Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 15 Jan 1925, p. 11

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HURSDAY. JANUARY of gamma food entertain. ment out mtjmr smooth-- An the Pottd Twin: av: '0'!” day h an!" in. rm'11 and 'twill tter-ov' thr Otter ,rith, out - -We'ge (lulu! in tood-ant-tet. r _ m M. WWW The Billy Bonds: (been “WW“ itll ['4ng L., -1 I 113% 7'sbum ST. JOHNS AVE . Phone M. P. ms Cetftye with the Nr. um by "prttrintr W“ with tht, am! tteat of . -heaithr m. Our milk ind they attoxmd in vitamin“. ". srtfii--'i'itaf')lj)'iii1'iij, 7’31 - b'it a (ttttti",'" Kb, FOLKS GET PLENTY worK iist May _ He,“ es. to arNe the, l dirt Qway . I suns mum! "tiota ttiq chow vocation of W," tf dams. ghél-n teh . [003 it 'tthtel,,', tat, to m clothes Income and alt muse?” 'ti, acute- trt them . Pr: ,etrre an WINTER WARMTH if; “will! - Itprrrcs APPLIANCES CHIEF the " "Th. UM 8min in a pioneer in? the “at. In of mod-anal, con. m, ad in product! one: .Ipplhpces, in Mimi-r. ham s _ ,rtsntortiV 3110,”, according to Julius 1 Beta. director of the bureau of for- ; oten Ind domestic commerce. of the i commerce department. "Likd most i World traveler-3,. these ofBee appliances are diptsb‘e. tnd are made 'to at the requirements of whatever can» (try they enter.' , IS HOMER MAKER MECHANICAL DEVICES Prune“ Ahmed to Use in All Foreign Countries; Sales Abroad Are Increased, Says Report “In 'Nrur,torirutanee,dVritttt the m the gamma“ made i am... tion that all. government communica- tion: must be in the Turkish lan- u'nge. When after , the war, this Insulation continued in force, Amerh an typewriter .eompoties clawed- tH contraction of their machines yo that use Turkfttt languagd" could be, written upon them, and the sale of American Writers in Turkey was resumed. Jn the name my, one ad- ding machine cdmpapy, finding that may could not enter certain, foreign mains because their, machine did not have the capacity for main countries of mull barrenéy value, when the ratio of paper to gold ran- into, the tent and, haired: of thin:- pnds, reconstructed their mucking no "at they. could "It it in the" com tries , AA Ali-toned. h ' I “Having done this, they imme- diately appealed to the harem of for.. sign and dornntic commerce tor,“- Iistence in finding 'ttagua comet; done in several European countries. Thin is one if the services,” continued Dr. Klein. "which the bureau has ren- dered to many producer: of once ap- plinncer. The reports of economic “and trnde conditions, whieh the Bureau issuer, duo help the rre1ttt1 by keeping them ported on MI met-i 1‘ ten pertaining to their business in {foreign tulds. ' One"of theta ttgo- 'c_iuoere recently wrote: ‘We he]; ht 'pretty close touch with the bushes! ccon'ditionr in verlona. countries: Alumni: the department of commerce ireports, which we value.very high- liy’l’, “The sale of oMee appliances mm abroad is an Important part not only that “the export trade of the United B'tt Stat...” Dr. ' Klein explained. "Bit has of the indu'atrlea. :tlxem'selveo. The the "ttttres for the an! nine month“ of w [ 1924 CM that the (min sale- of 1am _ doe ”nuances. Mum typewriter thel nan-cram! ribbons, amounted to 820,- “u 055”. Of Me Iain. typewriters. tala l,1ed. with tttgtlt3,00, and a little over) rec “an: million dollars in typewriter! {no parta- and ribbons." _ l pea In Foreign garb“ i f s All of the large producers otityrrr-) cw writers and other Miee appliances ttoe i have a heavy proportjon‘of their bud-H line ! new in foreign markets. . rem I . "And this foreign busineu is my»; Ing. October, 1924, was the recordi mouth in “Ionian sales a Gciriiiy, pliant. While these product! re well established in the highly n- duetrial countries of Europe and hive penetrated to Australia ind the.Far East, there in still great, Opportunity for expansion in foreign markets With their adaptability to condition, no doubt the" world truck" among United States products