romance nt pomp hm in on): "Just b" school more with MIX old int-w any!“ 'ru done UNE '1 , “ilk Willie, I t" It! H _ 'i, _ 3 ' g '; " 1 si, ______‘_ T _ f "It has been my privilege to audit your books and generally investigistte the business methods and operations of the various departments during the past eight years. During that period appropriations have not been exceeded. and neither. have any funds been used for any purpose other than the one for which they were lawfully assessed and collected. The purchas- ing of materials, supplies and equip- ment is centralized,. recognized hus- iness methods being used, thus secur- ing the best prices, quality being eon- sidered, The hnusual credit which the city has, on'account of its 6namtj'al position, is also of assistance in economical buying. a . “Lhove found all employee of the city clerk's, city treisurer’n and aity collector’s oiticet, to be honest, Cop- able and tte,",,'; the records ‘in thrice offices ing accurate, complete and above a y adverse criticism. All cash receipt; and diqtrursements one erotrs-eheeke between some of these departments) thereby being insured against deficiency or inaccuracy., )1 Citizens, Should be Proud ', "In my opinion the citizens have reason to point with pride to the Present finueUl position orthbir City. which, I believe, i. not excelled by any other city in the mm. and the "mayor and commissioners can well be proud of the results of their management." 7 _ l HOSPITAL' AUXILIARY ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The Woman's Auxilitry of Highland Park hospital will mid ta 'nnyal meeting Wednesday, June 8 ttt Tririity Parish House. Thea. in: will begin at ten o'clock with 'f" tntrfollowed, 1) election of we A_t one o‘clociy luncheon will Pr.ted fclhtiteed by mum Fudge an! 1urteheotitrt by jFllzdent and vieeoteatdtrtt. Continuing, the report shows that the bonded debt of the city amounts to only $9,000, and that there in cash on hand and uncollected bond taxes in the amount of $7,634.27, thus leaving but approximately $2,000 in bond taxes to be further-W in order to extinguish the entire bonded debt and interest. C Praises Administration v In concluding the report the audi- tor paya a high compliment to the ad- ministration and city omeers and em- ployee for their business-like and eMeient performance of duties and the excellent financial showing made, declaring that in this respect High- land Park is unexcelled by any other city in the state. The report; in this regard. says: 1 Commenting on this splendid show- ing the auditor any» "This insures ample funds for prompt payment of bills, particularly during the summer months when the greater part of the regular eipenses are had, and I be- lieve it would be regrettable if the present financial position was jeopar- dized to any considerable extent." The reportahomthatthereiano liability in respect to current and library accounts payable, and cur- rent and tittmrr,parrotta at April 30, 1923, as all April bills have been approved and paid in that month. All vouchers were examined and checked with the voucher record and all cash disbursements were found to have been'mude from the proper funds. The payrolls for the year Were ex- amined and found to be supported by proper evidences of employment and in accordance with the ordinances pertaining thereto. The corporate bonds and local improvement bonds and vouchers were checked and found to be in accordance with the