- 7" --"9, “‘1 Thou Mich-tint m, Joseph unwell. Robert Buckley, Elinor a, Billie 05114., In, Crabbe, In Prawn. Katharina Bud, Ann illnyRolhnd Baltim- Pagan. u may, Chuk- Btoelo, Caroline, truirimel, Barbara Bnlhrd, Janet Priscilla Cunt, Cu! Wil, net ',:Bard, Ethel Berkaonand Shir» My auxâ€. l l Th pupils of Miss Pym-m. Carver 2tr"'getPt.it.al l'? SIM!) my Mst cAItyiiiirGiiiFEir' -‘ 5 m mama MAY 22! Summer "'.._.t--, .. iiiiiGiiii"iirL' i’Autttnn .-- "ete _-.'---, 'r...- Ruth Pardee Wind: MP-t ___ te T -"tmer.se Virginil Wilson 'murint, and May Day Dnneerer--Bet- ', ty . scum Ruth mmeh, ha. f Clirke, Pauline. Davis. 12imtreth ', Maeharen, Joul'Goocl-nn. Diane , w, Ruth and Etta Pad... Ruby i' Maghreb. Eleanor Koptic . [ "'e.-.. u...â€- “I“; Reba, Cupbearer to the Gods .'__--rr.. . "'Cvt""'-ir--- Elizabeth Rankin -..-%7W" small" Mex-duly. Messenger of the Gods..., Summer. "'....ir-, .. ., Hildmrde Bathe Autumn ._.--ree, -ur--... Ruth Pardee Wind» vret -er-t_ "'"tm-w.s. Virginis Wilson Pmsnts .snd Fur Day Daneem--Bet, Ores, Goddess " Agriculture .mett-.. 'e---.,..-., Catherine Buhrer AlPoor Pennant ""-_et, Cntbgrine Devil m. wife -er ."-.r..-r-r..r. Pom anford His. son Sylvia: "-"---..stt--... "net Cart Hip daughter Sylvia -'.rw-et Ellen Horn A River Nymph -'-. HildenrdevBulke Sm _".-_-t-. V "---'trwtrt Virginie Wilson Bramble and Thistle emetp--Joan . Catherine Weinberg, u Clarke. Diane Ewell, Elea- ndr Kaptic. Pauline Davis, June Khmblith. Elizabeth Madmen, Ju-’ dub Greenbelt. _ Prim --.--,,,i-. Harriet Golden Temple Mnideius--cntheriet. Davis, Ruth Pardoe. Bertie Crawford, Hil- degarde Bake, Elizabeth Rankin. Petunia Nymph i...... Kerrie: Golden Jupiter, Ruler of the Gods and Men V i-.-, ""t "_--res- "'emt.. Ellen Greig, AEPoor Peasant "'-ter His. son Sylvia: m-.--, I". daughter Sylvia A River Nymph -"--. at". Goddess if 7,.7....‘..‘...... â€W" ulclg W, attendants of Pluto c........ d._pnvidn and Martha Claire Elmo. God of the f Mrs. B. tk Portico, tte hasten for i, the occasion, will be “the piano nnd flu. Tho- Wtider will play the 'rr.Hin. Tho costume- ond other d.. ;fnim m by In. 1m Cody Ewell. Elmira! Hamlet and Ellen Grail, he? 'miumt. In both student- at the (iii??,' Doha School of the Dome in: ‘Chicuo. I lj ""-tm'm-..--w-. Hay Louise Domain Crocus. her friend ___-rm.. Cyril]: Golden grandma) e-'-.....-....... Ableni1rN1k. puns. Goddess of Love miBeauty t "------.-... Hildeprde Balk: (tmid, her am. God of Love .__.eq...wr. 9pm. her GrUGiiil' , The cut of chum includes: ' Spirit of Wad "'-...mw.. Joan Walker mrtrod-trtiuo--ztu PM. Eli.. ninth and Ruby paid/GG." "H --. _.. Prourpina. Goddeu of Plover: .wtt.t L-.---.---,--..,--. Sally Crane "T'usto'rv,whuttisisuestedmttre. 1rlt,teiie-Gi)iiitiiiiii'i"ik 't1mittrtuGmrairtirirpaiG't PM Ind her nhehaettoet by Pluto. the atrd af ttte lower world...