'ul IS 17, tttN Expenditure- The poymnta for maintenance end operation of the general departmenta if Illinois for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, amounted to $48,058,. 496, or $6.9toer capita. Thla inislAies $7,697,368, apportionment: for educa- tion to the minor civil divisions of thefState. In 1924 the comparative per. capita for maintenance and op- eration of general departments Was $11.84, and in 1917, $3.62. The de- crease in per eapita maintenance and operation shown for 1925 we: due to the decreased peymenta fort com- pensation 'ot Soldiers and sailors of the World War. The expenses of pub- lie service enterprises amounted to $38,107; intoreat on debt, $3,704,187; and outlays for permanent improve- ments, $42,045,190. The total pay-- ments, therefore, for expenses of general deportmente and public serv- ice enterprises, interest, and outlays were $93,840,980. The total: include all payments for the year, whether made from current revenues or from the proceeds of bond issues. The Domain» of Commence im- nonnces n-Iummry of the munch] statistics of ttte any; of Illinois for the tueU you ending June 80, 1926. Of the governmental costs reported above, $39,103,831 was for highways, $2,114,068 being for maintenance and $36,989,768 for construction. . Revenues The total revenue receipt- of 1111'- nois for 1926 were $57,441,996, or $8.30 per capite. This was $6,646,206 more than the total payments of the year, exclusive of the payments for permanent improvements, but $36,- 398,984 less than the total payments including those foe permanent im- provements. These payments in excess of revenue receipts were met from the proceeds of debt obligations. Proper- ty and special taxes represented 45.2 per cent of the total revenue for 1925. 36.1 per cent for 1924, and 74.9 per cent for 1917. This decrease in the amount of property and special taxes Cailected was 13.1 per cent from 1/317 to 1924, but there was on in- crease of 37.8 per cent from 1924 to 1925. The per capita property and spe- cial taxes were $3.75 in 1925, $2.77 in 1924, and $3.49 in 1917. FINANCIAL REPORT _ Oil ILLINOIS MADE THURSDAY. JUN! IT, 1926 BY Earnings of general departments, or compensation for services rendered by state officials. represented 4.9 per cent of the total revenue for 1925, 3â€"hdob" was: and Luc- for State In BLACK SOIL 148 North First Street FRANK .lliHtlllLalllillMlNlROM q!_lf1xpenditurgc,_nev- Ile The Highland Park Hospital Bright, airy. rooms, up-to-date equipment. . Painstaking nurses and atiendants-atoderate charges. The Highland Park Hospital is essentially a Highland park Insti- tution. The funds for its erection and maintenance have been supplied almost entirely by our own citizens. “It is your hospital and well worthy of your support. The Highland Park Hospital Main Entrance-Homewood Avenue. two blocks wes} of Green Bay Telephone Cow Manure o-ite-indium Material Highland Park 2550-2551 Wo, Visiting Hours'Daily 2p.m.to4p.rn.--Trt.m.to8p.m. The increase in net debt for 1926 was due to bond issues of $28,000,000 for road construction and shout ti,- 500,000 for soldiers’ ecmptmaation. Vibrations and Tax Levies For 1925 the taxable vsluntlon of property in Illinois subject to ad val- mm taxation was $4,081,848.149; the amount of State taxes levied was $26,532,013; and the per capita levy, $8.83. ' Indebtedness The net indebtedness (funded or t1xed debt less sinking fund use“) of Illinois on June 80, 1925, was $127,487,108, or 818.41 per eapita. In 1924 the per capits debt was $14.91, and in 1917, 80.8lk BIG TOBACCO FETE HELD IN VIRGINIA The south's first great export crop, tobacco, will