tof the residents of Highland Par w: take an. method of "rr-inte our beat human: in this matter, ntottt "meanâ€, at that a. div at: be "tended to Mode, the prop- erty in question add 'tttat t building pol-Ink be hand no that "ruetiott of an. mention-d In“! y troeeed u an "retest M with, The Basket": Store Eggs 'itr,r:,ii,ily,, 2 Rhubarb Truck Load of Strawberries Butter Funnel-If North Shore fite, Co. : T Orderarof $3.00 or more delil, end free g 7 Bo. St. lulu:- Avenue PHONE I723 l, Hilhllnd PIER. Illinois " arrive early Saturday‘ morning Ill Prices; Buy berries here that Are fresh lik, 15t 20c1 Dignity in TootwAeafr Faléhfiqt} New Potatotst, . "Refined design, shrink! modelin and strictly correct my erinla and cola dignity to Fell Bros.' {Queen Quality wear. _ l, . Apples mas??? tlr A, try-on will con knee yOu that I: on get t e utmost in shoe value at Highknd Park's lea ing boot hop. Tel. H. P. 456 -irrir--TrC'CriiiCrrtkr'I.ttA FANCY ':", Plneapples {Sigh $1213. EACE The In.“ had "hiud china Fancy Hone-grown ASPARAGUS Sweet M ORANGE Sweet Calif. ORA NGES t don. Iceberg LETTUCE Solid heals 2 bunches 25c Ex. LI?" 35c 69c FELL BROTHERS otdounotprovc MAM!» New - or Wu Bear rg, mma: _ . u _ H . the] In! We. at: lb. .... _ t-tt,-er-_ .. Fancy Nov Cinch cw Gt n Onions Sweet Gt n Peppers mh [. .. _ _ --t. New and: per bun: _ " .. _. . _ New tttuc. “and heads Vumsoéeséa iiaua W,,e',"'d2'lt',2, .__ il 'pd'," Mhaaa _ 5:2?34. l 'gg',ohtlu-r.iuiair Funk Ina SM 13m ' mi tor . we'.. Valid knob Fancy: Wimp APPLES 29c Polzitoes RmrejBraod Beat Brief Crelhery. The tigteegtl, ob- tainaMe. Per lb. M3 7 Parity " 15am 617M111: 29c FANCY HOME GROWN (or It " not 'to be expedted that ' school: team can wi tittg",'td,' but) the to does feel uh. de when its boys Ire able on be whole to hold their 7 with the rpeig‘lbora. . ' It . pretty had upon: inking that remlt'unleu tram are ell attended and t team is min enthusi- aatic king. It If merely; a qua of mom . . Pcttt tatora need to m "u 1 Jrr heart mount t I _ Jake will: in t athletic a tl/ an m too "ri 7 of the , , one" that itil 'made. ' 'rt . t _ and he sold in 'Whoksale ash ind notice the dilemma Fun: Ripe BA ANAS jun CentrLul Avenue i E _ F, l ' ',t,y,iretrijsiei,i,ii",i1y give my mired lbs. fd afar nd Flori lbs. 25c 7 School I “they "hit per 9 h?I,t pk. 2 t tretry crisp CELERY Mtge bitneh hem 1ltk ~ 25c the advantage of t it should lave nting :its schobls titt 5mm. But to alt requires fintgtt- /its ¢onsiderable a gogod baseball rtieuldrU in these ,it,it.'"e""r" cone . . x. Large act navel RANGES 59c H20¢ iii, Calif. SHERRIES 1 not is. ) expedted that l mwuounly, but a». dc when in he whole to hold rjteitrltttors. ' ' I' 2Sc Emma "e Green ' 25c 45c 1)siBr,rrts tt"tt , ii foot- 25c / iimmondcmim n t,ihuattuski,aeeit, i, ' (i-and.)..'-?.,,...!?'!!..-!..!!',.:.'.!.-!,..-"..'....'.. 