ii Si tf PAGE EIGHT The Gourley Lumhe _ Elan Place “milk-(L PI__rk._ ' Saves 35% put on. . _Investigati ods and be. co satisfaction. IkiWo Lath Expanded Woiod Luth WILL YOU I. VE in beautiful Evanston, a y from the noiee and smoke, yet Main 22 minutes of the city? Wilt you live in THE ORRINGTON, iiG;iiiii, newest and most elegant residential hotel? Beautiful one, two. tttree-room, and larger suites, all Swith immaculate white tiled bathuthowers, and run- ning’ice water. Many with electric kitchenettes. All, chnrminzly fur.. nished. Every ioom an outside room, bright, cheery, comfortable! The enjoyable chbnge inqurround- ings-the relief ttom ‘he responsi- bility and burdenp of a home are as welcome to the tired house-wife as to the experienced hotel guest who has grown weary of the old things and cravet new Auarters-- new envirottmentiin a magnificent new home. i . 3 .2 g i Offers five tirhes the strength of lioard sheathing. Makes a m Where Will YOU Livea has passiid the most rigid caustii‘uctiOn teits. Play.SAfe! Make Your Reservbtion NOW! " E thoroughly befprerl hing by old met - hvinced of the great F ving and grea "i" Fthe i; _ ymNaGmN er Co. )I'e satisfactory and misting job. Thu Cozy Two-Run’ 1r2, ttttlt the [Ion-co Ind Conic" cl " out! TON. EVAN STON On display and for spleby of first coat of plaister and easiér‘ ty Malta sure ot our home (all tw "an"; lhia [ma N W. Comer? Daw- Str Evan-Inn. One tintl, and on request. 'fr,%'t'd,'e Ev: Wonderful ioof garden, promenade, Md solemnly overlooking the lake. gegtlemen' " club-style den in the toier, bal come, private dining rooms, ban er halls. restful lounge. etsi. Ever [ hing the very best. Ps expenee hai been spared to mate THE OR INGTON Evanston's borne of Fomes, worthy of the paironage 9f those who make it their permapent dwelling place. 'erort.trnoe.iitio.ns are leasing rapidly. New is th time to make} glare of thiis happy hange--thits pl' asanter, eadier mod of living. T ose who tarry too I tr may lose the pleasure of:new q ‘rtets. new futnishinrs and the c imfort and prestige of living in TI%E ORRINGTON. The rata-is are moderate. l Ready Septftmber First SHILLINOIS i ',, , 'emPa_tePAmtjtrmtta.m9uuum 2mmpmqu ' n THE ORRING N thitt 'tune gamut otti4! new. di-tind __ 'iiiiiinni" 'vé'nvu'el every evening. Li mum mm: ti700. This Fall? High Street , Highwood Illinois Telephone 743-1! Phone of Write Albert Olson "i' ' l,ily'," tAi'ksiiGisit) A 'N' ijirihkrr ' i' sr.uIdr-s church school. siieumi will be continued all summer, '; 'i, 8si--ttaptiemttit unice in ttse, church. The Rev. W. W. Pat(on at the Roger: Put, Contrrmritunn'i chunk will' baptize Alfred Dudley, in-I ram _ n " the Rev. auburn. Pitt. E 'l'glu'LQ party for all of thd, your: I people of the church. 'I'hoaei who me planning to attend wilslsgleue‘y notify Min Kirschner, tr. P. ' l _ Molnar , ( 2..ri-ustin'i' lo! the" Wéman’e Lennie in the perish home. There will be . short barium meeting, after whielirthe prom-um will be devoted w the literate of the Daily Vteatttrf Bible 1school. Mm, P. p. Everett will, speak! end there will be deuterium- lion: ‘orme work by children "of the Erie Chapel Institute and the Begin: mmf (Circle. Miss Florence Shreve] will. describe the kindergarten work which; is planned for the tehotl,' and; Mrs. Herbert Smith will slng.’ Tel, will lie served under the auspices of!, the Jimibr Auxiliary. All women of} the church.are most cordinlly invited} to any“: ___ _ l, t1.:4irrjyoety.tttr service. The Rev; Frank; PM will preach. 7 '; . h t ZION LUTHERAN' _+ J. H. Keagle, pastor Last tg"ig was observed ad Chil- dren’s ay in the Ebenezer church. All the‘exereises were held in the church ‘building which Med it to ci',',,',"")',,),',';'. The program for the morning) was very inteyFstintr espe- cially for the parents of some twenty young people whb were graduated from the primary department into the junior dkirartmeist. Dr. Earl Fritach, the. superintendent of the school gave the certificates to the graduates and Miss Olive Heefele, superintendent of the primary department Jtad charge of the programs A large class comes from4he cradle roll into the primary so that 'the enrollment will be in- creased accordingly“ in 'the