051 ‘66 the eisu. F AM no mania: "tse der'. with 'trdrmerrosrtrottus. RY DAY. titrdteder,t ofeon- mol- at: for hen-in; 543 Cantu] Ave. ituiyntht'inhtunm m: q, ms In- At It 0;? q WOMAN'S CIVIC CLUB MEETS WEDNESDAY . ' Mr. Shannan Booth to Speak on t Park Development; Mr. Jens ' - Jan-en to Attend b , The regular Oetoirer meeting of the Woman’s Civic club of Ravinia will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 13, " ' 2pl, in, rune Village Home. Mr. Shaman Booth, present mem- s _ ber ad past president of the 61m park bond. will speck on park dieei. . opment. Mr. Booth Ins much of in- terest to offer on this subject, and to add to the was!“ Mr. Jens Janna ' will Ind the (and discussion fo1t, . Join. the teetztgk ' , ANNOUNCE LECTURE 0N _ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Gavin W. Allan, C.S.B., of Torr onto to Speak Here on October 11 First Church of Christ, Scientist of Highland Perk, Ill., announces a free lecture on Christian Science by Gavin W. Allan, C.S.B., of Toronto, Ontario. Canada, a member of the Board of Lectureship pf The Mother Church, The First Charch of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mum, at the; church edifice on Hue] avenue, Mom; day evening. October 11, " eightl‘ o'elock. , The public is cordidly in- vited to attend.. l. Tickets for the eodrse may be pro- cured from Mrs. Harry Paul, tele.. phone 325. tion of the League of Nationa"; De.. cember I---") is Happening in Russia"; December lS-“Whlt Or- ganized Labor is Planning-The Cohe- sion of World Labor." Dewber 20---"What Has Happened During the Summer; November 3- "Political Issues in the Co,mrressituuu Crtmpaitrn"; November 1T-LNihrolu- Mr. Kline, who is one of the moat? forceful. instructive and interesting! lecturers of the day, has selected theE following subjects for his Highland‘ Park class: i A series of Current Event lectures will be. presented by Mr. R. E. Patti.. son Kline, beginning Wednesday morning, October M, at 10:30 a. m., under the auspices of the Highland Park Woman's club. _ Mr. R. E. Pattison Kline Begins "r ' Course Wednesday, October 20 CURRENT EVENT SERIES AT H. P. WOMAN's CLUB acts; The Hub, Henry C. Lytton & Sona; Scholle Furniture Co.; Walter G. Warren ' Co.; Lyon & Healy; Illi- nois Life Insurance Co.; Hartman Continued on Page 5 Solpe Exhibitors Crane company; John A. Colby ' Sons; Brant Linen company; C. G Evemon, & Company; Plymetl Prod. T, o. Both noon . The main floor of the building has been reserved for the more beautiful and deeorqtive features of home adornment. Among the exhibitors who will display a wealth and variety of artistic furnishings are the follow- mg: Both floors of the Woman’s club will be utilized for the exhibition and about fifty exhibitors. including some of the largest firms in their line have taken space. Entertainment features will be adequate And varied, and music will be furnished each after- noon Ind evening from the Lyon and Heady booth. Their program is as 'follows: There will be prize drawings every evening. The prize donations are from the following exhibitors: The Hub, Hartman Trunk company, Al- bert Loth, Solitaire Tobie company, H“. _--.., .m..-....