Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 21 Jun 1923, p. 1

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1,ri',,r, is? 33:: Mo UNH 20 and 21 1 we can furnish es and plans. and,als u tn finance you me. Now is the tim mas» desirable' Va operty. aiit is,sur ease in value. l Telephone 408 E ls and 19 .cNotrH SHORE TATE To SELL IO THEM" 114 for Pa rticula; People' I are EAt int: kitroit F {lectric ij..'.:. 1h- “ORE " M FLOOR" " 381 Central Ann WORTH WHI unmcnon. 51x mom H.W.H., tot 503200, It & Clarkl t WHEELE Central Avenue Hithland Park 406 ale-Chem W WW & WHEELER 5; atr DUI 7th wt ELL, RENT1 te omob?lt Ir Mae BUM every buy, ttonal, up mplatin all, Rut ord, am o i W) ry tax3 tax HAI rm tr ltr in HRESENT "LA TRAYIATA" Sabina and Pareto in Leading 3 Parts; Former’s Initial 1 Appearance Here; Pro- gram for Week "Everything is in readiness at Ita- ylnln for the opening of the opera awn on Saturday evening of this ttt.' when, La Traviuta, by Verdi. vii” luv sung in Italian. (mom will bk ull the program rwry (Welllllg, ex- TM Sunday; concerts Monday and , T h u r sday : (-vcnings h MNA TI) OPEN SATURDAY EVENING a 1r Pefrere as the king's herald. Louis hie-ncemont it the 'perrliey..-oi ds Hussehnans is-the conductor. Sigh school was held lat Thurs ay Mcnday Concert Wight at' the Ruvinia open', air the r Monday awning, June 25--Orches- "when the 192,'l tla.o of 118 mem rs tra pnogi‘am: Louis TvsselTens, con- has: graduated. The plfincipal d- ductot; soloists, Marinn Tclvn. Ar- press "Tel Si J. Dun an mand Tokatyan,'Jacnues Gordon. 'Clark of the Chicago Post{ and thef; er Tuesday evening, June :y's--lm ps- [ minder of the program has carded ’heme. by Puccini, in Italian. 1'rti'ii's)tl.liplevrioi1rt: announced. I I . and parts: Thalia s'aluanieva BS i The salutatory-was givrn by F Vi, Mimi; Margery Maxwell as Musette, ierick Russell Egan the valedict ry (Havana Lauri-Voip.; as Rudolph 3by Miss Emeline Joy nibbets bth Vim-unto Ballester at Margy. Lain .101' Lake Forest. l k T JMBER 17 meml Rothirr as Pan ,dano P nian a', (‘la thu tn; th Wodnesd t Ili La n te l’ulm 2n Alice; Louis Dex-mam JFHLIH. Conductor, Papi. Children's Concert Monday Thursday, June 2A -- Afterrr xldn-n's program at 3 o'clock. I human». il tiday _evening, sine, ,'e--c.tadami tCpntinued on; pace L?.) I “a Il r Lauri-VoIP." as Rudolph f Ballestcr as Marcel, Leon as Collene, Louis D'Angelo a Ananian' as Ben-nit; Gior- mrinivri as Parpistnol; Ana. 'Alcindoro. Conductor. Papi. esday evening, June 27---Lu- Lammermoor, by DoniZetti, in rawery Maxwell“ as ay, June 28 w Afternoon) program at 3 o'clock. Mn! Marx tJberndorfer will in-l or the young folks the or..l numbers played by the on; Every mother should be til ll", (h: eduulational value 0 Falco 8% ll U ‘h. Artists aiui partsa' a an (‘hrmcm Josephind Micael ' Morgan Ringo; Jase, t'it‘t‘ntt Baile-ttfr) _ i'aciolA_nanityt as,rui y Manic-Was Frasduital o as Mum, Loui Domain); Giordano Pal fixmundhdo. Condueto orcit Itk Programs 34 -After ,rclycstra U011] / il le ', I‘m) 80mm The Hi ll If urday [In Max a nd NH” cxtt heat winch U St Gi " hl 4\ am Wil in the The h vony 2H l nd tft- tra stu ft il Highland Park Elks arelplanni _ fat a big Independence Da eetetiral tioiri on July FourtNin Su et par “mil while all arran$ement are ttOV lyet completed, sufficient pr 'ress ha .be'pn made to indieati that I?“ war" :thcrvance under thj auspi ’03 of t _ l mini Elks lodge will be (may the best lewr staged here, I I i) a HDEr'tiEr?,r.iiy,,fy? DAY _!, CELEBRATION HER El] A big feature of the afte oon win he? a baseball game fat 1:3 betweeii the team of the Chit-ago ks No. , add the local Elks team. he Hig '. {and Park Elks have built u a Itron lard Park Elks have built u a stron btiselrall team, which has leen ma [ mi 'u splendid showing: whc otatclte, within one of the best semi TO teamI _ in; Chituigo and vicinity. am it ig b l'ulved that the game on J y Four will by one that will give the fa aid interesting and Worth- hile exhl npm to)!