til In Japan the average size of tt farm is slightly over two acres. with some rather large plantations in me northern part., which offers a cha Fe for changing the course of agriculture. The government is assisting in t e movement but it will be a slow pro - osition. We favor at this time, than a' ing from rice cultivation to gi‘owi“ mulberry plants for silk worms a3: also the growing of tea plants. tt we can bring agricultural Japan to support this plan, we feel that t?e people will greatly benefit from t. The emigration. problem is another matter but highly important, at many Japanese are now going ,to "f' zil and to Maturhuria." l,,' Will Return ", 'Professor Matsuda is anxious fit special tutelage in these matters: Hé says he will return to Japan, rafts? his research work, and teach the best methods of alteration from one cro to another and also instruct his fe low nationals how to stay at hom' and prosper. " I’reeling Problem.“ ' i _ "We have three pressing problem: in Japan just now with regard to lg- riculture and the people who must Ie supported by Agriculture,†continued Prof., Matsuda. "First, there in tile problem of inland immigration; age- and, there is the question of emitrt#- tion of Japanese to other eentriip, particularly to South American ie tions; third, there is the problem of developing new crops. The latter fig vitally associated with inland imp: gration, as in Japan we must relieve" congested rural communitietrand m- -fiuenee the agrarian: to tro" to the city, when they are situated so tint they can do so profitably. i, COMPLETE PLANS FOR , i ANNUAL GOLF MATCH Glencoe Men's Club to Piaf At KppltyoodAtertt. 15; f" PAGE FOUR Plans are completed for the ant nual golf tournametit of the Glenco‘ Men's club which Will be held tii year at Knollwood club. at the south? west corner of Waukegan and HI,'ttt' tyville roads, Wednesday, Sept: 15. 4 JAPAN This is to be an all day afhsir, aryl from present indications. it ia' said there will be a large attendance 0; club members to whom rettervatiott cards have been mailed and mahy ot whom have already made favorably response. _ V I": "Japan is trying to chnnge the I: it of its "rieulturistss from the l tivntion of rice to that of other pk} and has fair hopes of ,','tit'tttt;; said Progegsor Takeo Miuuda, on" f the {unity of Holknido Imberial tt ii. varsity, Support. anan, who bu . istered for three years of work at " Institute of Research it.? Lind Ee - omics and Public Utilities nt N - western university. A, if Prof. Mataudn has wow a fella?- ship at Northwestern and twill p _ e three yelrs of study at the 'lnstit A with the fihaneia1 co-operation of e; International Education, Board i'pt New York. He will be a special l - dent under Dr. Richard T. Ely, L. rector ot the Institute, amd, of t . Henry C.' Taylor, secretary of the ltr. stitute, and famous as an turrieultue'pl economist." I Arrangements have' been made Gi, playing eighteen holes in the morn,) ing and eighteen in the afternoon.t Luncheon and dinner will be serv _ at the club. Those who cannot b _ present In the torenoon mny "ring? to play in tttafternoon. K Prizes will be awarded for trotri) the morning and afternoon contests: ll SAYS PROF. FROM NI Attempt Being Made to Chan; Habits of Its Agribultnr- itrts; Teach Modem Methods ' WINNETKA YOUTH WINS MUSIC HON Kurtis Brownell Airarded SehU arship in The Julliard Winnetkl lay: claim to the'honotf of having one of her youthful som/ come to the front in the musical! world. To Kurtis Brownell, son of: Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Browne". ttig Oak street, Winrietka, belongs this honor. The announcement has Jysti been made to the effect that Mrf Brownell-v-tsince childhood 3 star i north shore musical eireles-htu, bee _ awarded I fellowship with the Juil Hard Musical Foundation, New Yor City. . The Inet that this award is g tetd lowlhip. and not a scholarship, is noteworthy in th’t the