will continue to push their way into the remote comma of the earth." , .. . The retail cost (if food in the Unit-i elt States increased one per‘cent in" November " compared with bomber” ihila during the year period ending, Nev, 16. more was . decrease of (moi pu- cent. the department of khor Htl hounded last week. " the ~11 your, peruirendttttt Nov. 16, the hem-e Ini, all article! of food eomhined was: enlightly mm than " per cent. _ a Strictly fresh em shoved the' lust- ' vest increase during the month, mounting t6 14 oer cent, while eter- nn on: jumped 'I‘mcent. Cognac themed 6 percenthrd 5 per e t, human 8 per cent, and staple: such " butter, flour, comma}, aimed _ porn. can}! undue inereastdi2 per' _ mop COSTS RISE DURING NOVEMBER Increase On? Per Cent Retail. _ According to Report Of , 1attior Dept. Darin: the to Number _exoendtty'e f W! . Sixteen food articles decreased in?I price durtmt the month, pork chow; declinimr " per cent, when tr per cent. entrtrag. about!” 5 ptr cent, onions 4 per cent. steak 2 per cent. Smaller declina- were reported tor otherssd:artietes . . Darin: the month from October 15 'to Now-mu: ts, the muse family ",r-efttttre Mr ioorrineAatred as for. - Rochester t per tent, Louisville, New York. Philadelphim 2 pet cent, Ewan. ‘Cincinnlti, Columbus. MB. mukee. Roth. St. Louis tnd Sprh.te-, 111.. 1.110: cent. ' . Detroit. the increase was ten ,5-10~ot one per cent. V The" no change in Indianapolis. , oMee appliancga HAT COBY INCREASED ' _ BY AMOUNT or TIPS Initial‘Expense tge Compare? _':' ---.-"i. l " With Upkeep ; otel Man- T ST I "V I . am Mirovers " i E [ (mgr. AT PARlSulLL, Thirty dollars is the. ttttal cost of a man's lat :12on the initial pur- chase price - (in! 133 if ho ii a put- ron of hotel and ' 'ttP" "staumnt cheek room; ‘ , _ r. l The Grace Dodge determines ttal wage scale try taking the valtyr' of tll') tel jobs In the mprket he a minimum: Advances in salary,m made at roan-r lat intervals and irppisrtmtitits open- ed for promotion. Uniforms are pro- vided and. kept in order. Lockers, (and shown: ard turiilshed employet‘ and a special etttttte.u,trttP,.tht.t may price Pl ILV. Guests whose gratitpde ei caged: all bounds and who feel that any must leave'some expression of iopreeiattot) are t'gt",Lt donate to an tou- eral fund, w th ll distributed 'NOW- ly among the ‘employen at Christ- mai time. Thus the dishwuhet In. hind the scene: is " well remembered as the bell boy. ,') ' Poultry rel-ere in Luke County are c much concerned over the report! , that have been received conceal“ , e . mysterique poultry disease that , he: developedin the, southern part of " the state, baths; been reported from " tinny other sections. . Lake county " Jenner: ere mowo'doamh of!“ their. Geeks‘sethet; hi can the div; I _ use appears. prompt steps my M: L. tokenzto eradicate it. Every pouibls? 1 l pieeautioiis being taken. So fer at , known the diocese hat. not yet ape ' l peered in this county. , . 5 Severe measm'res to check the' du- . ease which har resulted in get, ' goes against live chickens from - . iinoie and mfmunding states, are recommended by Dr. l. B. Boughtqn, .2 acting chief of the aturnarpitthohatr, l a? and hygiene division of ith? college; y. of agriculture. University ot Illinois); 3‘; Sick chickens showing igns oft F: the disease. should be killed and; t) burned along with those t,tt,g1,g,rlti, r 1 have. died, Dr. Boughton rec iiirrti/ fi, Following this, the pens, hdhses and LE lots should be disinfected thoroughly: ii/ and faulty house conditions corrected! glso that the chickens will be M": t , ' I .9; ed ‘fromo drafts and, cold, and dump xi floors, he said. Grain rations should {he reduced and laxative feeds imtt-' Ir imitated. _, ', k Radical meesures such as these may seem severe, but they, are jus- , tituble in'the face of the enormous Hones that ‘alreedy have Jreen caused “e try the present outtrréak/ Dr. Bansh- :ton stated. 