NURSDAY. JANUAIY 3.; Met 'i:ffdl',.! on nus 1tf1t'iiNt'gts 'mite, n’no _ ', In: ple only 3ti22t Park & Ravinia In: Lake Forest My Kinship! 1lllariopettes Matsd Lotion e9e.Wr_ Kline Hair Taiic BRING RESULTS r . Fix. mush†WI Hand Lotion __..- in" on o-.---.----':-. WWI Solution W tian Cod Liver Oil. pint . Kath} trk _.._-t_t-r.-. , Nets. 3 tbr m...“ 'w Combo 'Wr'Fss--rtm a Lomb- ..___'._. i lose Flee Powder Inna. 2 as. o-,',...,....., Cold or thhinc orb“: JEN"; 100's "'-_.m-_F--------e. 'fl".'....'. 5129.50 , Pumon MW.» 1 gm». Gout, Rim-bi" 335 Roger Williams Ave. £6131“ Aim ammo I 'ret. B. P. “I . housing uev hh, 1927 my.» . _ Park 2 iu and "Evening M “it Rose M Powder 'yrit+hstyrtmd"" If," up the job in the â€an Mtiem - M... No .3- winenting foe', you to pay lot. I. set My all M thromb-- .t',irtteririee-r'iid my fair." '. . ' qt Bilbo Neum "will: Cm .... rnaiii'iLrson l Forty Thieves" I Per lAhTotlg .soNORA ' Ill '_,,':' complete. ready to. f-,'., DITORRJM M: LOUISE at; Yeatebee d “a. ,r-.B-q6... I 31.39 F9e Mk We 696 19e 19c 19c 19e 17e Ft.", bt A If?" iti' Irmntt?DAY, “mar at, "i, ' 11.. We club ot is VIE“ when! will nut at the home tit3tiu A. J. Joheet, Wodetmaruter'riigtsi, but"! IE" ----.. f, " "ms-Lulu mum “a In. dun- ' of mango were may! my" 3%. ma yrs» Lorna Wilbu- , Mr. and Mm. Christ Willa-h - attended the. birthday all. may celehntion of In. Wlnm'u when Mm. Johnna Gauging,“ Glum'ew, Monday. C . i Mis. Id: Kant. Hrs, Fun, . William Baron, Mr. and Mrs. Toll and Mrs. C. Sharla: ntteatded _ Wisdom er,emote of Luke Ear- at o. B. S. chapter, Hand†and". On Friday pvening, Jan, " {the Input meeting of the Wilmot P. T. A. will be held in the Fehool, An in- 't-tirttr, menu is hula: phased. in. R. Shem-n rentasetnhsid {or her mother, Mrs. Bock. on My afternoon. Gneou from Northbrook arsd Wheeling attended. run. Pease, Mr. and Mrs. Thilo NI and In. Sherdcn visited the Park gm. o. E. S. chapter Tuesday we- ning. - - -. --- __' "ar.' Dr. Metal! spoke on “Posture 1*! its Rehtiqn to Hank.†The Bim' and Girla' Glee clubs an. The any Glee club also sang in the Litr. n school. Highland Park, assem- a; last may morning and will up- par at the meeting of the DeertUld Puent-Teacher association. in the li.. ttir-. next Friday evening. '. Dr. Walter B. Metal! spoke to the students of the Deerfuhrahieldt, high who] in their weekly uscmbly Mon- “ramming. These gathering: have tttset charged from Ftiday to M_trttdtw morning for tht remind» of the _ Paloma ma Ann Goelitz who w re at home for the holidays return- ed to Milwaukee-Downer. The Deerfield committee of the eivic edmmittee of the Highland Park Woman’s club held the January meet- in; at "Westfield Lodge," the home " Mrs. Adolph Goelitz, Friday Mter.. Mon, The assessment of one dollar , member for the philanthropy and was voted to be sent to ,the equipment fund of the Wilmot school. deeral matters of civic improvement wbre delegated to different commit- I for investigation and reeominen.. mon. Mrs. Truitt, of "Arbor Vitae" oq Waukegan road, will be the next hastess. the second Friar afternoon in? February. tony suis Marionette: will give u ishow in the Elm Place school the afternoon and evening of Jammy 20, Misses Bemece Love and Helenl Reichelt with fifty-eight student: amd, their music teacher, Miss McCormicki of the Northern Illinois State Touch-i as college attended the opera! "Martha," at the Auditorium in/Chi-, cago. Sunday evening. I (iiri. Rayménd Lord,)., of 2t,"et', vipited his aunt, Mrs. Emil Fr dick, Ftiday. e - A _? _ - Those who had the piivilege of 'turl- ing theirperformanee last yea: will wish to see them again. - - (Jean Brand entertained the Friend- lyl Five club at her home on D4etield read Saturday afternoon. Her cou- sin, Shirley Clark, whose home in on the Mme tract of land,' the grand Mmestead, will be the next hostess td the club. ' , "yrs. Charles E. Timson g'ave si din- ner party at her home, Hickory Knoll firm, Friday evening. -- _ _ ._.. ... Ars. Patterson of Biierhill' will lebve for Bermuda on the fifteenth add Mrs. gar-lam S. Scribner will so ta CaliforiiU" on the same' dates " formal dance was given “in the dhbhome in Bannockburn field', the Aiken subdivision, that was formerly me John Huehl hm, last Saturday Netting. ' te fWhire Mrs. Frank Russo aid: Lin-3.} Chester‘Wolf were in the Iuisrfleldi "blie library checking up .their, book list last Wednesday evening, at fhut bearer; eforts, Henry tr, wow; few minutes after the library closedl James J. Cain iiCharles White; retir-; " ten o'clock, they were terriblyi inir officer, N P Deck, worthy ma.l startled when a large rock) (Was 3 tron; Harold nt worthy patron. I thrown through the window. It crash! Delightful usical numbers were' td against the wall, on the opposite, given by the t riental quartette of side of the room, and made the 'whole l Chicago throu out the evening. building vibrate, as if an explosion Sir Knights, of Waukegan Com- had occurred. The women were, for-l mandery No. 1 formed the archway tunately, seated at the desk between; tor the worth, , matron and worthy the windows, but they were too! patron. F _ frightened to move, lest another rock' The followi . are the officers for follow the first, and they be struck! the year 1927tr, There is no telephone in the library: Ruth M. se, worthy matron; and the office of the principal was: William B. B . ett, worthy patron; locked and in darkness. After half' Adelaide Stei r, associate; matron; an hour of fearful anxiety they left, Charles Frey: secretary†Bernice the building to seek a' policeman. and Maw, treasure Elsie Shenden, con- Mrs. Russo tainted from the ahoek. ductress; Chri in: Knaak, associate The experience came as a disagree-. conductress; rolyn Becker, chap- able surprise, for the room had been lain; Ellen M. ug, marshal; ‘Irma fllled all evening with a quiet, orderly; L. Krieg, orga st; Barbara W. Der- interesting group of young men and by, Odah; El' B. B. Lutz, Ruth; boys, who seemed eager for good. Leela M. Vin rd, Esther; Florence reading material and a pleasant‘ read-; Uchtman, Mai 3; Clara L. Vetter, ine room. A telephone will be in.. Electa; Annie illman, warder; Thilo stalled in the building and some man I H. Toll, sentin .' _ will accompany the volunteer, woment A large num r of guests attended, librarians each evening that the room including mem .rs from neighboring is open, and a policeman will patrol chapters. 1 t, the neighborhood. l c, 1 . _ ' - ' . -. . al n_1,A-4IJ ELL! l1:-l. Gal-ml D 'r A Bandits are beginniné to intact the heretofore peaceful country lanes. Mr. Adolph Goelitz, who moved from Highland Pnrk to ""Weatae1d.Lodee" on the Wilmot road, a charming red eednr building among "ween trees, wu held up u he alighted from his automobile " his garage twenty. A slim, crouching. masked nun, with a voice mulled to disguise igeom- manded Mr. Goelitx to hotdrlm his hands and [at huh in his at Al the that: hand shook so much that his victim feared that the revolver would be disehargxsd, Mr. Goal!!! told the nun tout-the can if-Mwished it, that it w too at-urtor him toietirst,sehimttuahiNnoitn"'he Continued from pigs li put “ Deerfield News " l, e V d -Amerienn Won ,t.liglt.,,Dtt11,ft interesting meeting mum 'il tt.didn'trantttt.ear but the '3 †end meted It. Goe- liu to we!K_ toy from the home and acros- they" rr = with the revolver prenedtoL but. â€mutiny had zone '3“ enough away to "tisfy "the man .. tiGttu emptied his pockets of" IIs and change. which tamounted ' thirteen dolhre. The :men ,then ' ioned Mi. Goelits not to move til-flu made his "getaway." [When Mr. {4 lit; returned home he notified t "M. 'i dice, but no trace of the :90er cot; -‘be found. i Members , Mrs. E. Jacob-on; so- cial, Mrs. lSteiner; publicity, Mm. A. Willmant , nuance, Mrs. J. Strong. ', In order, but all members would :have an ty' " rtunity to attend the tmeetinga th unit voted to hold one I afternoon m ting one month and an , evening m ' in: the following month. '; The A . jean Legion. Deerfield Post No. T _ held their regular meer. 'ing in the ' asonic.temple, Wednes- . day evenimt/9an. 12. The Legion has 'had a very E successful membership i drive. LL . I On Janu Ar, 29 and 30 a two-day convention % be held at Rockford, “the; ' of Mm. J. Strong. Hon- day duel-n The new once". Mn. Glenn Bo Int president; 'Mrs. H. Whitdomb, ee-president; In. Alex lelnun. . etery; Mrs Harry Man, "rtreanbatrd were duly installed by the ete1ti, district committee won:- an. Mrs. C rice Benson of Highland Park. Mm'. 'jr. Funer, newly elected treasurer, lg: Bruce Rhine, chnplnin were unable to attend. The folio n3. ehairmen were ap- tiointed by ., e president: Seventeen [handed the meeting, in- eluding Mugsnobert. and Mrs. Fred Gallagher ad Highland Park. Mrs. Carl hndeiiim and Mrs. Alex Will- man were "ritrtant hostesses. On February 9 there will be a ban- quot at Law Forest and any mem- ber of the Iota] post who would like to attend th 'f,aftalr should notify Ad- jutant Clare?“ Hahn. Ill A nether i'iiterestintr event being planned by V e post is a party for Deerfield p ,. members, their wives, auxiliary miinbers, and their hus- bands. f . V Flames ware discovered Coming from the sexind floor of Mrs. Mary Cooksy’s ho t; on East Osterman ttTre-' nae avenue, out seven o'eloek, Tues- day morning. '" Mr. and Mrs. E. Lemm who occupy e first floor were un- aware of themre until the arrival of the fire depaiUtent. The stafrw)y leading to the upper flpor was so h dly damaged that flre- men had to eak their way in and ian had the re under control. . Mrs. 000%, who lives with her daughter, Mrl Oscar Benz, had i con- siderable armlimt oCfurniture, rugs. ete., stored li' the apartment, all of which were ready damaged. The tire, however, Was eottfined to the sec- ond story, du' to the prompt arrival of the fire d artment. Mrs. ($01613, Mr. and Mrs. Lemm are most gm (ful to all who so read- ily offered their assistance. They are at a lost as tli the origin of the fire. Deerfield (“diner No. 940. o. E. s. .Atthinst a kground of 'white and a profusion o, gpalms and flowers the oMeers of thijDtertleid chapter No. 940, 0. E. S, if? impressive ceremon- ies were insta d at the Masonic tem- pk, Thursdttyevenitstr. Pauline e, member of Grand Chapter com tee, o. E. S., was in- stalling offlett 's Vivian Scott, past worthy grandliznatron was installing marshal; Pan Ite Clow, past worthy matron. instal _ g chaplain; Gertrude Thomas, past ‘orthy matron, install- ing organist; lmbrose J. Montavon, fhut bearer; e 'orts, Henry F. Clow, Delightful uaieal numbers were given by the, riental quartette of Chicago throu out the evening. Sir Knightuof Waukegan Com- mandery No. I formpd the archway tor the worth [ matron and worthy patron. .r, F _ The followi are the officers for the year 1927tli Ruth M. tre, worthy matron; William B. B . ett, worthy patron; Adelaide Stei ir, associate, matron; Charles Frey g secretary;! Bernice Maw, treasure Elsie Sheriden, con- ductress; Chri in: Knaak, associate conductress; rolyn Becker, chap- lain; Ellen M. ' as, marshal; ‘Irma L. Krieg, org: st; Barbara W. Der- by, Odah; EB, B. B. Lutz, Ruth; Leola M. Vin rd, Esther; Florence lain; Ellen M. ; as, marshal; ‘Irma L. Krieg, org: st; Barbara W. Der- by, Odah; EB, B. B. Lutz, Ruth; Leola M. Vin rd, Esther; Florence Uchtman, Mai 3; Clara L. