Y. AUG. 5 7:15 pm. . AUG. 6 7:15 lull. RICH. RCNT'LY GORDON. N HARIQN. ELINOR FAIR r m WIFKWHO WASN'T _ wtPirED" story of a mother who ertr. and! on the cross of scandal Inn. The danger in marriage Mme. tithing maelstrom of DAY. AUG. ' 1:15 p _ Mad-cc 2:30 n. B. mt HILLS Presents t phy tsho-arose, wtth an)... than who had [on the -, the. in Us Thursdty‘ lid every Thursday WATT-SUI! CONTEST" A2t'aT,tfi" tho other “do k ‘I.~ a.“ Sim Input-anon! I“ When. ESTATE mud Park. Illinois ith beautiful curvi room, (with 'alt the entire from heated sun room the vows. Funded . Wat room Complete modern My. "tmedve. All hm l moduli til. both i . no . Ve van b I? “F"! as He no Costello. uni . I h "ar too, NI. '- . any“! with. thin. pond“. hem-c that. ul- -ttse.orrbl org-eu- " the tmr6mtd and then. Bo mntb girl and horn. {THE COMEDY IRES “gm RABT" Wt COUDAL. BOEBRT AMES, '5. WALTHALL - CLIVE BROOK ' _ pert guiikn production from by 1rr)her, Paul Kelly. tNaaBgrC0MEDY IOPING TO FIND 'ACHED. GARAGE . {amine Lqpu) MB inn-trivia! M: l mm. “M. “It. . am can “vb. m. boa let'- . um! " an.†- a can. So nub -ox--- It“. [Wit “truck. '30 an be '1'- t .m* , AUG. '" Star'. ' 30110 WITH COMEDY, umedvdh. Tun-t 12tI'ggiaftl't',g 'Cllrl'nlrltrtT, I!!! AN" @230â€.er , we I! 2-21?" hump-0W “at 'tUTet' ""' ms I m Ji.ukiiir; mat uni MSG lOlS M3,!“ TH eatre wooded section, two ' unocnm In? ----------' I AUG. 3-4-5 Sacrifice to efme and bring any or any wise nicks. '0'“ 70†i11'g'iF','s,'.?iiit.t. 4AMMC§Q ,roid one-1,13- AUG. " 1:13 pan. " Ivanhoe, Fremont ownshib. Es.. tablished under name of Dean's cor- ner in 1861. Disconti tied in 1904. Lunar, established 1846, but later moved over into McHenry county by the government nnd applied to anoth.. er community. _ Hickory, Antioch " lUhed 1848 and disco: Grass Lake, Antiocl tablished 1886 Ind 1906. V Gilmer, EU township. Established in 2tr64 and discontinued in 1849. Grant. established 1892 and diseon- tinned in 1865. I Fremont Center, Fremont township. Established 1853 1nd discontinued in 1903. Foss, Fenton township. Established 1900 and discontinued in 1903. ETA Fort Hill, Fremont township. Ea. tablished 1840 and later removed to Avon township. It was discontinued in 1904. Emmet, in extreme southern part of county. Established in 1846 and discontinued in 1875. C Lancastervi11e, later changed to Everett, in DeerfUld township. Es- tublished 1887 and discontinued in 1904. East Foanke. Established in 1850 and discontinued in 1904. Diamond Lake. southwest of Liberd tyville. Established 1855 and ditreon, tinued in 1904. '. Serryse, Eta township, later changed to Eu. Established 1846 and discontinued in 1894. T Chicago Highlands, Cuba township. Established in 1902 and discontinued tn 1906. tablished in 1841 and disreontin1iedin 1842. Channel], Antioch township. Es. tabliahed in 1840 Ind discontinued in 1904. Carp. located near western edge of Waukegan. Established 1882 and dis- continued in 1884. Bun-no Grove, Iiernon" township. Established in 1847 and discontinued in 1903. _ Abingdon, located several miles north of Libertyville. Established Nov. 1836, later clunged to Hartford, then to Wamnton and finally discon- tinued on November 4, 1861. Aptakisie, located in Vernon town- ship. Established in July 1889 and discontinued June 14, 1904. Including union: the postomc'es that have been discontinued in the county; their Mention nnd dates of establish- ment nnd discontinuance are as fol- lows: In some inrstaneets the poertoMeee in these communities remained in serv- 'e"1tr-ur-,importarttees tern in their own districts, only to be fhtalir discontinued when potstoMees in neighboring villages overshadowed them may in importance. _ Origin of Names Nnmea of these "lost" communities were drawn from many sources, some from their location near lakes, others from the names of only settlers and some drum from the colorful Indian terms or books of itetion. passed "my completely or have dwindled to mere clusters of dwellings which ere not in keeping with the hopes of glory and importance in the world which were once held by these 'settlements. Lake county is a county of lost tom, judging from the records of the poatofBee department which tell of the establishment of postoffices in at least two score of communities in the county which have now either Next I" List of Those Formerly Serving ' Public and Later Discon- tinued; tht Sites of Old Town: , HAVE BEEN ABANDONED MANY. LAKE COUNTY cou ' WWCI'S L) " a (.1iliYeay'tr,l,l,r)i,':ii:i' Ilrtlitt.trtott,, Fremont township. Eat. VOLm m PAWlt 1 , PART! utfstiri?s',e':, h - I g. 31 ship. Estab- tinued in 1904. ownshib. Es- of Dean's cor- ned in 1904. 