general books and the respective in%vidual bond records. . Substantial Balances _ l The report shows that the current revenue, for the fiscal year, ending April 30, 1923, was $143,594.99. and the current expenses for the same period $109,024.93. The library rev- enue for the year was $9,265.21 and the library expenses, â€Â£75.31. The current cash in hand and uncolleeted accounts exceed the immediate liabil- ities by the sum of $10tt,824.9tr, and the library cash on hand and uncol- locted library taxes total $10,480.17. There are no library liabilities. . Report of the annual audit of the city’s books pnd accounts, made by William H. Witter, Chicago account- ant and auditor, Show: the city’s ttuaneitn condition to be the best in its history, 'eiUetintr further credit on the capable and butripeetike- man- agement of affairs under the Heat- ings administration. , Dttltrt'ntat Hichland Park in ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT IN cm FINANCIAL - CONDITION SHOWN NUMBER 14 is Respect is UnexeeiieU in ftate; Due to Good Business Method; Sheridan No. 662 I. o. o, P, will hold th ir annual; election of oMeers on Tu day evening, June 6th. On Tuesda evening, June 12, the annual mem al servi¢esl of the lodge will be held. ev. M. IT Thomas of Deerfield will give the addreu. hit membenmre urged tp/te and td bring iny interested; friettd, with Mention-in! Wicca Planned for June 12tht Rev. M. L. Thomas 1 Dee ' Will Speak "iiiiirYir the neht of the mbre' in.. quisitive. l V 1 l . 'High sch students in battalions have been le wing something of the printing and publishing business in the lust few syn durink which four classes have isited theaOnt of the Highland P: k Press to witness the various oper ions in Q several de- partrnents.-T y were ac‘ _h"e"g,i,t.f by their teache and found the urn of inspection ve interesting. vainits were not thout their h oroutr textures, one f which we: the Benton. stration of e oresepee " “type Seve'ral Cla: Plant , STUDENTS Church Aro nd the C met"; Wed- nesday and ursday, Iglomu Heigh- an's latest icture based on Rex Bank's nave "The. Ne'er Do Well"; Fridanyill m Russell in, “Boston Ritchie"; turday, "Wildcat Jor- dan†a co y drama which ranks among the st thrilling bontribu- tiomr to the hotoplay screen, featur- ing Richard almadge. Miti'nee at two-thirty. ee program on back of page of this paper. Mon. and Church I The follo ing pictures will be shown at P rl Theatre next week: Sunday, he Holt in “The Tiger's Claw," a dr ma of thrills; Monday and Tuesda , the greatest of all romantic' m lodramas, "The Little Jerry ming of Ravinia, who has scores o warm friends in High- land Park, fter. flniahing his third year in tin; University of Illinois, where he is king examinations this week, will tr associated during the summer v ation with, Gilbert D. Johnson & Brother, North i, Shore real estate dealers. Jerry will be located in t e Highland Park othee with Mr. ullard, and his many friends will be glad to see him in their midst 4pm during the summer. JACK H01] Will be i1 Gilbert Oscar L dgren, junior partner of the Earl sell Drug company, ii feeling his ata this week and point. ing with pr de to his recent ittitiation into the " ole-in-One" club in high, golf circles A few days ago while playing on the Brierttate course he whaled awn at a ball with splendid stance and s ing and drove it ttraight in a bee tiful shot, 190 .feet down the e me until its flight could not be loll ed by the