“ her re- turntoeuth torutttt-r,- Mixing the mum: of the m- uons. . ~" Moatda, palm will be 'W for and!" and CON- ,"eteeeat4p.rts. Thorn-thym- Ind frutidi, of tM'RIVinl. and High-é 'nrtd.P,trkeirhnrsodriGiiritriiiL4'" '"htt-tedareatdowuttiome. ht, "eofr1hteitherdu-orma,G', 'hlrutrNenWedrseshr. I ar-"'" 0;va Will be Mutter: of civic I? . F 09W by the M Indra! were freely 1tirAythiiE') Jtii “and mtthe kmthtiU- meeting ofthpllh" t'loieir,qitf.at, “I 11m M! of next held at the Village Home fin hymn. week. In, ttt and has 1. u the eul- “may te,1",'tt' anyâ€, 'ts'iett.kd “this .of three tom: of interpre- by tom. sixty Media! the crmb. the dancing and ballet technique munity. , 1 'tttn during the yen. In ardu- to hid. in . mnnn‘r ant- SIGNS Klli nus DANCING cuss win. IANNUAL iiiiii7ii â€a OF 1 , . ' GIVE MAINMENT â€Hymn. COMMISSION 'he,ti2etrr, " Uhte!.'ltar.,,ht Emma: ')rtre.ttry, gm- PAGE EIGHT l W"? org/e-rin. win he I f Mildred Mr maniac of Plenum: Monday and Tuesday Phone 878.Y.3 an) manussou _.. Judith Greenberg Lower World _..... Ellen Greig , Indiana] Dunes. (Arranged by the Adolph Balm Sehool, af ttr. Dance) After part I-utah'.,, Poiu-atiun,. beth Rankin. 1 _ After pdrt H~Tyrolean Danee-Er. len Graig. After. new I M 9-1mttearut, 1htnmt--Pwd Crawford. Aftey pct Tn-tRussian Danee--Cith- -l.e-3F.e.e.P'+e.e... ==i=at=ieeet?2tr, mtdq in "mm! but; Between 600 mid TOO “indem- took part in the pron-um. The. no a mixed chorus of 400 voices, on orcha- tra of 150 piecu.’ a brhf flood» of about zoo voices, o bon’ do. club of about 200 voteâ€. and n band can- binotion of only 100 pieces. It is probable .that' the {naval will bel Eight high schools, New Net, Wuhan, uthantre, Proviso, Oak Park, J.' Sterling Morton, Ehsthttmt and Deerfield entered the afumoon progrun and in Mac evening all ex- cept Elmhurst â€peered. The same prognm was given My " Oak Park. As “and on the night of the fa- tivnl by Principal B. L. Sandwich few people not'eomteeted with school work have any eoneeptfon of the tremend» on: prop-gas made ’in â€music in the high school in the past few years, es- peeintly in' instrumental music.‘ erhfe Bnhm, ‘Y, The Jmbarban high school music, [festival at Deerfield-Shields T In». 1Thursday we: a notable success. Of the 776 young musician who took part, 185 came from Oak Park. Pro- viso sent 126, LaGrange we: repre- sented It 100 students, while Morton had 95. representatives. New Trier, Ewan. Dumasma And T mhm-et had 90, 76, 66, end 40 repre- sentatives respectively. The BoW , Glee club, undef the direction of G. J. Dinkeloo, m. the Nertiiiituniiuii ' contribution to the afternoon pro- , gram. _ A ' IS. sPtattFttr.m "it7ccEsg Shows Pr',1'tltiil'riagtt, Being Made In High Sc ools In Musical Lines _ ' H. s. 12131510. _rtpririrvAr, Following the meeting of the com- mimon the board of din-6cm. elected the fo11owintr members a one." fbr the ensuing yw: chairman, Dr. R. R. Bosworth; vice chairman. Dr. B. = Banckman: mercury, Edwin 'C. Jones; treasurer, John S. Iran Bergen. New director: Vere elected to the board of the communion as follow: Much G." Armstrong, De. B. E. Br. nckmnn. Edwin C. Jones, C. W.‘Moe-_ her. W. R. San! and John 8. Van Ber- gen. The only director to hold over from the old board, is Dr. R: R. Boo,- worth. l A an of 325.60 to the ‘11th Park War Memorial wu,voted by the commiuion. In order that residents of Ram might keep in closer contact with the work id the mutation. the lay-lam of the commiuion wen changed so that henceforth, monthly meeting! will be held from September until June ouch yen, instead' of meetings being subject to sped-l 'att, .