in , H H r, 'R "unditrtdderteitias. Claimed beggars standing on street .ctorrterro over Europe. In Illinois they are not content to stand, but theyntontinth’roudundukfor "-autoysohiltaur. -. & - Next Sunday the entire collection taken up in the Sunday school will be given to the piano fund. , - The teaehera and omens of the Sunday school will meet in the Sun- day school room: Friday evening It T.go sharp. This meeting is very im~ atortant and every who? and ofBeer flank! make a “new wort to be Wm. -', _ Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Reeds and ' family spent Sunday with Mr. Reed's brother, H. C. Reeds of Joliet. I AM the American troops get order_mtoud in Pusan. they should come home ind mtg" it in our Rama†mm a. dummy Gnu-u sed Note- Tha introduction of the nrltttrsetfe wot! books in the 6th and Sth grades In: greatly increased the intend of the clues {OF arithmetic, and is red DUMB. in thi, ditsplaetttstpf the. Sign] {renewal 'enthuaiasm. "the work. book it onentially a drill hook‘giving opportunity tor drill in the tpptur mentsls. Twenty minutes are allowed to work correctly as mny as he can in the allotted time. At the end of the period he rates himself and enters his rating on a progress chart, so that " a glance parent or tucker can see his progress in the subject. Furthermore, opportunity is given for extra practice and a premium is ttttt on speed with accuracy. Thrift report. 78 per cent, pchool nvenge. $32.80 total. There}. were. three roy'" having 100 per cent: 8th. 7th. and 2A. The banner was ttivpn to the 8th grade; the reason being they had more money per pupiL Mrs. Frederic McLaughlin (Irenq Castle) of Highland Park gave birth to a child at the Michael Reese hos., pital' Saturday night. It only lived thrde hours and died at dnwn. Sun- day. Major nnd Mrs. McLaughlin have been living on the Alexander place, north of Deerfield, Mnce Inert spring. Mr. Otto, principal of the Deer, field grammar schol, has charge of the Junior Red Eros: roll call. Tise work-book will-be adopted in the 7th and 8th grades " soon as they become anihblo. _ _ 2nd gnde: Anna Wildhagen, Peter Duffy, Richard Bcttman, John Eng- act-om. 4th grade: David Stryker, Shirley Clark, Catharine Cunningham. Don't forget the ban-r nnd supper Thursday evening, Oct. 29, at 6"o’clock at the Masonic Hall. The Sunday, school is having 1 speck! booth where they will all good home-made candy. the proceeds will go toward the piano fund. ' PAGE EIGHT .. lst grade: Jane Wilson, Mttrgiret Otto, Daniel Pennel, Dorothy Peters. 3rd grade: ‘Lois Parson Marie Daniela. ' Miss Olga Hansen of Minneapoliq Minn., spent Thursday and Friday, with Mrs. Harry Clavey. 'tf"'""""'""'"'"'"""""'"'?. 5; BUNGALOW CHURCH f; g: DEBRFIELD , Piano: pupils of the ‘primary de- partment are: A - u _ Mrs. Julia Peterson and family spent the week end in Waukegan with relatives. t F The Temple Association will give a dance and card party at the Deer- field Masonic Temple Saturday eve- ning, October 30. T l A valuable asset to our musical work in our church is the new con- crgrt grand piano which has just been purchased. Come out next Sunday evening when the orchestra gives its concert and enjoy it and our new con- cert instrument with us. _ -irrl.-rurr, CLIV'ey had as her week ‘end guest, Miss Catherine Me. Laughlin of Chicago. Mrs. Harry Clavey has issued in- vitatiotts for a Hallowe'en party to be given It her home on Second street Saturday evening. Don't forget to come for a real good time on Friday evening at eight o'clock. The Christian Endeavor is giving a box party and n hallowe'en, party in otut Every lady or girl will make boxes fer the men to buy and enioy. Come masked or not, as you choose. The decorating of the pri, mary department in the basement has been completed and the church piano purchased and placed there. We wilt now be able to carry cn the work much more efheiently. 