z; It). a, . , I kgr. and Mrs. John Rot t' l V Iilt$0lihl NEWS c dren of Park avenue 1 I b MO _ ,we k to spend the summer I W consin. Mr. and Mrs. )onald Buchanan and Wallace Mc- . . 'i sin returned from the; University It l be 'l', (his!) 'g,"fg/d',' . Illinois last week. [ Donald has: ',! "e ere r. o ac er' If A to the mines at West Frankfort, i We‘llor' , r i " and Wallace is leaving this week; i? rs. F E. Marsh of Pro Ft,Camp Custer. Pt!! returned the first pa , oday "Thursday) tr, and Mrs. i, week from the East, where , .gle ate “tending t e wedding of law. past three weeks. Sh MP" Katheryn Schmidt, daughter iileiiitrianied home by her ' v. and Mrs. L. C. Schmidt, of Na- ', MitsSIGz‘ace. who.was gradu , ' ille, to Mr. Stanley‘ Wright, alsogthbi Ogontz Schoql, Philadel l Naperville. The wedding is being; {Mn and Mrs. J. p. Jone th) in the ,Grace Evangelical churehior?outh. Green Bay road .'rarservillt. " §WIiek~end in Milwaukee, W .18 r. and Mrs. Georgd Sch?fyl4 and.) M“ William Amstvald a f lighter. Min Caroline, of Hazel} i Miss Martha ot Lau . nae, returned on Monday. June .4.:iri, e the week-end guests 0 Ty l I trip around the world. They ' A swald of Chicdgq. ‘ we been any from Highland Park; 1 he Woman's Abxiliar the put four "atone half months“ I blend Park Hospital h :9†'gl'UAr,','J,,i, t Laurel t/r',tli . meeting with luncheon . a u er guest r sister, m: F l 5 bar Van Sch-Mi. nd ciaughter.i ( I Emma") at Trinity Ch in Mnrjorie of New York. 2 r8. John_ S. Bell and ', I Mr. Ind Mrs. George Allen end mm; tf Heltn of North, M. ' z 'rKe Allen Maori, r.. leave next: " are m Santa Re, C m to g" Abroad. _ tall from.“ e been away from home month-i an Inn. 28 spend um. die of May. 3 l an in Elwin“! a Srotland. ; l any Bell of "gt, St. J “In. L. Doris of _rtlurd. Wis.,it!ifit, WIWHWPH _ my†I? Entered as second Chas matter Marehl1, 1911, at the poit oMce " Park, Illinois. under the Act of Mare) 8, 1879. ' Ibliihed weekly by The Udtll Printing (lo. at Highland Park, Lakaouhty“ I Ielt . . ' " , _'rCarbot1ate'_d Ice C aim Tttggi'"". June: Bench of 3100- F Perfect 'll,tett1tlt a flexible inch .that yields with ev‘ stepu-ruther h led so that there .shall be no jetting "0ateo-rarral" {shoe will give Wu undreamed-of comfort You will ftnd alnew delight in Ynlking. Long stal)ditt be less weariaoiy/ And you will retain the light null grace) step of Youth.) '; As for atvie--io any that thesel restful shoes are typical "Queen leit , in this imporjnt‘ respect is sumcient a nuance that ot,', will ttmrquit us much pleasure ui' tin trimly emu-t greed looks In in thkir velvety ease. , _ 509 Central; Avenue Phee Highland Park 4s4, urer 1fecaus Highlanh E Park Prim Also Other Stitart Models FELL BT6THERS l We put 75 hr glare pure cream in Hydrox Guerniscy Ice Cream than tiwstatepookLato requires Perhaps that is telly ‘50 many Pav') in this cit) 100k for a Hydrds sign whein they want For Wi 'Egr?2i'f,, ox walking 31$ â€In. William AmsWald a 1’ Miss Martha on Lau wi, e the week-end guests 0 A wald of Chicigq. , he Woman's Abxiliar ‘hland Park Hospital h d i, mating with luncheon ( glnesdny) at Triniity Ch ' m. John & Bell and tf Helen of North M. J n are in Santa Rdsa, C u e been away trod; home mhblu of Mny. i, i any Bell of "gt, St. J n , who was ntly f.' the Universttyl, ot " ral tuned home from tehool. @07442 ' H Mnen TH URSDAY, JUNE 'titt " cher.an ave tiex onths i othache: inocqual is menial: ect ave .1 of th i he span 2; was ac i daughter: ted fro I bin. d (laugh I gypnue Mr. Gus 'ul 1y I and so ppent th , lit the it] an all. yesterday +rch. (dait'ghtet hn'i, ave. if. Thes mince the ir )hn’s ave' painted 1min, hat at High- 14, 1923 i ii msanmisnatit, P, i Mr. und N. C er, Hail just returned from I ' adding Etc the East.