‘l'ne growl-K: ' 4-: I - " Ra" EM, .f J‘Zéts p ' , a Wt' lei .i Ci-' K' k _ it. Diversity of Trudi: The diversity of the traffle from these five-in-one radiocasting station: at Arlington ranges from the sending of market quotations, to an occasion- al address by the President of the LLULCrii,is,i2'r2pi', The five transmitters at Arlington could be operated simultaneously. However, only three transmitting sets are functioning at any one time. Four of the five transmitting units are used for tsendintr dots, dashes and spaces; and the fifth sending set is called the "radiocastine set,†it be- ing employed in the transmission of voice communications. Weather fore- casts from the Weather bureau, for instance, are transmitted twice daily by means of this "radioeastimr set." One of the 1,000-watt transmitters is used for the transmission of time signals twice daily from the Naval observatory. . T' _ _ last winter several feet Were ripped d,'rteet'"lcgurt','glt'igi,tg,t I " of one of the antenna towers. The tube transmitters have been installed three ed gtt at antretnnl a??? are in their stead. These tube lending spac d l Jrt, '"al'An, d "dTll sets vary in power from 1,000, watts 'll/ill"',' gn ds 0 m n h o to 20,000 watts; the latest installa- ' noun . tion being a 20,000-watt eltetron-l, tube transmitter for direct radioiOPEN SEASON FOR communication with the battleship; fleet on the Atlantic ocean. i MIGRANRY BIRDS TraMe Re~Ronted '; Traffic heretofore routed from the; ---- Navy department in Washington, by; remote control, through the radio sta- q STRATNN ISSUESWARNING tion at Sayville, Long tlt',,"), New) -.-.--- York, is being cleared throug this; . _ . 20,000-watt equipment at Arlingtoni Federal Law Is Ototed.to Show This new transmitter operates on the! Opening of Season Begins wavelength formerly assigned 'the) Oet. 1 For Various [ Sayville station, 9,145 meters, and the) Kinds of Game l, MO-kilowatt are sending set on Long[ ' i Island has been discarded and the' -.'-- Sayville station abandoned. The In-) . ' ternational Morse telegraph code, not' . Warning to hunters that the open- voice communication. is the method} mg of the Ih.oo.tine. season far mlgra- of signaling employed by this new:tory game buds. ducks, geese, brant tube transmitter, according to theihhd COO†" October 1 instead of! Christian Science Monitor. {September 16 was issued last week The five transmitters at Arlington I by William J. Stratton, director of the could be operated simeeeoaristtt,t,,rtertyent',ot Conservation. However, only three transmitting setsi While the Illinois Game Code gives are functioning at any one time. Four) the open 39830" for taking migratory of the five transmitting units are 1 birds as September 16 to December 81 used for sending dots, dashes, and . it also provides that the Illinois law spaces; and the fifth sending set ii',',!',?,,". comply with the federal retrula- called the "radioeastine set." it h,_,tlons. T In t ntattaurrMsre mdioeaatitttt Ita- tions are housed under one roof at Arlington. Virginia. NAA, all let- ters of this nnml radio station, in equipped with tive antennae ind tn equal number of tmuumittintrseta. Interesting Description _ Given of Great Government Eton!- mting Plant In Vir- uu. .â€qu uwuvu tu'wuy. II. - l feet! it!“ include the {cum . NAVAL mm UNIT BEST! m. a quther fo ' at i-.---- turvuieommi.eion vacate“: for, gov- mm mm ttdgtt ,'i'g ttr,itr,tui. I ' " IS FURY EQUIPPED fi','Mrg'tgitttet"Mf2tstt; PAGE SIX Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co The high-speed, eu,ctricallroperated railroad T Highland Park Ticket Ofrke . ' ' t Telephone 140 . . Eve Hon? Every hour there's a fast North Shore Line train to Milwaukee. Seven Milwaukee-bound trains esrch, day operate via the Shore Line Route, stopping here for passengers. ' At other hours, Shore Line Limited trains ogerating to Waukegan make direct connections at Nort Chicago Junction with Milwaukee Limiteds operating over t e Skokie Valley Route. . Use the North Line to Milwaukee. Enjoy clean travel, and courtesy