't+Fr+H"b+o+oooo++ro+oe.-t.o-'.-t, _ Rev. F. Piepenbrok, minister [ 1 9:1ir--Sunay school. 10:30---Chureh service. English. Special Reformation service will be held in English beginning At 10:30. On Sunday morning Rev. Williamsg will preach the first of a series 0;; sermons on the "Work of the Holy! Spirit." These messages will prove' both helpful and interesting, we are; sure. Plan to be present for the en-' tire series. _ ' 1 Rey W. Williams, pastor. Sunday Scholl at 9:45 a. m. Morning wor hip at 11 a. m. Christian' Endeavor at 7 p. m. Evening service at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evev nine eight o'eloek. BT. PA UL’S EVANGELICAL CHURCH t-FFt+t.q4..t.-ysu-.t4 l A modern home in which electricity will do practically all of.the house- j, hold work will he opened Saturday, EOctober am at two li, m., at 1602 75. Green Bay mad, by 'the North Shore Electric league. An ipvitation is extended to the general public to visit this electric home durihg the ex- hibition; which will tontinue for up. proximately two weeks. . .The rich beauty of old Spanish architecture combined with ultra modemness of the twentieth century are strikingly apparent in the High- land Park electric home. The court- yard with its sparkling fountain, the long ftieht of stairs from the plaza leading up to the living room, the antique, wrought ironwork about: the windows, the nicely terraced lawn in which a built-in garage is concealed from the street-all are pleasing 'in their novelty and are direct deviations from the commonplace. I _ Friday-- 4:00 Lcwa Camp Fire girls in charge of Miss Gladys B. Russ sell. r 6:30 Annual Father and Son ban- quet at the parish house. Mr. S. J. l Duneart-Clark, editorial writer on "The Chicago Ibnmirut Post," will speak. Mr. George W. Campbell, of the Y. M. C. A. college in Chi.. calm, will lead the singing. The bows of our Junior, Intermediate and Senior departments and their ‘fathers and, grandfathers are in.. ' vited," also their Church school teacheLrs and the members of the '.eesesio and hoar'd of trustees. Please send in your postal card of acceptance. Saturday-- l 10:00 Blue Bird 'Halloween partyn Suttdayv-- " 1 9:45 Church school. '; 11:00 Morning worship. The Rem} Frank Fitt will preach on "The,) Marks of Christ," b l 7:00 Young People‘s society. Mar-l shall Carqueville will lead the discussion on "Our Society." Al- lan Porter, president, will pre- side. Tuesday--- V 6:30 The first regular Church School Worker's conference 9 dinner will be held in the Parish, . Home. Important business is to) l be brought up and every teacher __ , is urged to be present. The de.. c portmental conference will be held " 8 o'eiopk. _ 4 . 4:00 Regular meeting of the Blackfoot Tribe..Boy Rangers of , America. Mr. Herbert R. Smithi in charge. _ l Wedttesar--- l 3:80 Meeting of the Week Day, classes in religious education It the Masonic Temple. third ormi, Miss Lillian Ellington. molten? These classes ore for the children} (, of the fourth, fifth and sixth' f. ttrades. F l 8:00 The third study on the Book of Isaiah. The topic will be W’s Conception of God." h to+eo9oooooo't-""4+"4'ott ., Cf , u v nA‘uuulv‘nu unnu-wu-a k . o o '0 0000.09 00' ,...t.ooe.t..4dt, .'.-'.onuo-t-y-.'-'.+'.-'.