eye unaided, and when went to follow up the stroke the ll was not in sight. Af- ter due sea' h it was found not in the rough, ut nutling securely in the pill box n the center of the green --a hole in ne. No wonder Oscar in stepping hi h, wide and handsome] these days. V . LEAMIN( LOCAL N 1 Minn J 'h A' ' "% Ma l pe Forget Ide "oRlegttyige,,i,i _ ; Mi, vns To NEW YORK Jomith A' . Promoted to be Sal Manager of Large E per Company "Wild Local Office of The D. Johnsén & Bro. ealty Firm' Ci; AN JOINS OLE-IN-ONE CLUB dgren Lands m in n Single Mighty wing at Golf '; TO ENTER . EAL ESTATE WORK Jr, SUNDAY IN " TIGERS CLAW" students in battalions wing something of the publishing business in ays durinir which four isited theaOnt of the 'tt been in charge of the ttt agency of this cofnpany For many yam he wu mected with city govern- Icting as aldgrman of the ;from 1909 to 1914. Tues. "The Little kround the Corner" at Jordan," Sat. Lses Inspect Printing his Week; Some . "Type Lice" NY ELECT ’FICERS TUESDAY {VISITING 1. P. PRESS OFFICE mg One N " and"0ne Sent ' on Sh on Road. ", f ltd Under ay With tti. exception of a short de- tour north Sheridan road u now open through . hllnd Park, after beinir closed for); onths because of bad con- dition of idges, The south Sheridan road brid has been repaired and Mao the t bridge on North' Mer.. idan. War fix in progress on the other north br tre, which will be ,opon t'ttlt A p‘resentn detour of burnt _ _ block a that point is all in- "rferst'w direct 00mm _ ' along the polar thoroughfareâ€. . Class 1. club 2; _ ner tube _ E Ladies T . _ Low stir, for 18 hole: ' 1. Golf! lub . 2. 8 go balls .. ' , _ t _ 3. Box andy ' Class Everlharp pencil F B. air Goggles ' C. , tstwritition to, Durban: Indepepd , t. _ b V _ The following events were staged at the Pakk District Golf club yester- day for $2l; prizes were awarded: Low trri, a for M holed. . I. Gditl " , 2. Golf 31 as. _ 3. Pair) Golf bode ' ' _ , Two p , a to eiseh class. . f . Class f,l 'l“ . "10}? NM, M holes. T ‘ Two-bat} Swepstake. Morning and Atternooi, V 'i: Bob O' Link F Medal in†handicap, 18 holes, morning 'nd afternpon. Two chases Brier , club opens Sammy, June 2:? with SpringH tourmment. Qualifyinfe 'round; medal pttt--18 holes; Mat en to qualify in each cluu. A, B, C, 'D; Prize to winner of each Right AB-CD. test, The Iri8t clubs of Highland Park and .t.ft,!'iitr. opened omeiallr yester- day wi V numerous events, Many of the club; also held‘ dinner dances oit 'ruesuuyAetertintr which opened the Mason fdr those clubs. Following were the sche4ules for yesterday: Saturdl tournnmdl noitn, Sundai June 3, 9:30 Dirgehms Cup, unilying. ,' Rumor 36 1|qu medal play handicap; 18 hole may play handicap, qualifying‘ round, Jtine trophy. _ . i Northmoor _ 9:30 :21 m.--Men's field day. 2:00 . m.--Men's Putting Con- FORM) GOLF Eventir, init Class i',) llclul 2. S 't light Class As; 1. club Friday 330an PARK. tummy mugsmv, an 31, was ll ion Courses in This Vie [r, Prizes Offered by te Community Chtti; , Players Out CLUBS OPEN J ; FOR THE SEASO] irn.-Mixed Flatt Foursome. June I, morning and titer- en’s Blind Bossy. y, June 2, two man team LLY ON WEDNESDA' m.