Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 21 Jun 1923, p. 6

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" " i) g The Junior Star club will meet next Monday evening, June 25, at the home pf Mrs. E. E. Graham in Lake' Forest. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Gus Leifert and farh, ily motored to Diamond Lake Nes- day. ' The Higuatti) Park Ping [mm ITifirii'iiiiriiii" iiijil Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Purdy are mending a few weeks at New Auburn, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ritrdonuutd son He enjoying a motor trip to Lincoln, Mr. John Washburn and Mr. Mel- bitie Cobb have Cone on a wéek'a lake trip with the Michigan Bankers' An- nual Convention and Excursion. Ill David Sampsell of Lake avenue,ihe Arrived home this week from the Hill: r: school. whieh he attended the past;_ ue Rev. R. Herschke of Adell, Wis., and Rev. L. Mahmke of North Mil- waukee were guests of the A. Kitt- man family a few days this week. fact: SIX "i, Mr. J. Lainr of Chicmo spent Sun- plar with the Frank Laing family of Ouwentaia avenue. . Dr. arvl Mrs. E. P, Norcross and family of Central at'enue will soon move into their new residence on Maple lane, a new street off Maple ‘avenue. Mr. N. J. Hunt nine, June 16, f, Contoocook, N. H spend two weeks frirnds, collecting ferns. I Mrs. John Russell and daughter, Miss Florence. of S. Sheridan road, left this week for Scotland where they will spend the summer. . Rev. and Mrs. Holke returned the latter part pf last week from Fraz- port, where Rev. Holke attended the seventy-fifth anniversary of St. John's Evangelical "church. Darraeh Louderhaek of Moraine road returned from Harvard tin Mon.. day, June 18. F Robert Porter of Cary avenue will leave Friday evening, June 22, for Camp Minocnua, Minocqua, Wis. Miss Josephine Pardon of Sheridan road left last week for the East. She is the guest of her school-friend, Miss Lucille Gildersleeve. of Portland, Conn. ' . Mr. and Mrs. F. l avenue leave the f week on a trip east NUMBER 17 , Entered n "eond Clu- mlttor Ma I, 1911, nt the post await Hi; Ind Park, Illinois. under the Act of M h 8, 1879. ‘g Bowen E. Schumacher of Laurel av- enue reaches home today (Thursdayr from the law school at Ann Arbor, Mich. . b ' , J, fr: hum "on, by The can Fungi Co. " Highland Park, a; i , Cirdrr l Illin ls, _ : Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lowe of Hazel avenue are spending six weeks at Lakeside, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Linden avenue trip on the Ink Buffalo. N. Y. Richard Carr hing. June 22, Minocqua, Wis. N. J. Hunt left Saturday eve The Correct Walking Shoe For Women Perfect fittirur---with a fiexibleiareh that yields with ev ry step-rubber heeled .80 that t ere shall be-no jarring an C'Osteo-Tarsal" shoe will give" on undreamed-of éomfor . You will find a new delight in hiking. Long standing ill be less wearisome. And you wi retain the light and grac ul sup of Youth. I As, tor atyle-tn say that thet restful shoes are fettee. "Queen Quality" in this impo ant respect is sufficient s- nuance that you will find trimly mun. good looks as 509 Central Avenue 16, for his old home, in N. H., where he will Also Other s FELL BR H. A. Luther of North are enjoying a Week's to Cleveland, o., and " with relatives and} native flowers and' D. Porter of Cary first part of next ares Friday "eve. Camir Minocqua willi quit in t, Si 3'. Mr. and Mrs. White arid Mm Nrs.Hoke of Glencoe and Mr. Mi : Irs. H. F. Clow of this pity visi F i awndale Chapter, 0.13. F, Tuesd ‘y ”evening. 1 7 l, ( Thomas Kelly' who has Feet: in e West Suburban hospital for the p ':' t 'ew weeks, is retiorted getting 310 purely. ’ l, t I Mrs. Gustovaon of C 'icago T ahd Mrs. J. Olsen of Sterling, Ill.,s W419}? 