ll ’21: "fr. M. Rafferty and Mrs. Bush Rafferty have returned home from a week’s motor trip to St. Paul, Minn., where they visited relatives. Alisa Ruth Fakes who has been the guest of her aunt. Mrs. E. E. Far- mer. for the past two weeks returned to her home in Detroit, Monday. Mrs. William Ernst of S. Second street entertained thirty-five guests. on Saturday evening in compliment to her niece like Alice Luzon who“ Murine to Mr. “red" anle of Louis.. ville. Kg... my. Place sometime in Mrs. Nora Maher is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary Limaelter, at Clin- ton,' Iowa. ' ' _ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Smith of Glen- coe avenue and Mr. and Mrs. William Pearl are leaving on Saturday for a two weeks motor trip visiting hilarious cities in northern Wisconsin and (Iver into Canada. returning by why of Niagara Fallaand Detroit. I Miss Emma Evans and Miss Blanche Hilpertshauser of Chicago motored to Shetbortran, Wis. and were week-end guests pf Miss Hilpertshauser’s par- ants. "V (a..- _-...‘.-uuc I" 060501; Mind miter. the d.kmmieirs at up _e"'tirtg. In: love- “ __ . ----- l Florence Bor)) of 235 Prospect ave- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore, Kugel and) nud was hostess to oat of town guest! Mr. ands Mrs. Theodore Snyder and} at l: dinner paity last Saturday EVE- Mrs. Micheal Huber, all of Pyttn/einir. It was fbllowed by a dance at Wis., were week-end guests of Mn; Exipoor Country club. 4' and Mrs. H. o. Huber. I Virginia Hyde of 284 Ravine my. Mrs. James L. Martin and daugh-I lettees the latter part of this week tar, Jane, returned horde Sunday I for Chicago university. 2 5 after spending the summer at Valley; Ruth Dunscmnb of Linden Paik Ranch, New Mexico. 1 phuie is returning teRockfotd callege Mr. and Mrs. John F. Maher of;on Saturday dining. ' i Glencoe avenue have " their guests? Mrs.. llowelllrW. Murray' of 81 N, Mrs. Maher's parents,' Mr. and Mrs.', Linden aytmientertained sat,urdty lit':""""' Uedelhoten of Bayfield,;' night at dinnerlat the Exmoor Coun- Vis. i ' - Mrs. James L. Martin ind ter, Jane, retrurned huge after spending the summer at Ranch, New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore) Rage] and Mr. and‘Mrs. Theodore Snyder and Mrs. Micheal Huber, all of ‘Daireng, Wls., were wetsk-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Huber. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M have as their guests their the Misses Minnie and Sadi, of Mediapolis, Iowa. - Mrs. Louis Leverone of Hazel ave- nue entertained twenty-two guests at luncheon and bridge at Exmoor on Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Arnawald return- ed on Stmdtiy from 1 two weeks va- cation visiting relatives in Janesville, Wis. Miss Maud Bakke, in company with her mother and brother, Carl, left on Mon.day for Northfield, Minnesota where she will enter her freshman year at Carleton college. Mrs. Bakke, .....A P-_|‘ ___qq _ ' ,,V..,u-. «nu. â€all and Carl" will return home Friday M.. -_..I ‘17 " . '-, Miss Mona Baht returned last week to Austin, Minn., where she will attain superintend art in the various schools in that district.' The members of the Y. M. C. A. gave a very enjoyable beach party to their friends on Saturday evening. About twenty couples enjoyed the games. .dancing and marshmallow rout provided by the committee., Radio furnished the music for dams' mg. ' day. Mr. Edward M. Conrad is spending this week in Fisk, Wisconsin. Mrs. Conrad will return with Mr. Conrad on Sunday after having spent