-'.m'+'.su-'e4-y4 . . o .t ' ST. JOHN'S v? EVANGELICAL CHURCH W. F. Suhr, pastor. Sunday School at 9:30. _ German service at,11 a. m. V English servide " 8 p. m. . Holy Communion will be celebrated at the morning service, the eonfeir. sional service beginning at 10:30. The Reformation will be commem- orated at both services. _ . . . ' . . . . ' .g.............g.....g..g..,.....,.g Corner Green Bay road and Home- wood avenue. Rev. K. A. "Roth, pastor. . 9:30--Sunday School. 10:2ir--Mornintt worship. Morninsrworship is conducted in the German language every first Sun- day of the month. Sunday, Nov. Ist, being Reforma- tion Sunday, 'Ccmmunion . will be served after the services. _ . ' . ' ' . . t . . ' ..n...........:..,.............g..g.).4)..., F+toe+FFH+t-'.-'e99+ West Central avenue. 'y4e.yq+'e.'s-'s-'.+t-'.+'e4-'e4-'mu99-'., H. P. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH y . . o o t o . I 'e04o04+'.-'..4-'e+t+', Electrical Home Here Sponsored by 41 Women's. dubs, among those hum: booths m: Apron booth-Mrs. tk E. Brown. Mrs. W'. D. Hurlhut. Irvin: Put Wonun’s club; eapdr-aEm.', “on; Osker, Prltirie sate club; do1u--WB. . The annual bazaar for the ttenetlt of the San): Hacketh Stuntman Mem.. orial Home will be held " the, Park- way hotel, 2100 Lincoln. Park, West, ‘November 6 and g, 10 a. m. to 10 p. In. Mrs. Roy o. Nemitn, 1htyiTtan:, Mp. E. J. Braueuf, maiden. - "g MEMORIAL HOME T0 , . BEI‘VEFIT BY BAZAAR 41 Women’s Clubs Participate In Affair,at, Parkway Hotel November " _ Glencoe. ' The novelty of theth is not " together teonfined to the outside. Within, one itr instantly delighted with. the skillful may old' Spanish architecture, with its nucleation of the Moorish, is combined with pree- ent-day electrical a ) Lamps galore add touches of live co or to the stueco walls. Perfect illum nation with its. soft eye-pleasing ta T, enhtutte the rich interior and bring out the splen- dor of beautiful “testifies. Then, too, the myriad of electrical appli- ances appeal to the (vortten-folk who know what a task it’ll: to run a home. _ _ ~34 GRACE M. E. CHURCH , It is urgegl that persons wishing to become members of the league will tend for applications to Mrs. Edw. A. Brion, 755 Greenwood 'avenue, The offieers for the year are: Ru, doiph ingerie, president; Sybeii Ven- nema, vice president; Allan Philbrick, secretary; Grace Grion, treiasurter; James Cady Ewell, chairman of ex: hibitions; Anita Willita Burnham, chairman of programs; Cora Davies, social chairman; 'Sybell Vennema, publicity chairman; Auguste "Babize, financial, chairman; Edna Peterson Johansen, membership chairman; Charles Jones,-auditing chairman, also, as directors .with the board-s-Frank C. Peymud. Hugo Wm. Hoefsten, Mrs. Jos. P. Gallager, Percy B. Eekhart. A tsi,trnifieant feature about' 'the Highland Park electric home is the number of convenient outléts wliich have been instilled. Totalling nearly a hundred one finds an electrical out, let within a short distance of any spot in the house. i _ At a board meeting of the North. Shore Art leakue, last week, plans were' formed for the winter meetings and activities are now/ under flay. Regular meetings of the league will occur the last Thursdays in the month at Community House, Winnetka, un- less 'notice. of changes are sent out. The first meeting will take place at Mat: Hall, Community Home; Win- netha, on Thursday, Nov. li. (This change owing to Thanksgiving occur- ing on the last Thursday) in the form of a sketch "exhibition and dinner. This will be It real get-totrether re- union of all artists and members of the league. A delightful evenintr'hr anticipated. All members being urged to come. _ 653051). m. Epworth League. Topic, "Rebuilding Broken Altars,"(1 Kings 18:30-40). _ .4 7:45 p, m. Evening Service. Tuesday, Nov. 3. Woman's Foreign Missionary society will meet. with Mrs. Chas. Kiahlman at 1021 Fort Sheridan avenue at -2 p. m. N. S. ART LEAGUE . MEETS NOVEMBER 5 'Sketches' done by different groups or individuals the pastye'ar will be exhibited. New; iGhisi, karma“; irfaiseV' William B. Doble, minister. 