= I It'alt of the basin..- action ot Ra in. action was but: to “mat the present Bahama District commit- .'tee of the ttttte a“ We in , powers to incl mum Whining {to the zoning law: at the city; Thin committee is now compo-ed at . the following members: Godfrey J.’Eylor. chairman; Harvey Pardee, Lawrence Buck, Marshall Johny»), David Lev- intron and John B. Van Button. In order to guide in a manner tat- ilhctory to the. citizens of that " tio_n of KW Mitt. 2l'ldtt diet: of Directors; Oil; Are Chosen; Gift to War Memorial , "Praetke 'ttttet cultlute the communi with, make Deerfield a better, happier plus for your chil- dren and your grandchildren. Join the Men's club and pull together for the welfare of all," concluded the speaker. A i The weaken-urged strongly the im.. portance of coJoperative community planning for the future. DeerfUld was growing rapidly, and every lar. l provement made would bring more, J people to it, liquid. The day wad looming quickly when it would be imc l possible to _ ttnd the opportunities which were now available; and when projects for which no plans had been laid and no probiaion made_wottld be vaatly more dimcult and coatly to car- ry out-perhaps wholly beyondreali- nation. In this connection Mr. Dun- l can-Clark urged the importance of ‘aecurinx and developing property for park and recreational purposes with- out delay. If this Were not done, he laid. the time would arrive' when land new obtainable would be covered with buildings, and when no other land no suitable would be within the reach or means tt the community. THIS agency f th . stit,ii'st,,'rr,'e 'isifilii/iiet,i'it' or tttnt",")." '8h'",t'llt .REICHARDT You ean't stop winatomtd. You can’t prevent their destruc- tive work. Baryem CAN insure against the severe ', ihtgutttit" loam that follow every bad blow. Why take unnecesury chances? _ _ G? 'tsi),,?, . P. wr qti.R, . I, S%"l - In - -', ct, F ll Iii e I.“ ' RS e, , ii.Fi.ii, Lil/mi! D, I Neltrtttroritneistr, he awed, most " recognize the nine of the indirect " dividend-the benettttt which cub de- , rivee from promoting the prosperity and happiness of nll. Every money which contributes to the raising of standards of life, to the .mcourage- (l',',',','", of ambitions for better homes, .and a wider, richer rum of exper- (ienee bring prollt to all ,the legitiv mete enterprises of the community- {banks and merchante and industries reap the indirect return. There are people in every community who grudge my expenditure unles- they can see a direct mnd immediate Through thexoepei of neighbor! _ they must be educated to appreciate the worth of the indirect dividend. A WINDSTORM POLICY MAY SAVE YOU A SEVERE LOSS ' Wilketch was made from an actunl photograph. " 13333:: 'irirl)ik'gt1 'IF' (of communitiul Iteniad mm M the people were all. pulling (â€Count ways. divided into 50.1mm {notions on lines of politics. creed or social 'dis- tinctlon. Tint was tho‘tngedy of community life. The problem of neighborlineu, lie sold. becomu more complex on communities (row, bttt.the my to ensure its solution in to begin? early, u Dmsrfteld has intuit, break. ing down bdfriers of clique and class. and uniting the isfNrta of all in work for the common ttood. . 