“ iit p all I _ip'he xii lit o! I il EXT WEEKS a “ion. jThere :i‘ht'illL“ if é-‘SERVE 175 AT BENEFIT it 'r,u DINNER LAST F vEmlic denim! u! Pun-l Thuatre "({xtm'eckii A _ Sunday, Katherine Muup6nald' Ein- "Ti. Luvwly Road"; Monday,» Tu ls" (any and 1Nllmssulay, (11min Swan: n in “Prodigal Daughters." also.Lh rd Hamilton mmedy; Thursulty and F i. iluy, M. C. Levee present) "The I le, pt Lost. Ships" with an all star ctst 1'uciui!ine_Milum Sims. Alma Q. Nis- km. Hunk Carrtpqau and lyttl or, Lnnu; Saturday. Humane: Taylor gin *I'eu O' My Heart.? Matipoe at' 2 30 Saturday. See prugram 011 back p Fe bf this paper. _ Z 1 é. BROUGHT TO: HOST 4n TIA AEROPLA um 2011 " DEERFIEHLSHIELDS i ' COMMENCEMENT Haw {; One hundred amf seve ty-five “re; “serwd at the Manufact rers din e; iwhich was held last eve ing in [it's ten hall under thelauspides of Cat p- bell Chapter. The pr eds willig‘o toward the Permanent C arity F nd ‘of the Eastern Star. M ch credi is gdue Mrs. fl. F. Claw and'her com it- ltee for their untit‘ing fs'.,fsr.)rts in, k- iing this dinner a, success“ l ' lis Plan _ Program; Basel 'i,' Game With Chicago 'Elks 3 ,idii,7Ai7iiiiCiV _ HOLD PICNICJN SI ITE OF RAIN YESTER9 IN Although for 1i time shower of yesterdiy afte med to upset theiplans Arcanum to hold Fheir a the appearance oflthe an afternoon brought out' a t'rnwd. Races. games Ccrnished the amissemon nine. All reportqd a m Mrs. Folet Bradleyf ife of Bradley, brother bf Mis Frank was brought to the Ft. heridan pital yesterday by ac 'plane, Rantoul, and she will undergo amination and trfatmen . Mrs. ley who has been “I for . he past ten weeks will not ave‘t under an operation it is ought Maj. _ d- ley returned to. ant'ou late y V ter- day afternoon. ( ' I ,§ ' t't tmE" nu: hal rrdivrdl Daughters :3nd "TI 'tste of Lost Ships" The Week's, Big: Features _ 1r In paper N I wdzm by thr gird in thisax speculation, I lucky person. I Buwden is F Unwdt‘n is chair um ut‘ t e ' on "rraru.yinte ts whi h mm 30 member , and t s l is hwy uytttiitr,r ,vevythi . mpc for the big (IF'V‘ 50 1h t 'vnts may be can icd oqt s ' and it is. belivv d that t e n of the Fourth this, yer in! Park will he a ‘cuml K y'- VEEK'S PROGRAM. IT PEARL THEAT m nr',' viable uu'viri inn l) ' speaking. 'acinz a I the (lay. _.utt,1, Sa . s will deliv r a sho riato to the occusiu . his will be s awed, an' 0 will be p _krv'tded f Highland tark El veal will furhish music frame (t the tt away bf a Flo 'pl no El tl. Mar“; tward and their rem; ding Age 1111 will be mfg Mm thi , er {noon th at- Pf the R yal nun! pit in later i. ‘ifthe fairly mm:- nd 'lae'li,e of the Pve- N deligmrul ITAL f, NE, when. Jor _ in. (rad hos- LY om ijiiiiiiiijiEirikuo ' DONE; OPEN J GOOD CONSTRUCTIO? Special Features Mal Road, Notable Achlev Built by Kapsch‘ _ , Davis :Co. _ The hard road to ,Deertl ld is © pleted and will bi open f om em end for traiN on July 19. Secti finished earlier will' be o en bet that date. ' The list c ment poured just West of the r ilroad yesterday afternoon. E banknn (slam: the side and other inor lh will be com Jeted while he 1'08( awaiting 'Cetient).". _ l _ Members on the Briana will be glad to learn that in Deerfield leading bolt of the club ttrounds'w)ll that they can drive into th Saturday of this week: i Width In 2‘4 F . This, splendid road is width, 3built like a city st ular s rongth and constr counti road building con its construction roughly of eontirete