1flt?., 8, 8t.Puc: _ 3 ' _ / ci' Pubmhod week]: try The new NUMBER " Mai. Henrrketlimr, who in: n quite' m for the past law wee C'. is “in! tttr niet. - A. . A MB. Oliver mm of Tulcdo, o. was thecyreek-end guest of her c bin, Mrs, Lucius Him, of Lure] av we. Mi, and Mrs. R. W. Patton we open'fd their house on Crucént hoe Utter, spending the winter in nu- dent, cam. .". _ l Mi. and Mrs. J. C. 1?etstintt,9 , of lemme, Ariz., announce the u of a bajby daughteryqn TuestthMa 22: Miss Elizabeth kdealy, tanner of Highwood, ig spending twn weeks ith relatives heretoominz ‘fmm a ree' months' visit with friends in Ad _ i, Fla; Before retumihg to Lot An lea, Calif., where she and her mien“ " resided for the past few years, Ihe will visit.her brother in Denver, ole; Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Lichm of North St. Johns avenues. are the happy parents of a'baby ttirl,, tn Saturday, May 12. _ . ' Miss BettyKausnik left this eel: for (Mankind; o., where she will ad the iaummer. She was accomp nied by he: brother. - . M't, and Mrs. L. P. McClem and children of Central avenue are mo- toring. to-Atlantic City. Mrs. Me. ler- tttttr: and the children will ré sin somewhere on the New Jersey cast forAhe summer, while Mr. Me ler- rtarrkiit return home next week. rs. W. D. Miller, Mm. MeClerrutn'ts oth- er, " Join her there next wee . -Mr and Mrs; Peter Naughto 6t Bloom street are receiving con at- Mr. and Mrs. L. P. McClerna and Min arid Mrs. A. S. Rattan a re- ceiv g cotytratu1ations on the irth of a baby boy, born on Saturday, May 19. C F , M Mac the Clu M s. P. D. Everett of Linden ark Plae it attending the ctrriventi n af the llinoia Federation ot We an’s Cltt in Chicago this week. _ . and Mrs, Emil humid: an- noi e the birth of a baby dau hter on ndny, May 20. ', M and Mrs. E, J. Malmquist have as; guests Mr. Malmquist's oth- irs, A rt and Axel Malmqui t, of Ira, River, Wis; .' "M _, and MrsaThomas Ding] an reee vine congratulations on the irth of a son on Sunday, May 20.. (nations on the birth of a draught r on TEENâ€; Eatyr,, f , ‘53 l MEI. 'é.'ii'.hiu'fit'er, wtiolunde out an: pention for appendicitis last wee ' is getting along very nice . ‘M / and Mrs. M, S. Marsh 3 It W 1e, N. H., for the su mer Mr, and Mrs. Carl Hassle In the IW. parents of a baby girl born on tl'l/'irg'"j)'.'.'C.' . Mr Gif Med. Emil Johnson of Cer- tralyavenue are the happy pare u of tt sa, born on Monday, May 21. The Blue Triangle Cafeteria wi not Be _ meals on Memorial/Day. v. Frederick Holke of th St. Joh 'a Evangelical Church on brth G n Bay road will leéve tom now (Fr day) to attend the annual c nfer- enc of the' Northern Illinois Di trict of h? Evangelical synod ‘of orth America. There will be no S day school and no morning services- t his church on Sunday, Mar3T. _ The Highland Park Woman's bris- tian Tempura Union will m at the home of Mrs. William .Tillm n on Centnl avenue, Friday, Mar , at "tTofthirtr p. m, . ' Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wri t and faniily of Cedar avenue m _ Vin; thia week to Indianapolis.; irher they will make their future home. ' ujtai, AND PM!“ Mrs. A. J. Rhinelutrt tetur last ht'tg from 3 two months’ any wit her daughter, Mrs. La erne Wells, of Akron, 0. F iF. and Mrs w; w. Bal and non; Hugh Walter, of Lake enne returned last week from nix, Aritona, where they spent the inter. itra. Abbie Basfin Und Min Ruth 'tttl" will move to anin‘ia bout Ju I. . A _ . , tra. S. Baumgarten who he been in image of the corsets and m y-to- we r at Gar-news has resigned ac- ce a position on State street Gan ne i, 's are going to close out til their ail I dresses. . _ . ' John C. O'Neil will' ret on F . ay from Rochester, Minn., here he as been attending the Mayo linie. r. and Mrs. George: Boyd re l iving congratulntions on th of" son, barn Tuesday Evening r. and Mrs, George Dunsqox tyt, ed Monday, from Texas th spent the past three wee! Mr. and Mrs. T. Spencer-E tidie and Mr. E..