'V' 'att,':,:-)!?)'-,,,-,..),?,,,",',,)?, gr CJi95, ',i.'iilt7si,'.iiti)tsiaii, 'iiC,1pfsic,'ili'gi:. sr, iiriSit2 No qommunigyb could nuke true pro- gress unless it cultivited the coma- nity spirit, he uncured; and ttsk is the task of neighborlinou. Be told 19itrhborline he said, is the art of living together happily and help- fully. It in an. adventure in human relation, moKhtg in the discovery of umnapected human values. Be warned against the' error of too >quickly judging one’s neighbora by external opmraneea. Often the real- ly worthwhile lay beneath on unap- pealing surface, and the work of neitrhboriittam was to dmlop it " that it might make its contribution to the general welfare. Such an or~ ganintion as the Men’s club. he said. we; a moat useful agency for brink in: otttsthe best in the lives of poof ple. i T t Ban-m of “an. A V " Mr. Duncan-Clark toifor [mam je'ct 1'tfeiehbormtms," I mummy in his opinlou'noedu ompmrm . world which it rapidly mm on. big neiehborhitod. _ Johnsdni ' M. A, Hm: 'ed'l1oJl"r.,Tfttalf: _ V 3 . The latter put of the 'v01tirtqvrata, devoted tit dancing. to that What made tarnished by muddy new ache-tn of Deeds“. ' I _' Fonowing is the gamma}. of Mi. Clark', speech: . t INSURANCE 888 mm: Ave. MARTIN ANNUAL 31an AND DANCE or DEERFIELD MEN’S CLUB SUCCESS m 315M D Cintinuod from pm one â€as Bitt close-out of "rirsprintt mod- ell, Inactive we“. 'tttri" ,7"? .. NOTICE Bids will be received a the can of \the Clarke! East Piutriet, City Hall, Highland Park; which. till 5:00 ' m., Tum. June I, 1928. for u tot-rum dance platform 70 ft. x M) ft. to be constructed in Sunset Put, Highland Park, Illinois. Plant and specifications my be had It the of- Bee of the Clerk of the East Park DU. trict or " the one: of the Engineer, hum Anderson Company, Ine., Lake Forest; Illinois. . 18 Big shipment of by model! straw huts, $3.50, 85.00 and $7.50. T The Lama Shop. 18ad puss. HIGHLAND an. tumors FOR SALE BARGAIN IN SHERIDAN RD. Lor Pine, location, one block from lake, bountiful trees. Price $100 perfect, nesrby property priced at $150.00 per foot. t Ilhm'arklhsrry Highland Park oMee at Sheridm and Central Telephone Mend Park 69 We have a complete up to date listing of all houses and vacant in Highland Park and vicinity. Consult us before Ettt your next purchue. We . be eblej to assist you. sum tsdirir." Gaa. BM. Phone Harri-on ms . M]illlra0Rfij, i r"' F"Vr'tTR mg REAL arrWm LOANS and INSURANCE We have a few very choke 1o.tq on the out side priced a lirw as $75.00 per foot. Ground " thin price is becoming very mm in Highland Park and than will not be on the mm long. It might pay to investi- tmu. A " South St. Johns Ame Highland by}, m. BETTING Plum. 444 '8,000.00 Gull. 3-1:an od very my team. ' NEW ti room home with‘ntn tacked came on these“ side; Tile bath. Pine wood-me ftr'ettiae,e in living room. Tile tioor in kitchen. All the Intent conveniences. 