Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 3 Dec 1925, p. 10

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Ev"; ROGERS 52-pin. not "c-.-'-..,,..., ROGERS 13-pin: at -i---.-t4-.. 20-year no, a “an .-.--".---. ore. Eve-inn an ' p. I. _ Representative state champion demonstration teams will give daily illttstrntedHeetures on ivttrftttea club projects and teams of Indiln man will give special performances. Then will'be n style show in which one girl from each. state will act is We! infci‘othing she has made intuit. The Nltional Hearth Cbntest will be decided between the bays and girls wlio have been deelnred chnmpions in BOYS-GIRLS CLUBS . TO HOLD Gy, The Fourth National Bows' and Girls’ can!) Column will be held, in its own building on the ground: od the Interim ml Live, Stock Expo-Won in (mg, November with to Dem- ber 4th, with over hum hundred chunpion club neuritis attCtl'teir lenders in attendance. ‘ [ PAGE TEN In Ou‘Bnildin; on Ground“)! International Livestock . Exposition iss,.;" $50.00 Punr Beam Carbonated Jeweler and Optician ', 392 Central Ave., Highland Park CASH OR CREDIT . The Best Gift of AU-DIAMONDS " Evening: an I p. I. Bee Our Window Dinky - ' I 8PM EVERY WEEK . Full Quart ll Efi"""rjty"j" 50c I. H. NEMEROFF DTvH-d anWn-m Cal-panth- m BOLD (it as high as $800.00 SPECIAL 18-h. White Gold Ring, canned; set with Blue-whim din. SILVER FOR THANKSGIVING Have us hold one for Xmad. White Gold Engraved Sapphire Set Crown Wrist Watch Mold. $15.00 This Week NUT and FRUIT COMBINATION 'frNrW'7:trTrirtTi'pa8P5'T'0T, gZSolid 18-kt. White , Gold "--"---'t-----' $8.00 Bet with 3 Diamonds -$25.00 l4-kt. White Gold Engraved. Fancy Case; Jeweled. to order is made right or we don't want you to accept it and buy for it. Do you need a hood over your kitchen range, on ash or gut-base can, I lead; er or runner, tt tin roof, a' men] ceil- ing, ete.? Let as tttrur'e on it. [ Puridn does-myth: wealth as way other state does, but Nat wait till they get nil the wealth-{n the country down theter-Boaton Tran- script. . “The juniors will aim their but: heaven in the live stock-feeding litre teats and their club' coin In . special junior =chu of the tn ' Grain {yd 1ut Show. , an!" contents, of the EM V pm. F611 the first time, chum hue been -addketTWrFiiTrrFRRi6ter-d-rotatoa exhibits: in the Club cm», and: state being moved fp make 1 'trirtgV entry. There will also!» an exhibit of canned goodl, clothing, room im- provement dhtpiar' and paste" with ‘ons entry from , “state. . ." . Free White Go” Club with . _ each watch ".' their 1iasteaitateca!hiNi--uadgrr ship Trophy will be, poehrdo_d in the. boy mick] than new MAM most outstanding balding) to: the' year in club work kick. itrttim United SVMIA ___ 't_.,.. HENRY G. WIN'I'I 48 North First Street Phone 635 EVERY ARTICLE [WE MAKE SPECIAL WEDDING RINGS $18.00 ELGIN benetit, we had through myyun and we are ttUd to think that we in" them "ill. Dr, Voiced is no 19m PM! eh9rtitfNttttreMtehirrd, he in leaving- ur'ior-i'iiir 7GiirGaiiii'i self. The very thought of self-odver-i Citing would be repel out. As a young man he' had studied the' writingLo! John Henry Nemqnlnd in the in-' timacy of to. study he mice and to! u friend Nmnn’a description of a' gentleman. Th9 mud felt that no} consciously the reader no thing . descriptiopM M. l ' ' Hip consecrated spirit. hia imam ml balance. his tht-trt-ri-the" ; gifts)! his, freely bestowed for our l With this gift (of spirit there has been given to us 'a gift of mind: If Dr.