advantages, M, the fellowship ere quite tuhreri/tr t those of a regulation _ 'seholnrtltip The latter gives only tikakeidi sh port to a student, while the 2i,,lt'd'ii, (and opera fellowship admits 'i aspirant to the New York institution; on the basis of one already advanced? to the envhble status of In at 'N The competition for judging got: ttt4 nuts of the Illinois mm was held in; Chicago recently, " _ which r1 Browncll’l ,ainging wu easily ed superior to that of the many up " contestants. V ' J Faith“ prosperity. but it id, A, -emtatr w that it rau'fove: “m m I; ' Symon it looking fertile road [N TRYING l EDUCATE ll, All-Day Athiir M. H. Brook to R. C. Weiss inbertr. ‘WD $10. Lot 14, blk 1, Nmzhwood Manor, pt-See. M, Deerfield. ' i p. P. anney to L. E. Gallagier and wife. WU $135. .Pt blk 125, s. Wau- kegan. Sec. 5, Shields, I 'M. J. Alexander to M. J. Aldxnnder and husband. WD $1. Pt blk 16, H'uzhland Park. i 3 "t.R."ise'riii 'ind wife as C. J‘pavis. WD $10. Pt blk l, Truesdell Addn to Deerfield. l " Emma M. Bonnell to H. L. Him and me, it was. WD $10., Logs and pt lin 9, block 29, North Addn no Lake Bluff. 3 Fred Bellar and wife to S.iBuresh and wife. WD $10. Pt See. 4, hields. A. J. Mooney to A. J. Moo ey, Ti. WD " Pt Secs. 27 and 28, ertield. Maria' Larson to C. Larger. WD $10. Pt See. M, Deerfield. _ F. H. Binlett to Carrie Cdmstock wr? 310.}; See. T an_d Cslti'pio. I F. B. Haipisr to W. A. Saln’on. WP 3900. Pt See. 4, Shields. I . H. L. Hall and wife to Emi a M." Bonnell. WD $10. Lot tt and a?!“ 9. blk 29, Ndrth Adda to Lake B. isif. C. Grist and wife to F. Mar‘ho. Wt? $6,500. Pt Sec. 26, Deertuld.l, C. W. Burkmnvn iJi. jirriiir)Tand wife. WI) $10. Pt blk 9, lExmoar Addn to Highland Park. g _ _ Richard PTonnor and wi . to 'i. Gaggioli. WD $1200. Pt Feet'. 14 and 15,' Deerfield. , i 21LShieldssi. C I, ." l . A. mitten-3m! wife to r. B. Mlmu undjfwifo. WD tw. :Sec. H. R. Gentsch and wife t A. Renault. ' WD $10. Pt ec. Shields. 3 D. Wolhpbr and wife to C. Mi and wife, bt' tens. WD 810. I 22, block ll,' Bentwood Park, j 26, Deerfield. F M. H. Brook to Florence Seth-1mm, WD :10. Lot 12, blk 1.~Nox1hwood Manor. pt Sec. M, Deerfield. ; W. R. McMurrun and wife t C. F. Edinger and write, it tens. D " Lot 22 and pt' 1dt2t1, blk 6, B nicer Bros. Sunset Terrace, pt S ' 22, DeerfleH. l l "Would preserve house iin Rye where Washington was Pet' any; a headline in the New York Firms. It must be explained. that t Rye referred to is a city and not pro- servative. , '. ed by- the iwomen "in rainy whither can pot now be attributed toitheir long dresses. T I WE $10. Pt Beec.29/De . ' . H. Birth“ to. M. D. Beh cland MD 810. l,', Sop"? “Id 8, tthi Idt. L Sophia In Esau and 119; I to . R; Kenn: QCD " Pt, 41. Shields. _), / T C" .3 Charles Wilbom nndmyife to . Icy Hall, Jr. “go-$1. Ptblk 76., Park. W. Hubett _and wife to P. ... Lun- tien. WD .100. Pt Sec. 27, 4rdl'l'i.' -r. K ' [to G. E. Moore n d wife WD bl? t Se. as. pt'gat) . "Illinois Fell Telephone Co. t Rysliewicz’1‘and wife, it tens {7,9991 Pt lots A, B, C, am! E, 5, Shields.' tien. WD $100. Pt Seam, Weld. Highland Park State bank u A. M. Harding. WI) $10. Pt Soc. 23" Deer: field. ', ', f I T 3 lat Tr. ' Betts Bank to {Him Telephone Co. QCD 825. tot C and part Lot D nnd E, pt} Shields. . I i t. A. smut: ind wire t9 B, " r .314 wife. WD 810. the. Deerfield. . _ A l l, _ John' to cum. Johnson. wo . Pt ht, 39. W. Wnubittatt ubdn. . E. Parliament untrue B. E. (eetre and wife. WD $10. "lee. However the difficulties enieoiniter- Rik» Fdr or to or meediite Reiruireients '. toi your Individual Order " Rush Street at Erie ' _ . CHICAGO 'i, I Telehone: Superior 69tilr g ORIGINAL DRTED MODE ipt Bee, ‘Sec. 6, e&nith' Pt lot it Hell -- 21, Widneth’a; iirrst humane seie.ietr, Win a clubpand its 2tt library were Ignitedi in in old on“ that was wed lust wo,t1t to makproom 'or he thyoitth 'itraiBe' NEW» arhiehl, in pullzg through Winnath jut bit of an animus ma North steaming, rubbing, wrinkle removing, cleansing' of the facial pores, and gen- erally improving the appearance and complexion, is one of our particular lines of work. Our line in to remove your lines, and the chief feature of our,, business to improve your fea- tures, permanently and at little ex- Wanda: right-{af-way. In its, room: a My of f.t1ttte't onet you Sun school. 