Wen- used/inet, . This, splendid road is 24 fee in width, Ebuilt iike a city st eat of g- ular shown}: and constr cred u er Younis) road building con itions. In its construction roughly 15,000’ us of eontirete store used,"incl dingia ut 12,000/barrels nf cement: It is in- fovcelwith steel mesh an labor T - ing noiwhirteey costing. a roxim dly $23,000 was used, A fea ure o e work Was the fact that t e road as built wholly from a een ral di ib, uting plant, situated' uni a s tch close to the railroad, thuslgmatl re- ducing the operation Cos a, an for this reason this contract whs pe m- ed at 'lesser cost 'than) othe ise could have 4tained.. g ' ( The Karvcrehull-Divitr I: wer the man; gnu} L. Udell, E. L. Walkup. ', eontvactors,hnd the work [was la ely F qtcoraticrvs-A1bisrt Larson, chair-) under the stipervision of" the pres ent man. l ' i of the firm, Chan-103C. Ka sc’hull, rho Parade jam] hand-S. A. St. Peter, has giyc-n it'liis personal fat-mic be: chairman,) V muse of thdiaet that this} is the, rstl Track (and field-William' Guyot, jub of thelkind under/ttken i the)eh1irPt.s.rtt FI L. Walkup. ' county undge the peculi r condi, onsi ..rruildiny .and grounds - William existing. all“ the winpl tion o thejWitten, chairman. contract in ftood time an with) as! fi,",ncttit,'rlt"-illi J. Moran, chair- kept all moderate level isia matt of i man; (le 0rd Moran. , crrat'ifieatiour to the firm, whi is! . Ptod _ ilross---Mrs.: Evva Truax, likely to secure other' inioortant -on- !clm‘11"man, . tractsi, this section. i . 'ilmas'teake,ts-rferman Demo], chair. tl a ' , Only 47 Days' Work i Public Esaf’ety -- Frank Slwahen, While the Deerfield mind has eeCchaitman,' 1 , under way since' last sumhier, th act- l Refrcs meits--Georsre Bock, chair- ual number of days' work (lone n ithan; Wi liam Witten and William E. was only 47, of which ie! dhys rere i Beeler,; sistant chairman. _ lust fall, beginning Oct.i14 and nd-, 'ii':';)';';;',")'?:'.))?:', Grant, chairman. ing Nov. 11, and 24 da.v) this s' ing. Prize Imimittee-- Harry Butler, Because of the impossi ility 0 ob- chairman) . taming supplies of teme t and theri Dnncei committee-Dr. John P. [material last fall the Wop, . was eat- O'Connell. ly delayed, but the actudl time unit. m..----------------- in doing the job is cxceptlionally hurt WOMA 'S AUXILIARY . Ifor an "ttsion cqntracli of thi v) [ s LLS MANY POPPIES ture. l , . . '; ------- ' 1he,i,)itrtfsh1l road will irem‘hi cow ered with dirt for 80 (his, ace ing to state law, after whie it w r, be, opened for traffie. i [ _ The Kapschull-Davis orig-many ma- chines excayated for the oldan and Hunter building on. Sheri an ms and the excavation for the akes o the Village of the Woods iolf c we, south of the Clavey rofad als was done by this company. ( 'e Half-Day 'tdid _ It i)., expected that {the co tact will be let in a ',',1,"iritigig,', f the Half-Day road from Hi wood the Waukegan road, and it tould pear from the 'record made y the p- sehull-Davis company onlthe Dei, eld road that his fine reco woul be a strong bid er foi. the alf-Da job. Other con tacts 'in this tseetioi also may be s cured .by thi4 effieie or- ganization. f . . t Lodges Along Northi '3, For Day’s Outin '; I V at Forest Pr As indication of the fnotabie har- acter of the Deerfield rbad wo the Highway Magazine in ju Fe uavy issue, gave much space to an icle on the job being done here/ this cumpany, discussing t e exe lence of the work and the la or and, ime- saving methods utilized K ODD FEILLOWS WI HOLD JOI) Odd F Hows; lodges of H bland Park, Wiukegan, Li rtyvill Wil- mette ang' Evanston w 11 hold joint picnic Sunday, June 2-1. in the brest Preserve, and elabor te pla ire being made to pmvi e ple y