9:60 ft. m. Sunday School. 10:45 B. m. Mornirig Worship. . 3:00 p. m. Juhior, and Intermedl: ate Lelagdes. _ Change Meeting Owing to Thanksgiving Falling on Regular Meeting Day Wedn'esday. Nov. 4. Mid-Week new.- ice followed by monthly official board meeting. . - Anniial Bazaar, November 12 grid 13. Keep dates in mind. ml HIGHLAND an: "tmt-mt/im' 13px. Imam; W t'ih l c. P. .iiijev,2te, um!» and Links - food-- rs. Wallace: link. Arehe blah; Fortune" ttttttie-ated. Opt! Juno; Mr Ludw- and Batrrlr-iNee, Wm R. Oink. Rogers Put Wain-11’s club; tdttattr-cMm. J. tl 0111163,!an emo'od Woman's clubs, Mrrtitgvu- 1Nrs. Gavel]. New' Church; Utility-- Mtg. I. Ar. Mamba, Austin ijnan’s OPEN EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND gummy mnmiNq UNTIL 10 O'CI-OCK Bind? ind: lunchaon renamed: days. Aim. Hi 'r"tttit'ar"/t1teiait.' Th y fanning... m ‘ guest: " 11 In ent’erttinod by (tp of tho' , pow appearing in the prom t theatres. Pun! Ash wag in present Friday evening from tr: to 6230. V: I I a 5 The Highland Park,Bluineu In“ Bowling Itt,t T", organiu‘d on Tuesday even ng, Oct. ’26, in t'g,t barber sbop. Many business In and the captuim of the bowling tum at- tended. iRuymond Sheal'geh in. ketair.. man. William McNully was dated presidim,1 of the ‘lugue; George hu- hen, gammy and John Kelly, urer. Qhe.aettednl'e foi the . , ting tournament was urn-mg d and (capt- ed. Medals tind cash rises Wm be awarded to the winnerd. I t ' club. ;* 'l, 'Iw Card hetuf we» moons. mu Manhuntâ€, 4ttirmnas, ', ', Meeting Held Tuesday Evéning "snil Schedule of Gama .. _ ItrArratttted i mmrkiissjmm FORM i,), . NEW BOWLING LEAGUE The pgog'rsm for November is as follows.: Monday, Nov. 2, Guinea's vs. McClorv’s taxis; Tuesday,’Nov. S, Studebaker Bix Sixes vs. North Shore Gas Co.; Thursday, N tr, 5, Fall‘s Clothiers vs. Duffy & Cir','.,' Friday, Nov. B. Highland Sweets vs, Tony’s Barbers; Monday, Nov. 9; Gun nett'rvtr. Btydettttker Bix Sixes; Tueu day, Nov. _ 10, 'Fell‘s Clothiens vs. Highland Sweets; Thursday, Nie. 12; McClory's Taati's vs. North Shore (his Co.; Friday, Nov. 18/ Tony’s Barbers vs. Duffy & Duer; Monday, Nat. 16, Gametes 'sm.")':' Barbers; Tuetw day, Nov. 17, Duffy a Daffy vs. Stu- debaker Big Sixes; Thursdav/ NOV. 19, McClory’s 'Nxi'ie vs. Highlsnd Sweets; Friday, Nov. 20, Fellfs Cloth- iers “(North Shore Gas Co.;‘,Mon- day, Nov. 28,l, thyrnett't' vs. North Shore Gas Co.; Tuesday, Nov, M, Stu- debaker Big†Sixetr vs. McGlory’s Tsxi’s; Thursday, Nov. M, =Fell‘s Clothiers vs. Tony’s Barbers; Friday, Noe. BT, Highland Sweet's vs. Duffy & Duffr. ' ', , _) ' All matched will be played in the Majestic bowling alleys. q " detiehU. m, John M. Smyth, Jr., President 9a®W§m€MMQmé J' _"".',:" $3}: To, ipbitain just: the proper in daily: accompliqhed in the a wrrhivia wide vat-jet? of l Third Floor. . (, 5% Fireplace I Truth in Advertising i,ti'a',iii',2!,is',ii, tet "ttttl tti'tit,ir)i.ilt, _ 'f,llt'" n 1 ' 4' ,., hm" C 'wr, ':,,m , humane: i's W' 3m tn.