Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 29 Jul 1926, p. 6

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l ix Mrs. Renter of Minneapolis, M 1rhouottemttt-totMA.B.k.. Ricks of Brahma umqe,’hu odtt.tor that. Mrs. Beck. mother of Mr. and M, Sneeden is returning this week to h home in Washington, D. C., havit spent a month in Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stuns: u, moved into their beautiful new hon on Dean avenue. Mr. Cleophus and Miss Ann Bern went the week-end at Benton Rube , Mich. Mrs. J. P. Fitzgerald "entertained ', luncheon and bridge yesterday for It any}. My: Finn, of St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Favor of Lake Wafer, , was the week-end guest of Mrs. A. . Putnam. _ T All members of Highland Pat Council No. 1066, Royal Arcanum ttl urged to attend . special meetiri Monday evening. July M, " whit final arrtutttetnertta will be made ft the picnic to be held August I. The: are also seven] candidates to be ivy tinted at this meeting. . 1 Miss Carol Fisher returned to h home yesterday front: Yale tmivernd where she recently passed her exam nations for the Ph.D. degree. Richard Churchill, Jr; who has be attending school in Europe is hon for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Melville a Mr. and Mrs. Leon Christy of S Diego, Calif., spent two weeks " t guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M ville of this city. They spent 1 week motoring to Niagara Pal Jamestown, N. Y., and into Cana taking Mr. and Mrs. Charles Melvi with them. Messrs. Edward 1 Charles Melville are brothers. Mrs. F. C. Noerenberi is spendi this week at Long Lake, Ill. Mrs. Everett L. Millard is spen’di this week in Vermont visiting l daughter who is at camp there. The Garden club of Evanston vs- ited the Wm. C. Egan gardens t Bumble, yesterday afternoon. Mrs. C E. Timson entertained t luncheon and bridge " the Briere e Golf club yesterday. The Lady Elks Social club will meet until the second Wednesday August. Mr. Charles. F. McElroy of R e street has returned after a two wee a motor trip with his wife in India . Mm. McElroy is visiting her mot r in Edenborough. Ind., who is very l. Mr. Werheim, manager of the J. Garnett Co., of Highland Park is l joying i two weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Boynton ll spend the week-end At Coleman La e, Wis. i Mrs. William M. Pttnt and child n are visiting her parents, Dr. and M . Thomas in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. John Domke and son, Lou a, of Jneksonvi11e, Ill., nre visiting at t e Paul Borehardt home. Mrs. Raymond W. Stevens, cha r- man of the finance committee of e Highland Park Woman's 'club ill meet members of the committee eve y Monday morning at ten o'clock at t e club building. Miss Lillian Tucker and her cons n, Miss Elizabeth Finkbeiner of Wang u, Winn, left Saturday for a two wet s trip in the east. Dorothy and Agnes Boylan a t Int week visiting relatives in r. Mr. and Mrs. Fréd R. Holly d small child are spending two weeks in Yry/larttj, Mich., visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Boyn n and Mr. and Mrs. Constant C. H p- kins returned last week from Holla d, Mich., where they visited Senator d Mrs. William A. Swift at their a - mer home. Mrs. Francis Berube is visiting er parents in Thorpe, Wis. Mr. and Mrs.’ Willard Towler 1ft Frhiay for their camp in Wyomin . Mr. and Mrs. John Hemmer of C i- cago were the Sunday guests of r. and Mrs." M. C. Conrad of MeGov m street. Mr. Hemmer is a brother of Mr. Conrad. Mr. and Mrs. William Dooley d Mr. and Mrs. John Sheahen spent he week end at McHenry as the cue ts of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bonson of De r- field road and Mr. and Mrs. Fr k Gender of Ravinia will leave Au st 5 to motor to Yellowstone Park. ey will be gone about six weeks. Miss Edna Peterson of Wilmette n- tertained at 11 miscellaneous showe in compliment to Mrs. Harold Re er (Florence Clow) last Friday eveni g. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Gipp and cl dren of Platteville, Wis., are visiti their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wetzel N. Second street for two weeks. Catherine and Thomas Chnvis Chicago nre spending this week , their aunt Mrs. Harvey Witten. Mtg. P. A. Robbins, and dnught Helen and Jane, of this city ere re '5- tered at the Hotel Claremont, Ber e- ley, Calif., for s few weeks. In. G. B. Chpunn, of South den venue, has left Mercy boopi Chicago, where the underwent 1: operation, and is now It the B _- View hotel. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Bauer and b John Werner of Wapakoneta, 0 " are (neat: of Rev. and Mrs. Karl A. Roth It 320 N. Green Bag road. In. Alien Joyce of Chicago f "', Cd, af Highland Park was the on Friday of Mr. and Mrs. PAGE WX ht t,', le he il- of th of Mr. an'p Mrs. E. E. Andrews of Lau- rel avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. John J. Parker of Cleveland, Ohio, " their wttkerei "can. _ , Mrs. " A. mile and her sons, Fred.. eriek and Lucius, Jr., motored to Gr_a_nd Irtto_ur, 111., last week-end. Mr. ma MA. W. L. BaiiiiiGm,- ton tad gtheir two tom, George and her of the Chicago Yacht club. Dur- ing the!, storm Saturday night the boats put into the harbor " Remain safely, rxuching Milwaukee on Sunday night. "rout ten o'eloek on Monday they left on the last lap of the race for Sturieon Bay._ - - and tyre? Owen. Mr. veiciri mgm Miss ipuny Dixon..of Vine' avenue was the iweek-end guest of Miss Vie- toria wiron of Chicago. Walter' Reed of Edgeeliffe drive is sailing in the Mackinac yacht nee on the"€Mildred W' with Hall Velie Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Richardson of Michigan avenue tire annptmcintr the birth of a son on Friday, July 23. Mrs. Ridlardson was Miss Grace Ful- kerson Ftore her marriage. Miss Florence Boyd of Prospect avenue is visiting Miss Margaret For- 'PII at lryannisriort, Mass. day, is attending this summer. At the end of the first two weeks there he was made {corporal and last week was advanded in rank. Mr. ahd Mrs." J. J. Tufts of Evans- ton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs: p. M. Busier of Ridge road over Sun- Mr. and Mrs. D. F, Kelly are enter- taining ht dinner this evening at the ExItottipountrs club. Webster Doud has been apphintgd a 'yrrtteant at Camp Roosevelt which he Mrs. William Mentier and son Har- old of Highland Park end Mr. and Mrs. Richard Briekitell of Lake Forest have returned from their trip to Prairie du Lac and Reedsburg, Wia., where they visited friends for the put week. . _ Mrs. Anna Bloomquitst and daugh- ter, Miss Ruth of Evanston are the guests of Mrs. Gunnar Carlson of Ridgewood drive for about ten days. Miss Esther Brandt of Deerfield avenue has just returned from a three weeks vacation at Kewaakum, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cannon of Taylor pvenue are rkeivine the con- gratulations of their friends on the birth of a baby daughter on hurt Fri- day. F Mrs. Erie Anderson of Deerfield avenue entertained last Thursday " ternoon for her mother Mrs. Adolph Freberg. Fifteen of the