Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 28 Jun 1923, p. 10

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bd mAttt,rturleosuewtsotm'ii,t. trtmderuttiuiitutrjoqtrttsatrrrtot dun-13min. PAGE TIN F REASONABLE RATES Railroad rates to be just a: Among other things, be an ient to meet the cost at wages) taxes slid the interest on c ital. Np one expects a, person leis than cost pd all agreth a fair margin for the use of ca should receive- the same c0 ideration, in order io ormler a is always our purpose. _ ( _ l ADEQUATE arrrUrixthl The railroads, in the United s tes increased heir investment in locomotives. jer,ee,, terminals and other iltvay propert , in the ten year: ended Decemherygi, 1922, by more than fiite billion our hundred m llion doll-rs. The income they recelvgd in the year 1922 Was eleven milli dollars less th n in the year 1910, being a Small _i income from a substantially iner sed investmen . In veator: cannot prudently ',tl122' money in In indostrt which tutts not yield ail rea- sonable rate of interest. t) expanding commerce requires c nfnuedrinvestinent. It is clear that investments in railroads in the United States m t be made morf at- tractive and secure. pl C all farm property in the Uniid States increased, from twenty Gd, one-half billion dollars in the year 1900 to sev .r) ty-eight billion dollars in the year!' 1920 and the value of all farm products, at the tr e time, increased from tive hillioii dollars to twenty billion dollars. This is dye Wilma to adequate transportation? f [INCREASE OF MAN i ACTURE: Production is the r%irasure'ot human ettieieney and human progress' There is no limit to the amolmt of wealth (that may be created except the li Ration of production'. The purchasing power of an individual community or not n lies in its power orprodueti m, Manufactured products in the United Statesjinereased from 3 value of eleven nd one-half billion dollars in the year 1899 to s'irty-two and one-half billion dolls in the year 1919. Transportation contributed suhstantially to thisssdevelopment b affordirig an easy" method of exchange. ll ' T ) T PROGRESS OF csrrri STATES: The total wealth the United States has increased, in the twenty- ear period, from 1900 to 1920, o hundred ni ety- five per cent. During the Vame period farm values in the nited States ave increased two hundred eight “one per cent. Investments in hnufacturing i dum. tries hive increased three ha red ninety-eight per cent. lnve tments in mil ads in the United States have “l teased ninety-three per cent. e expanding m- merce of the country requi an expansion of railroad facili ies. and equip ent. It is clear that railroad evelopm.ent has not kept pace wit; the growing iii?. merce. A new era of expan!' on is necessary. ' t. Chicago & North Western C.&N. W. Ry. ; C., St. P., - - 7 - "-"me -_ "a RAlLWAYS - A NATlO AL ASSET: nation in the world today. l contains 5 At the Northern boundary of 'izicatro there in located a beaut‘lul MEMORIAL PARK. Ita founders could not' have secured a more suitable e use of ground, upon which to establish a ceme$y that will for all times be . hits home r those'who have gone before, ith the comfortable omco buildin the matrkitl t chapel, beautiful front park, locéted on the highest" port.“ Cook nnty. its Bo er lined wnlka nnd bouievnrdtr, letel like lake, the abundant shrub ry and vari trees, it in unequalled in it: quiet dignity and beauty. All lots are sold with full Penguin] Care. Connected with Memor 1 Put: in one {of the Ingest perpetual cue funds,” deposit with a nitrous Trust puny of Chlcdgo under a Trust Agreement which" keeps the funds inviolable. Full erpetual care’ is absolutely guaranteed. il' . T _ CENTRAL CEMkTERY CO. OF I LINOIS THE MEMORIAL PEARK' The Beautiful North Shore Cemfttery , Ntis SECTARIAN ' Gross Point Road and Harrisirn M., Evanston, Ill. Tel. Fvanston 4266 Chicago Office, 701-4'Marquette Building. Tel. Cent al 8330 l M. J. BUEKLEY, Local Representative Highland Park, min 'f,'t Te g Facts Rélating to Railroahs W,t'hlfidiai: Electricity hot only shows a de- crease, butf has shown but one increase in the lad six yeartb--one of 1.2 per cent in Dehember, 1920. Other ititni of expenditure which enter into! the' cost of living show Inge incieues during the any: period. “Fuel and light" combined show an increase of 86.2 ,per cent; food, 42 fr cent; clothing, 74.4 per cent; hon ng, 62.4 per cent; furni- ture, 117.4 percent,‘ and miscella- negus item's, 100.3 per cent. The 1aatllreport ”palate: 'the item of electricity from "fuel and light," in which at has formerly been in.. eluded. In') the statistics just issued, which Ineltde the fhrurea for March. V ..._- -..