Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 14 Oct 1926, p. 6

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we {52%; ll Miss Fibrin“ Bord .af Prune: avenue entertained at bridge It her home hat “with, in honor of Elin. aboth Duty. _ ' _ The,Philatheu clan of the Bethany Evangelical clutch Will meet with Mm. P. C. Ming mt M. Park Ridge. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown of the moraine hotel “mined Thursday from a week's trip in New orhertn. Wesatht. "I In. 'wiittGi'i" iiaii m at.“ Mr. and Mrs. Arch Abmmmty had as their must: on Sunday In. Mil.. ler and daughter of lam Augeles. Mr. and Mrs.‘Charles Nettrick ot Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mahatma, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, mt! Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Dickemoa,‘tll of Mr. and Mrs. Brod Vortild of Lin- den avenue, Wilmette are receiving congratulations on the birth of a girl born Friday, October 8 at the High- land Park hospital. The Hospital Auxiliary held an all- day meeting yesterday at Trinity church. . Mm. Charles Sanborn it entertain- ing her luncheon club today at her home on Ridgewood drive. . Min Billy Bell who ite attending the University at Madison, Wis. was the week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bell. Mr. and Mm. Hana T. Hakka and daughter. Evelyn, and son, Carl, mo- tored to Lake Geneva and Burlington, Wis., on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Shockley, of Birch street, Wilmette are the happy par- ents of I baby girl born at the High- land Park hocpitd on Saturday, Octo- ber 9. . glimmer. _-Mr. R. E. Pattison Kline, who it scheduled to give a may. of lectures at the Highland Park Woman's club will give his first lecture next Wed- nesdny, October 20. " half utter ten o'eloek in the morning. His subject will be "What Hus Happened During the Summer." _ - Mr. and Mrs. S, J. Rollins ind fam- ily returned to their home on Vine avenue the first of this month. Mrs. John Hanson who received in- juries from a fall down the stairs in her home is eonfined to her bed. No serious effect: have " yet turned up. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Prior n- turned-home Tuesday from New Au- The Junior Star club will hold tt dance Hor the benefit of Campbell Chapter organ fund, Saturday eve- nine, Oct. 23 at the Highland Park Woman’s club. Music will be fur- nished by Hardintt's orchestra of Lake Forest. Fred C. Bremerof Glencoe avenue, returned from his cottage at Lake Bishop. Wis., where he spent a few days hunting ducks. He an they were plentiful there and there are still some left for others. Mr. and Mm. Axel Eriksson 'at Woodlawn avenue are the happy par- ents of a baby boy born Sunday. Oct. 10 at the Highland Park hospital. Mrs. Fred Silber’s daughter, Mrs. Walter Worth, has resumed teaching pinno lessons in Highland Park on Mondays. Mrs, Johnson of Chicago and Mr. Roy Hart of Chicago were the week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Witten. Lieut.-Co1one1, Stabey A. Campbell,; U. S. A., who just recently returned) from the West coast on his woy tol, his station in New York, stopped en route at Chicago where be m to Highland Park and was the guest at the home of Mr..trnd Mrs. Paul W. Blanchnrd of Walker avenue, during the early part of the‘week. In. Waiter Pinch (Catherine Hut- ter) wore green geomtte end curried pink roses. The ribbon beamms, In. Glenn Heatheote, Vern: Beard, Doro- th'y Evans, Delin Pagan, Loin Larson and Carolyn Resting were dresses of crepe de chine in the rainbow shades. Dorothy Kuuer. rink bearer wore pink georgette and La Delle Sack, ring bearer, Wore blue treorttette. Mr. F. Perry Schneider of Chicago Cserved as best man. A reception followed the ceremony after which the young couple left on a wedding trip. They will reside in the Tone tapartment; upon their return. . 