Highland Park Boy Scouts jeeompanied by the Scoutmas- ter Walter Reed spent several days at Starved, Rock last week. Fifteen young people of the Bethany Evangelical church enjoyed an excur- sion to' Michigan City yesterday af.. ternoon (Wednesday). Mr. J. Genest who u, been on the sick list is feeling better. Miss Priscilla Conrad will have as her guests this week Miss Louise Keupper and-Miss Gladys Harris of Burlington, Iowa. , Mr. tind Mrs. Joseph Leiser of Cul- him, Ill;, were guests last week of Dr. and Mrs. O’Connell of Ridgewood drive. I C Mrs. Sam Fell reiumed on Monday from. [two weeks' vacation spent in Grand Rapids, Michigan. " Mrs. 'éHarry Burke was hostess on Tuesday at a one o'elock luncheon for. lowed by five hundred at her home on Palmeri avenue. The table was " tractive in spring 'flowers., Sixteen guests Vere present. Miss [Irene Oetzel who has spent the past month visiting her sister, Mrs. Geortre,iCrosbr, at Fremont, Mich,, re- turned to her home on Central avenue, Sunday; Mrs. :Fritz Baht and son, Hans, and Gerard? Noerenberg motored to Wir. consin pver the week-end and visited relatives of fhe Bahrs at Fisk and Oshkosh. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Evans and fam- ily hate just returned from a two weeks motor trip through Wisconsin visitinj relatives at Wisconsin Rapids; Wanpaca and Delta. Mr. ind Mrs. Elmer Stone and son Elmer , Jr., of Wilmette were the guests on Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. tonrad. _ , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larsen and small daughter, Doris May, of Evans- ton, are guests this week of Mrs. Lar- sen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Evans/ MissiLois Huber and Miss Bemiece Pearl motored to Lake Geneva last week tind Spent several days at the lake. f Mrs.§Wm. Noerenberg'a class of the. Bethany 1ihrttnttelieal church enjoyed a party on Tuesday on Mrs. NOeren- berg’s (lawn. The children rerkrrt n dandy time. , . Mimi Emma Ashley of Chicago is the safest this week of her sisters, Mrs. Snyder and Mrs. Barbara Evans, of Central avenue. Dr. ieehtg,"g, Q. Grady and family} at 1e River, Wis, Dr. Grady {will return to Highlandl Park about the flfteeinth otAutust. Mrr'Herman Goldberg and children of Kedoaha, Wis, was the guest on Wednwa of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Abererlrmbr. Kin? 0M. Fisher has, returned from t Louis. And the want when the two hundred other member: of t Alpha ;Chi Omen sorority spent ( few "In. 'tqiG '/tv'r">P,r. Wynn.» Iti", .. my a, GWdC'2r2tCtet" _ H,“ “yr“, m i,t,f935,e'i. 19hith Thurtsdar-- _ 9:00-11:30 Daily V pttion Bible school.. h; ' Friday--- ’1. 9:00-11:30 Daily V ' _ tion Bible School. I " l Smtdar-- , 9245 Church tat, 1“ 11:00 Morning w The thus rament of the Lqr Supper will be observed. , 'i Monday-- I _ 9:00-11:30 Daily V ' tion Bible school. l Tuesday~ , 9:00-11:30 Daily Ira, tion Bible 'IchoOl. .u 1 Wednesday--'. T 3 9:00-11:30 Daily v _ tion angel school. _ ; . Mr. Oliver Himide1& he actor is spending a few wee l n Highland Park this summer. He F. rmerly lived in Evanston and is - known on the North Shore as a? tor of the Dallas Little Theatre. " e has come into national reeognitidt thru his ar- tistic attainment in wti ing the Da.. vid Belasco prize (forN tee consec- utive years) for the st produced one-act play given in l his notable eompetition. Apprecia of his ar- tistic work in Dallas i .king prac- tical form in the buildi I l of a $46000 theatre which will be. ; dy for oc- cupancy at Christmas , e which is to be under