of amusemeg; for the la _ num r ex- pected. emberp and their. milies and friends are' to gues The amusemedts wily inclu e ball) amos, raeds and other sports, and cu V y and eruckerjack will be i, vided I the kiddies. If the Weathe is tine! large crowd is expected, an the c mitt- ees in charge promise a good. ime.' It is ‘claimed thi, a an a itld be beaten into. pruning ks, t, some folks seem moref incli ed tolt 'em into foot, rests. . ' ' r . HXGHLAND pun; Le Golf uh! the se ori l, Ie entr 00' be ope sol , groan On l [LL ' NT PI NIC Shore Tnite :June 4 serve I ke '1' irrnent till. Q wo, ULY Tom THURSDAY, JUNEm, 1928 We as rte Its " is ler In ms wt in- field be a job. also t or- PERFECTING PLANS . FOR CIVIC HOLIDAY HIGHLAND PARK D A Y Date) to 18. Announced Luci to Be In August; Big Parade Feature} Names of _ l, committees . .Hig‘hlnnd Park Day. this year is to be the Ernst event of that kind in Highland Pukhistory, according to plans being worked out by the Bush mess Meritissoeiatiort. The datt'Ahas not been fixed but will be in Against, the definite day. to tte' tited at the next meeting of the, association) early in July, when also further plans will be considered for the day's Events. _ '. Great Parade Feature . It is planned thid year to have tht finest parade which has ever been put on in Highland Park, and all organ'h muons, blisiness houses and citizens are urged to commute with the com.- mittee in making this pprade t splQnd suepesrin every resp'ect, Des, tails are being workedlout Sand fury ther 'annoitneentent will be blade ri garding plans. [ C . Efforts 'are being made to provide, all new and attractive featuee in the program of events of the, and the general committee, heiuied by Clarence H. Witt, and a number of ,eomnsitteetk on departmentarwork al- ready have begun their work. The eomniittitatr are: . A Committees General-Clarence H; Witt, gen- eral chairman; S. A. St. Peter, assist- a.nt chairman; James Duffy, some. tary. Iiublicit -,--Walter Meierhoff, chairs man; can? L. Pity, WA. Wa1kep.. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY . SDI-ILLS MANY POPPIES Proeeed), Amounting to $280. Sent: to Overseas Graves Endowment Fund . The ppy sale conductéd by the Women's Auxiliary of the lDumaresq Spencer _ est of the Ameridan Legion May 29 was exceptionally well re- ceived b the community. Two, thous- and pop ies were disposed: of and a total of 280 was received. The entire proeeedy of the sale were forwarded to the okerseas graves endowment fund which will see that all' graves of Ametiean soldiers in Eunice are decorated every Memorial Day. The aqtive entrance of the Woman's Auxilia i of the local Legion post was veg" auspicious and it augurs well for), the Legion to have such an active ireanizatioo associated with it. f PLAN :DANCES ON Series to Be Held in Sunset Park Under Community Service _ Auspices p1 WEI) SIXTY YEARS , CELEBRATE SATURDAY Mr. ind Mrs. A. E. ttg/gt, of Chic i,eele1hated their ip iet wed- (ii',','),"',)),:',',':','.',',',-',','.' lyt. .Ihdrsday. g A family .1 inner {was held iniearnmemo- ration it?! the event tit the home of their t; Mr. E. A..Bournjqne of 293 Centra 'venue. A _ "a'. . Mr. 