that's nationally famous. _ For schedules, fares and other information; inquire at ticket ogici. _ , 'itTitii] Director Stratton in his warning stated that the greatest possible amount of publicity was being given this change so that none of the 300,- 000 hunters licensed by the state would violate this regulation through lack of information. State as well " federal game wardens have received The chnnge of the shooting season to October 1 to January 16 was made by proclamation by the federal ttov- ernment. No action was taken by the Illinois legislature or the director-of conservation in this change of dntes. Federal La ' . w Is Quo ' .. Openjng of "ttet fo Show Rain is thd fi - Begins Doutrh."-Ma "It?" one in til Ins-l" cim Chronicle tenna manta were eonatrttetqd about four years ago. During a storm this last winter aeveral feet Were ripped off of one of the antenna towers. The three original antenna manta are spaced 350 feet apart, nnd the towers are designed to withstand a load of erttmetit, positions, geology, labor, child Wm. education, and MM“- ing on the coasts. The Arlington station was the first unit in the chain of Nth-pow“! radio nation: etstatrliahed ' by the Navy department. The three orig- inal mats or towers wore built in 1913. One of the original mast: is qoo'teet high, und the other two m‘ each 4.50 feet tall. Two auxiliary iii?) Change in Season mm The D-ttmist 1eltetaet!ietr)rttuevimetot: m,theWard-taiterit,th. 1entr!ftr,e,ttrtaiauiarGh Ice commission and the Pub- a other "teuetketi" g "rvieettnethefheili'tuo "e.tltmeuri,, station matttarir. The sub- No gum-chm has been nude meet include the following. lathe In) comm migratory Mule. 31:, weather force-m, Civil Tlie high point- covering thefhunting mmiuion trneaneies for trow. af the“ birds no: T positions, geology, btsor, Open -tts-otstotter l to Jenna In. education, and life-av. 15~Deily â€limits: duck: 15; (one A nun-6- a. L_A__L AA AA . .- Milwaukee "s "rrbt, 'iu"CpiluT"- -'r, T A: a'rule, the keynote in n cun- 33in ftfhts, fir-pt one in the treal.-- By going around the world in twenty-eight days one enjo the pleasure of looking over his gills on the itrat of the, month.--Milwaukee Journal. t Shooting prohibited from lands be. ‘yond lint or natural cover or from ‘power or soil boat. ' , 3 Use of rife, swivel gun, flute or meal: boat or sin: ho; silo prohib- ited. Director Stratum in his turning elm Itmud the imporunce of duck club- ond operator: of shooting grounds purchuinc club license ' fore any shooting is done. Four hun- dred of then club licensee were issued last yen 'and it seem probable thot the number will be even greater this you. Film-e to comply with this provision eons 1 flne and closing of the club I; one you. ":wa a; Jam's; an“ th 368 Central Ave. Highland Park Phone H. P. 2443 IN hu, I IS BRANCHES Inverted and Domestic VAL L PA PER S J. A. 'roritemonikG.. DECORA TING PAINTING was new Pm miss. maxim an. rumors AND-- or. ililililtilililililtttttililtilililttttt For Quick Ritindu Try tljtr"iit mm NOW-RENT' . The Highland Park Boi Main Bahama-80mm Amie, two blocks wad Bright, aireromof _ttp-toattts equipment. ('r', ( Painstakingmraea ‘and i,;i',il,i;,ijiii,l;,'j'f The Bii h1andtark Boa ital is essentially a tution.gThe fundaafor If, erection and m," sugplied almogt entirely by our own citizens. i an well worthy of your support. 'i, The Highland Park Wood burning fireplaces inlsutrer apartments. Bathrooms have overhead showers. Delightful formargardto. Maid service by the hour. Sizes range from 3 to 6 rooms. Pettrootcorutrutttostthroughout. Beautiful .spacious rooms. Closets that are large, enough. Kitchens built for efficiency. Mechanical refrigeration. Incinerators ot latest type. Carlson Bldg., 636 Church st.ii"iiiii,i -_.. Rentittgthfittty.tetrGerupLL-iii"fiiii' on! Chicago mm Shddrakc 0500 VICTOR C. 0.5mm: ORGANIZAi 1600 TNMhrtAvaNiot . CbmerofDavisStreet i i Highland Pail: 2550-25 Ideally LOCated TritdttngBoumDattr. "octe4rr.tn.--rron.t"r. most beau; apartment . h . we ',' EVANSTd bil SI Itis y'4,'E' it Ad an