‘. n-vlv Lvulyull’, F'. E. Compton & Company .1151 the Illinqis Life, him-guy; company. t Evening of October 13---F1orenee Lucas, contralto; evening of October Ir-Agnes Knof1ickova, vio1iniatNve- ning of October lir--B. Fred Wise, tenor. eat tad most complete of the kigd ever held on the North Shore, Ind . in†attendance is expected. Wide interést is being manifested in the Better American Homes Ex- position to be held October 13, 14 and 16, under the auspices of the High- land Park Woman's club in the club building at Sheridan road and Elm Place. Extensive preparations are kin made by the committees of the club in charge of this . exhibition, which promises to be one of the larg- Towe Held October " to 15, Inclusive: Both Floors of Building; Interest Being Shown NOTABLE EXHIBIT _ ‘ All? WOMAN’S CLUB BETTER HOMES DISPLAY VOLUME XVI mar , 3 PARTS ', "M.""""""""" vu- q." V UV“. -W|u' 15. " small 'tdmir9t.tetttintighe com the pipe arm rum/AS iid. 1.lttlittia, "tMet, '9'?! Public to, BENEFIT ENTERTAINMENT IO BE GIVEN mm " A; Vaudeville Aid "siia,i,i,,,t,.li be given at St. June: Pariah Matt. MRS. A. w. IVERCOE ' i BREAKS LEG m FALL clalss is open to drunken. Credits thérefrom will count on regular eitl.. lede work,butytot for advanced de- gmcs. _ ' _ A univer'sity extitnahm-eortrse Wm be opened at the high school on TIJeuday evening and will continue for) 18 weeks, it is planned. Prof. D l le of the university is adoring the tl"il1ee. in voeatioparttuidnnee and the l dent. EXTENSION COURSE ., 1 OPEN ID TEACHERS . April T. ' (, Program to be announced. V i May-5‘ , Annual bushes: meeting. '. Reports of chairmen of committees. . Election of oNcem. Program. _ . l " iHorare Bride-- I Some present day difrieultiet, in m relations of parents and children. .,f, ; i,, During the past week, a folder was ; bent by mail to the parents of every istudent in fhe Deerfield-Shields high 3 'ehoor--thiis folder containing the i program of the Parent-Teacher asso- ieiation for the year 1926-27; More (detailed announcements of' the pro- jpam will be in the local papers the 1 Week before each meeting. To further l the work of the association and bring Report of visit to .LaSalle-Paru H. 8.---Mr. Bur-well. w Preventive medietne--A member/of the board of Aenlth, ' ' r November' 4 '. .Athietics: Intu-muml or inter- sfholaatic? ' I 1' Explanation of the new tttttteV.- Mr. Sandwich. _ about the highest eo-operation be- tween school and home, it is essential that every parent become a member of ' the Ptsrerst-Teaeher "aoeiatfon. The program as given below, covers e wide range of interest: INTERESTING PROGRAM . PLANNED FOR P. T. h. Arent, of High School Pupils ', Urged to Attend Meetings; I Today's Program . ' i Remember, free night school, nethe peerfieid-tthieus high school, begind Exit}? Monday :evening, October 18, at (er. . The work is open to all who are over sixteen and are not now in " "eManee " _ some t public Elmo]. There is no charge for tuition, the only an... baht s and! mm- tion fee, sud this is unbloct to refund. If tmMeient demand exists other courses my u offered. A clsss in music apprsebtion-and a community chorus are possibilities. The "rrrrohinent"iiit" year ruched a total of 226. and it is expected that the school this year will be even lax-sh February 3 Social contacts. Midwinter iiGiii7 - _ Recitations by Miss Comer, Music. your.