Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 24 Jun 1926, p. 4

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Mr. and ‘Mn. John L. Udell and family motared to Burlington, 1a., and spent several days there the early part of this week. Mr. Edward Hocking, chief Highland Park fire department fined to his home this week ness'. Mrs. Forrest D. Rose entertained forty-five guests Sunday in honor of Mt. Rose’s birthday anniversary. Miss Lucille Fritsch has reéurnedi F,' from Wheaton college from where she) J. was graduated last week. E .., Mr. and Mrs. H. Ame Babcock and son are enjoying a few weeks motor trip to New Ydrk. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Grego have sold their home It 607 S. Linden avenue to Mr. S. E. Davis of Chicago and are moving into their home at 1118 Lin- coln avenue which they have just com- pleted. Miss Helen Boyce of the Lincoln school stat? md her mother, Mrs. Boyce. are leaving for Macomh where Miss Boyce will attend summer school. Mrs. J. O'Flaherty of Detroit. Mich., visited her tsister-ht-law, Mrs. W: H. are. formerly of this city, at her e in Milwaukee, WU., last week. Mrs. L. E. Brinen and little daugh- ter, Louise, of Louisville, Ky., are the guests of their unnt. Mrs. Blanche Kir. gore of Central Ivonne. of Lou Angela, Calif., on 'their re- turn from the Baptist conference in Wuhiugtonhb. C. Mrs. John} B. Bell of North St. John's "can left Saturday for San- ta In“. " visit hen mother. .2.” trl Jtmphserir haven- Mr. Ind Mrs. Nor,man Mason and infant son of Paris, France, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alexander o. Mason are now the guests of Mrs. Mason's mother, Mrs. Calvin Osborne, of Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., who is spend- ing the summer at Madison, Conn. Robert Grand Grant is enjoying two weeks vacation " Delevan Gardens, Delevnn, Wis, where he is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Charles L Radon. Mr. and Hrs. Benjamin Lazard of South Greet: Bay mad are the happy parents of . little son born on Wed- nearby, June 16. Mrs. A. M. Cline of Homewood ave- nue wilt entprtein the Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, June 25. Every member is urged to come and bring Bowers for this meeting is the "Flow.. er Minion Dar." Mr. and Mm. T. M. Wilder of 1824 Rice street numbed " their week- end - Rev. nnd Mm. J. B. Fox Mrs. T. H. Decker entertained the Philnthea class of the Bethany Evan.. gelical church. Tuesday evening. Mrs. Decker, Mrs. George Bray and Mrs. Charles McClure were the hostesses. Miss Irene Russell of Arlington Heights was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Bennett. Mrs. Orrin E. Keller and daughters Dorothy and Eleanor and son Crosby and Miss Ethel Goddard and Harry Sellery. Jr., have left for New Mexico, where they will spend several weeks. Mrs. Schmidt and daughter Jeanne of Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. William Booth of N. Second street. Mr. William Spengler. drum major of the Deerfield-Shields high school hand acted as drum major for the Northwestern university band last week when the band played at the ded- ication of the new McKinlock campus on Lake Shore drive, Chicago. Wil- liam wore the purple and white drum major uniform which was purchased this year by the university. ' Mr. William Harry Elliott of _Hirth-l Miss Josephine Faxon of Sheridan land Park, and Miss Minnie Rosinelroad has gone to Minneapolis. Minn., Mathis of Greensville, Illinois were. to be the guest of Miss Ruth Hull for united in marriage ,on Saturday af-labout ten days. ternoon. June 19. 1926, at three o'elock, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Teller who have at the Bethany Evangelical parson-, been living in the Pingrey houses on Atte, the Rev. J. G. Finkbeiner officiat-'; Ravine drive during the winter have ine. They were attended by Mr. An; moved to Glencoe. thur L. Bell and Mrs. Ethel Dixon.) Mrs'. Frank Merrill of Parkersburg, After a honeymoon trip to Wisconsin: W. Va., wasnhe guest of Mrs. J. W. the happy couple will reside at 429'Jennings of Walker avenue over the Oakwood avenue. l week-end. Among the girls receiving their A.: Theodore Kauffman, Jr., of Vine B. degrees from Smith College Mom. avenue is expected home the latter day, June 21 is Miss Eleanor Stevens,; part of the week from the east, where daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymondlhe is a student. at Yale university. Be- Stevens. "The Meadows," Highland/fore returning home he attended the Park, Ill. Miss Stevens majored in l wedding of one of his class-mates. English. Degrees were conferred oni Chester Sullivan of El Paso; Tex., 483 graduates. lin vinitinw hi. mnthpr, Mr: Frank Buy a ticket for the War Memorial car. Any business man can supply you with one. Mat. 