'he Sunday guests of les. o. Erra- berg. ‘s . .'::' L Mr. and Mrs. Burke andison of 9- Frsha, Wim, are spending, this w k with Mr. and Mrs. James Collins. j 3; Mr. Leo Yena has returited {twin 'tr. days' business trip Ilto Detrgit, ich. . ', l it has been decided to hold a t ree-day fair on the Ist, 2nd at d rd of September, with August 3 t a entry day. At a meeting of t e EH board held Wednesddy evenidg, high class line of attractions wtur "icked out and other p‘tepar‘atio> tr , rted that will tend to make LE: t 23 Lake County fair a never to rgotten event. ' g i'- any are stopping en ro ite _at N? C ra, Boston and i/h/T/is'.' ' H Miss Blanche Schuler (spent tl,, week-end at her, home in half Da u sl,"' The Lady Elks will moeqpext w tiesday, June 27, in Winch hall. 1 ") Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jacobsen of 2 9 Irazel avenue, are expected back t the end of this week fro 1 a mo 'r trip to White Sulphur :Spfings, W at (Vitirinia. r I 1 '; Mrs. Paul W, Blanchard enterta' - pd a party of friends who motor d from Aurora, Ill., and spent thew .. bud at her "cottage on Walker men _ . g, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur i. McPhir- iron are spending a few w ks at N “Auburn, Wis. f / In an inter-city champions p thatch played between hy. Cone d, Judge A. E. Smith, Hap Martin a d William Parker at the Communi , golf Course last Tuesday c,onrad.a d imith defeated Parker aind Ma tl with scores of 73-74 and iii-78. T e judge claims to be a this: Ipioh g If mayor and is willing toémeet a y dthcr’ golf champions in: Highland Park. i i, _ i Preparations for a thrte-day fiir ire being pushed along as) rapidly as gamble. The committee , in char e d! canvassing the county for the 2909”“)! funds to liquidate the pr M- pt outstanding bills has) met wi h éxccptional success. , l (OTHERS LAKE COUNTY FAIR ( y HELD IN SEPTEMBdR three Days Are Piannt'd; Funéls ', Are Being Raised For It 5 [ By Subscription j 'r Rev. Eder P. Gieser “has a deli, ber of this year's graduating class r1)? $ihlical Seminary of NewiYork. I hart Models ue a restful shoes are typicilly '.ant respect is Buffieient [ s- e- as math pleasure in tl'ir heir velvety one. , one Highland Park 45%; The Misses Alice and Marguer‘te 'uinn of Kenosha, Wis., wage the Stitv. THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1923 Rev. Luiii)vi.irot C icago. ho filled out pulpit very ac ptabl nst Sunday may preach for a next un- day. thu. pastor/Rev. ard is rapidly recovering from t ope ion he underwent two Weeks go, a re- turned from the hespital te his me an Wedt,iesday. 5 _ ll. o. Frituch, preside t boa of trustees, Corner Green Buff road) avenue Rev. F. R. Ctirdwel1 Sunday school, 9230 a. ', Morning 'rorship,r10:4 Keystone Loagudyof C deavor at 7 p.m. "l'opie We Win Friends and K Preaching at 7:45 p.m Prayer ' eating " 8 p day evening, .7 l C. W. Boyle, prissiden extended an invitation f hers, and announced tha last week the menibershi one hundred mark. V So ment cards signed by n were presented to Seer Hummel at the end of th This club has been ent supported by the: men ever sihce its orgtinizatit litim Galloway " the committee says that he expects every ma of D is interestoil in 3”th have his name on the met in the_neat future. F ,yt-t"ro-r4Ait-oooooisoe _ UNITED EVANGI new people fo come here to livl must plan to provide thefmoder munity necessities to talke cu them. These are first, dequat one; second, a comprehe sive pl village development incl ding and building rcstritthjns nd pr for a future park sys m; th community building in a Ii These are things that o tours not be done all at once hut " portant point is to'begin part o now and make plans to any th ers through as quickly l possi I Value of (TI?) Harry Herb. orthe Chicago eiation of Commerce, lked subject, "The Value of t e Men' to Deerfield." In, his pinion, worker' for several year'. amon organizations, the band ng to of the men of a tiown f r its ment is the most effe ive handle public matters inte the people of the com nity. pecially," he said/"in a town newspaperb, clubs and at r me getting th I men tdgether are la this provi (as a clearing ouse f exchange ht ideas and is a where the opinions' of ex rts o questions can be gpre ' ted. public spirited and for tard 1 man in Deerfield ' shoul get the Men's club and supp rt it he is worth-it will hel him, better horne,in better co muniti '4+t-t.oot-+.t.