†will be offered in auto. nteehaniea, carpentry and general woodwork, bgcinnlng and idvunced drdasmnkttttt, everyday English, arith- metic and. other forms of mathema- tittrr,tmretuutiai drawittt and blue; print t',1Y'tgt,t.,E, of titenotrraphr,l and th bddzmin and ndmcodl tygswritinq. j " December 2 f The book: Ith, relation to the stu- The annual owning uhool work will be resumed at the local hjgh nhool on Monday evening, Oct. 18, It 7:30. and will continue for 3 number of week: throughout the full and win; tar. Claus will inset every Hominy and Wednesday evening for a period af "‘ , hours. ' tihreitintr Classes At ' High School Begin Manday 0ittotser " Oetober 7 Welcome to new teachers. Introduction of acting dean of Wom- January 6 Much It a? 55:2 ik if"! Mit., r. PM]; "dai, ’t a: t)illl'ltlu'u', I P. 'wt calm may»: gmweaaiiiul'o'ez I' rrr:-v:T.'/4iiii'iu.iiiiiir,irii,rriTiF,ir .h:.er')'- Paige‘yg the f1miziq.ttit'e' iii.“ Mrs. Farrell to 'iytttrtatrrrirmt Members at Links“; hiii, rr . tttdependent Order of Viking: No. 37 announce u dam to by held tut. urday evening, October 28 in Suit! all]. Hithvood. The. will tuned made and refreshmts. The pub. lie is invited to attend; _ r mm FEDERATION To _ _ mm: NEXT WEDNESDAY 1.0. vim BOLD n - on ' SATURDAY, Jltgifi, 28 . A rummage sale will be held in the hascment of the Grace M. E. church, Weqlnesday and Thursday, Oct. 20 and 21. ‘3 This is under the direction of the! Ladies' Aid society. .' All "thou having articles for dime-a! should notify member: of this society, , The Junior Stu- club will hold I dance Saturday arming, October 28, in the Highland Park Woman'. club. Harding’s orchestra tf Lake Faint will furnish the music. The proceeds of thin dance will 1urnetit the organ fund'of Campbell ehatrter o. E; S. RUMMAGE SALE 2 DAYS . MIRACE M. E. CHURCH DANCE ’10 BE OCT. 28 AT H. P. WOMANS CLUB A card party will be held " Odd Fellow: hall, ‘Mondsy evening, Oct. 18, nude? the" dtrettion of Sheridan Rebekah lodge. Euchre, five. hundred and bunco will be played for which suitable prizes will b; awarded. The public is invited to attend. CARD PARTY OCTOBER 18 . AT ODD FELLOWS HALL iThe regular mbnthly meeting ofthe, Woman’s Auxiliary of the Highland Perk hospi'yzl in being held at Trin- itt Episcopal church. The next meet» ind, October 13, is the, annual meeting at which time the reports opt the year's work will be given. A urge attendance is urged for this, the an- nual meeting. Luncheon will be serv- ed at 12:81ro'eloek. V _ HOSPITAL AUXILIARY AN.. _'; NUAL MEETING OCT. " Music and h pretax; will follow the luncheon. C The Daughters of the American Revolution will ’hold their firpt meet- ing of the year, which will ht the an. nual luncheon, at the home of Mrs. WlHlom‘C. Egan, next Thursday, pet. u. The hostesses will be Mrs. Egan and Mm. Tum: and they will be u- tOUd by Mm. C. E. Gifford, Mrs. Ehle and Mrs Buchanan. ANNUAL LUNCHEON OF D.A.R. NEXT THURSDAY Commissioner Cheney presented bills and payroll: covering the period from August 15 to October 1 and T Continued on Page 5 Commissioner Ray moved that the request of Milton K. Tillmntfor per- mission to install tanks for storm“ gnsoline upon premium known " lot 10, block 9, .comer Green Bay road and Central avenue be . referred 'to Commissioner Card. _ ". ' At the beginning of. the council ses- eion the petitions of Jesse L; Smith, P. E. Vaughan, As T. Sible- and P. A. Auger were referred to commissioner Card, end I petition'from 'rreneri,,& 1hit.otttureottintrottrrorertvri their Highland Park addition for Imai.. ness purposes was referred to the zoning committee. A petition pris sented by property owners protesting against erection of s two-apertment house by. Mr. Eek on St. Johns avenue, south of Wade street, was referred to Commissioner Rear. V T [ . Sidewalk Petition _ Commissioner