a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pansie. Mrs. Harry Paul entertained the members of her Bridge club on Pri- Mrs. Henry Niemgyer and daugh- ter, Mrs. Willitm Lithall and her two children, Billy and Bobby, of Chicago were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher, Sr. Mr. and Mrs: _ Ed Borkert and daughter, Nancy, xeturned on Thurs.. day from a month's sojourn in Cali, fornia, visiting Los Angelep, San Francisco and Catalina Islands. Mrs. Henry Niemgyer and daugh- ter, Mrs. Willitm Lithall and her two G. Wesley Conrad left last week for LaFityette, Ind. where he entered his freshman year " Purdue univer- sity. He is taking chemical engineer.. mg. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. O’Connell and daughter. Patricia, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith (Elsie Witten) and small son of Glencoe returned last week from a three weeks stay in northern Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stone, Mr. and Mrs. William Burns and daughter, Dorothy and Miss Josephine Peterson all of Woodstock, Ill. motgred here Sunday and were the dinner guests: of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Conrad of Me, Govern street. I l Mr. and Mm. Frabk J. Conrad of Wilmette were Sunday guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Conrad of MeGovern street. The Misses Vendln and Esther Adamson of McGovern street " spending three weeks visiting rel» tives in various,p]aces in northern Minnesota. _ rCiie'irch'..ii4,i'irgi?iat"ibGGrr, raci'rat:a?d,irsWet" Mr. ahd Mm. D. E. Johnson and Miss Pauline Johnson returned Wed- néaday from Eunnaba, Mich., where they motored Labor Day. Miss Billy Bell left last Tee? for Owtonna, Minn., where she has been the guest of her room mate Miss Ad.. sit. Tucky Miss Bell is leaving thrtoir. na for Wilson, Wis.)here she will resume her studies at the university. . Mrs. George Finkbeiner and Mrs. F. C. Noerenbenr have returned from York, Perm, when they speqt thi past two weeks attending uniqu- drennitl meeting of Woman’s lbiisw sionary'society. . .t ' Mn: jiuirr%idirTa77t" Park River, North Dakota ist visiting her sister. Mrs. Rolland Bleimehl. ' Mr. nnd Mm. a, emu who bud spent the past two weeks " Griswajd uherethrned home yesterday. ' m... was the walk-em? guest ii" It} mum. J. S. Boll. , C': PAGE FOUI yr. 'Arthpr Gagging of â€was - -"-. M.-.“ their gue'sta their relatives es Minnie and Sadie Bridges uAIL. T__, Bridges tu led from 'tei “.3616; 56:32 be living. Icy are new residing at air old hohe on Roger Williams, av [ ue. " ' f _ . Tuester D] Willitms of 717 Lind col _ “pm warming,†1 dinner, tti n at ['3me Country club Inst: Sttt, way night, I I in Edith'VQil of Lincoln "emu re med Tsd?4,it.ettr from an extende ed 'p titanium. ' . l Miyouri, are viéiting hogan-"a 287ml; of Peeks. . 'ti ' . , Mr._a_nd wild, Weeks have red Ruth Dunscomb of Linden Park plade is returning teRockford college on Saturday ejening. T i Mrs.. HowelFW. Murray' of 81 N. Linden aytrui,entertained Satprday night at dinner'at the Exmoor thsuir. tryi, club. Folthing‘ the dinner Sthete wai a dance. i I ' b'. Carl Pfamtiehl and family M \Vmpath avenue returned Saturde from a month's 'motor' trip through the.past. 