+-toot.-ti'q-t+gi, The theme of, the evenin was 'Tet's rum Today f r Dee 3 eld’s Future." 'it. L. Crane, zoning , o rt oinghlnnd Park,,was e firtst Lu, er of the evening. Amo other i ngs he stressed the point hat D Wield should not delay in th appoi ment of a planning ahd Zoni g comm “ion. "This," he said, "would be a wry to study the, problems .0 develotiment and lay opt/for the a proval 'l the village bo rd, a scient fie planlcom- prising ' ing of busi PM and resi- dence sect ns, proyiaio forpa i Ires- ervations nd other me ns of auti- tying th lvillage. is is ', _ex- ceptional importance, came I has too often been the .expe ience o l her growing toivns that fter stiveral years of development t ey ttyi' been forced to make expens re ttlterlitions that should have ‘been provid: ; for while the town was sm Il." m 'fur.. ther pointed out that 0 ly by 1.01;; commission can develo ment bi _con- trolled and undesirabl .buildi s or industries excluded, th majnth)ning property values and th high . lid ard of the community 3 a res ence suburb. , I . Interesting rt“: Ben. Gage, chairman d the I inois Relations committe tl repre ta- tive of the McGuire & N rr co 'nny, gave an interesting "uid inst ctive talk on "Deerfield as a Shhurbai 1 0m- munity." He looked forward I the expansion of the: villake ulon ’the lines similar to its Nortli Shore ‘igh- Mrs and urged the necessity for very one of theibrosent residehts to k, lore, ciate the game of the Men's c b as the most powertdl agency tn: can contribute to the furtherance Jithis ambition. In the words of Mr. I age, "Deerfield will grow; but it w not grow properly without Help; htfore you can hope for the right M trot The ilrat annual at: of the _ r- field Menu club. the ree ntly o unit- ed fivi; improvement anoint n of Deerfield, was held at t Gree Tree Inn last Whursdny eve ing. " nee: were laidr,for ninety-s vcn, b bears affairs perenting the ttenda e of twelve other members, which ould have brought the num r abo one hundred. ' h Village Luage _),',',',",:"),,.',", 1 tion libjoys '; inn r; Good PM" Boosted, Ta en dhicago I t Iked o! t ie Men' pinion, rs. amen td mg to f r its , e ive w r count i but u. part of any th s posaik inter 1 unity. town r me 1 are la _ ouse f is a j rts o ted. tard 1 get rt it him. h) munitt of the!I r hew lm. on. mes. of the lub, I hew ‘ m- t duri the p pass the ycral roll- w me bers tary . K. meet . usias . ally BLIC of Def field n, and Wil- meme ship eonfl ptly tteriiel who proble If to nhersh Ilist and Ilium] "iititdilen- “Ho an pasta! of t to “E5- here a of ins. the lace ital Very king hind all " a ; you Com- [ of sew- for hing ision L530- , the plub _s a civic _ her iter- nary can- mr. hem 0th- Eczem'll is a fright you know it - Barker'. Z. M. o. gives instantrelict ht all {in}: stores.--), cazo piaxiist is Spending the sunning: at 212 C_ry Avenue, Rivinia. _ a It is "aimed that thisigovernnteht' has faildd to "usher in" peace, but anyway it has passed the contribu- tion box.: _ The story is truly a love story. The action takes place on Pleasure [gland off the wast of Main. The theme is that of a movim: picture company which has come to thejsland todilm a pieturt, but while there "Steve" becomes interested in, the island folk and their customs, and laws, and finds that their lives and environments make a far better plot than the one originally" planned. - ' “Steve? is one of the clgénest. most humoroui, plays being istaged in Chi.. cago. T t t Eugene O'Brien, the movie favorite. has become us greatly admired on the legitimate stage as in the 'movies. He plays the lead as Steve. He is sup- porte"d by a remarkable cast of screen and Bulge stars, among them being Mrs. Whiffen, one of the oldest and most beloved actresses. She is seventy-eight fears, old and prdves her ability as an actress in a re- markably sweet role, as the grung- tnother. Vivia Ogden, famous In "Way Down East," and in the movies as a town gossip, plays her selfsame inquisitive part, and Peggy Whitten, as the jilted sweetheart of years past who believes that "revenge is sweet," add to the humor of the