be the aubject for a great festival which will be held at Jhsnville, Virginia, during October, through a plan worked out by the Danville Chamber of Commerce. Danville is in the heart of the tobac- co producing section of Virginia, and elaborate plans for the entertainment are being worked out. Festival to Portray History of South’s First Great Crop In October ' The history of tobacco from the time that it was first exported to England by John Rolfe, down to the present day, and tableaux of great moments in history with which toi. bacco has been associated, will all be enacted during the celebration. Among these incidents is the one of Sir Walter Raleigh's impromptu bath when ftrst seen smoking by his serv- ant in England. The president of the Tobacco Association of the United States will cooperate in the move- ment and just prior to the celebra- tion the national body will place a tablet on Jamestown Island in honor of the first exportation of tobacco from this spot. The ‘various phases bf transporta- tion and growing of tobacco, all known methods of curing tobacco, and other similar: educational fea- tures Will be arranged. Recon of Good Quality Walker Whites!“ began a limited engagement " the 8“th Tha- tre, Chiengo, on Sunday night, - 9, in Gordon Ram’s stunning not! at the Egyptian (hurt ontitlod "She Arabian." This tumou- utor will portray the (“uniting clutch: of Abd a Bay. a businessman baadit, , m 'mm ARABIAN†Modern Coachman!“ Benn Engagement Sunday at Stu. .’ _ debate: Theatre T WALKER WTrrrlilltrrDrll m: m HIGHLAND nu ma, man-um rut. rumors Telephone " arautoetgetteralexxrttiem'martdht trmerti-ttrttlrtttbefetttpdmteh tseuMtuaaamrrtidTroattttm Doug- 1aaNtrnnrt,J.tivhtgWhit_ alle- thattt,tmaDemDoetaida, Alma cttesterandtm_vumlBerto. ii;"aiiiaFiGliA we!» do. Mat 1a,_1916, AY Gi", iiruiGtiWiii It; we: I: My uleh". Noe-4.11M!" WW re.'" PROGRESS PUBLIC SERVICE CONT Percolator Gift Sets at very special prices.' New! st,ttdi7iiert Convict: um - and "00W, A leading dew by Hanan. & Bowman. 6-“: vaccine! wtth other pinup to much- $18.00 "Tho Earthw- ham." Niche - grtntedeo-hote. 'rt,T,l't"'g,',, com.- ' a. I" tget will be 9|"ch lady. pmdgff " . a d a t I 1.†TIM percolnm In an. a"? Pam-.99" .1 for your on not- colnor "rt$.6am ny cloud: pore.- _ Utor In "ol. $1630 $19.75 ydi, OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS I 'i_1sstohththt',siseigl'Pt1 Park Wm. Guyot. District Sane-hand“ Electrical .D.UFFY& D . _ A“: A L Gil ts /iiiiiik) iij.iit'-. ' V (iii.'i,t'iliiisi'ii,rr,i To Start " ' Her New Home Rigi Luckyihe bridewho goao-house1reepintr a well-equipped electric home. She has more fbrpleasuisandftor, healthful outdoor titm,undit'sraomtactta-iertoentert?iii. " iraucthtireu.oor, Thu" agoodhvmmbow tuorat6tttiartoto.ttettsttaM" anytime-abound .ttaets-,martre-ttr put. ammo-um Pu ettnsedttte"utttibrLtttu"Mmr. It “um.†Linux F A Suggestion for Your New Home-af you no "dtuipi;iunhoi-rroet,rt-te.?P11ry, touiaTnit-tittsorirt't-rmtetttr-k.1i, -r'xui-iiijGiGGiGrikaiGuiuuGirteth-'t byLittb'WIy. . The modprtt hon-cm um: hive Cleaners and Dymj mun-gums nu-tc - ne' P. tan-up Tet. Highland Park " P. o. I Your Yard or n. s. iiiiiikxrani'ii, Dry Cleaning, P Landscape and Road Building Con Can be 'nadee attractive as your dening neighbor's _ Let us do the work for you. We will help you plan it and tai charge if you desire. l jr/iii"' "' 1r't,V I I 'il','; / v Xxx", C {a r sv." r . H\.%\.( (1 --.jb-'-4 'ioAei11tii1i?-1); V" ji)"i,'.iiilji,i'ii,ijti,htt'j') mLAfJ 'm and Repairing' W \x M M towing h a good inn-mm - anytime-ab. 'tforthe- but. It “um. by Link: . Ibt8 N. Motor it 491 I. GEES! " (Cl