's They traveled along the Atlitntie coast to Maine and from there all through the White moun- tains. Mr. Hanstiehl remained. in New York to 'attend a Radio Show being held the". . . " , t; and MrsiNorcross and family“ pf aple lane returned Tuesday teil l'titwater, Mi k. where they' have beet: spending the summer. l i yrs. Richard tafqueville’s parents", Sri' and Mrs. lc, W. Tatum of -iGiiii'/ i Phyllis Edkins, Dan Rogers, i'Jat11t Nor-cross. Charles Drake, Sand Allan Turpen are all returning ;thé‘;latter part of this week to the E University of Wisconsin. John Harmon, Jr., ii rethrh‘ihg-E; Ashville in North Carolina, thir latter part of this week., , Barbara Davis of Lincoln, avenue left Wednesday for Monticello. “Dr. Rogers returned Sunday fram a motor trip Which he had taken to the; Pacific coast. On his return home he was accompanied by his son, Dad Rogers who has been spending the-summer at' Glacier National Park. , Mildred waIttier Maigécured a poii, tioit as secretary to the Rev. Gfo. S Keller. _ Vincent Erb: of St. was -ir/iii'iii; left Monday ftr_Prineipia college. Mr. and Mm. Thomas Sheridan 101 S. Linden avenue returned home Str- urday from an extended motor trip thrbugh the east and through Canada. Miss Harriette c, Be 'teh of Rice sttret, Ravjnia, is leaving: today' for plirrlin, Ohio where she is to attend tlin college this coming year. 01mm. E. R. Bhelps of Prospect ave- nue accompanied her daughter; Betty Phkiptrto St. Louis, Miss. where Betty is to attend Principia. They left Sun- dar' evening. Mrs. Phelps will return home the latter pert of this week. Mrs. C. Barkman and h 013:606 Vine tvenue left _ Florida. She _expeetts to quite a while. l "Mr. and Mrs. Prank Howe and fam- ily of 668 Central avenue, accompan- ied by Maurice' Dunn motored to Streator, Illinois Sunday. They took Mr. Howe to the state convention of the Federation of Labor which is be.. ing held there. Mrs. Howe and the yqtmg people returned the same day, bu) Mr. Howeixpects to remain there fot a week. " i ‘ 3 Dorothy Royanne Bartlett' enter- tplned twenty little girls at a party last Saturday at her home on Vine avenue. Luncheon was served in the g’ rden and was folloived by progres- sge games. Those whofenjoyetr the eagernoon were.' Jane Doud, Dunne v ell, Marilyn Gooder, Dorothy Grego, Eugenie Jordan, Carola .Kell- nor. Peggy McCormick, Marjorie Me.. Donald, Mary Morris, Lotiise New. mann, Sylvia Peter, Mary Reay, Anita Sheridan, Betty Smith, Barbara and Jean Tennant, June and Marjorie; Weber and Mary Wood. i I " Mr. and Mm. Herman Goldberg and daughter, Marjorie, at Kenoshs. were guests on Monday of Mrs. Goldberg', parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Nels Nelson. " Mrs. Charles Willard entertained with seven tables of bridge on Tues- day afternoon in compliment to her, house guest, Mrs. Brandt of St. Louis. 9 MissNMayfred Hanson is enjoying s two weeks Vacation from her duties! at Rigdon's/Dry Goods store and is! visiting in Peonomawae, Wis.- I Mrs. 0.1%an wag hostess to her Five Hundred club on _Tuegday night. I Invitations hpve been (mm by Mrs. Paul Qhapman of Linden Park place for 'a luncheon ambbridce to be given at E T nor on Monday. _ I Mr. and $113. Fred Clow and Mr. W. W. DrktAre spending 'a week or ten days at Green Lake, Wis. Mrs. J. H.- Stipe will be hostess on Friday afternoon to her Bridge club at her home on South Green Bay road. l Mn Henry) Equ'Hollmd gPdtent, New York is spewing a week gwith his brother, Mr..Robert G. Emmi. _ Mm. c. 'teq',",',',',') a: Bad rah turned to her home " Monday : t spending a week with, her an; tar. Mrs. E1mer,,EvattfL, _ ‘ _ Robert Putin of Mirth cu Ashton! Law. mu an A? an; FhFrpe gt _ into. and Mr. an um. 1y pieces oehlumirumvwite l ted to the hont)ettd guest. Cha' ut-ot. totrn not“ included It. Ms. C I" tkt ' h of Rice il today' for is to attend T daughter onday for gone for "T'? he Bdrm yreL _ r.iotnd i th tttree, it: a Ptfisei, ' M . B. J, Err-in te Wat: 3h you w '. ' . Y T?