his direct . Mr. ‘Hins- dell and his family are' sts of Miss Ruth Ewing. ' Mrs. Max Goldsmith - Chicago has announced the cues“ ent of her daughter, Bell Harte l, to Joseph E. Michaela, son of Mrg nd Mrs. Jos.. eph Michael: of High il d Park. Mr. and Mrs. Michael: will} at home to their friends in comp Fl ent to Miss Goldsmith and their slll on Sunday, August 1, from three , il ten o'eloek in the afternon and Miikir' " their home at 1202 South S il idan road. c. J. Sheuley, ' it yr of the Highland Park iirrrgl the Illinois Life Insurance comps V motored to Oshkosh, Wis., last , rdny, spend- ing the week-end "il ing friends there. Mrs. Shetzley , P, ‘ mpanied her husband. They rehortrgivéery JGr.. ant trip. . , Mrs. Arthur E. Kg Atkinson, Wim, is visi! Mrs. W. W. Reichardj Johns avenue. f, Mr. and Mrs. Hen IHK. Sysoii of Oak street are leavin-Egar New York on August 1, and will! i] on August 3.for Copenhagen, Dal, ark, on the "S. s. Frederick VIII, o visit Mrs. Mrs. Syson’s 'parents. I r. Syson has been granted a three ' the’ leave' of absence from his dutidd on the Chi- cago North Shore 4l Milwaukee railroad on account ti ill health. They expect to return ik mt the first of November. Mr. a Mrs. Henry Kusher of Glencoe Mltt. occupy the Syson’s parents. lf Syson has Mrs. Arthur E. Kai. er of Fort; Atkinson, Wim, is visi2 3 her sister,‘ Mr. and Mrs. ‘Jan Deerfield are eeiveintr, tions of their friends a daughter on July 28, Jane Mitchell of Hi and Park left Monday on a trip thi tth the east. He will visit Wishjn n. D. C., New York, Boston, Maine I New Hamp- shire. .. The Drama Works R of Ravinia will pritsent The Mas by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman in t ravine of the home of Mr. Lionel R, rtson of Ra- vinia on Sunday. I I Mrs. R. P. Page L. inwright of 441 St. Johns place, _ visiting her, her niece, Miss Harri lack, daugh- ter of Col. H. B. Bla rot Washing- ton, D.C. g I" . Rariond, Walter M of South Second street; ing on tn auto tour of, will visit the Spsquie sition at Philtuielpbij Washinkton, D. c., York, Bufrtdtx Niagar troit. They expect to two weeks. l Dr. and Mrs. C. Al, arkness pnd Miss Margaret Malay; ho have been motoring through th ,'hite moun- tains, have returned t heir home in Highland Pitrk, after , absence of five weeks. _ a Dr. 'huiie B. Cha rs is going away o an extended ' ation and in her ab£ence her pr l e will be in charge yd Dr. Ethl Alexander of Chicagd. Dr. Bradle. Downing will still cdntinue his p ntmenta on Tuesday and Friday ' nings. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lo " Bemrdi of Prairie avenue, " ood, no the happy parents of a tm girl born " the Highland Purl: pital on Sat- urday. 'i' Edwin, We the ' of W. and Mm. Albert tarson y. Mini Snub Louder of Momine mad Ind Mist Wheel f Lake Forest Pull Nille‘nd her ' _ Men. of Flor- id. as visiting Mrs! iber'l m- ter, Mrs. Curran G eld neu- Fre- mont, Mich. Mrs. . ber is expect- ed home on Saturday. A ' _ have [one to' nortl tt male of W: [ #ttd Fl " J Gabon of Ridge tod drive left t week for Gene 111., to spend not of the "ryniiMtitiirsteth, -2 ML. 7 Mri, ?hilitt, Sew}? "MY In ters menu d Roy Fidder Yeft this mom- he east. They ltennial Expo- ' going on to Utimore, New Falls and De.. It Russell of y congratula- l the birth of :koflrdn 'V _..-..