'ist'ui Mrs. Bourniqut Were the fgdnders of the Bournignp Darwin; academy which ms op4mid in .1867. Five y:ars ago bit", Bounnique retired Frm dive teadeishiiftitt ‘fnvgr'ol his sort Alvar Bournique tor' icky. Pa SATURDAY NIGHT to dealt fine definitely whether the“ witer ah haze places is safe for bath-,) Warmth: A. _ _ 1 megu li',',),., " the beach will he the same in; last year, the tickets for nun-residénts being one dollar, for mac“ :of the :loi‘ker on time which rate is‘ 2 fixed by imtinarteeirurd is planned in l prevent ciowding‘of load people from ,bench privileges by outsiders. ' Reli- ‘dents maxi obtain ldcket tickets uncle l the, we ieondit'tor" u last yen, each lticket entitling the holder to use of) iloeker IO", times. The single charge) ii: 25 denim. i l Ted Witt, tt college man- and good: 1swintnitjptiut experience in life-sui- iing work) has been engaged as life-' 1 guard for the season. BATHING BEACH TO OPEN HERE SATURDAY Ariangmtsettta Are Complete; l, --- - Conditions Same as Last ' ' Sim; New Lifeguard PRESERVE CITY ly, orrerlihtt of the Highland Park city bathing Mach is planned for Saturday by 'city anyhoritiea. it, present weather eotMtiotué, prevail. All of the build- ing, sd" and other equipment has been Muted and everrthintt-"" in excellent :fcondition for the opening day; Trefgcity is sending specimens of water (riptt the Moraine beach, the Cattrariate'nue beach'a'nd the Ravine drive Mich to He analyzed, inorder ”mans Oh" MISS MARLEY i, F- IN PIANO RECITA l ‘ -------v , [Chicago Pupils Also in Rama l At Bush: Conservatory on i l 3 June 20th _ J. B. CARNip'rr BUYS , "STORE AT GLENCQ Adds Ibrne' Dry Goods to Stock’mul Location to Grow- ing Business J. B. (Garnett has added 'anothe store toc his string of .dry good houses tt purchase of the long establis ' Byrne Dry Goods Co. bus mess tml stock at Gleneoe, which i a .longjstabliuhed business, havin been a. fianture‘ of the commercial lit of Glenqoe for 16 or 17 years. T stock intludes‘dry goods and men' furnishings along the lines of th Garnett Moi-es in Highland Park an, Lake Phat. iThe addition of thi third stare makes a chain of thre links in ll, hree cities within a disthnc of IO, wlea. (and is an indication o the pr'o'tress and prosperity of t Gurnettfbusiness as well as afrordin means to obtain goods at bette prices. i: _On Friday afternoon, June 15, half patt three'o'clack, an inform I musical: program was given by s - dents ot, Ethel Lathrop Mnrley, tenc - er of Ti no. The recitartook place the regrdence of Mrs. John Berna , Woodpa'th, Highland Park. Studen appearing were: George Benson, A - thur ylood, Jane Wilcoxson, _ and Mqry Knot. Jgsephine Sum, - ard, Maiden and Dorothy Bard, Jam Munio/ George, Mainline and M e Bliss) Garleton Bingham, Albert 3 Sussnnhfiem, Irvin, Sheriey a Nancy may, Heater Ann Tho ' Hugh New, Louise Smith, Riehn Manning; Iola Fanning. George Bu inson dud Birtsara Shipnen. ', A rei'itll by Miss Marley's Chi 20 pupils was given Wednesday e hing, June 20, It Bush conservn Durham street-t Chestnut, Chica SUMMER COURSES ON I AT THE HIGH SCH About' th' Students and Five I six-actors Busy With Inter- Sunimer sfhool clam are in pr res: at Dee field-Shields high sch with (ive teachers engaged in t 'work ind about " pupils taking d ferent': mum. The subjects ode include it“ years of English I also that antics, Latin and Fre and history; .The course lusts weeks; The instructors are Mr. T lor, Misc McMartjn, Mr. Slocum, M Norcrhsa and Miss McClure. W this. tifheient corps of tenchers more than three score students neatly. endeavoring 'to improve scholdstic stadium indications _that the summer course will be of mi most successful in 'mm the hisbory of the school. DAILY BIBLE SCHOOL f . 