“ by hm, Minn p...†Mr. ,and nun. mud week. lt-of- G Mn" Mn: f , an; r 'd 11:r he a I ' i _ r.l Mrs. W. B. Wilson and Miss Myrtle Wilson of Grinnell, ‘13., mire the guests of Mrs. George Greene of Li . den avenue. on Monday. Mien IG: .eon who has been in charge of the 11't.,tgo',it? activities at Sunset Park during the summer leaves on Friday for, Syracuse, N. Y. where 'she will ‘auperyise the recreational Work in I working girl's club. T Mr. ind Mrs. Elmer Gieser of Cedar City,‘Utah, erelreceivins com; granulation; on the birth of a autth-.' ter born Tuesday. , _ l Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dingle are, spending this week in Atlantic City. N. J. They are expected home the, latter part of the week. Mrs. James Collins who has been in the Highland Park hospital for the. past three weeks is getting atontr" nicely‘ and will moat likely return j home the latter part of the week. l Mtg. Domld Veil of $55 Fore“ an- 3 _ Mr. F. B. Evans returned Friday from a brief visit to Kentucky. Mr. Evans visited at the home oil the late Mr. Christopher', aged father, and brother. I _ ,5 Mr. and Mrs, D. S. Boynton and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Vail were the week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Raw.. leigh Warner of Evanston at their home at Lake Genev'a. _ Mr. and} Mrs. William P. Been hive moved from Maria street to their I home at 606 Vine avenue, which they recently purchased. ' ’ Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Katz and daughter who spent' the summer in Ravinia have returned to their home irt,Chieatrol, ' t Mr. It, Reeder of this city and Mr. Rex elson of Evanston hare gone to Des, Moines, Ia., to visit Mr. Reeder’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.‘C. W. Reeder. ', of this city and a winner' of eRhodes scholarship of the Univers ty of Arizona, stopped off here fo to short _ visit with the Whitney snd'Lowe fam- ilies on his way to commence his du.. ties at Oxford University, England. The remarkable part about this young man is that he has earned his way all through the University of Arizona and won the Rhodes scholarship Ir, his own efforts. He and a companion were sent by the university on a de-i hating tour to 25 colleges in this1 country and one in Porto Rico. They won 18 out of the M debates. It was Mr. Whitney's desire to have him stay here long enough to give the public a talk on his experiences" to Porto Rico, but he could not stay any long- er. n . _ _ - . h l.' If C . , A "‘1 mamam pm, Ptal'rrierhh'tt' rm‘mou Mr. Carl Wicart, tG/niyiirryGrr" old ttrand-nephew of John B. JTtitner The Junior Star club will meet next Monday evening. September20, at the home of Miss Lillian Tucker, 519 Oak- wood avenue. All members are .in- vited toittend. This is the" first meet- ink of the falls Miss Aliceve Winters is returning to Miss Wheeler's school, Providence, R. I.,' this week. Mrs. JohnaieGuire and two sons of Nashville, Tenn., is visiting her psrw ants Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. iGinfiiiid Mrs. Andrew Anderson of St. Louis, Mo., was the guest last Week of Mn. Harvey Witten. th _, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McEwan and son of Naida Terrace were the week end guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Bruce 'at Ivanhoe:Cottaire, Long Lake. t Mrs. Frank Baker of Everett place entertained at a miscellaneous, show- er Tuesday afternoon for Miss Fran- ces Klingert of New London. Wis., who is to be married to Mr. Chester Sullivan about the middle of October. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Woltze spent a few days last week motoring in Wis- consin. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Constant C. Hopkins motored to Peoria this Week and are it the Countrrelut, there while Mrs. 'Hopkins attends the board meeting ‘of the Illinois Federation of Clubs: ' Mrs. G. Frederick, and daughters, 'Ruth and Alice, and the Misses Ethel and Violet Gregg. of Hartlant Wis., were the guests of Mrs. Charles Mel- ville last week. Mrs. Richard L. Sandwick of Lin- 'coln avenue is expected home this week. She has been in California for the summer. She is stopping off at Estes Park for a day or two an her réturn trip. F -e T Mrs. S. T. Rebling of S. Green Bay road entertained twelve women at a bridge luncheon held last Friday " her home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shdler of or.! chard lane, Deerfield, are receiving‘ congratulation on the birth of a baby. girl born Saturday, Sept. 11, at the,! Highland Park hospital.. I left Sunday (or Wot-hi; -tirti. Dr. Nora-on of Maple lane left Sut- urday (or Colorado Springs where he in attending a medical eimvention. He is expe'cted home the Brat part of next week. _ _ mi and Mrs. T. C. Eninm and th ttriee children, Barbara, Theodora a Ptfisei" Alden are the guests of M . B. J. The“! of Sheridun road. Err-inter family are with the Th yet; while their new home called G y Tower, which is lgcated in Hop- hints, Minn., is being completed. Mr. ,and Mrs. Guy.Viti of Prairie avenue', Hitrhwood, are the happy pir- ente of a baby girl bdrn “any, Sept. it at the Highland- Park _ pital. J [mam iii - V a“ --e-. .. ---v “W. or? mud tbor. 811! ion:- â€rm M plumbing and room; mum ' " tura. Mandy lambaved; 'ear"damdi but 70x280.. My ttruusehw. Tel. Highland Ptr* 2206 or Franklin 1286. E. B. In". C " you BALE--atrteh been, an 7 mm dr., tl'h,re,,'te; 1tfef,f, kkvlgtt,iiir? sun vu- rou n 2 WM Vin. am Yu: Maya: room": _khch9n: 4 In", 4nd I want to thank all the people for helping me out. and voting for main this recent conning that I won. _ Second street near Laurel avenue. J/G. Finkbeiner, pastor. 9t46--Sunday school session. Help- ful-lessons. Good. teschers. Welcome. limo-Morning worship. Special music. 8t00--Evenintt services. Wednesday evening .--' mid-week. payer services. . . Thursday night choir rebut-u] un-; der the direction of Mrs. D. L. Bars rett. All the members of the choir should be present at this first re- hearsal. . ' V Rklly day on Sunday, Sept. 27. T Make 'flag stione walks and stone drives. _ . Mrs. B. McNeil and daughter have retured from a trip to2'oritand, Ore- tron and California ,here they visited relatives. I F Tree trimmindand sway-r ing, ' 1 / 1 _' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Rich of Chicago and Highlhnd Park mnounce the) engagement of their daughter, Katherine Louise "tich to Tommuo Alcaide of Lisbon, Portugal. The wed- ding will take plnop early next month in Milan, Italy, where Mina Rich and her mother have been spending tho summer. , i Plant perennials, shrub-f bery and trees now. 1 F in: â€n, m“... ..,-.. -....