Cheney moved that, request of property owners for per- mission to construct a concrete side- walk in front of their oroturtv on Ridgewood drive, between Cray tthr. nue and Lincoln avenue, be granted. At the result: meetings of the city council and tAtarnroardaof local im- provement held lat Friday consider- able bushes: received attention, much of which won pf routine character tut alt/st importance. . , _ 1 CONSIDERABLE CITY COUNCIL AND _ I BOARD mocmms Authorize Lead Measure: Enforce. My Reno" Plats Approved; Bills -CrCrT-"rCTT""rrrr, HIGHLAND max, ILLINOIS. TrrtrtttrDAY,,rotmWit'ai, T, 'la"', P,P, m i 3M5 FEE Lima Ottawa will Uenk, about Ti'il "AdoteseettrGtrt"and Pe W. onthe“AdolemntBoy.1vThh‘m. Mama NEXT ammu- t" AT ELM men 363001. m Alo. h. nah-m ') t'i,'l/'U'ti, tlEu,',St',?) , was ithe cause luribed. A: in": the year! V St liiairtl “in; known Mr. Him but: no "when?“ Mi. ' ihti"itetr. Mr- 4tuitrtrtottelmirbeem , .i,f,)t",1',',ttdA't'll'l 'ijii2iiiiitiiiii,,ii"i." though ititrretiorted t'hqhnsuVa’M- .5â€! "'-p' MW:- in: td I considerable T _ " a. tth, in "ml. 1merii'c,Fsiir),e h. 'de' tlttytra1iltetd, todrritn'ttua.iil, i, _ f-A, .el'Ai' . . _ _ . T . :1" ""‘" _v' George Hines. n rrtai " of m . Ptyelyyrt')ttr Wdtot â€but! of land Pprk for /egtttd', ' “(W _ ttth*rfrsy.ettrtt last Saturday morning 'ifl11,t'dttt, 1tardmtN _ km W“ dead, seated in the puma: Mum'm' t 'tte W “PM where he m employediu Janitor. Re m Ite toith m tho MitMerJhtrdw yatrtirtiAed9oioAr Ate'thettmebo. mtredh. Minn†TMW’ tnkpn_dhadirisnetojttiu'iiii"irtIttty_i t',dttth't,tt'tidt; whichhej won found. and: Mo Quiet†t Ale ;M: h th. Victim of Heart Whig while on Duty Saturday; Funeral . Held Today T GEORGE HmEsmEs North Chicago, . besides ttrhgepitt Christin-a cheer to my of the In)?! at Grant Lakes. . , T q _ F the auxiliary members, are vary anxious that they hard the “no spirig of eo-operation this War. The main; her: are meeting witttiMro, E. " son on Germ-ll avenue, ion hiky,_ Oct, ' far In all day meeting to 'tseftet, puns. ' ; _ T , ' , The American Leglpn auxiliary orl, Duqu Spencer Pdat No. 145 will give their mania] can! party " the Moraine hotel, We'dnepday ,Ifhern . Oct. 20. Because of the fhte 'iiF'iiit tion of the people ofinghland " " but yea, 'the auxiliary was able to furnish completely in min-e furniture“ yard B at the Veferpgs 'holrttttat ‘ll' 1htL'eduetirma) depat'isriitt o! the American Legion Auxiliary Plan Mair for ottotrer, 20; Urge Cooperation. _ OtherFen'tum ' Other features we planned .for, later in the season’nlnd than will be annpunced in due time. We no adj vised that one of the but “milieu orchestras in the city “Chicago u. beenengaged for this opening dance and that every quot-twill be dude to engage music of'thehighut type for the entire scum. Z ' t ANNUAL CARD PARTY _ AT MORAINE HOTEL 6:80. This is a new fetttuon this attt- son and the when elf. the .elutt expect these to be very popular. One of the attractive features "out them will be the informality at the occasion. Tho plan is to dueouraied any dinner pin ties and to have ttteMr,eveetintrs In in- formal gathering of the club men- berg. ' . I . A formal dinner (knee vii! be hold Inter in the month Jud the. nuns] Thanutrtvimr fauna dance it!