‘Wolcott had not been an until-inc rector, giving much time to the do. tails of tasks which made a differ. ence to the rest of its. he might have been a scholar in thvprofesaionn1 sense. As it is he urges with him the atmosphere of echo "hi; and as far as his activities allow s keeps himself informed of the findings of the scholars. There are always book. in abundance about his home and it one calls upon him the chances nre 'that he is reading. And yet he iteier limits himself to the writings that deal with his profession. He rooms in many fuldtt of knowledge and one hes only to draw him out in convers‘a-‘ tion to find,the surprising resource’; of his mind. With this intellectual; discernment theres, is the blessing or, to balanced outlook which enables him ( to see the weak points of all extrema :ists. We know that hid judgment is (never wild. ’. ‘_ _ Above all Dr.,_Wolcott. stands tree fore as as a Christian gentleman ent, bddying a tradition‘whieh is 'at once a mixture of the old world and the new. He cannot be described as eith.' er- bid-fashioned or modern. The, qualities that! bring him before our mimu--triiitple faith, charity. courtesy, unhurrying . accomplishment - one timeless. 'As he lived ambnzst us' he was far sway from all suspicious and geslouaies. It is Monk to think of him as having in enemy. Never once has he sought to msgnii’y him- The outstanding gift which Dr. Wol- cott has made to Highland Park, is the spiritual quality of his personality. This was just " definite a poiver for those of us who seldom heard him preach as for those who were main-g her: of his own congregation. We have not needed his utterance to be convinced. To one watching him on the. platform st some public eerei many, chatting with him in his home; seeing him wall: down the streetreon-, ferring with him on some committee; the man himself was s proof of.1ife's hunseen values, He has been the me- 'tor of a local church, but there has been no partisan rejudiee in, " deal- ing with iii:?',?':'.?,'),?' like could be sure,of courtesy I nd Kindness at hisl hands. One nev r thinks of his} churchmanship o the fact that he wears the unite of his oMee, for his main impress on upon us is born of his mysticism! that high reach of the spirit which infinitely greater, than our commo eutstifieatiortts and divisions. When F' wmunity can lay claim to and who“ ;carries this' priceless gift of Winner-ad person- ality, can lay claim to him for thirty- four years, there is 'csuse for grati- tude. The effect if and! a life, deal- ing with the invi ible dnd’ intangible, refuses to be measured but it is al- together too u',',',',",),',',':',',',),,",' not to be valued. ‘Such a tft expression in 11* page: '01 our local newspaper ls all the more (whiz when we remember that for more] than It. generation pr. Wolcott was not only" recto; of‘Trin- lty ehumh,.bitt an active..citinen owl Highland Park; He was never nu} row nor exclu‘pive in his eympa . m served our whole community an not merely a dt of our commander, There is no _ living in "tralidtiirit', Park today, tt even er.e1udtt.hp the“ moat recently pended citizen, who ' not proittintr by his untirinz zeal toi, the higher interest: of our city. gVDr, Wolcott’a itftoru are aeen today Jst our high achool buitdinrs. Our library owe: more to'jhim than to anyone else. During the World war he was pretident of the Community Service board. Since he ttrat came to us he has watched Highland Park quadruple in porruhtt.ionriytultirt1v its resources, increaae its homea and establish its self as a leading Chicago suburb. During this period of growth and ex- pansion the entire conutttmitr.has felt the touch of his guidance. Highland Park has many 'worthy citizens, but no other citizen in its history has given hia'aervice so freely, no patient. ly and for no long a time to ita high- est interests. Dr. Wolcott has been a beloved and respected figure in our midst. for thirty-four years. H eie known by every group. We have con- fidenee in his judginente and we know that we can always trust his moi tivea. That is a great record. Sunday tn.) Monday of tid- week were et guide a; any: of spacial my acuition for‘Dr. Peterth Wouott at he elapsed hid omit! random Wards Trinity Episebpnl church from "tt of' rem w reetor.ett.torittttr. I! ' faithful partshiomirs divs-Irina: pt? ice: and' out "(no comm t 'trirrttrieiatior't a! it: work, among; them; an macaw in which Mm.: Woloott had lie UM It would seem appropriate that dug-g ing the same in! that. should be an expression of ithe “imitation and by. alty in whichiDr. Wolcott is Mid by tttd large story of when; with Air nbt connectedlwith his parish. , 1 ma tksirANi, PARK wuss, mULata, PARK, An Appreciation 'ii' M bt i'i'jii) That the jdminlehntioni intends that the "ttre of the -tirtent shell lie conducted in my orderly eqd‘ btttiItettikeiderthr is evident by the: "tittttihltmmtt, of; a , program (ot economy in purchasing for all seven-1 ment doptat'tttitttta the country over. This'hu been'ordered by Brig. Gin. H. C. Smither, V Chief, Minster. This; bushes-like Nan, of'Gentra1 thnithtr will not only save money for the monument by preventing differ.. ent, branches of the same from bid., ding again“: each other, but it will also furnish a study of a nation-wide buying situation. “ . V but wean-poet to see him in Highland Purl: aghin: , Our oommunitj "ill 're- quires hia presence to: we "V date what he has been, is my. and an be to as all. In the WM we a!” him gut éyyitmtylrytioe a he lay}. down the burden of his 043cm task And bid him Godtsreedeir"1tt en- tera on a time of well-eqrned rest; GOVERNMENT PLANS ECONOMY PROGRAM , Illinois Bell, 'i)eietohon e 5' _' _ Change; in Method ( of Completing .“Stf’ati’pn-tGStaftiOn” Calls 1 r ,.W}}éelihg to HigHuland Pafk, both waj C V Twenty-hub "atrtsHrxperUnee' in the fuel oil business in Chifago and no! t 1 Nortt Slam than plant nah it ible ftr every North [Show home to r prompt deliveries of enctly tht co grade of -oil for, any make ,of oil I From the North Show phone our ' , T . Prom Cl EVANSTON STATION i T V m _ _ Ladle: an}! Gents chum, Mu. M All our, fuel oils are thoroughly ttlt- med and stained. No dirt to clog your burner. Our oils are low cold taht out will not conga! in cold weather. is now obtainable for itoith ShOre USERS from our nit quarter-millionu-gallon storage plant in EVANSTON. _ made proniptlrwith the fitted tank trucks money can b _' M.-WOLAK ' 102 North First Street Tel, B. P. 1866 . General Tailoring I’VE If you desire ing or Highland'Parl a toil or 1ongyiisstanee tinue was]: your local plate the call with th 'iiiii"'t'h'iii “After the above mentioned datp, in ‘making "station) .to-station” calls to Highland Park fiom Wheeling 0 Wheeling. to Highlangi Bark, please give the local oper atonthe number desired; the same, as (ou (iii in making d, local tall; for exam ile/WhWing 128 itr Highland P3113? 1284, and remain iii'? the receiveriat your ear until't copneetttm is estab . _ edL. , _ l _ ', In order in render', quicker and mote efficient t'r,',It from Wheeling to Highland Park, birth ways, a ne ' method of handling _')sttitioirtisataiiori" calls will be in) augurated effective December 1; 1925. j _ . f I A "uatieto-1tatioi" call is dtsilmsd he a call to a tele phone number where, the eallinr,parta/ will, talk to any; one who answers. i . l 4 l rF1E1h "vriNiaNclsorrirNm LL-Oll with a particularjperson in Wheel, F to reverse the eharges, qr make' icall to ariyarthtsr int, please con. I otieratottor “Lon Distance” and " operatir. '3 " T . ,imrklinir tor the holidays. If it is th appropri- ate, the sensible, the distinctive, or t e unusu- ally tibefurgift you are' seeking, come to us. we have it audit the price you ean.atto to pay. , Come and-see the Wilt diapl C,hriBtrntvsmierieunditse - all fresh, sparkling tor the holidays. If it is ths I,', The Aoat beautiful and most um tian of Ch'rigtmu Gifts in town is my ypur inspection. V ROBERT W. PEACE _ ' Pharmacist Opposite Northwestern Pusan)» lill t-ECA"T§:v\ . Thousahds ' of _':', A 1' "Gift Thtgs " at Our S re , Comdany Lynch-Christ” Fuel] oihr--. "More Heat Pd i'ih THURSDAY] was!!!“ a, this Mm OFFICE mum mo kw modern VS Lug eoliee. ready for we of our from on; an clean . “up" ‘ - t5itW,,?, a; m Bitt, e, m kw c: ”.153" 5.5242 Pd 'Tfl DRY BUG m rm: Fori uh Wi the

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