J? L':'," It} u H . ' llli tit [il PAGE TEN EXPECT 40,000 1N . MILITARY CAMPS FOR Uncle Sam Planning for Large Attendance This Year and Applications May Be Made Early Forty thouund young men between the mm of IT um! 24 is the number Uncle Sam will take to his training amp: this summer. Three thousand of these young men from the State of Illinois, the ‘Blukhawk State, will attend. the amp at Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Michigan, the Wolver- ine State. situated in the heart of the fruit, tosrden truck and dairy sectiqns, upon a specially selected government reservation; which bout: three hires, a river, wqods, trreenUnd, hills and valleys. Boys of good moral character, just normal. healthy young nien of all types, na_tire pr foreign born citizen: lawn, nun-vv u. .v.».n.. "v... -__"_--i"" are eligible for enrollment fqr the camps, the pnrpqses of which ttre to develop closer national grid social un- ity; to teach the privileges, duties and fespomibilities of , American Citizenship; care of health, personal hygiene, sanitation. respect for and the basic principals of military training for discipline and defense purposes only. b V Chaplains, the' American Red Cross and especially selected instructors are in constant contact with the students. Medieal and dental aid, is free ..and at fare, meals and uniforms are pro- vided without a cent of expense.to the boys. _ M b There is no better school in America that, the citizens camps, and every patriotic citizen should encourage some boy to join the C. M. T. C. unit and Icahn how to become a better and healthier man; that is the watch- word of the camps. Application may now be made for enrollment in military training squads next summer. Fill out the following blank. if interested: . I would like to have further infor- mation regarding the government's course of instruction in the Cfitizen's Military Training Camps tonse held next mnimer, for which car fare, food and uniforms are furnished free. (City) (County) (State) Thave (have not) attended a C. M. 'r. Camp before. -- _ -_- . (First Name) hCilip 'and mail 'to: Major Alfred Granger, County/Chairmen, ’C._M. T. e, isichureCrtoad, take Forest, 111. f SAYS RADIO NOISE NOT FROM STATION other in Charge of Depart- , mint at Great Lakes. , Explains _ Lake, county radio tans; whose concerts have been broken up by the buzzing " a powerful broadcasting station or some inter- ference and who have been blaming Great Lakes, are mistaken, it seems. Lieut. H. E. Berry, in charge of the radio activities at the naval training station, declares that for months those in charge of the broad- casting station there have been par- ticularly careful not to send mes- suges during the evening, except those absolutely necessary. . A number of gatate matters were heard in probate court in the last week, action being taken as fglkws: _ The interference seems to come from some powerful generator. At Great Lakes the operators are cau- tioned not' to keep the generator _ It is necessary to send the weather' reports trom the station between 9 and 10 p. m. nightly. Occasionally there .nre emergency messages but these do not require long intervals, on except when actually broadcast- ine. It is possible that some large commercial generator is causing the “cable. ' Est of Peter A.-Nirnseeartt, Libert- yville; sale of personal prpperty ordered. Est at Charles E. Almeria, at Ya], minors, Milwaukee, Wise., Letter: of guardianship issued- to Martin E. Persons; bond of $200; own real es- tate in Lake Bluff, 111. j Est of Henry W. Sehrieder, Area, 'appraiaement bill approved. . Est Julia A. Stewart; Waukegan, letters of administration issued to Lewis I. Stewart; bond of $200. Est of Theron Cakes. Wauconda; letters of adm issued to Jorieph S. Hus; lybnd of 33,000. ' PROBATE COURTS LATE PROCEEDINGS Est Russell Brownell, minor, Lib- ertyville; account and report apprbv- Est." Loretta C. Amnmi, minor, Rd Lake; letters of guardianship to Frank H. Amann; bond of $600. Est of Sarah» A. Spring, wau-', kogan; Petition for probate of will; Ned and get for, hearing Feb. 4, at; 10 cm. I So far not nanny people have _ex- pruned tear of being struck by prea- identhl lighting. SUMMER _ TRAINING (Street Addréss) ( Middle) (Last) SAYS CITIES; MAY For Water-Borne Epidemics tttid Damages Resulting; Health , Ollcer’s Report _ ', mm _‘ to†and the loéal siijie wacemodj â€dummy “all; of drum- charges criml Initrd, lit. once when unhappy molt: fyslttrw the contamination of ',, public water supplies because of carelessness or the lack of due diligence in the ap-l plication of safety measures. 1 This! statement comes from Dr. Isaac 'ty. Rawlings, state health director,: who points out, in a bulletin that Water;- borne epidemics are absolutely- preventitts1e and "that; a “an of experienced ' sanitary engineerll " tached to the department of public health is always available to'flocal oMeitO who desire assistance in con- nection with the construction, him?- ficttion or, operation of water supp y and sewerage disposal plants. V l Used to Be Disastrous " , "Water borne epidemics used Io be common and disastrous irrrlltnois/' said the director.'"Notit they are rare and more readily eisntiollatrbut the high rate of pollution in Many of the' lakes and rivers from whioh Hllinoit, communities draw, public supplies makes eternal vigilance and ‘intelligent operation of water 'plants lthe price of safety. Not knowing (what to do or how to insure safety (is, small excuse for a local official ‘charged with the supervision of puh- ‘lic water gupplies becaulie all neces- sary information can/ be had for the tasking from the state department of l public health." ' ' E The with] figures on income tax for 11923 to date amount to $t64,961,- $70.63. Previous fitrurttts given out {were for collections made duringsthe E intensive .two weeks " each; “quer- jberly payment" months. For the ;year 1922 the income tex collections {totaled only $124,64ti,906.60. _,, . iCarelessness in Emineiation Is 'r, Chief Reason' for Errbrs I And Time Lost _ V In this age of facilities id all kinds alwabs at the public’s service the pen- veniences thus made possihle are ac- cepted often without thought of how, such service (a furnished or of the efforts made, often through dimcult- lets, to render this service effective at all times. A ease'in" point is the telet phone service during the recent cold snap. Sunday morning' was one of the coldest times in recent yearn, yet notwithstanding the bitter cold the telephone operators had to fade Jt to COLD DOES NOT Hhur TELEPHONE SERVICE Operators Face Zero Weather to Do Their_Duty; Public Is » Appreciative C chyuvuc _'"'"'"""""- -_-eee "re be at their posts, so th'atwh’en' pa- trons wished to communicate, with friends or others the service was avaiable, as always. The same thing is true regarding worker, in other lines whose duties called them forth to face the cold in order that the pub lie might have the accustomed come fort and service. All merit praise tot work Well dine in the face' of,extrar ordinary conditions. The telephone operators encounter alt'sorts bf un- pleasant experiences in" the course of their work, and it may help to, know that the fine service rendered during the recent cold spell is especially ap- preciated. ' C Figures on ingome tint for the cal- endar year show increased prosperity for northern Illinois Ytin-1mg!) km in. crease of over forty millions In this class of tax alone according 'to the latest report from the 'office of collec- tor, Mdbel G. Reineke. V An early report showing the. collec- tions made during specified periods gave thirty-three million" as the in- come over last year’s fitrttres with an estimated 'addition of five million not counted. With five da" to go in 1923 theiincreaqe counted was-$40,A 615,667.13. _ a T INCOME TAXES SHOW t PROSPERITY GROWTH Figures From Revenue Depart- ment Indicate Increase. in This District "V HOW TO CALL FOR ' TELEPHONE NUMBER Carelessness in (inundation is the main rehaon for {wrong talephpne numbers..according to a sandy-made by a number of e mpanies to right this grant time-losizlg error. 'Proper enuncigtion by the was is one of the moat important fatten in ihsur-ing good service and ed assist in getting the correct number) it is smted that "tumbers and, letters De prof nuanced in accordance with the fol- lowing pronunciation chart: , , o-r-Oh _ _ _ 6--Six ', ', 1-Wun i, Ta-Ne-ed T 2--Too. i 8--Ate '3--'rh..r-r-ee ', 9.--Ni-enl ; 4--Fo-wer I _ i, B-AU "j 5--Fi-iv.a i M-lilm ; A . tr--pourrgn.r b Telephone company operatbrs are instructed in their 'etuineiatio4 in is cordance with two rules ipd lub- sermon“ can speed up servtett,ty using similar sstirntuteirttieirt. ' i,., _ T I BE HELD LIABLE WANTS U.S.T0-BUY ," 'I, C LINCQLN 'COLLECI‘ION RAmnoNESPoNsons BILL Would Have Government Seam famous Relies; of Gun“ A President OWned.by I - C _ The “largest: priv‘uly owned 001-; lectidn of, Lincoln' italic; it tik country, for which Henry Puter ot- fered the onirptr, Captain Osborn If; Oldroydna sum said to be in aces: bf $50,000, will" be, purchased by the Uhitjid,States under the thump? ' bill, introduced here today by’ oti- thinttressuhttndutttbottp)s bill pry- vide; that the Oldroyd cdllection'. not he? in the ancient home opposite, Po 's theatre, where Presidentia- eolnjlied, shall be bought by _thef¢oy~ ernment for $50,000. The house Which skewers the co1leetioeivits ndw the prop- perty of the govermttent,'havirgt been purchased ‘some 'years ago!†$32,009. In3L the 01¢:on eogktioli, which mam ~ers some 3,000" pieces, are {a dumber which link the éareer of: the great "linoisan to' the mode» house land-Jaw Miee atspriniaeki which he Inwupied before he began humo- nlenwus ttip to Washihgton. The collector himself, Captain Osborn E Oldmyd, now in his 82nd, year, wan the proprietor of a bookstore and new: stand in Sprintrf1e1a from 1883 to 1892, _a‘fter, which he came to Wash- ington to devote this remainder of his life to the collection of Lincoln mil-. mentoes. ' T i.,' m {The Collection is now on exhibition,“ in the house across the street from the.old Ford theatre, Which woo for: merly known as, the Peterson board. ing house. and Was a resort of act- ors. Booth himoelf has been a fre- quent visitor'there anti had .‘a'cted many times in Fofd’s theiitie.' Iri"_this collection are ouch t timate objects as the cook stove which stood in the Lincoln kitchen in fe1'g,t1di; a half dozen chairs from-the ome there, in- cluding the great Etnaneipittor's 1a- vorite rockirteuir; on old pi ‘on hole deslcwhieh in; used when infra began hoooekeepi g; a wheel fro the Lincoln "miturrrintre', and a lone wooden oettee from theLincoln front porch, especially constructed for the owner that he might diahose his six feet four inches of height'on it With- out inconvenience, JChtt so desired. There m many other manning; rel. ies of, Lincoln's homeand omei1' TIE-$55 Henry“ R. mama; of ll- htori: i, '. h V A The stupendous tair"bt ht"'?,',"'?' and consignind to etch 3mm in t unidn its quota of the: million and more trophies captured [by the Amer- ican army during the woyld trar/has just been completed, it wits announced by the war ddpadmentjit Washintqn. A bill recently ptei4,lT the san- ate 'and ndw before the' Home†calls for the distribution, hr the United States of all the war Material: pap- tured by the Americap‘forces during the war. The velics rungs bom crap: ty tMe, shells " huge Howitzer; and trench mortarsysnd, are to be pppo'rs tioned to each state according to the number'of men inthe service. from that state. _ I DrfyrRrBp'nNorhR, i , _ _ A ‘TROPHIES BIG 'JOB) In cases where there ignonly‘u Iim- itedmuniher of one type of iii) relics. those states which contributed the gregtegt number of men' tir the aer'.." vice Will receive them. 'For instance! the surplus division has only one Russian transport gun and that,wtT be donated to Illinoisywhite thejontr, German Trench Mdrtar will sq td Texas. New York will bs presented with the single Austrian bin triiler captured‘during the War and Ohio 'will also receive a relic that has no duplicate. ‘ T , ' --ptactiettlly enough for every city, town, village and hamlet in the eoitnd try. There are also ,ie_atlypl4,e00 " the German 'Gott Mit 1Jits' belt bucki has to bt given any. , V first» War Dekurtment has over 30,- 000 derman Sabres to ,be distributed INTERESTING TALK ' _ UPON EMBROIDERY Embroidery _ in eommop V with other arts, is most itieeetrtsful".ir1ien it does not attempt to be realistic, when the exact imitation of nature is not its goal. Nature’s roses are more ligan- tiful than any which ean be created with c' needle and thread, and the nesrdleshrmatt who doe4 not try to make them blossom on linen' or silk achieves 'happiqr results. These points were brought a t by Mary Symonds (Mrs. Gum Arum“) of London in a, 1eetiire "im"qliii)iroidersr a historical ind admin! expositionâ€. in iru11ertfyt,'Hal1, ‘Art Institute, on Jupuary ltr.. , l _" _ I“: 7 _ Miss Seronds took up the him. ical side of heruiubJt'etfirt some detail; irutaneintt the many passing in 'the Bible and in , clnsécal . literature in which respeétful re drence to the art of embroidgry, which was always held in high esteem,, 'Beautiful examples of V embroidered Rtrhittirttttand and rugs from tnedieval'times were shown in .stéreopticon slides, illustnting tht beauty of design and péchulquewot these 'articles. , ' T r.' Miss Symondn is conducting , course in the fundamentals and he points of (embroidery on Haida): ev'e- nings in thel Art Inptitute, imddr, tbe auspices of, the,Atttiqtmriat,r Society. mi: mom entrust. imiau,ro Contgmporary NEIGHnilkHoon 30111»st Ipteresun' lawns: Here & ", There, mmwtmm, lr Vic" m, M88 " _ ( 1" County Beat t ", Fiturted, t It; uiriutrore'i.rttr. belated " _ eh, uiiirtatr hug?‘ _V‘asey " oiuir Void; to the (ad a Lion: ttooo. ', (i)" _ T , . _ ivas (IP90 up "sumac WW? to. trttee.ed ohm W. Bwntt , ', Tm died reeint y. s' The #9991. li " u made " special '!'iiseettjit?irf'i the county bog d.r' , 5 f 1' l 133113sz imam Manny, dttssd ,54 ti/rim, .‘di, Mat week a} the home if hbr sis , Mits. Mabttiitw, WN- ‘wad, at: "utirwtita street, Win- kegan. otitoptetty. I ‘, .', j a steam}: (Now; if ttdt,s,tg,tl'lt dqwn the . "ride kin-.912: , $t/int the edgei o (ix-syn! T . yru wot?!“ being in _ "tt that 'tere u tht' Weather F )1 permit. the llyinzwof tTe' o 15335 3,01" county highway wilbest‘ C/i', -; V _ . I . I I 2.24-rs T VA . _,' ,“Impnsp ment itrthe oehitqttitarr lot; his spat al tite,!' wilrdht,l lent- 'ttr' fixid y; a iuryt in etriritie' court, at ‘Vauke n, for shying his wife, in the tri , of Willigm Led, Negro mitlpstet, , years old. _ , y - . l _ § _ Nts institutio!h of homing Madam: the highbr bducatinn lt' heated in this, _ city.“ but 034 time-mare winning de, “feds of “C. P. B.." dd“ slang, f 'tte wbti) of ofttgtsis of the law, an be: 1&de taoriN'uispatthrfritm fipentd, , ‘10 '._, l' _ , i 1 . 1L l _,iiit'_b',_: B." means 1eertifuirprrmtte bong.I ggerJ' and it méimt aémouthful to e thirsty; Awarding!!! the in- toraiustttrn racking: other: Ure, an okt13isr.*ueltr' moonshitter up beeq eoii,Wuethttr schools " distilling id [ ' The . Lama Conway an C moms /ponveated- t _ their first, meeting a; ithe comimf fair " rLihtrtsi,itle last week. W. '! ' IWooddn. préaident called the eonterxthee I‘Com‘ad‘ $150an It mrauilet.eis A G. E, B he! electric'al epkinber at? the Pulhic Service blunt jh Wink egnn wag lectrocuted Int ttStff a thuh 0v oeeured on I It) volt} trip. He in): in contact.I with the eibctrich'l ftaine and was “burned horribly. I», ',r _ '. C, f'htttrin What the hating service they halve n mtainuinintt in“E Wtm, kettatt has been operated at I loan of 846,000 in [ e hatgulne your: and ttiat expensive.'! ptitreinert muld {be new nasty-M mam 'ti-led the 1Nblie Service may fast Iweek filed with the Illinois Coitttmrret,Ctitn- minim: A,/mirintrf1e)d , petittim ink- ing that "thoritr be ‘mnted them to discontiq'me chm-em“ in we" gun. This Ypm Comes From Iowa hid Has the, Virtue of Being: Down to Date '.,.. j‘ BOOTLEG" GRADIENT? ' GET DEGREE ; eoiuruethtsr schools in distilling id va fus spots hound the. turr?undiytr can “with, and himepupihr are nix- iou to stay hrhsfterl schooL _ //r i onee'rt declare the s?hl' man, ihts' leaned l his professio‘n from generations back, _ visited sunny home; new here,, taught thit men to ohtretrer nectar and ottek remain- ed from tour to six“ lee irrpme I“ AlVIll nvu. w -. ..VV_,._ - bomb; To the palate: Which had haen burned, broiled and scorched bathe oro4utts'of the {new sehoot of boot- leash?" the montain Aew was as sprintrite' td, country school- boy". The Ald gen emu: was invited to itiekuriiiirtd forlife.- V . -, -- "iiii"e"Gsrtatnuart,, howemir, irdrt- vestigatipg, and! the ilumni it; hot boasting)“ their] almaqmter titiireiit ent Ate ‘Annual Mtmiii, Greta of, "the ttttdent? of the Ah litgtitute school to be given this year on 17:11er 18 at the Trianon M Robin, is to be by far the largest gnu? 91 its, 'iiint'Gr" attempted. and the student; have 4eei, on the, Trianon, Jnqtesa4 of the A Institute,' for thence†of their tetev no that more meme any witness 11;?.,Eight hundred student, from the ' Art Institute- and trt echoolé will trtrrtititrare,1ln the pp emit, which is. to he made ot tramps composed of [sick {unite} demerits as,drxmttta, fairies: dragons, Fenian farm mg dolls, Ali Baht but his forty thieves, "rie'ieo.ettts, menu-Add {Dd stars. One of "tu'H.ettht'twr otthe. evening is to be: tihtte, bysiton and Wealth. and bellétjby' 'tt jewels and tittomtrhri11 led "rrliii,tes; the bpeetaeutar' {attain .‘ IA, in“ pile formed by Tmintr Mimi). In- tuhhr and" of the with», which in how claiming the tiittirtsikltht, and gttention of the students. ar t Student), To “avg {ugly Party AyNUAtr?f..Nt,.r,?11W,fj, , I AT ART INSTITUTE {533%} E At 1trianon Bill Room t February J8 _ The Mega Is Your Prbtec (iii' C7 EROBERT w. PEASE ' 'iii. wt'ttoese.u4-IW8 . _ nuwmm "r." 'r." _ "r1re11aw w,': Telephonr180S, w _ _ V. MUZIK, JR. V. l Baggage) Expressini, Mania for} happy and Ian! childhood. A "uet taboo] Ne an! 3 to 6 years af in mm," Punish Home. Int Laud N ’ ' _ I' tNoeroeetarintt) " . Tau that“. EVVPUW smegma shrrosrroums and mum (, panama MN 3mm“: wan-mar won or In (i ‘Wam'r min»: 5011. Imam some La! g , l _ i - k 2;: I 'irsirarci'/--t?irr, Tornado, tuariiiilll WHY DOES: can†Rust TO THE, ' arfth gum? an: mum wi hive id tomato to bee-unethqunthea 'lite' and?†i. "t " Beam ti,ajiid a Fnt'or Oil, tssmtokriustti. al,, tur, h! the milk. ' 'il largely compoud of Water. It k by. _ Aite You Carrying Enough? v. t (i'si'" m 1(qu for Am" License and scary Pun-‘4 PAUL SCHROEDER & CO., Real EsitatA) r. B. WILLIAM luau! ' Phone 'lt/ll We write a in? line of insurance in seven! of W lag? minimal , i l x F tii, _ï¬NNOUNCEi TN a i, {hat he his ieiioitd his "1 26 i,_i,,lio.e'.ijji"iijii:o.t,i,'t) 8.123 , isiioiisnt our: customers to knhw, the right way to use the mateyâ€? When, you get into a YELLOW'CAB observe the about? registered when the flag a W1. Chest _ the instrument again when ithe ride is finished. ' The sum recordfd iadititit' you pay. l . , . l, , _,? . t + BECKER ,' #5??? MONDAY MORNING. L , FEBRUARY 4,1924} High/and Park and Highyvood spam; 31mm moms mun? , 1438.301? B. BARTLETT. Director. . ' Neals iser'ved at all bouts ( Land wil1tmenforbusinitis , That he his temoved his I Restaulant, formerly, 1p- fated i the basement bf , he Loeb Building, to liis hew building at 3 Trt,tiiifrirjjjiii)iiiilkiryr SWEN SWENSON EPhone Highland Park i “ bull you “we on in Dugtared In on window Ellow wishes to 31 THURSDAY, JANUARY ii“ I. P.