“ be, held on Thursday,1 . ber 26. ' " Later in the month will occur the Annual subscription dam of the Ouch club. . T Dinner and Entertain-eat Starting on November It, Thurs- dar, an informal dinner and arterial!» meat 1ri11 be held; dinner to bu at turn of this event it i'uiiiUGiiiid with much interact} Speciul 0)th [ . ' A special committee. consisting of Cart L. Odell, chair-nun; Carleton M. Vail. G. W. Peek and Brooke Andâ€. son Inning been uppqlutod to make all arrangements. The mm! 01 this committee should be I mdhetunt mt- jantee that smtertairtntetst" of n my .i.Itter.ettintr cumetet rill be casted. 1ch.†been some you- line. the High-v Inttg Park_clnb held mg- m tho TF on Standarevcn ‘,0et. by. 1!.“on ft"',',) ttg. “I The month o Nbvember bm be minted in on Month: evening; Nor. I, With a Inc‘which is now; being piattnod by the entertainment com- mittee. _ I ', [ The, winter mod of the Highland Park club will be manned an. you with than 'qhbonda ' .tartitttrwithaHa1iir- H rpm- ple’s tutrd.timW My on may Wi. nthttt) Oct. 29. 'l‘hini’vm he {wanted AT HIGHLAND, PARK CLUB [inseam PARTIES V _ Il)WRMthrg SEASON nee and, tiiitir; ' 0.011 Club unnum- ht . IN PUBLIC LIBRARY Party . W' End It.') "i “jun-w! mutwuch'ho has 'tiehattsed 'e-tnit-rt Materltetotbomrttsemmier-ii'Gi- tuetsririttl are 00.1mm in 1921. Ihhtt 't'itt1'fi'i has has Enraged . . can. tlutt,P't,,le'g. M. Ihthe am the rettrt a. trmght the imi- menu-a. Ite LE 4. 1.“!!"Wl9' mun-mu. me"; " l ' "dGr%iiri -ii, “MIN“ , " m on anotherj’ . a! this m. . . T g; sums-BUILDING shown» tre, F" eiriGi rtA,jkiii' “Tm" next We; ' . . A ., . Sunday ii ti, My. Virginh Yam, )3th an ' if',etf,'ai,'tgi', him-1.5,, le I In I r.' m o A . I div and day,' 80m Ochoa Arnold q y in “The Plan. of the Erica: "F _ n “Sunny-Side up»; t allâ€, Yet “by“ F'lyil'l'l Gems Kathi; my, Lton EM Dorothy Gish and My mum, at “mam «an. lull 013% wins I. in and†x Diseomt , 'Jdrld'l',2 bofm Inv- iing. Do 3%» attempt to clean “In. Vin 1tt'tuaeiiottttdde It the-Mat - iiiiiiGiiiiiiiiriiUai'i7i'i.' tum Look a; '; yogu- ahic. lee Hum 316 no your “inâ€. m find any _ in: In" â€an upwind. Fanny " homo aghtrtrt tim, .1! you culti , mwm... b all thin“ anirk of {in is its. Tted, _ _ tte "W“ 9, M Look ftr your :93an .9. puma. if'ririrett'%t.mslia are e a , all in W and hm’ 'i'k'djVNlllu'll.",'ifll should be: ed 0m, up “kw nins' mm â€may“. heat Wu; from other Ionian .io odd pile. 'ji, Burn all oily '-.'"or no†them in fi'di'i't mullet. ayte_triiesatdAA 'l?rert/ienieiottoyueurttte 'r?ff1mh,'it,+atdr-tieteoA" yomttiriiett-utttFoGiGiil, hmrestst4itoftHkttartUa. Knit iti,'iti,t'ptlitt . Mm-MMM hath; birthing“ Let me y.rer 3W_ud it 'of' menisci?†fim hind: id ttii%iG; ine ietiltetd " an tin dict: _ !',i, a, This; Week: . {Yuma Inspection 'tii', . .--- ' ' f“ t/'t'dr'ft,)11t tl't'r,tutgt,ttt of '$"9lWheBqlgh.eq, b-died-taes.. 'iriiriu'i'uii7i'iC"i d the Cii?iii fl 't "tttsit-tt New when :23 tphtf, ttttti Waiti- sail-Illicit for WMui itr'aftteytiitpit mouth-glut plan-autumn mud-id orttts, can... but will I ftaeturtforth.s. tutu-stat?“ who" 3!†L â€amid the lint _ 2Sull'ttgt Matth- onoo‘hlcch _ "iiiii77e'7Gtii Mun-vi arm a MUM Eu torture in: macaw-15‘ nun-dwa- L"? mm“ 11".: ‘ Utii he 'jet,tifEi: whcnheh- kn Wefvthm‘ . " Lint-pool, w. y. album , 'IetttlftiiAtrrtl cums. h a [How u ' "1""! lodawhilel - " in tht' an: M " uni-ma. wag. mmy' nndttotttr-iit mum. Whip. , Mhatnd.dq bald“- "ttpartie/ with» Hialeah Ttyrrfir', ', '; l melm " it mtt-ed a scion-front“ " bond that on Wind M? I mm - {his}; ‘1th patently-Jinn fret-WT. ofthe Wife 9 It inti- 0 b1 it. ph- m It. the the} "tvie gid- this tr " A6 the " um 5'." 7.. and. In. - at It; " {E