~ Theygpro n w ati, :in Lake For t. i ' children of Los Angeles, have beiut visiting their Mu Burlwr of Glenview lust week for Le Sueur Ce wl‘ere they Will viyit t mother, Mrs. F. C, Vollme relatives u'ntil Aucust15th V Mr. and Mrs. H. W. p Henry left Monday for where they will spend t Miss Florence Boyd who tending school at Dobb's visit friends in the East ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mutehh day for PorteriOe, Calif., will visit relatives for a we to going to Pasadena/wht tend to make their future Mr. and children of have twin Nu Barber Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pti) proud parents 'of a baby Saturday, June 9th. ' r _ from a several months’ trip ab ad. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Phe s and wo children left Tuesday for motor rip to New York where they will s nd H19 summer. , 3 Those who assisted at he reu ion for eyosoldierm which was old at he home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E, M n, Sunday, June " were: rs. H ry lloyd, Mrs. Frank Ronan, Mrs. 'ihn Norcross, Miss Noreross, Miss bl- mm, Mrs. Howard Schum cher, k. Charles Church, Mes. C mpbell of, Gimme and' tyrs.. Hut hinson, of Evanston. K 'r, Mrs. William Reay Van Dorothy left Monday fo where they will attend the ment exercises at Rasem where Jean Reay is a men graduating class. . ', ., Mr. and Mrs. Robert s, the Ambassador hpterin ( spend the summer at the I tel. _ Mr. D. W. Carlson,, M . and . rs. J. L. Vollmer and sister M B. Ida ar- ber visited at the home f Mr. nd Mrs. Fred .Schuett at Ebansto on Tuesday evening. I T Miss Emmh Andrew, sense who has been spendi ter months in Chicago h urned to this city and Re home of Miss Anna Min J, H. IPatrick of is s ending {a .few days John M. vwt.tjilessy V Miss Marion Smith is H? week from Shipley School where she has been spend! year. F _ 7 Miss Ruby Adams o Mon a, Mich., was thé guest,of M s. Hen F. Clow.over the week-end. 3 Mrs." George _W. Ro rts Sheridan road returned Tast from a several months’ tkip a Miss Dodri'li Drew of Calif., formérly of Big] has had a number of ent given in her honor durin in her home town. She, day for Detroit and from to New York and Bbston mainder of the summer. Mrs. S. W. Fruit ar, Grace Arlene are visiting Port, Texas. _ Theyaxpec‘ about a mom h., The H. H. Doty family for Three bales, Wim, wh, spend the auittmer.1 , Wid Mrs. Byfield ave ri, led trigfmome on Sooth _ en a no to Mr. and Mrs. M. F. ldsnii 'of the Webster Hotel in Ch ago. i, aa- ter Abbott Byfield has g ne to mp Thorpe at Pelican Lak Wis./ nd after June " Dr. 1nd rs. Bi ‘ld will be at the Moriine otel to, the entire summer. Mrs. By 1d will: ke a westerh motor trip in J ly wit iir parents, Mr. and Mrs. . C. A tt 0.†Marshalltown, lolva; T ' 3 Mr. A. W. Person a d Mr. O. Springer have gone:to.De roit, M h., for a few days, They w 1 no ,d bt drive back with new Line In car ' The Wincanton Shop at 160 tel avenue, will,he opoh for usines as usual on Mohday, June 1 th. t . Mr. and Mrs. Martin mull nd daughter, Miss Virginia, of N . Sheridan road, have ret med 'pt New York, where they ape t the t week. Mr, Install was at ndin e Natioqal Electric Light assoc; tin convention. _ _ I Mrs. Clara Jouvenal nd da - tars. Anna and Ada. of Nape le, visited Mrs. I S. Fidder ad " Ir on, Sunday, June 10. M Jon 1 who a college'friend of K 'F-i um Illt T Jam 0 High has "tum (tttm/p" two weeks? pt St. Pate, Ming?" w re, she tended the iimrinehrine t 'exér of the Adolphus Angus us Go: She also Visited an. , me of fiance, Mr; Axel 8. John n, tttd ten, Minn. i U " ' , 'Mr. and Mrs. T. J. C ley ha ms weekend guesta., Mr [ " mother, " brother and date Mrs. A. Homan