--Women's Driving Con.. ,ear View mirror INEs'pPEN, ' ND ANOTHER SOON Park District Briergate -.v u... w nun-nun." A wvuunu uvllult new, ' But "wi, m iririri'ri walk ' e ham; in hand In his white life) let m th Ch isthood Bee; It is enough Yor him, e ova f y me. I find Him discipleship so true _ So full, that nothing furthe I demand. Hangar be horgdmgn. f eemgn, entile, Jew, Or fail in words of, ndneu from his mum Which raise the,, fallen .fortif the weak, And heal the heart y not rent and w If he give good for ill, and loy for hate-- Frien of the friend? a, poor and desolate., So If swam patience r I ark not trrOrhieh my e amo the rest V that Chihua- to b he in armed or known, Wigthelr highith hug ev.e.r . T "ttrtrfmsaed" No/what he u'tter "dd 7 fiU,iG Gal." Between his soul and d th bani es: lies; Not mine to cavil,l qua ion or despis ‘. I ey yrt what tempthtion, pin beget Hia human heart "n as]! tuiiifiuursore Ne. by 'iiiriiGii"i'ldi; all, th Ford' he met; l I will not all: mgv tho her of is. creed; Nor what he ettitttg at d inegold or new; Nor what titer his It so any need To worship God--h only w u and true; Nor what he thinks o the an inted flu-lat; Npr with what baptia he hal been nptised Qhm ma a: a At e fort the oillcial order of the day ' pended all duties except' new ry guard and fatigue. OfBeem mum at 9:30 at post head- g-arte ' to attend the ceremonies in a T and the eniated men not on nece- duty, formed by organiza- tion: column of trquaretr-fneintt West 0 the road in front of head- qua a, the head of the column at the fftt pole. I Am bly' was sounded at 9:48, nd t eotumn.:marehed to the poet emete headed by the band and omma ded by the senior warrant nicer resent. At the cemetery up. propri1 addresses -Were made by hapla n Jobeph G. Garrison of the gt a by D. P. Kelley of Highland ark, r the American Legion, both; f wh m dwelt, Mon. the glorioua cord f the American army "trt past are a: d paid slaving tribute to the ewes ‘whoee 'liiiea and deeds yere omme orated by these ceremonies. "i,,' P triotle Spirit Mlnifeated , Obie ance of MemOrial day waa new in this city. Business houses ere' cl ed, and the patriotic anni- ersa was everywhere marked by e dis lay of flags â€on public build- ngs, s re's and residences. Many itimmi went to Fort Sheridan to itnees the memOriai ceremonies and thers 1 attended the exercise; at ther inlay, and-the manifestation f pat otit spirit generally was arke _ ' The _ “rial parlbnr of Highland ark I we. in ttecogdanee with the ncre . orpriees in;Chica ,ngned his tye on speak ‘ndneas from his tongue Jortif the weak, It as a solemn and impressive sight B the heroes of three were and t inen who stand ready to de- fend ith their lives the freedom so glorio tily won. and held by those soldie of past were, marched side by tri to deposit the when] tribute of do ere upon the have: of the acidic dead. _ C ' Me bers of -Dumarenq Spencer port the Legion. 'veterans of the Spani we: and a few of the old soldk of Civil war days, members of the Grand Army of the Republic, assent led " the city he" in High- wood t 9:30 and marched to fort Sherid n, heeded by the post bend; " mis! there prion. A ordinaly he fol wink prices have n inaug- trated) tt become e(rtscti June I. Ittit _ ' sixty cents, a e thirty rents; / ‘Snturdays; and ya pre- eding _ ltoMays hair out: " in - of cents. The ab will be men, ' “tom Fi. in. 8 p. m. aid on tinny arirhol, I =31. Sol iers of .the régular army, mem- bers of this American _ Legion, Spani h-Ameiiean War veterans and a fe of the old "boys in blue", Int- vivo of the grandest army that ever k the NM. united yesterdny in M: 'orial exercises in the post ceme y at Fort Sheridan. Her of Three Wars Unite Wi Regular Army Soldiers _ Tribute to Comrades HEM) AT FORT SHERIDAN HAY S AND HAIRCUTS T BECOME COSTLIER h ' UAL MEMORIAL 2- DAY CELEBRATION to éal rhers Raise Prices; New Ra to aBgcome 1',iW'ire _ , Tomorrow, June V tarp Hid wrung u, q.