†Thi We! rilihtthitt the tymetit for ttty ftttt) eh! ' skatinarpond _ my fix quit-l- ly lnvwhd. . . " j' 'ii,, (, l worms. ok AW} lfucu or Wane nu mg: oft moro- gmon "To . man my!“ ohmmncs r 'iinr,yrritu,,ai or 0233mm ' pumm- _ PUBLIC _ NO T 1318' HEREBY GIVEN by the Idiot Appeal. at tho Village of la. Illinois. that on the 16th day (t 1'0an. 1995. atvjs o'clock p. m.) pursuant to a po- titat. signed by Willi": PM“, a property owner (t '"tm Ruldence District" of the Village 6‘! Deerfield, Illinois. iiii,iiiifii'i chance the new existing Bottine iitdnee of the Vil- latte of Deertleld quads. lo, u to exclude all of the to luring described New“: “Witt: i _.' -.. A. . OAK Giiiiiii'ii'rfr',ri,rli,' _ I To GIVE‘MASQUE BALL - The South Rn ttttdet',:', gutter-of Secti T ; 1thrbtt (88). Township Portrt ',, "rl North. Range Twelve ( ', Fe 10! mini PHIL; lying W t the Rhino-of. Way of the Ch ' ,‘Jlilnukee' 5 St.. Paul Railway. I throat-in- eluded in W. F: ' go's Subdivision (I‘eubdivieion of 'of theWoeth- west Qunrter of iiiti,ii', Thirty-tic (32) and the No t" Quite: of Section Thirty-t 5-183). Township Forty-three '(43 iNerth, Elm Make (12) E oft!“ ‘M P. IL. described " foil 3: Beginning " I point on the Eu It T of the North- east Quorter of Section Thirty- two, (32),: said p0 t being 7102 feet South 011E130 _ It corner of the Southeast flea» aid Northeast Quarter Section. ea West‘pu'lllcl to the North line d mutter see- tion, 169.0 feet East "line of (Emmi avenue. t 'INorth on "the Eat line of Gran a I ue, 466.2 feet to u point 255.0 f :South‘orun North line of the a tt 'tid (fatter ac. tion, thence East F “the North. line of said qua r edition 66.05 feet to the Westerly it Hofduyiine of the Chicago, Mi be a St. Paul Railway, thence oddineteriy along said westerly Rig t-of-zvey line. 06.2 feet, them Wett9Mf. feet to plus of"tetdrtnititt/ all iti fthe Village of Deerfield), beet vitii all that part of said W. F. Pin trehi Subdivision rr- ing in Section 'rtyfthree (88) 'nd tif gt,',",? in km: t: . I; ' In otfthc ti : rt _ (4 ( , T W t it an a t" n Ly, tt '.' lp 343's of ' of of 'iitii,s? No _,t .c H83] (48 (Not ', ova. Mo 5: Bell a. It got f .8961 Poll t balm laconic, ties far your mm ' ' hull. thnrth sum. _ . l iimL..-thit, displqy it, on on, ' F'urnishings ' ofithc Northwest hr (48) o ' 1"lrd id tbe 8rd t :11“ Wttht-etfe ait t Milwaukee l a t that'part-inp 'lp n's Subdivision 107*de - transits ~mpon'rz1u' . ' no... A. Suygh, Vied President Mrhtst Quarter of 25183). Tmnhip ’Notth. Rum of Lam 326 P. Mi, I: Berinnimr at I It T ‘of the North- , Section Thirty- It being 710.2 feet x " corner of the aid Northeast e on West‘pnnllel f d3uamr see- "'t"-7'C"TT-T iii, r' Mdtitnerq a _ More Aid 1 a, tt â€on (Nu of oe tho Jimmie TI a a! Darts“. 1m: I†apdpu of but 1 w pitAtrt' delimit" a... M, the awn: be mad chum. Sol â€NOTICE 18 31- tr maps of an l ll be aece"ibh THURSDAY. across: as, as ttttpturtltrtr,t'a'ufllt/ R a 0N“. M M“: 'd a'iuuttoveer-nthjisiiMfuee"y -* iiuiianoiiieauouortuAntuil,, i), J, otD.er6eld, Illinois. forth l 1. l ae,itimtttrmaetsrrterdettqttrrr. ii, ssi'rimaei.rhtg.?ftrttrrttee'd, 'ill, tG"ttrs!tdrurAtiitrofmakhtor-ett " JruP,'g'g,e'heg,'S', 5"" Mill-II. ' tlriautyoitiutefiehr mmmomavnbp tttree",""'"'.""""", ,"i's"itaarniir'r.,suu,_punou,tta Mttrarot_pf.ttte.c1.ef,.. _ _', Answering. _', smucoonxn, V mmw.nusso, l ' nmnnmmnn. V -- FRANKBEKPBTEAD, BoardorArpeu_oftu Villages Lost His oach-- vi, aTiGiiiVGE "Wk-hi - {mm the data conn- trr-with/ro. that who your but. Saw - â€and: my Mt 1"g,tg'S'gt a an: “use 'dh'lWg',ll,ill ' Jon-Myra]... nun-gm 'jiiiiiiiijeiidt,t/) Hekoatdrheee'sete il tl 5.1.: t' i3 L1 W341