1846, but later township. Es- discontinued in f Lissa-wow, . an 3983 is 4031" “. emu may our an": MIND won “NJ c E m ABOUT 3006: “all: 'tt us we: - “use um NW Atty E YOUR mmv c m sAY-- , saw! an m Old timers also declare that there was a time when Rockland, now Lake Bluff and Half Day were looked upon as possibl sites of great cities. The latter com$lunity trot its name by rea- son of bei a half days ride by horse- back or w'fgon out " Chientro on the road to Milwaukee. l Millbum. Established in 1848 and i discontinued in 1904. _ ( NipperNnk, near Fox Lake. Es.. ;tablishedfin 1880 and discontinued in I 1902. ', It may ilso be of interest that Lil)- ertyville tt first known as Burling- ton, then As Independence Grove and finally by git; recent name. Rondout once was know as Sulphur Glen, Waukeeari gs Little Fort, and Mun- delein by ithe name of Rockefeller, then Areaiand then adopted its pres- ent name.) Whittier'. Established in 1870 and discontinued in 1881.' Windmejre, Grant township. Estab- lished in 1893 and abandoned in 1904. Wellington. in Benton township. Ea.. tablished 31888 and discontinued in 1904. ‘ . V Warrenton Grove, Warren town.. ship. Established 1883 and discontin- ued in 1904. r Warrerttiale, Warren township. Es- tablished in 1888, and discontinued in 1887. T . Saueatitck, in Warren township. Es- tablished , 1868 and discontinued in 1870. f Taylor ;Grove, Newport township. Established in 1892 and discontinued in 1893. i Rollins; Avon township. Establish- ed_in 187$ and discontinued in 1904. Atyiolai later changed to Sand Lake. Establish“ 1847 and discontinued in 1882. a _ Otsego; first located in northwest- ern part M Waukegan township near the present Tenth street of today and later movied to Benton township. Ea- tablished gin 1839 and discontinued in 1869. i, . Rosecrdns. Newport township." Ei.. tablished ‘in 1863 and discontinued in 1904. i T Ling Hake. Established in 1902 and discontinued in 1904. Mntteriholtz, Inter known as Long Grove. Vernon township. Establish- ed in 18147 and ttbandoned in 1903. Loon I’fake. AntioeiGGahiiiTs. tablinhedgin 1891 and discontinued in 1904. Wauconda' township and townships surrounding are elated at the deal and motorist' can look forward to the 2Tiflt of n number of dirt roads during t e summer. The eimnty has followed out this, plan for': a number of you? but this is the flitst pit for that lee ion of the county. '. Lumbeim, located in Cuba towns ship. 1ihtatsiished 1892 and discon- tinned in 1904. Leithtdn, Libertyville township. Es- tablished: in 1891 and abandoned in 1904. [ _ The ina, made t "e of of We a the nwtgn M 12%: cents I Yard, whtdit is einiidGeiT,', exceedingly reachable price. supp] The ntnct to femove gavel from a pit n u Wauconda, recently signed between' the county and the owner of the It was announced by R. M. Lobdell county , superintendent of highways, last week. Is Nhtt, gttihg,e,oet and acili e m ve- i nent of Bongo TY HAS LEASED ' ANOTHER GRAVEL PIT “(out may l its!!! 05.1 may Crru - at an? Mr. and Mrs. Angus their daughter, Anna, 106 Winnetka, are retumim end from a fortm'ght's 1 Detroit and through Can Flynn, their nephew, of tr', The home of Mrs. Pttfn J. Sher- win, 666 Greenleaf ave}'-g, Glencoe. was the setting for a cellnneous shower and thimble pa f on Thurs- day tor Miss 'k%'ft,'.iE Bulkley, daughter of Mrs. Cherie . Bulkley. Mil Skokie road. Misa, ' ‘ kley is to be married to John-Wen Gage of Chicago sometime in A1153 t. Dainty curtains for the bride au 's kitchen were made in the course t the after‘ noon. , I Mr. and Mrs. Henryiiggs ‘Rath- bone are again at their ' I e iit Keir. ilworth after a. winter s ii, t in'Wash- ington, D. C. Mr. Rat 'itWne return.. ed