--Beuseted 'Thieieetio_ prDistrict, tut, bit other will he i 1Vtur4rr': It 'r. ht?! from my to I Irt" tttttart . Bl Ptor?r._i'9rryibrii)aiu', Joirierh' of mm; you! {3pm tt. 41: All 'titheirs am urn-6%» a. @393wa mm Tit ! _, ; ;, Hm “momm- The Parents' ab 31‘ _ kno- cl-tion of the O.tskjTerme' I bl Highwood will givo‘axnr'd 't ttt pm on Fridny, Jim: tr, at. i., , i the attditorhtmi lithe ' I p‘Eowo'da are» feyfteetft,s w I, "M... 13...“.-- t, _A_J!AII,; CARD PARTY JUNE 8 " , § OAK TERRACE SCHOOL bil'd' .sva " Fii y L. tel, e,,',",,;'!',,"",")"',)),, his gm? _A 'eh/ttttretort .' the to! 4oet um t'il,',ti"'u' the? ')t'it:,ig ot Henry Lillie. Ft Siberian wet . Hichkood rm mowing. 11% _ tt at/tio, of the wrmt'rtirirtid iir'e ttr entanved the M: q e from an- an: hinge. ,'r'lTid,2'l't.", “any eirvered by 'intttrantle. ' : ‘ 1 {The stag given [with Loy Euler Moose it Witten' Hall, F y e ening, May 28% was a h sue- ss. The tatrdevilretprotrt 'puton the best actorIthuimble F CH. was highly enioyed by mm- 1 rs and tltrtiirftie1tiri. The... hodid like†and theinjfriegdl. Than. hdid do: attend, surely :mlued I _ t " lightrul evening. Betresti were synod following (If: program: 1 1 hENrtrrsrtmrrl,aosrir Y}! i ' _ I DAMAGED]! mm: I Plans ford mi'ir)ato6tr HI North Shore suburban ett't' to n pr 178 and w , t', Fort DEW and,near the ou)) 1m Golf cl b, to Le known a t?'tith,,ett,t. â€dens, {no reported: in Q4“ mptd a v by the Chicago Jroiisini) “soda-- l The b'i'e was punch: f {from the Mn of iehael Sweeney’ m "tttti " price â€300.009. .w _ building - an nwer wor,k on jihitut. 7501mm“ [ omes of quen ,&st wftt [; e my 'iUxoruintr to the (ii'iana. A . ! JET Juana; wiping»? ha a - tioe if nboutWis â€end. a - -WilI $A:'ttt,t Mi, nonk _ ~ .1. ' ofuis author“: J, . use. yin be sold to head; of t A who two American ‘ci $.13. " ll, s OH Meow. men j, . ' l Menu of . l M by is ', Slightly: and 1 . Tucï¬day _ Fire waged Emmy by spa-k gram amide c and a ‘8100 Image to the Ill','] of the! Pyriel Murphy midence’g ion Litteott' ghee, Monday “termini W bin! , "ttr covered by Mrs. Hug-dun, n ithbor, t,: called moth“ neighbo Floyd can. The latter hurried lo house nd was ,'g.',"lt.'T, inter a the regimen unwed. be tlm . u soon anguished. _ J $MALL ROOF FIRE PLAN NEW s URBEL 1 NEAR Ft] LT SH ' [but then-i Not on Port gCÂ¥nm My. _ mums“ _ a; C ‘ 1ttis'i'tfd"t! i Tttlt Eh m' ion frog aa. in a Nat ttttd “by I , duo- ball JAT. teatn , on q; _ du. man . more 11 td _ tn of the WM gm '/'ili2t1lTt' Shannonjnd ', ph. ' t ttf lat Sunday’s {ind . an. Band-y "ttatehVr4 given thee column ( _ this but". Thef re by innintr'iirettrd,tr. 3m: 4.1-1:" - 'RoNiiiiriiiii] 0%;1013,L 4: -ii1A8Ah' moi Glencoeao'go 'O 8030? Elks; My“ ion: oo" STAG ttttg, 18 IG go ELKS numbing GLEN Ewan Score 11 lo t; it" “a: Mew Day; . ' Ruth' _bude {é m“; 't ‘3Ԡ36 by the ti . , The be hairs of ' Price I are H) odern I (an. A . an ation it viii ;‘ Iwhich t tan. mil/el) who an†80:6 , 113.1: 8 " h H If :‘ALE AY FU When'one was "Ntitke being eirmsiated a m"- It h hardtnmhaw it he“ thatit itfmu'u.diaotrtd him "tttatt-Citroen Minute! how "the . i. netteet tittettfaiedealii! gnrttter." The Wuha- lawn: "The undersigned Wau- men and voters of the City of akin-I'd Bu'k mort respectfully â€PM that It Robert R. amu- the - of m hundred feet with front on (bun! Avenue just out of all Idiot-h. f,,it't'2, hall. and h tl/g, ho- or I long in “n- er.ettrtq new that.