‘J. Udell of Grand Raps ids; Mich., auited relatives in High- ladd Park p,'l1 the week-end. ttay " home July 4th. I?urth r up! no! eemenrwi11 be made late "l 1 _ r.. and Mn. Charkni I.' H- ugh: an Mr. 1nd Mrs. F. A. Wat]: ab; ded the Keptucky Derby at West: n, Ind., this week. I _ ev. J. H. 'rettttie,'ptustor f the Pi “Evangelical Church is a: " (Thursday) at Cleveland o., , It ndance " a mating of t gnoc- ut ve committee of the Bond riiir) :i 'af hi- denomination’. _ ' _ l , in Anna Kruger?!“ and. Ivan! Min Union Kelsi qt Kalb 3 II 5 ' ‘ _ mm maximum at: 391.3911). h re- where birth lumpy parents of A , tli ' an Endemic; ham " _te [minds hoanitnl. Chicago; 5 _ 5- T Mrs. Jk.ltrtt of Olney. w., ls g , [ herdaught‘er. Mrs/Wiltitim) - thitrweek. i ',,' ' , Watch tor the annbuncexqgntfe- mm: the Fourth of July. 'Big do. ' 'itt Highland Pttii, on t " try. EMr. a,nd Mrs. John llmer d ildren of Los Ange a, 1.1!! itingytheir sister. rs. J. B; r, , Giertiiew avenue. [ ' g j F ' [ey tart W. Gael] and his-imb r, TB. W.' B. Gull. returtied? y 'rne' to Hollywood, Calif., toI Vit eir gather, Mr. A. Lugdtrrem', Mr.. hesteir Lundgren will make. his ' nnent residence in Hollywood; ' Mr. ". W. Cushing returned 8 ttr- " ttom a several months’ k in loans! the. world. Mr. and _ rs. eorge A. &sltotUld, who at: at ne some time Mr. Cashing did will -turn next Week, coming by we of 1 ‘ e Cdnhdian Rockies. ' _ . j (ili, Mr. w, E. Becker is enjoyi 0“ otortrlp to Minneapolis, Minn. He; bn last Saturday and will um: rly next week. i _ I Mr. A. A. Roberts of North' on Fay road1 denim to than]:he ugh Jae columns (if the Press - i an Insurance company of Li In, I eb., fat the prompt and cation " ttentioh shown his chim. Abou six beekg ego Mt, Roberts wu‘in red ' hen installing a furnace by wring l cturtirstrfa11 on his foot bre . pe instep, The Woodman Ina mpnny tery quickly and con F , rwokgup and settled the claim? for ‘ hieh Mr. Roberts is grateful % and i Bed., . [ l ea , F t I Mr. I), G. Evans and his dougflter, , rs. Hun-old Olsen of Bhutan; left iooV for Holland Patent, N. w†to isit Mr. Evans' brother, Mr. Hurry ' vans, for ten days. _ T l: T I Mn, S. Thnlb'erg of Wuhi n venue.;Highwood, is recovering ram n operation undergone last y " the Alice Home hospital. . T. s. Proxmire is in attendance on the 'atientiig doing nicely. : Features 'trf the pram!!! ll be [ n address, on "The morn of New . ra," by James R. Howard, met 5 residentpf the Ametican Fa Bw. 1 can Federation. Other qpeake and I heir topics will be Cherie: tie iand, ‘president of the W bum E nk, Washburn, on , "Pro tin €Dividehds"; M. A. Graettinge lec~ E anyIIIIinoia Bankers "iroeia n,;on F‘Your Insurance Po)icy;" 'Wirt E right, president ,Illihoil B era association, on "AtmoeVtimul' bur- 'ivatioru." . [ Signal Mountain; Tom, w _ went the past few weeks. 5 guy qt home July 4th and y I reti.tyatiom, ' , _ _ Mr†Henderson who has 3 n arattdinigi for scarlet fever for the at tour weeks, will be'out pt 'at r- tine the latter pm of this wee . Mite Blanche Scholar /rpent the eekoehd with her parents in; elf amen left Sunday waning for ' aah-, ish, Minn.,, Mrs. Bonren's ttttmel She twat-went an operation here om: P"' ago and returns very mac im- troved.