1 onto. the Rev. W. P. Suth- otBeiaiidF.' Min Durham Jones played 'the wed- ding witch. Min Larson were I town of white georgette and o tulle veil held in place with orange htor ms. She curried I shower bouquet of white roses. Mar m If“ Gladys Lamon as maid of honor In: gowned in pink zoom“. Ind our“ isink rote." mi mitten of Saturday main; It sight o'clock the marriattn, of His: Alice Umoat, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Edwin Lar. wn and Mr. We J. Zabel took We at the My tf tht, britle'f PE: by morning in St. Kay’s dtrmth, Lake Forest. Ttte mantis! high mm m etiebeated by the Rev. John Mam-muted by the Rev. W. J. km of the Bob Cm: church of We}. Both young people an veleovm in this city. .Mit'? Faun hi been hook-hope:- nt Gametes drrtroodtrstomtttraNnrpe, , mummxogupggmgmg. i'l'ho mince at Ilia Ink-Eaten at Lok- For-out and'Mr. Funk oem,. PAGE an " Wis., where théy have spent tie Mrs. Catherine O'Leary of & Green Bay "irl visit“ but brother; Mr. Ryan of mm. m on: the week- end. i .-" ik T The Misses Emma Evans, 'Holen Mien; and Dora Kruger motored to Cicero on Saturday to attend the foot- ball game between MOM-Shields and Morton high schools. After the game they we" entrained at dinner at the home of Mrs. J. L. Miller at Mrs. Della Keeling who has been visiting her diughter Mrs. J. D, Zook since last June, and Miss Anna Barr. nister who has been visiting her for the past three weeks leftr'l'uesdqy even. nine for Padang, Calif. _ L./Ctutrttttrtn at 1845 Kincaid avenue on Thursday afternoon. A delicious lap hmeheon. was served. Mrs. N. Mayer of the Moraine hotel and Mrs. E. Steele of. Linden Perk place poured. A busin'esi meeting followed - the luncheon and Mrs. Rulin took charge of philanthropy department, sewing for the Micheal Reese tuierRetst Ewen hospitals. A social hour followed. The Johannah North Shore commit; tet _met' kt the home _of Mrs. Harry Mn babies born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Norm-en of 738 Glencoe avenue both died within a few. hours. They were buried in Mooney's cemetery on Monday. Mrs. Ham Francis Payne will be married to Charla. Ami Walton, son (rink. and Mrs. George Button Watrous of New Haven, Conn., Satur- day at g:30 p. m. at Trinity church. Dr. Peter Wolcott, assisted 'by Dr. George Keller will omciate. Miss Elia- abeth Lottderbaek will be maid of honor and Misses Elizabeth Shields and Catherine Hall of Boston brides- maids. Mortimer Doolittle of New Haven is to be beat man, and William Louderbaek of Highland Park, Wil..) liam Reiehniann of 'Barrington and George Parnham of DesMoines ushers. I The young couple will make their fu-i ture home in New Haven, Conn. l Miss Elizabeth Keller is to open a dancing school in this community. She is specializing in all types of ballet and eccentric dancing. Min Keller has studied a great deal and is an ex..' perienced dancer. _ _Miu Muriel Payne, daughter of Mrs. Geo. Bliss of N. Linden avenue! has as hfer guest for a. week her air? ter, Mrs.' Samuel Carothers of Pitta-) burgh. _ ,. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Beach-of Wee street are leéving Saturday for Ober- lin where they will visit a. day with their daughter, Harriette who is at- tending college. Prom there Mr. and Mrs. Beach will'go east for an extend.. ed motor trip of about three weeks. The S. M. Gooder family of Deer- field hnvé taken the house at 721 S. St. Johns avenue, where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Lame R. Rigdon spent nesday for Mayor and Mr. s. M. the week-end in tineo1n, Ill., where Hastings, and was served at the they attended the seixtltth wedding an- lgncheon. The cake way very attrac, niversisry of Mr. Rigdon’s parents, Mr. tive Pf created considerable tavor- and Mm. William H. Rigdon. Mr., we e4itnmtsttt. . Rigdon who is ’a retired dry goods; , ---.