'AbbieVB. Rustin left Monday (mun, Mont.. where she will I the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Brotherton, Jr., and it]!!! . The Boy Rutgers spent the week- end at Long Lake, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Flavel Robertson and) Mrs. M. J daughter. Nancy. of Kansas City/ was the week Mo., have Just returned from the west] tetuin-taw M coast and Alaska where they "l1','ieesv/,.y, tttree' several months and are visiting their Mr. and M parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Winters.) Berkelev. cu Mrs Julius Zimmer. who has been on the sick list, is very much im- proved. 1)in and Mm. and much and two children He spending a week in Dix- on, Ill., visiting friendl. Mrs. Mary B. Coolidge and daugh- ter. Miss Alice, left Saturday '{or Philadelphia, Pa., where they will spend two weeks. Mm. H. B. Roberts will entertain at luncheon and bridge today in com- plinunt-to Mrs. N. G. Lenington who is _ltttvintr, form, for u trip Abroad. PAGE FOUR of the is con- hy ill- , Ik Wit, ', “NWT? ----' 5 Mrs. D. A. kittermiater of South (Linden avenue gave a amdlli'br‘idge [party on Tuesday a!temoon._ ...." .- Mr. John S. Bell left Friday to en- joy 1 fUhing trip in Northern Wiscono sin. Mrs. J. I. Underwood who bu been in New York City for the past year has returned to be with her daugh- ter, Mrs. W. R. Rum: of Dean ne- nue. _ Mrs. S. S. Holmes who has been in the Presbyterian hospital, Chicago, re- turned home on mushy utteruoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stine of South Green Bay road are entertaining Mrs. Joseph Weber and her three daugh- ters of South Bend, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carey and Mr. and Mrs. J. Meyer of Austin, Minn., during the week of the Eucharistic congress. Mrs. James A. Ross of Minneapolis, Minn., is the guest of Miss Grace Marsh of Prospect avenue. Mrs. Ross returned from Minneapolis with Miss Marih after Miss Peggy MickIer's wedding. . _ . Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Hazel Charlotte Gunn of Ravinia, daughter of Mrs. Angus Gunn of Nova Scotia, to Mr. Milton J. Hardaere, son at Mrs. Joseph Hard- acre of Ravinia. The ceremony. took place at eight o'clock last evening in the garden of the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace Cart of Wade street, Ravinia. in the presence of the immediate families and a few intimate friends. The Rev. Prank Fitt oh fieiated. Miss Gunn's only attendants were three little flower girls, Virginia Hardacre. Betty Sellery and Janet Carr, who wore pink voile dresses and carried baskets of sweet peas and daisies. Miss Gunn has been a mem- ber of the faculty of the, Ravinia school for the past three years. Mr. and Mrs. Hardacre will be at home after the middle of August at 334 Cary avenue. Ravinia. Mrs.' Frank Hancock of Toledo, Ohio, is spending the week with her sister Mrs. George Clark of Vine ave- nue. Mrs. John Irwin Marshall has re- turned from Washington. D. C. where she met her two sons Major William A.. Rafferty and John Marshall, Jr., who has been at St. Luke's school, Wayne, Pa. Major Rafferty and Mr. Marghall expect to spend the summer at the Exmoor Country club with their mother., Mr. and Mrs. Gust Redine of South Second street and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Lundin of Chicago matured to Duluth, Minn. on Tuesday. They ex- pect to be gone about ten days. Miss Dorothy and Irvin Reay of Hazel avenue have gone to Three Lakes, Wir, to spend six weeks. Miss Rose Buchte of Bronson ave- nue. Ravinia. underwent a tonsillec- tomy at the Highland Park hospital on Monday. 1 Mrs.. Paul W. Blanchard and her son. Paul W., Jr., of Walker avenue are leaving on Monday for West Point, N. Y., where Paul is to enter the United States Military academy. During her stay at West Point Mrs. Blanchard will be the guest of Lieut. and Mrs. Philip Egner. Mrs. Sidney W. Miller of Prospect avenue was hostess at luncheon and three tables of bridge on Thursday afternoon, June 17. Mrs. Charles Clinton Eve" and Mrs. James Bernard Mullen of Dale avenue will be hostesses at luncheon and bridge at the Exmoor Country club next Monday. Miss Salome Brand motored down to Champaign where she spent Com- mencement week as the guest of the Supple family. Miss Brand attended the Concert Band Promenade and Senior ball of the University of Illi- nois as the guest of Graeme Supple. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Everett of Berkeley, Calif., arrive today (Thurs-' dayl to spend several weeks with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Ev- erett. ' Chester Sullivan of El Paso; Tex., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Frank Baker of Highwood. turned tit their/asm" on m with. after spending the Irintet in Balm Their son Hahn Jtna "turned from the University of Pannpylvanit to spend the summer holidays" with his parents. ' ' .,' Mrs. M. J. Golden of Bopne, la., was the week-end guest of her daugh- terJn-law Mrs. F. T. Golden of Me.. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beach!“- and daughter of Detroit, Mich., motored here last week to visit Mrs. Hmr’h brother, Mr. Charles Brace of Bloom street. The Ramblers were en-route to Colorado nnd California. Mrs. John B. Burdett of South Sheridan road, recently returned, from Indianapolis, Ind. . { L 'tri. Josephine Jenning- Get mull 1ir;lliJ't'lr1't.'l"r',' '.oserrhiner,_oCAuon, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Brown and family are spending'several days this week at Ling Lake. . In a beautiful rose garden, Saturday evening, at eight o'elock, Miss Dora Johnson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson of South Ridge road, was united in marriage to Mr. August Bleich of Elmhurst, by the Rev. P. R. Cardwell. The brides dress was of white georgette crepe, and the tulle veil was held in place by a narrow band of orange blossoms. She car- ried a brides bouquet of roses and lil. lies of the valley. Miss Alma John- son, sister of the bride, wss msid of honor and wore a crepe dress of ashes of roses with hat to match and car- ried pink roses. Miss Minnie Bleich, sister of the groom, acted as brides- mid and wore a green crepe dress with hat to match end carried isink roses. Mr. George Bleich served his brother " best msn and Mr. Earl Dunnuck served " usher. Mr. Fred Johnson gsve his sister any in mer- ridge. A reception followed the cere- mony " the home of the bride's sis. ter. Mrs. Archie Veitch. " which You owe it to the boys who took pant in the World war to buy a ticket on the War Memorial Car. They can be purchased at any store. ‘Miss Margaret McCrory of Judson 'venue, is leaving next week for a two months trip abroad. 'Mrs. F. P. Boynton and family have gone to Wauwinet, Nantucket, Mass., where they will spend theyummer. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Dutton of Chi- cago are occupying their cottage ad- joining the Exmoor club. Betty Millard and Wethlyan Har- mon have Cone to summer camp in Vermont. " Mrs. Robert E. Wood and daughters will leave next Thursday for Banff ahd Lake Louise 1vhere they will spend the summer. ' Have you bought your ticket for the War Memorial car? Ask any busi- ness man for one. ',Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Watson have taken a house on Vine avenue. Mrs. Leo Spaulding entertained six at luncheon and dinner last Saturday for Mrs. William Spaulding and daughter, Winnifred, of Jacksonville. ‘Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Harkness and Miss Margaret Maley left Monday for an extended trip to the Adirondacks. They will stop at Philadelphia to at- tend the eighty-second annual meet- ing of the American Institute of Homeopathy; the oldest medical so- eiety in the country, of which Dr. Harkness has been secretary for five years. From there they plan to go to the Forest Hills hotel, Franconia, N. H'., to remain during July, returning home in August. They will be ac- companied by Dr. S. J. Brown of Pan- ora. la. Ill Mrs. Paul L. Udell and daughters, Cleona and Donnajeanne, left yester- day morning. for lone. Washington. Eyroute they will stop at Yellowstone National Park. 77“-, -"'"-"'-P-"".. ny- - v. .11. cult aim at Walker "can. [ ; 1m. F. M. Burn!