‘ Her many friends, Invoibeen ery kind to her since her Arrio), a. Leciuuy Mr. ma Mm. John Rem EM". J, P. McEvoy has up. I arming Studio‘lt Jack-on P and [a tucking bull new d-ttnt., For (ntorjnatidn call Hyde Park 1y. _ She Sign attended the da it ilf Day Saturday night. i Mr. "md, Mrs. J. T. Morgan, tad teirhrtrther, Chester Lundgren, we Springer & Person report t 't flee Lincoln can the put raving sold their fifth lust nid Mr. A. W. Fletcher and _ Bowen left Sunday waning for ' :inh, Minn.,, Mrs. Bowen’s home _ The annual meeting of GroupiFour f the l Illinois Bunkers maggot! ill be heldJune 13, at Elvin“; ' d the Lake County Fodmtibn of 11an will be host. The "ttttt of phone will be delivered by â€or amuel M. Hating: of Risking Purl: , nd Rev. Frank Fitt of thin cit will pronounce the invocatidh. _ In the afternoon theédelegt will be entertained by a 13:59de a o be- tween :teams of the much Me Trutst compmy and "t Union/trust :compmy. l ' ' T V (,, The committee on tgreat? in composed of Frank, r.' Read, G. C, Gridley, James H. Chdenin, t M. Appel, H. E. Mating“ Kurd 8atrt." ofBeem of Group' Pour are? Appel, chain-mun: a. L. Bobbl‘ chairman; C. E. "tid, 'i'ltl, Kr. and Mn." Hamil: i:, wins trom aninip Etc N , {are they will make thei M goon BANKERS T0 _ . _ ENTERTAIN anup Will Be rio.t,, at Annual qua ing at Ravinia, Jung 'il, , Thirteenth 3 _ Simply detieioG for voting Fasting- md S A: -s--Adv. r _ _ , .. at Highlnnd I’m-huh. Co: -ii'riiki, priit_st (and Mrs. Leslie Schumet bro we?! Sumac, mmt f" ,tit8, THURSDAY. MAY 9, li" PARK. mom , It Jachon Pu" t realm. I Hyde Park . V 1 A ----e--- , was an I IQIant T re- y. 'Big do. t " try. er a 1.1:: J. Bt, r, tisimit r, ed: , y lt: W a†“Adv. n,, on ' Wirt nken Mer- bath. .re wk 3 It 'tirnot ' :eaflyto remindyoutlnt wealao ivea j g j, a tiit6d ; _.tior1offhe.etittgceorcomrratu ions E I E Mable 3-:qmdyauon. ' i _ 'it' E 5E 5"} ir,C'rlttosgartast.rrttstetin, ' " â€$351.â€:- Anuo ,, "" Pic-om t, _jaPhatrrpiarAnttsrroRiuaarAma-r' Greeting bards for Birthdays; _ _ _'rdinis, Anniversaries " _ jhusrit,it, 1, satisfactory service is an additional ‘ pavtEof ':1,isi,i!ilf,iiit,ii'iiiit,iit here. First, goods ot on trainifg q “bu-1t on mice that {Lutism 5 Th“: is 't,in)t_,li',,o,'iit,t:,iii'tti,i,'it that Mes mt MM t 'a hater m "r, 'ir What‘ for-you, oiame BE!!! , ilsquohuAm mm ‘1 Hooyrat.trtMracAomoamtAiHAMrh'roN' TLBERT LARSON WHO OVER w-.",, -11' .4 - I ' _,',-),,,"' . iiiiiitis Tmswrznk oiiiru'tiiiithrute,mertt ...1 Earl? _ iE {1 'i': 2-911 siii, Cen$31 A ‘5 ')i: .5 .. Washmg ~Mach1nes EIGEST LEADING MAKES "_. . $5 (o 0 PlacesOnein r" . . Your Home Do . iiiitr, “nut. Find at through ml adj-u mtitig; do: ,r-itdoetrmt-etsrtth you “naval iit but Ind-try soother. Into can: '3’ â€jay P “in machine really suited to you ro- when ABC EASY EDEN [m Tt It 9m ttwtma; THEY’VE GOT rm SERVICE Youi 01.0 units: TAKEN IN TRADE smiiaima, ALL UNDER our. ROOF WEEK! ELECTRIC SHOP DECKER & HUBER pitAiprsYotmoroctAueRrortr p W. (3561185 Co _!."-.'" A. is- Satisfactory. HARMACISTS 'ot Fast Delivery Phat“! SUPERIOR ; $1.10 do: GAIN A DAY n