“ m and" 05m to " C., lnthilsgme'eon 'ttttttttttt r nae is made of the “PM. :' The 0011th of m it - justified as all e ', _ tin to the matter curried on ', q theownerofthe _ 'orte c, arm of which he a lumbar. . - u o Bttatrtefrte d’the prom ‘ l, long been with; ' A It is the irthgtttatevof tho was I live ttptonstrrttrddttr- - u If the Buildlw‘-"Codo a m - 4 ;P.rk.uevidemuycb / ' l quotation from the “plinth; ' i' building permit which won signal . I Robert R. Carrie: “and if grunt-d r , permit applied tor. I will camp» with " the WNW“ of the . Ordinances [doting thereto." . g' "ts Appeal at" Bet-d _ The statement is made l r ', 1 Nt in dechred by ty otBeink ', a thtm is - p ’lity tint if r l hotel promoters ah good faith n plum wholly coup in: with v fl building code, by I the City In , " i,,' under the Ordinl be gttidrd “ 3 granting or ref . permits, " y" (“acuity about the any - I overcome." At the of r a Corporation counsel, kd the’ city 0 1 Highland Nth, a “on Ill labial tedtotheA-tB-dottttegoas 3 ing Commission in July Mee, l At-tintra-tto-ttre-ne , rditstriet to ineludo the hotel proton! il The Appeal nomad not-econ -. il question More habitat-den ' , portonamnM-hr1tktt thert no jurisdiction. - I M', ' g thitftho vomit be, granted.†ltie further and that “The phi hut :11th were not couple ‘accordlng to the code." This ll ten but misleading. The Amt plant we: only a preliminary sketch. sum for the purpoee of obtaining intern tion ea to whet the City who The latest plum were I.“ October 27, 1922..“ Tta-tated/ "oetttepermit-t-taasdr, fused.“ wttCettirttOtor- otMnretttrfthururttrntttttdu tion of incompleteness of plea. en qreeifieat'ioasa m hm up by a Citr,nsdtt-oettrmttutktd. in court, fmrr-ttt. "ter In! utiontor permithadtteettmnd.. Aa to the mend-nae mu to bring that the We: at (tt permit, it in atatodtut"ttt.CitM extmtselhndremtttudtiuintttht emend their originel hill." The all cult court judge. not the City. pen tamed the small†of the Mt Furthermore. it h m that "a cuecemeup irteortet,nndthet- people loet." The ‘hn an heel dismissed, but ','MNltl over an my be reopened at hey “we. "Br a vote of an 2,'tt,ff, " land Park at an election on " 24th, the Zoning 9rdhtattr, WI W. and linden its 'rrAuim" cannot iuue‘n pct-nit tor I M within the Incidence W, tl location of your pain-0d hotel but within tin Its-Manet W.†The, Bat HM “I am returning your Mans nt tspedihartkettr you r with no (or painted hotel in “Inland Put. _ ly, and “(and by [the Building Specter, indie-ta a' an Man! the request ttie I permit. The int letter follow: -‘ _ permit for the buin of the I pond hotel been rah-0d CW The text of two but. dated In 25,1922, Itnd In!) li, 1trt2,eeatreett, The following mm dated Hay 1928, ha been waived in. “plaudits unkind in [MI without comment: F To the Editor of the _ Highlud Phi-k his: Highland Put. tit. . DurSirz- ' g In your in a: May Seth. ', "tlished urn-tie eoetermthtt wa-, Motel. thick "mth sever-l W mu. In intent: of fairness. I whh-to d the following Mi: _ It is and “at Nt no time " mm“ for. u.. ham... " A- - Reggie. to WIN of 1 Situation Given List Week Defends Petition WRITES LET!“ THER T 'M." . w &u‘:m Jami-mil an alated I l mâ€, , how it 'u Mn and Zity of H ind " I . is m deal in F nutter.†that is a. lawn: Quota F It; 18) it 5am , E? , i HE