- ban from m Junk”. Wit, visiting her sister, Mrs John Sobey of Bloom street-and " tending the Euqhuiptic congress. i Graeme Supple: a; cumiitieGrmt d, few days lut week visitin¢_the o. , Mr. and Mrs. John C. Duffy, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper C. Rhinehart and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhinehart arrived last Friday from Florida to spend the summer in Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheahen spent the week-end at Woodruff, Wis., vis- fiing relatives. l Féusta Cleve of the Ravinia Opera Co., has taken the Paul L. Udell apart- ‘ment for the operaseason. ' 'l' The Misses Yahnke of Oakwood untrue entertained the Afternoon Curd club yesterday. , Mrs. George Barrage of the Mo- raine hotel left last week for a sev: eral months trip abroad. _ Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lobdell of Chi- cago are at the Exmoor club for the summer. _ _ Mrs. George Lytton and daughter, Rosemary, are expected home the lat, ter but of this week from an extend- ed trip abroad. . V Mrs, M. J. Dorsey of Laurel avenue has as her guests her nieces the Misses Sarah and Mary Robinson of Chattanooga, Tenn. Mrs. Dorsey en- tertained a few of the' younger set at bridge yesterday afternoon for her nieces. a (Mrs. C. L. Perkins returned Tuesday from New York and Wgtertown, Conn., where she spent the past three weeks. Miss Frances Louise Jewett is at home from Wellesley college where she has been attending school. , Those interested in the swimming schedule will find it in the second Bee. tion of this pact; Highland Park Music school. Ethel Lathrop Marley, director, will open a summer term of five weéks beginning Monday, June 28th. Instruction in piano. violin and harmony may be had. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Bowden have as their guests this week Father S. J. MeGlyhn, Father C.-E. Frey, Father M. Reedy and Father Brett of Cleve- land, Ohio, who are attending the Eucharistic congress. ' James Richmond Paul of Milwau- kee, Wis., has been spending the p st Week}: the guest of his aunt Mia. Alexander‘ o. Mason. ' Miss Elizabeth Coolidge entertain- ed Sunday evening in compliment to Miss Katherine Reed. Vi'Crene and Leslierbetzel who spent the past week with their tister, Mrs. George Crosby returned home Sunday. m HIGHLAND PARK guess. swamp put. was 1. J. W. Jeni " .Excsimting for the foundation of the’new Wilmot school was begun this wick and work will probably be earrted on very rapidly. Mrs. Lester Stanger and daughter, Bonita, who have been oh 3 motor trip through Iowa with Mrs. George Stantror, Mrs. Edna Osborn and her son. Charles, of Deerfield, have re- turned home. v _ Miss S. S. Drake of New York City is expected to arrive in Highland, Park marrow to be the meat of Mrs. erdinnnd M. Wiegnnd of Waverl street. _ ' , Miss Elena Fantoni, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stowe Brown, left Monday evening for Calfornia, where she will spend the summer visiting relatives and friends. . Mrs.'M. D. Vail and her children are leaving next Thursday, July 1, for' Ephraim, Wia., to spend the summer there. Her sister, Mrs. Neal Gray, with her husband and children will occupy the Vail house for the next few months. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. McNear of~0nwentsia avenue, entertained at a delightful buffet supper on Sunday evening commemorating their wed- ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Terry have re- turhed from Miami Beach, Florida, where they spent the winter. Howard Chapman, who graduated from Taft school, Watertown, Conn., last week, is motoring home with friendm He will attend Yale univer- sity 'next year. beiner. Mrs. F'. S. Munro has gone east to attend the commencement exer- cises at Yale university. Her son, John Munro, is a member of the graduating; class. Rev. S. Finkbeiner and daughters, Edna and Luella, of Boddle, S. D., were the guests for a few day last' week of Rev. and Mrs. J. G. 'ill").), Mrs. Paul Chapman and children are lehving next week for Estes Park, Cola. where they will spend two months. Mrs. Della Keeling of Pasadena, Calif., will arrive tomorrow to spend the Bummer with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph D. Zook. , ' Mr, Joseph Proctor returned Sun- day from Cornell university, where he has been attending school. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Zimmer enter- tained . number of relatives Sunday in honor of their fifteenth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Peter have gone to New York and will attend the graduation exercises at Yale univer.. sity. i Mr. :Elmer Gieser of Cedar City, Utah, spent the last two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gieaer of Second street. than 100. guest‘s m Mt. In; Mid-Kn. Bidet will Mum}! beam " M‘Columbi: mm. innit-Imam Follows“ the vomiting antimony thd tltr; nephew, Willard Augusti Veiheh.1 was baptised. l, Mrs. William Spaulding and daugh- ter, Winnifred of Jacksonville, Ill,, are the guests of Mrs. Charles Sack. They are attending the Eucharistic congress. [1- Miss} Katherine Reed of Bloominrj ton whb spent the week and with her) cousin Mrs. Abbie Rustin Itft Monday; tor Ndw York from where sh. will. uni! for A two mbntlgl'trip abroad. Mrs/ Rummy! ‘W. Stevens gnu)» ttir1td/tre ftttgatee commune of the Highland Park Woman's club " luncheon last Wednesday. There were About iifty guests present, Mra.4eorie Dtaeomt/entertainsd at bridke at her home last My " ternomi. ' _', . Mr. mud Mm. Man-is romitO of, Chicago hnve taken tht Gallup uni-Q dance on Lincoln avenue for the lama mer. _ _ _ Due to the probable congestion on 'all North Shore roads " the result of the ceremonial at Mundelein, the buf- fet dinner and bridge party at the Briereate Golf club has been post- ported tor one week to Thursday, July lat. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Stevens and son. Raymond, left Friday to at.. tend the graduation exercises at Smith college, of which class their daughter, Eleanor, is a member. They will motor from there to New York from where Miss Eleanor sails on July 6 for Europe. . Dick Card and Robert Wood are leaving this week fot Ranch camp, New Mexico for the summer. Mr.. tind Mrs. Gera'rd Van Schaick have returned from an extended trip abroad, , MnJChulai T. Benton and Mini Edith 'iiiGiiii will an iron Enghnd ttlsotite Wednelday.'June ar. The Junior Star club were enter- tained hands)! evening at the home of Mrs. Archibald Abercromby. They are planning a pienie to be held next Monday evening in .the Forest Pre- serve. Beautiful Nash Sport car will be Riven away for the benefit of the War Memorial July 5th. Get your ticket from any business man. Mr. and Mrs. Clark G. Wright have, rented their home for the summer to, Mme. Bourslmya and have Cone to La 'r' Grange where they will spend twoI weeks. From there they will go to ', Minnesota for the balance of the trum-r mer. I Mm/tteortre Crosby and son, Clif- ford of Freemont, Mich.. in visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oetzel for SEND YOUR DRY CLEANING, was AND Dummies To TmirRELrABLE LAUNDRY. may CLEANERS AS WELL AS Luriromtmes. b A blaze, started either by defective electric wiring or from n blow torch used by pointer: to bum " the old paint preparatory to repainting the old Ziont Home, started the huge wood- en atrncture on fire et about 10 o'clock Monday morning and threatened to level it to the ground. Vellent and ef- fective ihe fhtlttt'ntt on the part of the tire departments of Zion. Wuhan Ind Xenoelu hnnlly centered the blue ii the old- tower and we: there bottled into submission. u. Hundreds of midente, largely tttg of Wilbur Glenn Voiive’e tien Cetholic Apoetolic church in Zion, were driven from the my epertmente in the'uildtrte end fur. niture we: eel-tied end thrown from the 'windowe end strewn our the etreete end mining late. Huge Frame Structure Mamet! BIG, ZION BUILDING ", DAMAGED BY FLAMES With Destruction Monday; Fire Controlled Fireworks will be on Sale Juli, lat ALBERT LARSON elsewhere. l qr" , , l. t - '. E x 'r, . , _ »|‘ ' .NVW .,,sstlisiliii)at'tairitie, you will wi-tOtter-ttatt/eat? ”Himalaya. Lus.utatat-t-ioet-e"i't1'r'f= any "iiirii"tiria%rrrutdnrsi-eottrttfc ugh right price P!" favorite- in out M'D.‘ tea",. Highland Park TWO Phone 2600 STORE EARL Eoa,f,,rrgg,,g,,,l,g & (PO. Your Kind of Outing soiii Tan Lotions Fttee" Powders Kodaks Film ' VACA (Iii) on? T FOR ROAD MAPS . Going Away for Your ---Stationer--- COME TO GSELL’S! PHARMACISTS We Have It!!! STORES Phone 2300 {aluminum B, "th- dsrtttnt-ttnuettrrae yum-v- od. NW ‘11”. "" "mmPltme%s .umonneu nut-mutual“. wont-both- nhclolhynllu Instr-action 1ttNngter,vintinmsd ymyh had. . V _It_|lMto qtrtieatiat Volha'o apart-cut, it the south and of the building. which is in the pro- motmodelinxtnthe extent of about “0.000. m “inched by the luau ml the costly {dummies were Enhanced either by 'rter or mov- Fire damage, ulna T exclusively centered in the town- ich "tptteteta the 5 ton betl.ama to M 81.600. Mu: to o, w. Farley. Zion 11trtrpnotiaett. m Chief Theodor! B. he“ duels!“ the, total dttat- {an an and - would mt to about 315,000. ANNotmCmtg um: will: m or um: _ tffahiaM, Park tret' School. m One-BMyOtbOp... '1“ na- _ Playground BIL Picnic sen ' t Swim-lint SM. Water Wins! "t 21 m2 l mu , , my w ILLINOIS “A.“ gat, _

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