-r--.---- merchant is 86 years old. Mr. and; CLASSES IN ENGLISH _ Mrs. Rigdo‘n haveiesided in one house. AT ELM PLACE SCHOOL for 57 years. ' i . .__... Mrs. Joseph D. Book entertained at lt1neheorrand bridge last Thursday. Mrs. Constant C. Hopkins leaves to- day (Thu'ndny) for a state conference at Mt. Vernon, where she will speak on the newest work of the Federation Department of the American Homes of which she is state chairman. Miss Edith Boynton is spending two months in New Mexico. _ Mr. add Kn. Mdhdtt Damia- of ,ePy. Fret 3"" Mt! M Mrs. Ella Arting, district deputy of the Pythinn Sisters, of Chicago. was the guest of the local Pythian Sisters Tuesday evening. Mrs. Charles Melville left yesterday for Lqkeile1d, Minn., where she will spend two weeks visiting her father. Miss Louise Silber he gone abroad to spend the winter inrParis, study- ing violin. . F Mr. and Mm. Chain W; MeNear, will be introduced to society at I formal dam to be given at the Blackstone hotel, Chicago, December 88. Mrs. Edward maeox we: hostess to the Bridge club " luncheon yenterdny. he Janior Star club will meet next Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Henry G. Winter on N. Green Bay road. Each member is asked to re- port on their dance tickets at this meeting. ' Mm. Whittaker who is mrtrerintetw dent of I hospital in Orange, N. J., spent Int week visiting her aunt Mrs. J. M. Banning. Mrs. Whittaker in in» min: from an extended trip in Gama." ttnd the south. . Robirt Boyd has entered his; Senior your " Northwestern university, Be, amton. _ " ' “evening. Mm. final-am 1tttmttttasert. will: tk hasten to am Five Hundred club this _Mr, dud Mn, 1, V. MW at Bigh- wood Mn dettut"od for“ 'tutiuiitas, Mich, than they will spend a month. They will also visit with their at“. G. V. Garrftr and family of Detroit, Mich. Woman?- club will hold the itrat meet» in; of Mo salon in the club room " two kNitek wane-m. Oct: go. A mania): tftmrt'nrtt will). than. A " Mini Links Arttler, daughter of 2m shall E. Snap-ell has " - lino. Mn. mutton 1t.y..rtrr fr A - M l Pupil} may- enroll at7 an; an“; l The work is in chm-cc of Mrs. Mare A, E Law, 27 N. Linden avenue. In: bean china]; We! of (Ham on and». Sunday and My, an 'linat'ofi'tttetrrriirNreteitt tonight to sixteen slush. Mei Robert 81mm. _' 1erentertained My "m and Mr. and Mm. Joseph Lane m we”. itainltttt Satan-dun Other, panic. m sl being given W Lars Fdrent News. The five classes are graded accord- Ang to the ability- of the pupils. to ispeak our language. The most ttdr 'vanced class prepares pupils for the E responsibilities of citizenship and the 1 school eo-operates with the U. S. 1 Bureau of Naturalization. I bot year the D. A. R, provided a ; tedcher for those who could not read Inor write in any lsngusge sad 3 limm gnu opportunity is 08ers! this - Tomorrow night, Fridny,‘ i vaude- ville and entertainment will be giv- en " St. James pariah lull, High- wood. The proceeds of this “fair will benef1t the orhan fund. This in open to the public to attend. ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY ST. JAMES PARISH HALL The Elm Place school has resumed evening classes, Tuesday and Thun- dny evenings at 8:00, for those who wish to learn to read, write and speak the English language or to prepare for the examination for United States citizenship. ' Last yéar over 80 people represent- ing nine nationalities, were enrolled in these classes. , il Mr. und Mis. Kenneth Lian-b of. ichieagu, fetrtnirtr at this ethr, an- lr nuance the birth orstrri born Sunday gemninz at -the Lake 1tiewsoitdi, i Chicago. ', Mn. Albert o. Olson and Mrs. wm Him A. Yox, put tgee,', of the JGlencoc Woman's cub. Included the foaming of the Better American a Homes exposition 9n Wodpeodny. Tore Held Tuesday and Thurs- A cross-word puzzle cake'was made by the Public Service Company Wed- nesday for Mayor and Mr. S. M. Hastings. and in: served at the luncheon. The cake we] very attrac, tive ’and created considerable tavor- thltruaitnmettt, _ A}; carte luncheon in being served each day at the- Better American Homes exposition under the direction of Mrs. J.9. Garnett And her able committee. E. Seyfarth, Mrs. - Hairy Luther, Mrs. Percy Reyna. and Mrs. Jay S. Glidden. Mrs. Robert E. Seyfnrth, president of the Highland Park Woman’s club. entertained the following guests at the opening luncheon“. thTBetter American Homes Exposition. Mayor and Mrs. Samuel M. Hastings, Mlss Moore, Mrs. Raymond W. Stevens, Rev. Frank Pitt, Mrs. Alfred Meyer, Mrs. Wilford C Shipriee, Mr. Robert Homes exposition at the Highland Park Woman's club, that in the " ternoon and three in the evening, One of the prizes} offered yesterday is yet unclaimed. The number of this prize will be read each day un- til it is called for. Among the out of town vttsifortt to the Better American Home: exposi- tion from Waukegan were Mrs. Perry L. Persons and MN. J. S. Whyte, president and past president of the Waukogan Womnn's club. in. Amory in laws: Sunny fist her, home in New York. F , ', -' A number»! friends, at Mrs. George Router of Elm We; wondered. her . very plenum "rstrtty, @1516” ".. ning when they can toqulp hie cald- brute her Wu! . anniversary. Bridge was tho WWI diversion, prizes being awarded’to Mr. Georg. Koala: tad Mn. William Baum. In, for having the httrttmbsieorea. _ t Min Marion tkttaitidhsy entartaiued the’members of her Bridge club hat night at her_ yoiiton Second ltrget. " priiea are being 85619:: tfelt day 't the , Bétter 'American day for Foreign Born; Were Held Last Year Phone Highhltl Park 1110 Ford Coupe Hudson Touring .: 1926 Chevrolet Demonstrator Sedan _ THESE CARS ARE EXCEPBONAL VALUES AT tai . Housman ASKING L 3 " i i T Come Handle! as Wat: thud _ 1 r(rr' Chevrolet Coupe Chevrolet Sedan Chdvrolet Touring mm; 'mlt0lt1utrWrD PM mass, mm an. man i . 1 Special Sale of Used Cars WM. RUEHL & to. Oakland Sedan Ford Touring 'tisis-ttiid' s " to announce that they have (then over the, basin-es at o. It. 3mm of Deer'fleld and will make when-ice every any in the week. Tel, D-tuid 188. Highland Park tee Co. ”adv Miss Mary Page, whou'homc is on Brierhill, has stated I school of expression and public speech, in Wit. ten’s hall, Highlnnd Park. Mrs. Seth Gotrder entertained gt a luncheon Wednesday " 'the Greta Tea Pot. The 1todteas and her (nub attended the Better Angelina Home: Exposition gt the Highland Park Wo- man’l club. _ ' . . L Mr. and Mrs. c. B. Moi-inn no- nounee the marrUttrr of tttMr-dnt-ttts- ter, Doris Rose, to Mr. Royal Ina. which occurred Tawny evening, Oe- tober 12, at 8:30 ouoek. _ ' Mrs. Oscar Wood wishes taunt-cu“ her appreciation toward those Thol assisted her attd comforted her in her recent grout bereavement: n1no for the numerous floral offering; " We wish to thank our many triad: and, relatives who helped, us do will, ingly when it was most needed. And we also wish to thank the Telephom Company. The firat chrysanthemums of the spam in “in eqtmtr--tro1den glory. same .fine pink and the ,aome beauti- ful white ehrvstuttheammt-m, on sale in the North Short Century greenhouse. Tel. North China) Th- firenvm "waded to m can! this week. In one instance a stun: nine had broken and emitted clouds If steam. In'the