7 ' _ SEEK TO PREVENT murmur DISEASE Laird County Breeders Fear 'l Appearance Here of Epi- demieUn Southf” THE HIGHLAND PARK 1mm, 'pramiptat, an. 'taa?ttl'8 3. Use of medicine " to! individual fowl: 'rany, value, as a me “he disease, he a impet- hohsim and to! feeding an at , Drops: 1 of getting the (control. y iuiciia Griruinir fotd acme ' m CORN thtop Less than irtso.ttatt of the com mp in the corn belt states ruched’ m- turity before the hut tri11ingHro" this year, according to reports re- 'caived by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. Usually about 91 per oer“ of the crop reaches matu- ‘ .. ,___-_,__1 -tar. " " '"" Wu- v- -.-- Me_"e ,r . titr by that time compared with " per cent this you. . _ ,3 A recent survey by the 11111de States Department of Agricultural shows that_70 per bent of all eo-ore, ative cheese factories in the United States. are".in Wisconsin, that 00 per cent of tarmersutontrttttt to minn- terprim an located in that 'trto, and that TO per cent ortho bum handled in 1923 by .eo.ueeatiri u- sochtions fat marketing chute m: jammed by Wisconsin meditation}. . IN‘NEW YO STATE I ' ; New York bps 0v 300,000 mot! telephones than. the the eoptitpntt Ist ANU, Asia, Aouth Americmaud Australia combined. ' , hm CHEESE “aromas medicine and the treatment [uni fowl: have little, If g as a means of checking use, he said. Sanitation mains and the right kind . are at present the only getting the sickneu under ROAD CENTER [HE B BASIS OF SUIT The local “aiding of the NM]: lim' which run down $030011“:ch 1mm: paved with. is expedud to be thragtr. ed out in the treemttrthi, at the suit of Winfred R. DuBruiil, of In». vine, Ind., 'againut Edward It. min, of Chicago, _ for $3.000 damn“ for personal injuriel received in a col- liuion on the Dixie highway near Piru,a11. ", _ , -- . .. {Circuit Me John Keisha“ pro- siding inxthe thtst, "trial. Hid don) the general? principal ”at when , motorist We the? black line, doesso sthisownperli. _ The suit' is commanding wide in- terest in. the motoring world. Dy- Brenil was driving south on the Dixie highway; ind Klein was driving north, Evidence showed _ that Di». Breuil kept tp his side of the tthatlt line and was not tiasi'emrut “'de cessive speed. 'Prio: to the collision,7 Klein’s cat“ ran for 100'foet with the right wheels in the mad at the tIle of themed, several inches below (the edge of the concrete pavement. in: attempting to get back on the 1 pavement, Klein tmitlfUd, his ear.w" i'"sruddeniy thrown. clear. terms the (pavement/t getting im the left side iirtthttt1adk1itte. , A _.-'. Litigation [ As Basalt of Fatal A Accident And Appeal Is Taken; Opinion of ' Lower Court ' ' A collision - resulted in which new. wife ml killed,; both men sent-91y muted and Mth “Won him demolished. , -- - . In setting aside the mdiee at h? jury which rbfysed to grant mtBreuit; damage»; Mding for Klein, Judge; Marshall ruled, in put: 5 l "hrittioat of cet i ‘ "Undisrithe .ptstute. and by uni; vernal America: now, iehielid meeting im a public highway mud} pm eacli other on the right. TM .black link divide the richt front the left bide of the gunmen. At, Inutoniubiiea have, thq_riz}{t ff m_ on the :yht side'of the black mark as uni , automobiles going with? opposite direction. In order to pm a. car “going in this some dimetiori, the "iettuside of the pavement an: be occupied temponrily; but in due l cases, tho driver of the posting er must ehiioae an opportunity when hp will not} encroach upon ‘the right! of can going in the omits dimit. tioty In this. cue the plaintiff (Dtps (Brazil), was on the tidltt this df the blue): line, and m in the et- lercuo of due cm for m. m “foxy. ,"The he: that the wheel: of the defendant's car had run oft than“, meat did not excuse him from will: due care not to endanger others. Ordinary care required him to keep hid at under control, and to or certain the whomhout’o of otMr can lining the pavement. Bil an» me “in 'thege respects‘ in plot!” negligent, and, was the~direct cum of the collision. That accident de- "utred solely through; the negligence I of the' defendant wh le the plain Ewan exercising due C re for his own ‘snfety. F . T l “It is no defense at the defend-1 j'ant whet-ed on gut, ' - dop- ) [ages than the plaint ultho result "it the accident. F the fault in l the fahlt of the.aiefe dant Indus, and . ino blame can be jut}! attack“ 1 to the-plaintiff. The wrongdoer must ' ;not only suffer his own Ion, but " must also recompense' innocent per- !sona, iwho are injured " a malt. of ‘; his wrongdoing." ' ' . ' I 'PHONE 'DEVELOPMENT IS SLOW m BRITAIN Far _ Telephone. development in Great’ Biitdin is very fir behind that ii) Arruiriea and most ' continuum! countries. the British pum- geaq'rul told the house of common! recehtl'y, in speaking; for fund: for the xtemion' and improvement at the Brick F mammogram. The in- teritirity of Bri . 'rtdephone sero- viceigwu attributedpiithe poetmnter-1 omtral, to the an: ion of telephone" development durincfthe war. F The house of, common: he: since inathorixed the government to bot, Hair 21q,000,000 fabotit $78,000,000 'ttt 'the current rate of exchqnge) i whteh will be expended on telephone inddltioe" and betterment' during the {native years. , I . . _ MEAT COSTS l It: a study ot :2: retail meat busi- nm the United s tn Detmrtme,tst of} found that of the "brace coupumer'a dollar Mikel by the ".1 hiker the meat eotiti 78.6 emit), the ‘renjiler'a expense! were 19.7 mu. a _ 5the protlt. wad 131'th . What a iisaison'atile wage is allowed fire the prdpr-ietor of the business it Iihird. ly bouible to show a profit on tr: yes:- ly botmne of sales of lens than “4,000 M duputnopt found in its many. .poople my think won‘t lo much at tl b , “1y:wa they will B' cumm- _ m "Behind That of America, It Is Stated; Suspended In . Time' of Var my think that Coe" I much at this ”union, they will spend} a lot "he aa.tttetie, worm bib! - we ttiottiittioni'iur _) very bduxtifnl, but the Jrxnsier'ils' _, attett ask it they had i tto, RAW” VET-rm: 'ttIN",? 84mm In order to give you 1iiitter service: our new number is You eian start tram tli) frank, or back, otin betweeri; and go both wttiti, and ypu my sure to get . Vetter Electric Co. REPAIR woitrx NEATLY DONE Store Phone 679 Lettuce, 15e; 2 forri. Green Beans, qt. ..".. CatthNower ..:v..i), . Fancy Large Celeryg . Cabbage, the lb. .§.. Carrots; 2 lbs. for C in. White Turnips, 10ei lb Spinach, pk.,_ . . , . .?i.C.. Yellow Turmps ik fl); "r"i,iiGP'rt'Giikisuti;Mutor-.-/-"e 'u-c-AIT-r-r- - I Grape Fruit, 4dor)$6e; , for'25h; cull. . J'. 's' . . llt NavelOranges....‘-.“..-...\..;......40c,50t,6&.75¢ FloridaOranges C."r/,C........,...:.aA8!ea1tileat Tmfinesmandm C 1rinsrAprtlt3ill Jiie,-tts...._..........-.1!le FatierEatingA ,'riiiiii.jiiertts...=a..r,-cy,,t JonathanApples, iGx-.C...'.....t4.00andtMll Fiuiea1ihrridahtj' iitGiit,ierhitdttse...8lhr Fancy California? b' empa- half box ......33.16 1iatidyJuier1i'1 h0ranzes,hdfbox.......$3,15 FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Imported and Dtitiesrtk Groceries and Olive Oil _ ,,N ' "rs, _ K _ 'iw, guy. ' PICCHIE'ITI BROS. BUTTERSCOTCH fl Ari Ice Cream Brick of de- lightful richnes's, unique fla- vor andi'fcr'ea‘my smoothness SPECIAL {1301203 N EW Y O R K ICE CREAM "rURErt g: new WORKED” 2222 -LTariG iiiriiru mus/m n...- DELIVER ER‘EE This Week The 'istuw1sorrP"-r'tt, {mumg mmzanmw urtisor)rtiiaoeirootrttulmr, “pram ff‘useugaw sitveidotumagotmd.' ‘; aid in}; (in in!“ inch; work a Ttotd, pron” m, Mall of msatrs " with tttel-t mud-ll and work. Wt}: Walled. IretttNtoeys fe.. Wm -ts, cor-lieu. out, and. to order. at actively wind. Large or and! yttremtdertatren. Good work guaranteed at fair price: - 50c Henry G. Winter 48 North First Stud F Phone 685 ', SKYLIGHTS aunt It“! PAGE ELEV“ Iitess.pttoase6" mg in

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