of De Kalb, M . andi rs. Fred Roman of Byeamo e, and tier brother George of Milwa kee, W l Miss (may; Coughlin of Cr, Lake was thi guest of rs. Am Bloomfield of Elm Place I t Tug! ' Capt. W. J. O’C'hllagh the music department o Military Aeademy,As th week of Mr. and' Mis. Seward of East Central Mrs. Henry Fischer of e Co ty Line has as her guest h r mo tr, Mrs. Taylor} of Wankesha Wis. ta. Taylor will spend about we w kn with her daughter. Miss Jean'ptoom'iuld 'd was; the guest last ‘.w lt' 0 brother, Mn; Andrew Bl all Elm Plate. i, . , M r km, h I of thb Ci ver a guest) his ‘Georgej M. tve?uek, . _ Id daud ter g at Coj ge , to be by 'd and the e sum as been Ferry efore ii edish a- C the in- agai e- s livin at hlwein. ake Ge " with rs. turningi hiss) in Vir nit) my the st} Pasad 8.. 1land k ertain ts g her sit leaves n- : there 3 for the! e- er leave where ek pre ‘re the home. l , daugi llmer [ d Calif,, p0 ister, rs. venue, aft ter, M m # fo t"s . and o er he reu: old at E, Ma rs. H, Mrs. J Miss beher, } mebell, thinson, re they} ‘. Duttot ‘hicago doraine l dang ter ‘ the at comme e- ry Se ol her of he left F ter ave' girl, t ion Me ry ihn so" am ier. iat- Io.. ey us tine 'mp and held the nke in- ar- he 'ro iisit At- lay ml ill ek of "tlt o- Let I Mr. amr Sdaug‘htcr, I i leaving th I met abroal Tttttt nderwbod of Ann Arbor, son of M a. S. W. Peterson, id one of the gr dune: of the-Law School at Ann rbor, Mich, this tear. He iwm come to Chitago to take the Illi.. l nois Bar l ssocialtion' examination. ', 1 Bishop oban of Chicago, adlressed (the 'eonfi ationiand first communion *clnsses of the Immaculnte Conception ’church la Sunday morning, giving I l, most inte [eating and instructing talk. Dr. P. d two Weeks} ed here ya Resha today? Miss Ca Karine Ludlow of Spring iierii, 111., i the guest of Miss Margar- et MacCuu hey. ', Mr. and rs. Fred Greenslade leave today for inocomi Lake, Wis., where thay, will (pimd {we weeks. . , Mr. and returning from New put two Mr, an Mrs.' F. C sold their' ome on Sou road; and re, living at avenue, til their n Sheridan and is ready Mr. and Mrs. William A. Bell and family ttf South Linden avenue are going to eokuk, 1a., for the sum- mer. I , George wreritr., who has, been at- tending Ad Mega pt Ft. Wayne, Ind,, for the' pa tyear/ is expected home td- day and w ll spend the summer vaca- tion with His parents. Mr. and Mrs. o. H. Lawre I. Rrs. Ro A Seyfarth of Sheridan road enter ined at dinner and bridge Tuesday e ening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Willi m A. Bell who Fre leaving for the s mmer months. ( , Miss V ronese Beatty entertainer! some of er class-mates " dinner Tuesday vening in bone} of Mia; Mrs. Al ertirui, Hess, who has been spending t '0 weitktr visiting relatives at Madiso ' Wis.,' has returned to the home of ter' daughter, Mrs. August Kittman. ' _ ', Miss Va some of 1 Tuesday a Arut Bell/ The pu ls of Miss Charlotte Brand will appea in a recital Saturday aft- ernoon at :30 o'elock at her home on South Se 'nd street. Thi followin'g pupils wil appear on the program: Charles G yot, Pearl Fey, Alvina arid Edna Se neider, Frank and Betty Strdight,s arolyn and Janet "athoft, Marian F itsch, Marian Flinn, Kari land and velyn Bakke, Keith and Virfinia rant, Iola Glader, Dorothy Ble mehl, era Purdy, Flirrenee GU, der, Hero Bloomfield, Ruth Martitt, Gertrude Sprengell, Mary Louise Guyot, K 1 Baht, Josephine Snyder, 1Edith Tu er, Faith Kulllman, Beryl Holland, harlotte Thomas, Eleanor ;Meéchan, argaret,Miller and Mary ‘YOWell. Mrs. E. E Graham in Lake Forest iri- stead of J ne 18. ' Miss M were: Cannon of 'Hazcl avenue. is leaving for Boston to spend a few wye s before sailing for Irelimd and Scot] nd fot a six months' visit with her otheris and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Powell and their daughter, iss Gwendolyn James, are leaving: this week to spend the sum- i Rev. W F. Suhr, pastor. ' 1 Sunday chool at 9:45. V 1 German service at 10:45. T . i, There till be no evenihg services luring th bummer months. _ _ _ l The C9 ordin club motored to Lib- ertyville n Wednesday evening mid â€out the venting with Mr. and Mir. Arthur A mwxld.’ _ F g Mrs. J. 6.31M" spent the ilrtt part of he k as the guest of friends i Napetville, _ MISS ml Mag. N. Khan“, a! South Grog]! Bay7 returned this week frog: Boston“ :33. She attended the com- menceme exercises of the Mt. 145 school, it Newton, Mus" from whigh Hiya:a Ma y Kink“ bu been grad- uat . _ Mr. jo Mm: Lox-gins Webs“: trf Park nve " Motored Int Smithy, June 10, Crystal Lake, where they wow-the trttesta'iof Rev. B. B. Didi Mud ttttti . I _ ' . T Mr. In Mu. Walter E. Carr have taken the apartment at 780 North St. John's vexing; which the Sim Chittende a formerly occupied. , Mr.) an Inn? C. W. R9binson of Bloom at t have us their snout: M: . Robineon' mothdr, Mm. Ellen full: son, also Mrs. tr; C. Meyers, both 6f Lompo , tnd.," and Mrs. L. A. Rob- inson of olodo,‘0. V W. an Mra/,1asraine Webster of Park avenue have next Stun-day, June 10, n a Motor trip to Lincoln. m., whet they 'rti1 visit relatives. Mt. B rridee) Butler returns to- morrow ( ridnyb to his residence on Waverly and after spending the winter on -of-tovirn. Mrs. Butler will return Highland Park in about tworweek . (Mr. an Mm; S. W. Peterson of Ann Ar r lewd next week to spend the sum in Norway and Sdedea. Mrs. P non torrneAy was Mrs. William Underwood. _ . Miss rian fCarr, daughter tf Mr. and nuW‘dlter E. Carr arrived home yes Ardayl. (Wednesday) from the Elmh at who]. . MM W. Hamlin; and non Rich- 'hrd, got orth Lindih venue, 1eale Sunday ornine for Laki George, N. Yr, w re they will spend the smi- mer. ' ZION LUTHERAN Mrs.' F. C. Atwill hub ome on South Green Bay re, living at tl.4 Oakwood til their new home on Mrs. A. B. MacCaughey are ks Highland Park this week York where they spent the Weeks; _ , Wolcott, who is spénding at Waukesha, Wis., motor;- terd.ag, returning to Wai ANDS PUPILS J'PEAR IN RECITAL On t, unt of the cold late apt-i the ttn en show which was my phnmd for June 16th and 17th cheap f the North Shore Boetiel tun!1 iety nnd the lake Pom LAKE FOREST GARDEN . 5 SHOW POSTPONEI Graduation fefisgond thool "i. Memo Books i . VACUUM jCLEANERS; "ht I washing with it. Fi iwhnt in is. If for any 'nppronl tend it back and fun you obtain the nu: "tttiretttenttr. v': $5.00 Down, it5.00 Mommy . Ice 1 Madefieth every 33 ---produc'tir ofyr niac- turer who produces e fluffy "cream T melt: todeiiciodsly in th mouth. ,Mmy..v ietiee,' carefully made and uniform texture.. _ -.' Yanilla-rStra btrry--chocol . . _ _ . In Bulk, Cents Quart ' ', Brick, Cents Brick THOR ABC EASY Earl W. Gsell & Co. EDEN 15 South M. John. A'.;;L , Pinon: EXPERT REPA FOR ALL MAKES 389 Central Avenue Washing Your Old Machi les Taken in Trade Hoover 2iltilllt The Ohio Eureka LBERT LARSON " South St. Johns A EIGHT LEA] H "fflfifj lilijhtPh"l( ICE REAM, ttO ple?]?,!,'),', __ - " I Libe HUBER ELECTRIC SHOE SEE THEM ALL YOUR OLD MACH!) DECKERI& HUBER $5.00 In Six All the Time E Highland rm, Illinois 21."?le WASHER PHARMACISTS -3Z out through petal it does not meet with another. In no othe really suited to you 1c1011s . Places One in Your Home " TAKEN IN TRADE DING MAKE UNDER ONE ROOF Machiniss “I nth-sheen postpone!» 'rit mun» ' ,-, sik-uotiest mu W311? V instant, Ata1idrx-u.--- v. ‘3. Garden Club so be " in Lake F6: MAUI-ha binations t SUPER â€103 GA A yrs r IDD' VI! re- 150 tom 23