ten days ago, but .9, Rathbone went to Pittsburgh for srtl visit with het sister, Mrs. Willia . . Schertz. The Rathbones are en Itt sitting as their guests over this Ii k-end, Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Hoyt 0. Oregon, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. John M.', atson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry F? twoodoof Chicago. Mrs. Thomas Dreve , road, Glencoe entertain ty guests at. luncheon Skokie club on Wedn in honor of Mrs. Fred sons, and Miss Kate S ' l trow, Scotland. Mrs. Pa ing her daughter, Mrs. T Charmer. Mr. and Mn. Prank tf Dillon and their three children of l netke have gone to Glen Haven, ii, " to spend the summer until the ti when school opens in September. HN Dillon may return to Winnetka y. Ilt than his tamily. During their "sence their house at 1108 Spruce 3,5 et is being occupied by Mr. and " C. v. Pot.. ter. I: i Mrs. W. W. wheelock‘ ' 132 Oxford road, Kenilworth, was {peas at the Skokie club. 3 a Among the 'afrtyirts tl " for Miss Margaret Backus, 245 p mnor road, Kenilworth, prior to , - marriage, were the linen' shower l , urday, July 24, given by Min iiaik Jones of Chicago at the North st I e Golf club, and the lunchdon, bridg ft' personal showey Monday, Jul ' w, at which North Shoré News 'i, 'issiiiii:Cl1ifl t,?s" . E ncttt was. (’4’, w AR . “tumâ€: Suppett 135 Beach about thir- bridge at y evgning, k E. Phr- rt, of Glas- ns is whit- ;Qeorge S. ’eters and Elm street, his week- :or trip to l Clarence in}: street, taming as ek-end, Dr. )regon, Ill. 'atson and ttwoodoof ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, JULY ar, 1926 Hot After It Miss Frances Trapp " Hubbard Woods will lenve for California Aug. 1, for a month's visit along the coast. During Miss Trapp's Absence the Erances Hat fhttppe will be closed, and upon her return she wil open a larger shop at 1060 Gage street. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Davis of 144 Linden avenue. Glencoe, returned on the Leviathan from a three montha' European trip of delightful pleasure. Ashton, Wilson, Frederik. Walling, Betty Paine, Susan Miller of Wilmet- ks, and Barbara Groves and Helen Shimmin of Evaneton have been in.. vited to assist at the garden reception Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Southworth Mil- ler of 647 Spruce street, Winnetka, are planning for Satardmrr8ept. 11, to introduce their daughter. Mary, to society. Miss Miller will return to Vassar college the middle of the week followin her debut. A holidu u will progeny be given in he: tt,t,',. et Christmas time. Miss Galloway, the sister of Dr. Charles Galloway of Evanston, who is building a home in Winnetka, has been the secretary of the Rev. June: Austin Richards and the Rev. Thomas Goodwin'of the Winnetkn Congrega- tional church for the put year. She attended the Western college for. women at Oxford, 0., for one year, and graduated from Dennison univers- ity. ' Mr. Bowman and his bride will live in the apartment they have taken at 2249 Ridge avenue, Evamton. Tuesday, August 8, is the day Miss Margaret King Galloway of Winnet. ka has chosen as the time of he'r mar- riage to Wesley E. Bowman of Evans- ton; The ceremony will be perform- ed at 8:30 o'eloek in the evening " the home of the bride’s father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Galloway of Xenia, O. A reception will follow the reading of the wedding service. Miss Galloway’s sister, Mrs. Mar- shall L. Barker of Hamilton, 0., will be'her matron of honor, and a niece, Dorothy Galloway, will be the flower. girl. A cousin. Dorothy Rankin, wilt be ring bearer, and another niece, Re.. beéca Galloway, and Dorothy Hughes will stretch the ribbons. John D. Cameron of Wilmette, a classmate of [ Mr. Bowman’s at Wayland academyA Beaver Dam, Wis., will be best mam! accompanied them during put of the trip, but returned to Winneth Int Saturday. ' Marjorie Janney, Virginia Wallace, ‘ru‘ _ ao Ge'" // // "st. I'?,,;.:.;?.'..; Mr; and In. Enact M. Kimball 770 Bluff street, Giénooe, with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mn, Kim.. bark, left Tuesday morning for a two weeka’. motor trip through the cut ad a Visit in New York City. Dari? their absence, Mr. and In. E. . Wheelock and children of Urban. 