'N OPEN NEXT W 1,ttir,1rrityyei, Park Preabyte an daily Human Bible school will at the] ”an, house on -Wedne " mr.rnhitr,, 'ttne 27,1: 9:00 q’d k, for ruUbrjttiort and its first ms on. Alt ehtidrhvitt the community, 4 ch tt, "e/invited " amend. will tid aiegistmtietn fee 0132.00 for eaith44tiidi The school will Ave iss (week, from 9:30 to tstr in t _ damning. for five weeds. re will . an exhibition of the at the Pmintit'i? on August Pt if} Sentiment Elm "aette(p to Council by Mr. ' f5 Moseley and Dr. _ f). il Woleott '7 " fir re 'ii', b.l Mfollowin; open let h th I For and eomtnUsionert tttgh' Park ha been minim ‘fCulk Henley. on th-tion f , tion of Highland Park's a city of homes, It tot " To. the Mayor 3nd Cat Highland Park. Illinois' Gentlemen: . Let those wanting. ml life T, nearer the city. ii 1 Why let Highland P 16. Wilson avenue district? , 1 Why change the com etion of country life of High (k Park‘ I broadening out the hour " trey An expression to i "ttttee ‘M against broadening the, ii.ent zone in Highland Park. t _ _ j When driving from "il “both I Chicago cne notices in ll .f _ Evannmn that the 'fitte p I iir of North Shore hats'eeasedl . Twist through Rogers Park, E . at" the Wilson avenue' dis Mi; the I constantly becomes .. r up. Can we' not pour out,- r "up. ' to those living in the , ,; s w t . the volume of smoke 1 ‘m I; chimneys' causes the air I so - erent from the life-gi Home“ Highland Park .0 be "tial-aeqis' cially tothe children? 'toememtteq that Highland Park w 2 dam be Jn existence if it were n Wot the ' cage business man nee I pure . for his family and u [' 1riirio live the oldJuhioned “1y I 'C up" 1homes far removed fut'the ' chimneys of hotels belc . out lo iquantitiee of soft coal We " ihours. , i .9 ' The home intereatn ”re-117' only itttetests to be red . there are no commerei i.ittettajt, 1Hifhllnd Park thlt a not deriid. ant upon the funds b t into; icky by those in em ément q: l where. V .‘_! if Why _ ride on a trat Mnty- " miles and not get what e ham f = the kind of air that can we. to tr al in Highland Park? ':" , j “NYC. V a. 'I High grade country i has spoiled "tn too many a .. d . ' May we continue to Mrs the mercinl spirit of High nd Park servient to ita rial in ---a to live when thejir i titre. ' ' Very rearreetfsll1 “in". L. The Hon s. I. Rani .Wnyor Highlmd Park, Ill. , ,'.. My Dear Sir: ', My Dear Sir: j , I write to you to I the” that The present ' i.' ordi will not be" modified t mi _ a. building of . hotel or I ' t on Central avenue, an 'if the ent business district, 'l; There are two aides [, beer ' hte question and I realist C good a ofthose whod'tfNra ime . matter, but many Am, li ' I”! Highland Park and 'lnv uni hm longest, decidedl g joct I» ting down the but ft t be i speculative builders w b.lir has. their wny, will than , ttte. l of our suburb into L. thiv the order of the Wu '“guven as. tTietTikLiierrFGi rku city ot homes and ; W-ili b tinctiw charm by pe , will: cue- tiqn of commeriria1 b .r. M is now our beautiful impact Furthermore, I s '/, min for ind! orily. but for the v"estd rind ' cremation of Trinity J rch,, Even though the p ton‘ (to? proposed hotel " "duin be, "rood,neiehborr it is min-bl U; “be noise of service t'rka we, gong, the platter of be: 6.1 meet-pry sounds a shells ”at an eiubl!1hntent mi y tw terfm with the ttui. cl in. which we now enjoy .whie [an I. lessentinl to the use a let worship. . _ 1' Furthermore, I a 'iiit for - wily. But for the vat 'ti M.. V negation of Trinity _ reh,l . property would be tty i If _ show! were to be / it: I kitchen, boiler room "snack and directly across the ei "tdyh, “in I ft few feet of our ch "RIM house. 'h v, i Even though the p (011+! the l, HMZONE ALFRED new! ' LL .0128; FUN , L' Alfred A. Meth, '1. t John D. and In , , died “my; June F' m mm. minim _ 1 residence. 522 bum anon tile. - , Ema in the Men d'eioelt this maroon! hum?” Mrs Mmky'u Very '"h"Nl ttt I ( Mr. Wouott's ' bA'RLEsz' $108393! “ “a. 'lft '9 't o l._ I“ 'hu lid n biect I» t tt, be Itde . out 1. make " .9 tet. life 1 v. kiltmo a eiion of (k Park "by " ”a. .twentx- v9 tttd u, t ' ROM 1W an 2itrt 'dls, Mt 'too In Al vi! " . d d Ilwil

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