play. gross. of: 108. The second tlight “a won by Mr. and Mrs. Charles El ll with. tg), gross of 110; There T tourmm'pnu every Snturdny Ind Sin, day 1nd! all are cordially invited to p'artleipttte. _ _ - “Steve,"‘(leorge M. Gatt's produt- tion which appeared in. Chicago three months "o for a limited engagement; and which proved so popular that the length of time of engagement has heen extended twice, is still going strong, and many crowd the Princess theatre, Chicago, nightly to witness this most delightful performance. j , i Exmoor" .' I Dnvy iHerron'ts recent play on the English ind Scotch courses seems to have put him on edge, Ind he cracked out a fints 70 and topped a t1eld of 180 players in the event ngninat put at Exmoor iyesterday. An allowance of two enabled him to finish" up, but he was dosely pressed by Constant C. Hopkins? who shot one of the best rounds 9: his career, teportin with a card f 71. Par for the course is 73. Th: cards of the two leaders were:. [ _ Herron, touth 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3-35 Iropkine) outta 14 4 4 3 3 4 8--35 Herron, jinmu 4 4 , 2 4 3 4 5 4---3lr--70 Hopkinsé irr.,.4 4 " 4 4 5 4 4-36---71 '; Briergate In the! second round of the spring tournamint, class A, A. H. Harrison defeated:G, H. Morris; 7 and 6, while L. D. Head defeated A. J. Ewing, 2 up. McNanly Wins Tournament At Stumpy the T Park District Golf club be! it: tttst 'handieitorirtta- nient Mine yen and will be continued artery WI}? till further; duties. an! Mannly wan low with n net of 69, Chub" Elwell, "eond " net ind Art Mistuttres third with TT net. On Sunday the postponed mixed tournome was held, the thart Bight being won by Ann Wttten and Art Olson with a Satin-gay, June M, 2 p.m.--Men'ts class tournament. qualifying. Sunda , June 24, 9:30 a.m.--A. M. menu clzss tournament, lat round. , 3:30 _an.---Annua1 two ball mire4 qualifying. . i Tuetrd)y, June 26, t p.m.--Wonr. tn's tenuis doubles. ', Wedrutsday, June 27, 2 p.m.--Men's tennis lipubles. Thursiiay, June 26, 2 p.m.f-Mehfs guest day. 1 r: .l, miak END EVENTS ' AT LOCAL GOLF CLUBS T The events for Saturday, July 23rd will be:; ." ' ' Sprin tournament--Semi-firials. 'iefe4i,tft1'rrd', tournarnent---Aeeon4 mound." 'i,, l, Northmoor t I The qullowing events will take place next week: , 1:30 ir.nt.--iWomen't, match haddi- cap, semi-finals. _ i Bob O'Link June _23--'rwourall medal play handicdq, 18 holes,. best choice holed of partners counting. . 1 Geo: M. Gatt's Production at . Princess Theatre. Chicago. One of Best Showing V EU0ENW0'BRIEN IS POPULAR IN "STEVE" Mists, modora Ttoendle the Chi- Two-trim sweepstilke. PARK, ILLINOIS Formerly the woodlands were of theifoot.ririnta of game, but, prinpitra1 tricks of wild life seem w to consist M the litter left by the picnic parti'eq. 5 VACUUM; CLEANERS ALBERT LARSON fl Rubbfr Balls Ivattit Wing: Picnié Sets 389 Central Avenue' Our is io sunburn irou'a get: Be sure to provide yéurself with plenty Hoover Eureka Ohio Wide range of artilfcles for amuseme for children at the ivery low prices 0 a b 10e up 15e to 50e EASY THOR ABC Do.. washing with it. Find out through actual jut what it in. I for an ion it does not use! th your ”prov-l lead it LU try another. In no way an to-truin the no rally Initgd to our re- qtrireinmita. _ C waihins) Mac-hikes EDEN High“ Park, Illinois " South st. John. Avenue $5.00 Down, $5.00 ly/tty Your Old Machines Taken in Trad 15 South St. Johns Afenae- Experkkofdn for Att MOI For ' tir Bath You'll need-T RIOS BOTTLES d FIRST AID KITS We have them. ' . EIGHT LEADING MA HUBER ELECTRIC SHO, Cold Crea EXPERT REPAIRS FOR ALL MAmS SEE THEM Ara, UNDER ONE RodF YOUR OLD MAQHNE TAKEN IN This DECKE§R&HUBE SUMMER TOY $5.0 PHARMACISTS Your V¢ation or Outing ms. 50 () PlacesOnein T Your Home Mete and large, auolfor that) ms and Loti Brother Brynn c man didnt originate from thh m eyo. but a lit do monkey blood tr be quite help fetlaboutnowht'eli unearth high prices. . l Bathing how Bathing ps I' Tennis ls t Th6r Ag Li SUIERIOR tioner JUDD lilton- Beach me 23 it

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