‘-..,‘.v u“. "gun-co dun aunt", 1928, the dost of electricity shows a reduction of 2.4 per cent compared with the uit quarter of the your 1914. While I cost of living is (a! tuiove, what it w ten years ago, the cost of clectrici is lower, wording to the: United S Bureau of Wat’s last quarterly bon on living cqns. _ _ Em N iT t _ ","..P' TV ” VV pa. A ' .. ' 'wr r V n Ten Years Ago Not- ruling Increased Wing Ctttrta. :OWIN G CHEAPER The United State) is the wealth, stern iSysteIfJn " St. P., iii. & o. Ry. tlth It, the United States M, o hundred nitietr. the nited States ave in imufaeturing i dusv. Inve tments in mil ads . - e expanding pom- Telephode 1587 id reasonable Jurist, materlals _tttid lfuel, I sell his wa s at in]. The rail Oadg ient service hich _ The; rat commune e put-up " regular pommerdal pu . sea in cone nectiqn ,'th I railroa was [run b1! Thomas; . Watson, B ith, whiten ' with ' ‘help of Cardin r G. Hubbard. Bell's. f ther-in-law, on'May 21, 1871. it At he, 'Pennsylvahie. The Mae 'was and ‘red by the Pennsylvania Ra - road ' directions w given to ig.. stall it Eet Alumna f themsp'eri - tandem "tf that divisUn of the " road. is was at the very beginni g of the gpread of the lephone ov r the co itry. 0n.May‘18 Watson h d person 1y put uti yitirst telepho e line in ew York City from the of my ume L. idtiiU' at 40 W at 18th a eet to hie home. On Sunddy, May , Mr, Hubbardi and Mr. Wit- son t veled to Altoona, then a lohg and fa iguing journey: by rail up the Junta ytiver, ind tho next day, Mon- day, by 21, installed the first r1313 road lephone there near the summitv of the lleghany Mountains. The hue was p up for practi 1 business pyr- poses hd was so use? from the date ot its teslQ',ti"tn.1', 5 , , Fmsu‘ihML monk-2m i' ' USED ATJAL'I‘OON 13 P t Up by Wa 'di2lA'dlLTd , Park is one iot many of Chicdgo rerpe'tual tare' is tV rtitifut home , the matrnit1 [ nutty, its iii Ty mid vari Bell, Pious moauub suite by n fighting mi gypsy mm: in New En and. An; equipment has been evi ed that clan be attached to a all n so (haypoison spray can be pp ied in forth areas from the air. f It i believed this method of sprgying ', to the air. will be far more effective tha attempting a liquid spray from the {ground primarily because it will éasier to reach the infected parts of trees. From tests already made it is kmown that from' the standpoint of; econlomy the tirial spray is cheaper; than?! the system now in use. If The} expprlments of, ' the departme'nt in; tart Englandiarea prove tsuccessful,) theisytstem cwil1 probably be used in Ititiht,tet of all forest areas infested.;, ‘with leaf-eatixE $15833 The agricultural department is pbout to congqct a novel experiment Old Kgsaan "National Monument, tablished in 1916, embraces 38 acres f laid on thefeast coast of Prince bf Wales, Island, and covers the aban- Ioned Indian vmage called "Old Ka- man?’ l e constructionfof the Alaska rail- ad the park Has been made acces- ble " tourists! with a stop on the l e at McKinley Park station. No tel facilities re as yet available the railroad iiit? or within the rk. Roads ha e not been developed ithin the park but one costing $250.- Katmai National Monument was ated in 1918, and contains 1,088,- 00 acres. It is a wonderland of yol- anie,'aetion, having within it the ytlliy of Tea, Thousand Smokes." grieultural Department Plims Novel Exrieriment in Fight Against Insects ‘The Territory pt Alaska has with- i its borders one national park and t ree manumentsé according to the In- ior Departme t; Mount McKinley National Park, e ated by congress in 1917, is the cond largist national park in the ited States. It comprises an area 2,645 square) miles or 1,692,800 res and is the; outstanding scenic traction of Alaska, having as its ief features Mount McKinley, the chest mountain in North America, d immense hords of caribou and nds id moiytttiin, sheep. Through1 wit the scene of a massacre of ussiann by Indians in 1802. With- its limits Nis £16 totem poles of best ative, workmanship. Itrlis situated ear the port of Sitka. Katmai Natipnal Monument was rested in 1918 and contains 1.088.