- And t am sitting all alone, In my heart there comes a longing If you on]! cpyld 4come home! Landscape Gardeners, _ 915 Logan Street l Phone H. P, 2288 Maintenance a specialty. I make new lawns and re-' make old ones. ', Mr. and Mrs. G. B. MeBean an- nounce the manhge of their dnutrtr. ter, Caroline. to Mr. Ptutl La Bahn of Chicago which lookilac‘ Saturday afternoon, Septe'tntrtt,i If at ttve, o'eloek, the Rev.lerge Keller of- fuiatine. Only the immediate fami. lies and intimate ,friends were pres- ent. Mr. and Mrs] La Balm willbe at home at 606 Sherman rmu,fhrtuttstonl, after October 1. , l In memory of Jackie Boy. , Whey the evening shade are fall.. The Philathen class of the Bethany Evangelical church will hold the retu- lar monthly meeting " the home of Mrs. Harry White," 714 Ridge road. next Tuesday evininyr. Miss rRuth Wilson who was dean of girls st Deerfield-Shields high school last year won married this morning " nine o'clock It the Uni-, wit-shy church, University of Chicago, to Mr. Walter Loves, ii professor at the university. Mr. Loves who bu spent the, past yesr abroad studying has received hisgPhD. degree. The young couple will make their home in Chicago. . Announcement is made of the apl- proaching final-tinge of Mia: Edith Ralph, daughter of Mr,' and Mm. Wile liam Ralph of N. Second. street, and Mr. Stanley Paddle which will take place at eight-thirty o'clock, Tliuruday morning, September M, at the In). mutilate Conception church. I Last Friday evening a miscellaneous thow-) or was given Mi†Ralgh at the home of her sister, Mia. Charles Eckert 'iil Chicago. " V S. BISETH Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gifford have re- turned from Minoequn, Win, where they spent the unmmer. They u. attain " the Moraine hotel. . ett,trt','r,i,i1iiidtiliigt In p with Mr. Tratt'r' another while the ft' "my. c',' ' l~ ',,l â€new In.) A. Shel-nun Eppt, Swank of Kinetic; #irm., wire the gum of Knead WI. W‘s. Old son at Vine "rtrttU'a few dan‘thid week. â€than Minnie Greene he left for Grinnell, lu., when they at» tend Grime]! college. ' _ The Business Girl’s club of the Y. W. C. Agave I shower Tuesday pe- tting for Miss Cetherine»lonu who 1!ttrbtmarrietrturttitrattto. ‘Getland. _ / T 'Miu Elizabeth Greene he: return- ed to Detroit, Mich, when the in ‘en- Urine on her sixth yes: of at teach- ing in the echoole of Detroit.' _ Mr. Dunn Cal-rough whehna for the’ ttnatvern'asdahn1faeudnaaaa'urt. ant to Mr. atria, Kirkland Park building impego' r lower ted†to? Urbana when he will begin a coune in "chiteettrre at the University ot Illinois. ; . Put your piaed in No. "a": tiirrarra"Gl.t 't'lail'tl'i - In ; tond (goon an!» ion: arr-Md M CARD OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM LATE to cuss!" l Lioaled, fome home: ddy and Mama. Elinor 'iaGiiian. '29 'ir2a' heal , flinch e: g oA ntal and,to.i . toil/its, i) bled I inir-Ateeir.in, ---ti,t'i, i) -1 773-75 CtsBiteide AHBERT lp ' ' _;' Stationér F o: 541 Central Avenue SpeCial for a Limi Tithe I A BEAUTIFUL F R “up? ' complete with shade FREE with each . ' Washer 6rd .i' l I, ( i _ / PHARMA Highland Park TWO Phone 2600 STORE nigh-amt the this. J hive fsbout, the drutr/ _ of gsio ‘rfouh’d'ation in' its preitrt ! a live bmhmdisinx value. l _ Departmerit. And .every Kind of of , high grade' and (meted it t wi represent this modern id Pt) very'ixt type, chmponnded in. most mini _ the mica of drug ' ' ft wants/them, are certain to ‘00 from mink t wanuith Depnrimn EARL ~W. GS _ _ Simplex Electric I m; tuo 1 _ ./ Eureka Valium Cl ensguo ' .‘ Complete with atti hmelits _ C, _ Complete lin of _. THOR WASHING Ittgiet a I a VACUUM CLE as l i, , ?RESCRII?’ PM" imam-d" M m Av. 405 N. Grnn- n " a Good R Ci; "Born in theBiuri " 3 :3 V753; Tave Your Lunch at New in Upm- o/si, School M, JOHN KE 1Grat, Bar Lhe Th3} {LAMP *4 182100 I?! " Mu 'tt M if S. i, M Li M