60 toot lot with trees, shrubs. and iltrnmra. A deeir‘ahle home in I yery their? able neighborhood. Cloee to schools, lake and transport» tion. Real Estate EVERYTHING IN REAL MATE REALTORS REICHARDT REAL ESTA TE F, A. TUCKER FARM LANDS FOR ." SALE gaunt an?! 14tig,tl minty n Pa I. and Vicinity The you“. Shop. ma MARTIN 515 Oakwood Ave. Phone B. P. 670 AND INSURANCE 388 Central - . - -""'V- W - Ins-m guy. i We luv'e chucked up on our? me. C . imundluvoZlou “81600. IT---'-----------------, both 'l"geqia"t,t't'lfltt re- Imtca “a gutted. or 68000 1.. Will 7 Pdf,'! _ T:%sseamthtttestavutitMr-s- 1tii)1l7t,tt", ' fntt DOMI- emhttutaet1 mtd mm m. behmei 12:†and, IS p. “an.“ intreh-ttdsrrrttttn. ' m, 'ursrtrtiGGriiid I Ghana the tubing“! dove thSMTmMï¬E Wm'noweon s',',t'p,'l'fl',wdi',thvfgS8rt'dt imtMr-tta. . F. B. WILLIAMS F. B. Williams ( W. w. BAkiiiLiiiiiir ROI] Estate I Aura AtAlll7tg,1uc,, This man's {innit}. I Phones IL P. 723-1, 2131 mamas... THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL f.htette-i.eiv1oeatuat,rum-, incubus-chum. Lumeheerful [Mug mot-ttho-ft-et. manor libnry. Very Attractive dihttsemmn. A most convenient kitchen with In: Mum. agent, an: hot water heating phat, kinda-y an tmayritreitur-mteor,nt-ta",tt: ramimd. r ' SUNSET TERRACE ' FREDERICK L NEH? db CO. NORTH SHORE REAL ESTATE 16-18 North Sheridan Road Highland Bark, Ariki"mtwh"ttt' -- "’§ "iiriYriiii" an In? 7‘ "Ve-aw"' Git""diri, -."iiicir irii7. "WT-glow "iii"." as! t'lt,up.31lrttrft,f J'ltllTI, Don’t at. “my on. a 'tmee-ati-tstirs'),-,,.-.]--.-, vb. â€Mmméthmï¬?M-nhsflhwmmnb themartvett..itthueVretiiia" law COM-.0.“ t8trttdyu?reth_roiitVtGdieiiik ttrtgh'tg.'tattt pulled-"Mâ€!ato-IhulhlumhthIMth-Ilhlbd gyny._hdmlbgduubq_mmulnï¬oudm “WHY GIRLS GO BACK HOME†FRIDAY, SATURDAY A TUELWED. THURS. A136 taiiiib" WAFER“ Tiid"iiirif - "W“ :ans use mrnotfniitar-eottt-wrt-s-- wail-ad! A¢mh.mmu~â€"qm~mï¬ '",trft, ML-.- ae-tts-ti) J','4C"Pa2'sle,Pt't'ta'g',',, Pg'2NUh'l ." t" _Ttvtrr,to-%'kiigt"thrtiFiiiI claimant-nil! '1%ie'tugiSii,ibCii?tiih'iP'ijerT _ -nth*trtsrdt-taatl TAMI --.- ' 1..“ Lo- bGrrTVk"iVtTi"i'i"'i"uGri'"iG7%eaua'"iiit --_;__.. ...=., THE BEST BUY IN HIGHLAND PARK Eight Rooms Stl--. Two Baths '--Entst Side PATSY RUTH MILLET! and CLIVE BROOK SUNDAY, 5mm AT LAM! - THE SCREENS taiiMirTih? Prt1trtrt" l What Situation! What Tova! mu Punch! What nun-i --_---, What eogttedriWhntoiet-_1tet A____ , “THE tdid iiuii"6ir"iiiiihtitp W ttt tmote "e'-"-"'""-"""?'" --i-.-'e'V-_ lulu- 'J-ttrt-q. tt can No Mother-mo "ther-No tk-dv If. rlllllU WANT A HUGE? vWANT A THRILL? THIN an SEE OUR COMPLETE LIS'HNG _ of 1 lama nouns AND nounsmas' amnion HIGHLAND mum on LILLIAN men, "iiiiBrigitr FRAZER ‘ana VICTOR M’LAGLEN 7 "ltailX'tit GgtItteamt)tgio" RICHARD DIX with I with ' WILSON frirealrirteortts. ti "ttoth- “no, "tMgt "ttt-astuGiiii "iii",'",; Have um. i't'd1 lug. . ' In m um- ‘ Single mu, khak- piâ€, a room riiriiCiiiiiracriiiiiira - _ no: um mmm‘mm renown-y. WWII“.- 'timdrrnndsiitesoietd with with' tn ' Mimic u- M by ttfuiiiini"iii, - a . ttrtod Md IL,"""" a no. -tuFurtiuFUtf Cie W.QJI‘9°_'I_G!_IOIA I~Acliohlng-nle t-.ehrttt.A,t3.h,..eLe0 I NEWS REM; I: THURSDAY. MAY " up Mandi _ G"rkll'l"sll',t. JUNE4-5 NEWS Ingo "" b “a was . ie t. E if!†ST. 'ttdem' stand I‘M mug the. - iliii'.i "iiiiri"r) MI non Eff] tsbt am Hul- [1E] izeeea H in? tt.rrmglt I'ii,i'i; he! ici- Linda m Ml ha!- m. that he. In“! 98th DIS-I 2td 'tri?, ', sq e','lfl, tau Sit: bi IKE [ID E d!