evening the Sunday school presented a superb sacred concert with is full orchestr'e accompaniment. The readings and solos and quartetts and duets were greatly enjoyed -by the lgrgé audience. This church is happily 1endowed with a splendid musical galent and many other pleas- ant Sun ay evenings are anticipated duri f the summer months especially. Fragrant) for Sunday, June 24 Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. The primary classes will akaln assemble at the Y. W. C. A. rooms and will continue there until further notice. The 1ehool is now nicely organized and prepared to take care of all who attend. Classes provided for all ages. Good lmusic a specialty. 'Pitta? school at 9:45. . English services at 10:45. . ", Thtire will be no evening services during the summer“ months. . t T mam-321:3 EVANGELICAL T q. , r - +++r-t.94+'e4+t+t+at.++r+gr-q4. Thi pastor vim prekch at 11:44 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. , _ A tor-dial invitation is extended.. This evening the Ladies Aid will have m ice cream social and country store (at he assembly room, otrWesrt Central Avenue, everyone in cordially invited. T Rei. S hr left on Tuesday for Fort Wayne, kind" to attend conference. He will away for ten days. A stu- dent (rtrt't Chicago will occupy the pulpit on {Sunday _ . Corndr Gre'en,Bay road and i ' 1, prood avenue l,. (tel. 'Holke, pastor Sn dtsylsettoo1 at 9:80 a. m. Church per-vices at 10:30 a. 1 W l†Wednesday 9'.00---openintt of the Daily Vaca- tion Biblé school. in children of the cammnnity, aged 4-12 are invited to attend. iAfter registration has been comNeoid, classes will be conducted. The children will be dismissed at 11:30,i ' 8:00-uPrayer meeting. The Rev, Frank Fm will speak. 1 _ Thursday 9:M-iDaily Vacation Bible school. There) Mere 200 such schouls hurt year iiithieago. ; . Friday 9:30-4Da'ily Vacation Bible school 65 Ptieg yterian churches in the Chl. cagp ‘p I held schools last summer. Semi as are held in this church every S nday morning at 10:45, Sum day ol meets at twelve o'clock and if n to pupils up to the age of 20 Tttts . The Wednesday evening meeting which includes testimonies of Chr tian Science healing, is at 8 o'clbc . . 1 You re cotfiallrirxvited to make use at e reading room at 387 Cen- tral ave ue, which is open every week day from nine o'eiock in the morning until six o'clock in the evening and Sunday afternoon from two to six o'clock. Scr'm n, "ls the Universe, including MangE olved by Atomic Force?" €151 res are held in this church unday morning at 10:45, Sun. Iool meets at VtWelve o'élock pen to pupils up to the age of s. 'W. ijngsday evening A. R. Teamey’s "The "hte, of Allah" how being built on Wa can road north of Glen View ntl cost of over $200,000 will be the .trgut M its kind.in the world with 1 getting cap'acity of 2000. A play {round -for children under the 1yrntrtiful allude trees is being installed at a dost of $2600. The building itself map-are; 185x100 ft: 3nd the deconti con- tract calls for $27,000. It is tJi to describe this mammoth prom Ind it Will‘be worth while to driv4 down and see it. I Many people can't give my I, obey tb 1ti1ttithrirpie causes, but t y are wilting to offer I few remark“ . "The re tho death pita bt the em.†hred- Dr. William Beth, author; the dental of Northw' m university, re "In: to the _ ‘lult beds in the ' part. of Ken county. Cell min, which he recently visited in of therein“ of animals, rir the teeth extinct inhale of hieh he ir a lector. Through his ort- Northw m . university the but; ntal collection in Moonli- ', The Ella Magazine prints ' poem with the lines “When f m from her mountain height with peak- ingp tfthe morning light", but rub» my rnatir' printers will set it pip " staking; pf the morning light; Bones f d Teeth of tiartirte) An. im Found in Ken ft" out: Inbound; ', in Asphaltum § This Gipden of Allah is beini built to tvecommodate parties when Int on the road and Will be conduct: in a manner so any man will enjo‘th and feel proud to take his wife an tips. ily there. Mr. Tunney is a i one.- fur business man. He was in Chicago in 1875. In 1900 he manager bf Siegel Cooper ' and later Hillman's Department lure. Mr, Teamey for ye.†bu been; pm.