111., are visiting in their home. Mr. and Mm. Benjmin L. Hum, 839 Bluff road, Glencoe, Mina Barbara Miller and Min Eleanor Wat, 780 Greenwood avenue, up leaving Pri. day to spend the rut iof the summer " their summer bout in Ru Ter- nce, near Churlevoin Mich. ' A. Z. Daniel of Alton, lil., will take place st 8:30 o'clock Tuesday eve- ning. August 8, nt the bride's home. Rev: Ashley E. Gerhard will perform the ceremony. The marriage of Mia Adn Bonner. daughter of Mr. And Mm. Edward Boulter of 706 Foxdnle avenue, Win- nystly, _to Arut' nnnieltgon of In. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Shekel a 246 Park avenue, Glencoe, aid their family returned Inst week from o motor trip around Lake Michjgnn. They drove up thru Wisconsin to the northern part, end on their wny back through Michigan they stopped " for a few days " Little Point Seble. Mr. and Mm. Donnld M. Meuutth.. lin of Boston ere being congratulated upon the birth of a son Thursday of Int week " the Evan-ton hospital. The baby bu been aimed Doneld Hamilton McLaughlin, Jr., His moth- er was Miss Eleanor Eckhart, dnueh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eeis hart of 206 Cumberland Iyenue, Ken- ilworth. Mr. and In. Clarion Kroger and their son. Chub. Kroger. ha, of TW Willow road, Winnetka, left Satur- day, July IT, for u two weeh' vou- tion in northern Wiseonain, u the' guests of Paul W. Koch of Elmhunt on Spooner island, his macro home. Mr. and Mm. Theodore Olson of Riv- er Forest are occupying their home during their absence. . Charles D. Budd, In. 694 Ohm road, Glencoe, sailed from New York on Saturday, on the S. S. van. Dyke for s trip to South America sud the British West Indies. He is with friends from New York. . Col. h. V. Smith in en eddreu be~ fore the conference muted those in MM: that he could met without ("or in the prosecution of ell cues in which police Men-eta or police ofBeem Vere tuned in complaint- by victims of speed tape in thin county. The "mum from lake mu m numbed to lean tint conditions in thin, county were none- whet tone than in other pert: of the Chicago area and emu-e! cleanup is in prospect. mqumhy‘up- retmttatiea of than“: ehttrand tttteh' "tor-inure-ttua-tte Chic-co "tutaiet. All and their. aid in "bwinztng wont elimination of the speed traps by prosecution at of- fieiala. l fUinits of village- and town: in tho Western port of lab county to via. tintittertt1ttt)+riiittemueinttie next session of the grant Jury of the. Lake county Tcircuit court. it - oped following the return at A. V. Smith, atom attorney. and William E. Herr, counsel in we county for the ChiettgoMotor club, from the big: eonfeeenee of mu. attorneys and motor club attorneys held in Chicago Inst week. _ According to report- uude It the meeting, condition: in the when pert of Luke county ere mun-11y Ind and n number of prosecution. no exp 1'mtrrottties-tt-ueis ifheu?ne.umtuet-VtrrGi: PLAN GRAND'JURY . _ . Spun TRAP PROBE Action In Lake County to Be '1‘“qu a View 1. Qftdhiittt2:ut'ggi ,tai,ut',,hdit,t,,tLttt: Northwestern 'trr-snort, fnetthntitmm tmhtsirtarid ontorthecity “WM†othermthoad, "mm railroodouwh -the Chm.“ mad decking mil-four!!! canteribdorh. Thebelidh Wththtb mntofthc 'af ti. Northwestern autumn.- tendtholylten L “of!!!†catholic!!! nil-nub Ire-ten unmet†by ot-ug people of that ' needing to the Winks-an Bun, yhich at: t Hum h.uod45m Mint!» Memo+tttemrttal, WWW after-longin- mudue to . Show hon-raids†‘Wullkmnnincelwr 'narruge,28res, acmundhndlhd in Luke county of her life. hm beenbornonu'f ian-mtmm- ship. ' . lutmkh man-{u Innatw Amman.- tionmtl'm thousandth“. 60th tuba-nary†My mi" -- Friend-oily Mra.gnerhNav. dsrroot,otattt WWW â€when “new,“ pkhstwukla we“. ,tyfnfmmn nesmrvahaedat '8,28T,66gttinat â€who“ theme! 192 579m.“- intwthe“ h9_nlguodbys. tion' of the db in.†7“ W 4-1."; “when!" but!“ Winks-tamer. nreaidamtof Gaunt-Win â€em “than"! “an: lawn-lat nroekaftara when. aluminium!) James hyiriuot fsymtrrutie6es an a sun.- This Pin I 'ci-th" "M; My ItrtNtntr 1' J..A1un, bse Qtym’l PART 2 a par; WEN?†tin-Hanan- was: " of About