- , is Cinaecmssitje -tCTiiiii"arriiiiiii'it avel. , be mes a law, will total $140,998.87 to sch PJ,t,1,t,tie.e game and fltsh de rtmenl, estimated, l e receipts from the fishing indus: :tr. are derived as follows: Fishing Hie ses, $34,189.80; wholesale li-' ce s, $4gi9rdhrNnsr violations, $10,- 01 95; fVhirur activities, 47,021,81, m ing a (total of $56,178.56. The ex- pe iturei of $215,179.60 for the 22 m ths at the biennium include office ex nses,r travel/ salaries, wages, ex; ipment, repairs, fish rescue; fish pt pagation and fish distribution. M'ill Be Proftutrie he coritention of the game and fish, d artment, which is headed by Wil-! li J. 8tratton of Lake county, is} t t the fish industry of the state w I become a prNit making depart- nt, just as the game department is if a fishing license is charged. IO has Heed browsed. OEe'ti‘ail was the park to the Kantishnu ining district. , Sick: National Park The Sitka National Monument, es~ blished in 1910, contains " tens. mo I of the biemiium period Ian'., 19 the Ohintr b _ ch of the' depart- me Wis 'iii'eri'i'ili a loss. The re cei "d t e hunters and trapper: in h were 321947235 more than the odpend(turem hut in the tltshintt {ind try bunch the expenditures ex- le the receipt; by $159,001.13. m, total receipts pr the 22 months we $468,968.82, the report stated, w the total expenditures for 'the per T4 were) $898,204.87. Fixes Fee it so Gents e bill providini a license fee of 60 nts for alt pergons over 21 yearT old ho desire the) privilege of ttah-; in n the Mate wet passed hurt Wed-) ne ay brthe Hodse of Representa- tiv . It 'now goes to the Senate. Th net receipts lover expenditures in he fishing inqhstry, if this bill dept 3pm A mnuexot ssoqpoo in the n'ext two ears. in is undated, [will be the res pf the! bill préviding a 50 cent tittht licenée, if tht measure passes the gislatup, mowing to ' state- men issued itoday by the stat; gume and ih depbrtmenw BIL. iwodLn 2p FISH! G LICENSE SPRAY TREES e' Park, Three Other Tracts Set Apart tor Public Use By Government ASKA MONUMEN'rs, F OF NATIONAL NOTE t licenée, if tth measure passes 'Putter, mowing to ' state- 1issued itoday by the stag gume lib dtsphrtmenti) , statement 'shows that while the 2,',1',1tv"'rttt at a net proilt of aim: y $61,900 for the 22 cr, bats If“ of Jo Cents For If Adults in State Who Indhlge in Sport FROM AIR SHIPS ILLINOIS l Phone Wiinuh soi w points Household goods and Pianos mov .byxExperienqed men. Furniture Packed Grated and , Shipped. C Phones 181 1103, 147 Highland Park TrhmferCo. ' , . 39 South St. John; Avenue Motor Truck andfait delivery to -llllt_ripg---- llaggage---%ra, EVERY CAR OR TRUCK OWNER SHOULD HAVE THIS PROTECTION my... 1581 507 Centrhl Avenue Sharpen your thors and Safe Razor blndea. My i many Yeats experi nee of shaming enables me to t guarantee anything; that needs a shaving edge. 8 t LET MEC-- a. u. MEIER cousmdc‘nbu downy" GENERAL corfTRACTING V ' / E I mp i I. I ' HOW ABOUT LIABILITY INSURANCE? QUALITY and SERVICE Pasteurized Milk dud Cream WILLS ShINTBaNRE this unchallenged "untied" of tho wuusumcmn. LAKE SHORE MOTORS CO. (Not Inc.) 55 South St. Johns Are. Phone II. P. 115 Highluid Park, Ill. ',) “autumn!“- Me muon- back of h/l ill I,; Paul Schrééder & Co. F. B- WILLIAMS _rtriiiTi'riiiiN,'A BROS; l Arent for SEE Medea together with trained) xperi- ence We are prepared to do" kinds of mi and sheet metal work re in quick! time and at .moderatef prices. Whether you just want a funndl made or " elaborate cornice mam: ctured‘ havtius do the work and it: ll he done fight and priced right. Henry G. Wt 5 48 North First tr f Phone 636 MHiIhI-ndl’d-Hauk WITH EVERY MACHIN AND TOOL 305 McDaniel. Anal Opposite Poet 0mm JAIRY

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