10nee . ml: it why open I “bury, as! hem the poo- ple and ' mind what we now knowlu Winn '- Public library. All of: Winmt " dancu wore held in ttayril-lamrr-lieht" rooma,ind the theâ€, mines, and tienedta were held there. i. _ 12 North Sheridan Rd. Tel. PEP. 920 ZIP Treatments given Doomed by Progress 3 . But highways must be made, and traMe must be served, and this old hall, once known as a school-house, then, as a community house, as a litdnry and lastly " s residence, has given away foit ti, third time to the progress of a growing village. _ Work on Winnetka's section of the new trattle highway is progressing satisfactorily it was stated at the village hall thit week. Windes and Marsh, village jengineers, have been on {the ground insking the necessary surfveys and nemoval of structures situated in the path of the thorough- fare is rapidly) nearing completion. Actual work on the roadway is ex- pected to begin 'in the very near fu- ture. . The farmers demand a fair shake, and that is what some of these ob- streperous kids -need also. humus hitstiort. l V ugh thei efforts of Artemu: carter., preaide’pt of the village for seven]. taxman the structure was built ‘u Dis iet School No. 2 in about 1868 or 869, and was located at Elm and ‘nlnut streets. This happened before Winneth wu tn incorpornted village. Later the Vil-' Inge took it over and it was a Vin-go school for (short time. I Moved to face on 'Walnut street, it became Copeland halt, or the vill'sxe community house, and dinailr was sold and moved west to its present location after being converted into a residence. _ Permanent Marcel a Specialty . _ Bui in Sixtie- M. MoVed three times. it has had in M. Emma and Elli Borehttrdt Face Massage mam pm mtssss,ktamamrtattrr; Wow _ V , r, HAIRDRESSING " Y4i, Phone 307 Sf, . Yoilr friends get L Mich satisfaction t 05 i',rh" , sty as you do V ii 'i,', i} 1 Gut, ind iueorationa. mui did not just happen. It tool! are sad knowlohc at a. In a in! pride in trying to build thesejdlouleq better than. you could yourself. ", I z . , ' Five.aixnndtmntooqsund unmmudin. 'tnddrrmtttnnobr,-attharxhrood wanna-hear,“ rooms. 1rauteeuexttttimtje" “unit in“ III on: " dtettrir but!“ outside‘vdh "ies, buaoofa, fine" km, Iota 50:150. Bil Phone 2619 , Every side is a front. You will Ae what I mia,, if you arbund any of them; there is a "i" and balance to them equally beautiful c-front, side: or rmir. , The Mp1. living in Highliiii Purl had the liq-f opportunity to use and I more you know about them the better The miet important thing: they Prices 8ttum to 818,500. Cash or THE FALL MARX s C STYLE 2 Your family, your friends, you well dressed. And ple Hart Seuffner & Marx label it. Yodlll find it here in all 1 Only the best of materials Ind lulu _,, Walter WV. Wa _'a"ru,ttd THdt"tft fre ir I' yet“ of iGiik The new 3-but‘ton . 'le breasted suit; wide i' - ders l an a ska: w! La In Highland Park ( r,"" nod hips; trousers 1 ' ‘thei 31:2? F New " r'l'i',it"t1it ' FEW“) aw: PH Your; Clothier ss Onej or) the Wiieorr Homes mi main-m FEL] LRT M) . .q,, trs GIVE Y U 5': AND. VALU 'ij. rom- business associa an 'st,;?,) g sing them brings pleas e to on. T I means good style. / thatioil In the smart new far: m ls. 1' , n _ remnant m it have been and in mm. t, when the Wilcox mm In boat [tlt/ atowoftheirmnl-th.Mm, duo. youwill like than. T i l People "irGaririTmFr" an..." __ V _ “tel-button LIL, hm wilywwhvg 'i-y1'.3r?V,' (, ' ways-nub? 1137:; wooatad g}; rN mama-5.5;; g! ,5y,es' 13; TH and at“. '.!ll hi? H ye " tt " tq, " if ll Jr Fd PE"? tr if