othor an oil burner} was out of order. No change ml done in either instance. TWO FIRE ALARMS: ' NO DAMAGE IS DONE ' Mr. Sandwich altar eommentine favorably on the unusually hm " tendsmce at their first mound the P. T. A. "rrtDIathed the new saihu, which “rovide's lancer recitation pert ads. The ludié‘a from the Lincoln school district served ten. " - explanation of the binary at vmitt1thrir. includlnt n drum“ of the Itttttyid, of producing than. tin thou-[dip- "ttttttration and the tumtetrett, at the science BO that m dim scarlet fever and small Do: an be safely and defhsitelr would, k Miss Parry, the new den of girls, introduced herself, asking for ep-oo- eration with the parents, particularly that there u fewer automobiles used by students, no Imudemcnto on rehpol nights and no parties after the high school parties. of yPer%r.eitt#trsaittriatii9t training ttit htdYritm.l_pqotk of lb- mu as any!» Wabbit imam! referred 'i',ttltd in» an). m to ' come from the Illinois twang: Juvenile). Research. located tn 011%. For three years this work has quid.- ly gone on ttttd MM“ malts, m visible, prove it hrmlttatstu., C V; At the October meeting mums} School Parent-MM? Insulation: Thursday. Mr. Emmet! described te 3 large audience his "hteestFors ot this work. ' " . kuiGiiLiaiiiiiiiii,' aim. Jii,Girit; taunting and _ifxrtatrxtett" ttteste', of work}: being dune. _ _ i. _'. _ Through a with. Which b prinW manned and is diretttad h! l WItqNm ANNOUNCEMENT The Highland Park Ice 00., with” OPENINGZm'nNG Is f LAPmhY.Ah'rrmliilr) "r,, High School P. thi: Ls, Pro- i' gram of Varied human,“ Teach"; Speak t ADDITIONAL DEERFIELD Down at the “Bulky-Peru 1ttttt tth school. “1481114. Illinois, a ite Mr. Sodmpn and family. CARD or THANKS CARD OF THANKS ANNOUNCEMENT 120 Nc, 53$ 42%.. 1:7 Lin" MK visits:,'??,,,:'-,:-:.,',:,-,, giitEt s% 'iitiii'tlib; 's'iifi'ti t,'cyeeci. 1‘51: ' AthFa, F ' 'it , ,%', _ Il8tlEiakltlMtl8 , K: tt'iti'il; l Ravinia Ice 'C . Our stock is with“ 1&6th i li, " Ji ( , cir/" hr, 9 airits,errisjrrtr tibia clean-1 W- l at, cli'l: l t; "iliij, _ _co,neasirv,.rouamarrrtoirtwtti'd [rist,t i, ",,'t _ _ l, at _ ---h, Now Taking c Hallowe’en? 15:61:16.0- Amne '-'r_", Summary of l, .. I‘Vanted;TS; 10 Sheridan Road tar' - 'i2i [Of nr'ailor'ed Woolen Tr _ 389 Can " - truths. - / . . m 'jiri" ' 233‘ $22.50 $25.: jiii'i'j" f I All ere popular tuneful?) i, j Twtrpieee frocks leading 3138234 i, "isy,irtiarithtumead, cementum $1, :03: side are best liked.' F _ l1: ": (comiertitge collars an; may“ a: buttoned or open V necked tttttrl iii, (i' inet idea are all selling well. W‘j ! Coat dresses are tmiiring :we: 1:33: ‘Iwithmigaesandwomen. 1:3, _ Cardigan jacket comes of m ‘jersey and checked velveteen , ie" I i The p9pp1ar8t2.m to $2950 ik. the psychological price just. nowsjg l Interest in time pal-Hana h more pronounced than far the nth The ilrat eool, crisp days ot sounded the clarion for ' gene: tion of tailored tracks of lie) which women all over the' count spanded. a _ . " _ "M!- 5111 iilil8MMtEiKSrfi? 1#i))rt', a at”: M 'lalrgtrW, " Ite, 'atKic, )3 4"?" 923.3%" 4. ' A; A. rw, . "let5'ta5'irCv'1li,s1'rC,9 gFhk'h' .5 . : ').'2tt"ip' t9 11'k'2t.'s,'/iib't.i?i)ti'ifitT :'f.,, r Jersey, Embossed with tmraA,rr-- BANK, CRANE . trltwn0NllMtY V 98e pet tttra. . tate; I; Loretta i'iij'ii,l_l' -'""ee'""-'""-P'"_r-" T, A- . '33 ' _ , i . W ip", at???" b'tit A ',Wii':7e . k s . , ,. mzwwhki, T a P. M. “WHY. m: Mm“: 5 , [tif/slr., st; PHARMACIs'rs; l yaw-"0 W, I tiatjiitt iii-i] my 'eriii'lfii 4%: an? ' _ 'le. t' LJ' i'ft'r'rj',e,h' a II 'ii?litiririr'?':. rif2)'il't; " s.rliaT.i,'se'2 viiictiiir'_,iri'sj'f,, ktttu, tt ."3 ”$1. " i) T? iil H fil tl

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