A} l. .1 PAGE TWILVI NEW DESIGN WN)' FOR WAR MEMORIAL . Continued from pure 1 no the tablet: carryinz these mm m nude of mnior importam in mac-1mm “blob an IM- od to plain, any}! out: of grapite on either aid. of tho monument. Be- tvmn them sands . - d t “Paco Angel†some eight feet in height. Thin “no is not only I an» bot of pom but it in the guardian Matad- protector at the mm; mm. V “The - holds t avoid in verti- eat ' position 'with both kinds, hut wit) the point downward; The han- die of the two'rd forms a Ruins. torch which sigtstBes that the weapon VI one need for accomplishment in the yeti-re for ideals. the hilt form- lwx'e men which for the righteousness of the t. T Been MD l “Over ttmhead of the curved in none are the words, “Peace by View.†This irteeefpti we: placed ovirtu1seadotthe mAngel m e detintt. but t t all who holed on this - should realize that the 're-i9ttuimtlrie â€mailman: otttatnedibrt" through the "eriflee and noble vic- ioeeretu-hortmthram.ttut itiraainnon-eeofedrtvrxt- mu.,otttotedtimethodatuttred ttetitiratt1ushdfrtt-totmr'ehil. than "and! Dead Home . i, "The can he. ofnhar adamanm the one to an out, is devotaid ell-i ttm)r to the men citiuns of High; land Park who lost their lives in thei “r. In imam at the tot is ti winged male as". carrying . torch and palm, ttriaq on: males and! u thug " We" Field. On this he, as onthe m, a land at rich denial runs down the an“: a! the MI of mite. Each flank of this non-non; tunud by plan; quiet - bed" part a! the Inserhttiott, WMMWho Died ian M‘Yon KW Live in Poke." DeLuxe Theatre SUNDAY. DEC, 21 An mainstay kitiiTri irGir a . ttmais that new you at the edge of the neat. . “Big Bop, is a eoll e man with-.3 on; recotd ip. ithtetK mats. and has chained a VI: fund of experiepce gin-ouch in: motion picture work in Hollywopd. 1/hta"dlt irithe leading th ms ___', - - f ' I UNIVERSAk‘ COMEDY “About midway up the central pm- el " an Js awed in granite which will hold ivy no m: in the sum- mer, and "W during the win- ter. Dim above this the men Gold Star nuns will be plead, with the Met M'Mnt of new life he continually girrqrhta below them to heap thee may dive. n . Dix u . bored 'oeietF%rti mwmm thrills, and thed. tttalt a pretty it _ ' m'rMtNA'noNAh NE tr , M O? Unusual dramatic roa’unce 'of n desert island. F PATHS REVIEW . "irriitWTr, nae". 2? wraDNBBDAY,. DEC, .24, NURSERY. DEC. " T _ ' _ FRIDAY, DEC. " F ' , . Admission ace; cthn 10c ' (baa-m "rror1ersA'Ityiry4tgiJ?..tt. 25. {rota 4 p. “new“ that margin the mon- Minna-mm Hide of tho MN m I eoaemttiooaliaqd A mad-blooded drum of humin Dnrrow,.,the ugegpfggnder child.†UNIVEK§A_I A wailing, bubbling draught of ,huitainsttettt.l.' " use: and foams with etirer--Millt, love um! laughs-Served with a aria of wise crab! As a mflktnttn, Johnny drives his wagon to " out victory fgrittrf, th'fiPt'"t'"'i'1 . ' l _ UNIVERSAL "MBDr, _ . . - - q_& , _ . Adapted, from Some" iiGFT Edie? itinne Journal saw ,and Novel. 2eth'/" have I funny bate, come and m wut"'thls guy "at%ttl GMEPPERS†I F 77 . ' --._- -N-"-e_"" -_ --_" SATURDAY. DEC. 21 g ' . 1:00 pan. Children's Mat. 2:30 - 10c Adults 80e AGNES AYRES, PAT O’MALLEY and VICTOR VARCONI ,'N-iiririiittampttrt p . 1 _ V 6 Admin on 30c; ehil n 10c _ BEBE At'atg and RI HARD. DIX- in “SINNERS IN E AYEN†A - This "atimLririiiiiiiai'i,t"iiiii,iiIi,tifA9" DIX in T "NANHA'1TAI " _ . ' .. Land “‘9in vnnth who benches for adventure and "i;iiiii'ririTirki,i1ta booked for Christmas J COMB!!! b" '"Aa,umonaor.' childr 10e "BIG BOY" GUINN 'LIAMS “THE FRESH E†l ' _ 3W9, 399; "hitleeulA aiNii/iiFWe i, " x" "yr', Xdix'mion 30:; #1“!!! 10e "THE EARLY BIRD†LAKE must; ILLlNOIS Tfiiiitiihptr0, in momma RAILS†"WORLD-LY GOODS" jiifiMiitt. um ES in in mm fund wow-n cut; “my on a 2); GiiiGinment)i tt tliar. at“! GG:' and passions with-Frankie "OU, in short, gives the general idea back of the Monument. The mp on which it rest: are designated by 'm to repneeent the; three di ion of the service, 'hand, Air; end See! A notched From Any Direction F ' monument he been so design- ed) t it can he approaehed from any direction. There is no front or _ but rather menace. The west, in cuties the like of the pence we he had given us with the names of t who helped locum It for us. The en . bee, the }ace that looks to the thing can and the birth of a new far, is be ' speck] malarial to than V hid'dm their; live. tint a new day might dam.†_ . Ewell'l Design Adored t ' the conclusion of ttr. Emir: ta question were asked and Mayor B Inn spoke Itrdngly recommend- ing the adoption oft!†proposed de- si 'for Highland Burk. _ adoption of this design was ' upon and Ended unsnlnwusly by hose present“ The chslrmsn spoke of he necessity foe every" one doing all Enlist this possible to also the nary as Nsproximtitelr twenty thou- " doliim will be needed. $10,800 has! already been pledged which medns that " least nine thousand mote will have to be mind, Too much 'ii,efflid said RE Hie wotk of Mr. Ewe] _irhtt is. glad to xiv? Ntrirtv'tet.toLtU town he lives in;th design his been gnaw-ed by Mri‘Rudolph It c, Mt. PranirC. Pain-ma and Mr. Jens Jensen, all “may. "of distincti n. MAIN ABAligiNS , PHO OWNERSHIP . Spain has fouoired the example of Italy and Gre in nbandoning government on nhip 'of tele- phones. King lphonso recently rigged p decree [ authorising the execution of a co ct for the eon- etruction and ope tion by private (mummies of a new telephone system througho' the country. This picket has been .undertnken by the National Telephone oom- paity of Spnin, ‘oorpontion, m- cetltly" organized take Lover. extend and inn-ova the lephone sys'téms mined by the Spin It government lad by private com in various i/'i'ilj ofraAKohno’u . m. The complmy is being tlnarttsrd Mimi}: capital 'lgtled, through. various‘ Spanish s,_ks,andiso "ngthonlan- utatture ist telep no apparatus in tWin. Teehnieat and finnrte1al ad.. viée and min as . beige sup- plied by Am {met-uh, pad joys. 6:30 pan. Tdttt 7:50 pan. tst mu. 4:00 p.m.' 7:00 pan. at the an .extansive womb of. te1yrheid expnmion and dmleioppeitt" has been undertaken. " 1 t. _ ‘ . _ . In turning to print: imrerattise,ff.r the progressive hphuilding It but tele- phone system Spain in 'rrtiitlefratty in a more or lean general European movement away from stoiaimmet!t ownership. Gretree hat recently; grant- ed a nonunion to 13mm {flames for an ap-to-data te1etrhorte â€item to supplant her government- ' tele- phones. 1me ia, eopaidert bids, from private companies for, put. chase of her state mlephone Voyatém. Poland has turned over hey public- Iy~owned teiephpne taetlittsi fin lev- tral cities it? a private compIny. in which the Paish,trovemrttmt't9a? only a. minority interest. Even G‘ctinany, although retaining the ownexship trf her national systems of electrical! sys- eommytieltuom in mm to he con- sidering plnnlvior securing their op- eration. dong certain commute lines. PRoBAqyirfyAtfB'r,.HN, "Abrams u lime, number of qmtaterr, noted was; Monday, in probate-Wood“ was that o Geo. F. “Marty. at High- ltind Pork, motormari tor the New North Share and Milwaukee-electric railroad, who died from injuries to wind while on duty. The adminin’ (rotor was authorized to settle) clq’unsfor $5,000 againgt themtitroaid company , The will, also showed in addition an estate of $15,000, all of which was given to the widow. Let.. ters testamentary were issued to the widow,' Anna E. Lenfesty. Ralph' J. Duly. Waukegan. nppointed gunman ad litem. tor minor children. . Other estate: were acted upon or follows: . -"ii0.ffiift6,tm" ENTRIES Proceedings in A Number of Estates and Orders. Made In Settlement i _ Louis C. Tewen. qukeggn, will I ispproved ind admitted to, record. All (property T given to width, Martha -Tewea, estimated ‘valua _of estate 1 $150,000. Letters Testamentary issued "v, to Martin Tewes.-R. J/thub appoint- ‘ed guardian ad litem for minor .hll.. it,',": " luventory.nnd appnlument Ibill appmved. Executrix authorized ', Elam L. Clarke, qttjomy. Esther Willlum Nordmier, Bur- rlngton. Proceedings: Betition ,far probate of, will filed and set for hear- ing. January 6th, 1926. Est-be Val- ued st $10,000. Castle, Williams, Long and; Castle, attorneyl. . 'Thomuj J. Hogan, at. ai, miubn. Final report aid neceunt approved. Guarditn dissttargid, . Heydeckarp & Hevdeeker, attorneys. _ g? '%iilim (interim kat, minors. Inven- tory appnpved. Heydeckeu & Hemlock- Pr, attorneys. - ', _ -f _ - _ ' "Ajdxandir J. Lewis, Antioch. 1am» tory and Appraisemernt Bill approved. P. L. Pagans, attorney. _ --- wigwis J. Britain, Winkozan, flnat report ttttd accountjppro'ved. Execu- tor discharged. ' _ _ _ - "jiiii, liteiid, Grayllake. Report of sale of chattel property toproved. R. W. Churchill, attorney. 1 _ T Ernest Maid. feeble' minded. havens wry appp-oved. R. W. Churxt1ttll, “4 tomey. '. , V _ ‘3 iriéh’n Batz. Inventory hpprovod. H. Miller, attorney. --- J, - Edith McDermand, Wuukmn. Let- ters of Administration 1aaued to Nan. mi Smithern. Value of eatatar, ttNik personal property. John R. Bills, tsitorstey, T - . ' Towndend Smith, Grayslnke. Chin! of In Smith withdrawn. Motion to set aside order approving tale of real estate withdrawn. Beydeeker & Key- decker, attomeyp. _ , . -iiiiiiirir." iteis.hon, manning. Hen-in: on final report' cqnthmed to Dec; 11. . 7 . - _ _ _ ( (rm; cumuu _ will 'be closed for out week from lMondny, De'cember 22nd to Sand-y. 1Deeembet 28th for the purpose af installing new equipment, painting, haunting and sharing. It win rue open Monday, Member 29th. nerv- {ing its'firat meal at lunch tintey William Burnett. Claim of Orlando Hoiirard continued to Dee. 22. . Bub B. Wheelqck. Hearing on ihtnl report continued to Dee. 11. , Other estate matters were disposed of, as follows: Willard P. Bench, Ivanhoe, fUtat re? port approved. Estate closed. _ Peter Stabl. Walkman. ‘Fiul Jo- ‘pbrt approved. Estate cloud. Frank Decko, _ Zion. Petition for Probate of Will filed and at for hearing Dec. 29.' William D. Ste“. town of Ela. ut- ters of Administration issued to Id. M. Sail. Prod of heinhiptlkan. Ap- praisers appointed. Value of (state $6,000 personal attd Atal use“. " ""iiGnriiiiiiGt :1; Mine“. Town at Ea. Letters of Gundinmhip land to Ida M. Btell. Bantu! 91tl,00% - -é.hGcG/'iiAurnton, [lithium Put. Final report and account approved. Estate 1closed. __" â€6.36% H. Burnett, Wanna. Fin- al report and account approved. EI- tate closed. . . __' _ Townsend Smith, Area. Chin) of Richard J. Lyon allowed. T Paul Pavel"tft. Inventory approved. John Faust. Final "part and ac- count approved. Estate cloud. _ Mileu'n'a. Came'y, Incompetent. P+ tition for [appointment of Ccnungmr‘ filed and set tor bedrinc Dee. 11, " 11am Pickett. Proof or heinhip made. T . _ THE manLANnPARK PRESS. HIGHLAND mutt. 11.14qu THE RELIABLE LAUNDRY FRENCH DRY CLEANERS AND mums .r PhGGhiiGiiir m Adv. REGULAR MEETING or _ _ THEECITY COUNCIL The tttt ' r Mn: of tui,,ettr council as bold lust Friday 1rretr.httr. A pent!†aimed by flftrts, proper- " own a and iGiiiii'i. in the vidfnity of.Lau I and McGoIIern Itregt taking thit a. light be inland bi. twpenw urn ,V‘Hickory serum was re ered to mission» (Nam. ley. , V _ ' L I _ Held li'iiday Evading; Not Much Business to Transact: Im- prd.vepient Board Meets: ' A refund of 33.84 V“ gnawed Edward, Norriett H't' building Hermit No. 133L ' ; ‘ ' , Paym nt of $800 was allowed Inch L'Criuie on moan! of work in: cono motion with' the cit} pita. . -riliiiG a this Pia A. E. 33mm ream was read nnil placed or} Me. "Ristirru of building eomrnutittrner for October and November! m1 maid and approval. 7 li,' --_-- “j g q Bittif animating lto 86872325179" ordered paid. (, __.---. _ 4 iitGrine the council meiiiitlttse my: meetinz- of {an bond ot',noeat improvements. '; l . ., 1 -e" iriitgicitxed “H.311. mum’s Home» stead subdivision†in: mm?“ ind accepted. - i A .. _..,' i,.. FURNACE (NI), $1511 . '"rr-FriirtYrrrpRAurY, Wat-guilt and 1tthlt Amide; awe or " “m I . _ gays Critic .1 T “Americans ahq‘iuld be, {Meyer grateful top two .thingu." writer) Will, ism Lyon Phelps in the Chrbtat" Seritmer'ts Magazine: “the ttttittiY without ind thetumuce within; , -- ,“Yet we never {get foreign {oi-edit] for our gloriouu sky. For centuries; British writers but mm the beauty of Julian' sunshine, Macaw that an; the only kind they in“. " a matter of fact. the sky om‘ Flor; once is not a dude more blue than the' sky over Bridgeport. Bat 'atg we haveUt' so often, we forget dint t blessing it in. elm?“ asked ' Scot:- man who had stated to Atneriea wharwas the chic! thing in the new country which impiéued him by in dtfteeeneet 'the, blue sky! Then he told me .thnt duritgr'hiis twetitr-fl" you: in Scotland he had new? sien one (by without dough. . I , "Ott the streets of London, ybu an tell, an American from an Eadie}:- man by locking at his feet. The Alb erican wear: the thin low Apr ht brought from home; the .rttsA1ttmyt wen-u heavy high heed aqua-41¢ calls them boots-s-with sole: an inch. thick. Re has to. ' _ l -- "In'the year 1698 the Rowan?! Jae-J my Collier nude his famous attack on the immorality and profaetertemi of the' English stage. All the dramatists 'w. torted angrily except Dryden; who owned up, like the honest than was. Various exphmtions qnd ew. cuses were offered by the others; but the molt original m that than by, William Coupon. This â€comp": _ ed, gentlennn blamed it att on th I weather. He Valid that in mud I wowed by sunshine it in: not mail nary to have n racy rttas.ratttre't' but ' 1 England the climate was to dair _ ing that,the dramatiata veto In du _ bound to furnish any m of on [ tainment that would help memo to forget their iiirv"iiuiiiV This I the only occasion, to for In t hail.- where w, weather hon bien used P, on excuse for immoral plow?" .-‘- ' 3,1111; CAFE’I'ERIA ; , _ will be ‘closed for one week trpm Monday.‘ December 22nd to Smith}. Deeembit 28th for the purpose of installing new muipment; plinth“ decqrnting and altering. It will re- open ‘Monday, December 29tti, "ire, ing its _i1rat meal " lunch time. New 5 gm. Keljutone bunt; Paola, vest. Ind goo-t um, ltre. "V. m. with fhep1., etthirtet kitchdn with Mt nook, concrete foundation, hand". Very :ttructivo and well built. 50 ft. lot, E. s., 6 bum. ttn. the lak). Price $10,000. Buy terms. . ' [ . iust listed} Attract. new 5 rm. pl“. tered Enttiitrh contra; fire pt. :3.W.H. Gar. to match. Nr. tramp. $10,500. j. See us the foe long list " hot-q; vacant, buttress property and mutt, Tel. Highland Park 162 Heinsen & boll 'IOOXIBg Judson Ive. -‘... 100x15 Wade at. wrt..-...-.. Atx180R ter & Sm:- _ Mhatht magnum! dr. I. 240x180Lin en nve.. '..-.- "1:200 N. Sheridnp -T.' Paul Schroeder & Co. 'utArarraitt . 'tmmNttm P. A. TUCKER. [Soul Hunger; SPECIAL DECEMBER PRICE F (Incorported) ( Siege-icon to Edam & Gut 520 CENTRAL AVENUE Phone Highland Put in. Emma - mom» PM For Sale ‘. "rw 'ff lt 035,421 'trt,',', I:'; 9 .'. ft, "gait. .- on. $3: T1ifiitT. tth Adv. 'tjj-iii/iii-it 'tttli, @1139th ‘19 Gotta! Anon Pr"""'" one an: .1 a..- .,... . _ ' FILM CLASSICS Prue.“ i . I _ A DRAMA, WITH A TWIST THAT IS". mrmm E - ' . "DONT WY'FOR MCE‘EY†i Tumnunagnnu 1%“ BBC. nd " '/.. gr POM 'i'2lf,i,t)i)2,tei,'i,l'i.'il'El,: m" Morey, rkieet/it' 5 _ Billing- attd' a more of o in i (r i F “MARRIAGE MOR_ _ l A; ', i," POI “mu-ha: mm. but: has L-ua-u. an. Iâ€; m. mu l, FLORENCE vmon . LLOY HUGHES , 3 DORE DAVIDSON ROBE mason , LAND OTHERS or HIGH STANDING IN TH PICTURE WC 3, A tNft',I melnnge of, been, romance 3 thrillu. " 'ttdt 9mm on he wnteu and it can back and aha." said In F: LSolomon. You will 1cvy.dtfd.T Jet 3333“!“ ' unny wmuthut- ) 'i: Wink-dug“!!- and: mm Dunn-c; W Ba.. P5000194 “than“ HAVE YOU ANY mm txt " "'hKBN OUT on â€mom: Frank J. Brady u, tauori-iFiiiidii “tori - we 1.. It is this picture because it's true to life; .. T m1. - 330KB! ' “WELCOME SfMillill" TEL. HIGHLAND PARK . m. a. was between 6:00 and 7,200 waning: Su " tat for IMPROVED aatd VACANT non-m snow HOWE “WHY HURRY? I til A 1 and the 7 125 North St. Johns: Avenue, _ Telephone Highland Park 388 ,rsiririiiiu Dyan-inn.- “B'I'UPID BUT BRAVE†an EDUC‘ nun! - nonumuc mmwnm‘ , w (iT,'rhW,1's'4R, pum- Am nut-0d w. BARTLETT mil WISH mali)i;ita.iit: tGuiiG iiii, in. a no p. I THE PICTURE FI’ITING THE IME N F The Sena-’1 Ila-t Emu-um NOTARY PUBLIC and "m A GARDEN" I A CYCLONE HOUSE Prrrrriiiililiiifu brim-r a "thm coAurrrmiti-- 1mm " .“DYING FOR LOVE†. ml gig-ed, DAVIS TOURING CAR Winter Enélosure “THE GIRL on? THE sums? Tillman}: a; runny, BULLETIN I ‘suxmifnnc. id (one any in") HELENE EHADWIC _ _ “TROUPING WITH ELLEN: COMEDY Amrsnon'r gum mam human-a- iiTiiiiiiiAy, DEC. " l,' m'rsy RUTH MILLEIE you A MERRY crrltrtrnrAs-ir 'EKRR'Y’gSEMON "KID SPEED" awn: Pagan-d- J.&L. III- a m EDUC 11 AL COME “pm-1%? ty/gig,'? F " 'itit?Fttu -- ADDED l l OF‘FUN 139gâ€; FUNNY USED CAR Featuring $450 uh m Ibo In THURSDAY, gamma " Iâ€! invariant. comm mamas ON ALL Tr 'CAN 1 SURETOGO, i. NEXT FEW MO , I BUY miiiii'i"imuiijD I Is BLACK l 3'?! color sretesr4 bountiful Values Riiiiid “worm anon mt 38mins mi totttoiurnroichrutat,6s == q 'tenb‘thk: we.-', £3, 1 tat',yirt,ttt,2ti't , mi 't5ft.lotiats, bf 'rtas,l/tatw.imrsrtt, . iFsi, ';ir/'iixsii'i moo or . N e.) t,l2t',tht1,g'gl,'il 1.501 bub-um xftts'4 1’ . â€(h-tn] An. l!,let1rji),, 'l)),',!)') 2 "I F. P. Wheisllt Your 4hxnrtimi mac. asi-d ' aec6rteast. rim Show thm) my {All AND will? Phone M. P. 3%, mt You written†Pin-ain't W .6911 "t, in; 5639:? I "e, mad} 4 " "i' "iihnr Jt"Jit, , tttp/h. ' al,',?,',:':,)'!,' “IQ It""' u' M ‘It. NU