- ident of the Western and -E'ye buebnll lengues and in this c lty mun plug 10,000 people of mid- weft. Glenview and its people ihoixld Ireleome Mr. Tearner as I taipnyer ih their-community. “: . try. “in g " wash: one of these pics. vhlch tangled b natural (rep. foe bi and ham t t roamed the eonthte long before t comm: of ma. t Dr. Babb unearned may well.. rved skull: of‘mchairodus neogne ,_or “bye-tooth tiger. This onimn ' said Dr.rBebbf lived in the eocene the s),'i)i,t'?i'),. periods. The tooth from the Reba _ v» and size of which a on» elem member of the eat family dec rived his; name, extended abo t ttve inches below the lower jaw. i J i Used as Weapon il, “These teeth, provided by no 1 re as I weapon with which the bout: could strike down and rip up its prey. be- came the ause of its extinctidn, for as they increased in size enti g be- came dMeult and eventually tE spe- eiea died off," Dr, Bebb declar . Mr. Tunney stated that theignnd opening would be held Lube Dny' or about the same time that new concrete road, Lake avenue, gwhich leads to his door, will'be e lend. Mr,'Tearney also stated that there will be two flats, on the sewn floor. one which bennd his wife d " yes; old puetter will use; other, Ifyre,tt, Bertoud and I'd family will occupy. He is MELT":- Iey’s business partner. Mr rtoud has been manager of dining rdms of the Continental hotel, Paris, Wald- roit Astor, New York, and the Cliff House, at San Francisco. 3; in talking about his find thd' cun- tor saig that from remote tities the uphalt at southern Ca1iforni have been what might'be called a [are for birds and animals. i "A tried or smalls animal," hd' illus- trated, “would become itttroivedlin the sticky sirfaoe and, itot.Pdtr.intrsurout, would attract the attention iof tn ‘enemy which would go out toiseeure his helpless prey and itself ome atupk, slowly sinking until was covered. Animals seeking to cross what appeared to be an ining ground would find themselves mble to lift their feet. In time they; would sin]; from aight. l “That process has been “in: on since the late second and'elrl third "geological periods ind what We con- tain is purely speculative, but the chances are that if a thorough scien- tifi4 investigation were made tr, re- sult would be more than wo lr the effort and expense. ( . F Other Discoveries j , “In these In Bren beds, I also dis- covered the skull of another _ tuber of the cat family. This skull?“ 19 inches through the zygomn o cheek boriep. In some of the beds ha e been found skeletons of the giant , of tnrttalo, horses and wolves. {These pita may rightly be called 611 death beds of the ages, and are purely worth preserving " tulda hm' scien- titie investigation and study." 1 TEARNEY TO OPEN F V GARDEN or ALLAH New arid Extensive Beau; Will Be Ready in Samba}; Waukegan ROM i . IN ASPHALT BEDS ms. or my 4633 of u " "In: the ' Canon“. _igt of rir that hick this art. bi' ii) gt nnd 4 down i I t Est-and! _ Buy" new gwhicb‘ te) ' there *floor.l d " a My M hid; 'rartartetttB, mu, Rots1srsttr4be m t nu od the new"! the any to te, fee Mal, mad; id inch summon ' I: for an 1 their m that be managed {or which the I mum the , of Ta: i Cinnamon. , t ARMY Anna VY Ann NOW he“: I'tte made _ t inf var about“; the a ' would be neaita for and: without We: fund- W0! rertioy of w nel. tut†After Nether . Mt , into the matter. any Get-m found tutarhik, an! - not been “WITH " panics earned. it will . Ne to'm the artmsttetitioet to marqtti1, of themed- tr , ha ed. should such on be M Por that reason, for the furl reason that the _ te m of the smurf " will an " Penditure of neat fund- ebout three mill donuts. the . teary of the In with the you sion of Preai Harding, /iiirm that the delive node " it l be serving the haw of government. I r PURE BRED JWEYS T. G. s,4f:-l:!.",,hi:, RWAL comm Hummus. . boulph cred rel-phone 'sslll Highland tr, Windes 4i/1stejiy'sgoe, Eleetri eShm Winnelka Phone 798-“? v If“ 19/: A. “WHEN HILLS. o, GEO. S WWALBACH quhou Agent In Instill" o? All Mitat thee Bteue co, 32 S. 386 Cell "t Anon. 'll1fi1")llflat"'t 598 Bi Street Winnie! ' Illinois HIGHLAND PARK 0trteibathy REPA.‘ JO! [1th rm 126, It Highland Put. RAVINE FX LBAR' Put Street 498 Luv-(M Park!“