-- -ee- pr Lake 1',ertlt NANCE-[CAL d South si. of tl $46000 bdy for oc- le which is Mr. ‘Hins- " of Milss 'iscomin for gone about 'gti2rl hannb of well loved men-of-letters. In English Tum, Emerson an. ‘An American has more mun; than another to draw him to Britain.' And so, with these thoughts, I mud. n voy- The foreword contained in the book will explain the story. and how the was prompted to write it. "ru Joe- ieal complement to browning in the literature and history of a land is to behold, with one'l on: out, the (lunatic settings of history and the Miss Alice L. Baker of La 'Grantre,. a former resident of this city in the “that and publhher of a booklet en- titled “Over the Sea Lies Barium." i Hobart-By the City of the Long ‘Sand. ' i Patterson-Man-Eaters of Envo. i 'Wimrhip---Gatenbertr to Plantin. i, 'Bmsurt--stuute to Adventurers. i thutsworthr-Mver Spoon. t9pentt1er-Dee1ine of the West. Barton-Book Nobody Knows. _Curnwood---Aeeordintt to St. John. Rarmond--Whvs of Auction Bridge. Riekntt--Bar1ads and Song: of the Shanty-Boy. , Noek--getrerson. Green-Pee the Man Who Refus- ed to Fail. Seholes-Litstemm, Guide to Music. Koch-Reading a Vice or a Virtue. _ Antav---Dybtruk. I Bell-Contemporary Spanish Liter- ature. Birk1and-Wha1ert, of Akutan. Beck-splendour of Asia. Williams-MIS Forest. Nordeeai-Indian Dream Lands. Reeves-New Zealand. Tnrior--Nddle Home. Loer--Growth of Biology. Palmer-Things Seen on the Emp. lish Lakes. , Rogertr---Mturnifieent Idler. Thomason-Fix Bayonets. "Over the Sea Lies England" Published By Alice L. Baker of La Grange FORMER RESIDENT _ BECOMES AUTHOR The Lesson-Sermon also included the following passage from the Chris.. tian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Bakertddr. "Whatever in- spires with wisdom, Truth, or Love-- be it song, trerm'on, or &n'ems-Mrieas.. es_the human family with crumbs of comfort from Christ's table, feeding the hungry and giving living mten to the thirsty" (p. 234). The following list of books include some of those odded to the Library during the put month:' Among the citations which com- prised the Letmyt-Sermon was the fol- lowing from the Bible: "If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he, shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but re&now him; for he dweiieth with you, and shall be in you" (John 14:15~17). "Truth" was the subject of the Lea, Bon-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, July 25. _ The Golden Text was from I John 6:6, "It is the Spirit that benreth wit- ness, because the Spirit is’ truth." t CHRISTIAN some: Subj'ect tik next Suzie-r. lesson: "Love." You are cordially invited to nuke use of the reading room, MI Central Avenue, which Is open every week day frem nine in the morning until six in the evening and on Sunday " ternoon from 2:30 to 6:00. ruched ‘ss high Sas forty. Friday moiittettt will be our last school sas- sion, but Friday evening- " 7:80 o'eloek a public exercise and exhibit will be held. We are desirous ofhi ing sll of the parents of the C present beside other into ted friends. we extend s sellers] ta- tion to all who any be lute?“ Sundsy Berviek'i' 9:30 a. m. Bible school. ' Ku "La continues with interest all summer. We urge our girl: and boys to faith- ful Ittendnnce til the year. 7:00' p. -rn. Christian endeavor. Topic, "Wise and Nowise Decisions." Leader, Miss Hedwig Gieaer. The First Church of Christ, 8am in Boston. Mam, hold: mien mu Sunday morning at 10:45 tttd on Wednesday evening " 8 p. IL, when testimonies of Christina Selena ual.. ing in given. Sunday ”hoot meat: It 9:30 a. m. and in open to pupils under the an of twenty. 7:45 p. m. Evening gospel gel-vice. Inspirational singing. Pint Church of Christ. Scientist, Highland Park, Ill.," 881 Hue] ivo- nue, a bunch of The Moth: Church. , 10:45 a. m. Morning worship. Ser- mon by the pastor. Green Bay rand sud Laurel mum. Rev. r. R, thmhmti, pastor Our trrmimkBilt.V. school conducud during the four weeks of July, ls about to close. We consider that we have had s successful school for the tVat season. Our enrollment totaled sixty children but glue to nations, outings, can, on: .stigundsncen only PUBLIC LIBRARY Both girls were educated " Indy- elitt Academy. "tt academy on the Hudson. in New York state. Pot.. lowing their graduation they M George White’s “Sandals“ and n- 'nahedwitltthntahqarnaat-m. til April, 1926, who Inch Wm. the film product, now the m in Chicmmnd clued then contact. They accepted. - - __ ~~~â€" - :v-w nut-nee ”row " landing Men, were first 'iiiiitli'i' MM t star: at Vitnmph studio in Brook. "ertdnn m lyu. Thoyleftthelcreenwhcn mi. atttmtdUeh-d enemniandDolorutwoyun tubular-act old. Flomee Turner, Normn Tslp the m. , mndge, Consume Tum, Natalia be-tthit hon: Tulmndge and Earle William wen Mr. gm ,ritl among the Wtatrmph star- at that g.“ a... n. AND THEY BAY THAT ROMANCE IS DEAD! Helene Costello in "Wet Paint” at Highland Park Theatre Will Solve 11113 --- , ' Seldom has any girl in motion pie- turea made u brilliurt u start on the mad to "rr" at Eden Costello. daughter of , Maurice Costello, the screen’s fiegt buxom male Mar. Helene Git her totGJiioiiiTi, alat I brilliant PW anon; the young? age in the spring of 1922 to Englsnd, that little country so new in its nriatoemtie insulsrity. An shunt bu been made in the following puns to set down the impressions necked during this somewhst precursory trip. To those whore symmthies and sp- predation extend to things English, I cordislly submit these pages." AT HIGHWOOD’S COMMU N ' BANK ---You can with Contid ' Safdy Place Your Financial Proble. With Us If you have flunk to invest ' Wat In“: Autet c,1'rve,',', duhla Aland?! or our ' c 7 “SEE 68" “BI Tint mam frhem6--"A Savings A “an Ute" High wood Stk te “The Con-unity Bank" HIGHWOOD Phone 251 . One- " A plug of nperlitive excellence, it- traetiveneaa, frierndih---- cour- teous service and perfection ‘in du. pensing mites mry visit I plenum. -uthe best people are _ ' _ C,'.',::,',"'),',',',',',',"':,') 'rift' meat dridks,-tke lost at..' Highland Park TWO Phone 2600 STORES £1.21me GSELLSV FOUNTAINS Safety For Sand Toys andi Boats ALBERT LAR EARL W. GSELLljSz co. : Our Aim he To Serve This coiimmitr Make This Your Banking like . To you}: irGaith an B'RN)R PHARMACISTS Stationer Pro must be pm when and do til ------a. SEND YOUR BUGS AND, o-Tmll BEL“ DRY £13411 Att 1.40an handful Iotmehund 'e.-morenrtttt ili&Btonereat hath-mm, Ninth. Skid-and Fountnmuo or .11de a. - teodrtoemet char-mm 'ttereltreetr,w ,rilitreoeteof Gra' TAft 'tiAlr11Wlll'. - Shortly Mr. E. R. ted any, mutant )n- gmueg brow Chm in mt- BUYS 10?“,an AND L BUILD non Helen's a T - up I cc was in "The on the Barr, in which she up F u Syd Chap '1 listen Dolo nude hot tthrs t in "Greater u Crown” with - mund Lowe. _ than Helm play“ in " Ranger of the it Pines" with lath Kuhn. he Love Yor," " Juan," with J hn Burymom, her pleasant P - mount picture, Wet Paint" In . Barrrmore, her present P I- Highland Park theatre on Tu y. Wetland” and undny. I 1UMM' T l A1ivuhttot6to-ttttse or-tut-eo..-. ( Ravinia Phone 2300 nth by hnpd. ' an? CLEANIN vurmns u LAUNDRY ms " WELL tnetr. I not than Kola. Ranger of the ig moth Harlan, he I Juan," with J Ur pungent P - Wet Paint" It: . her present P .- heatm on Tu n totahehotd ym a. mud, ms ON at " H ii"! Ll " "

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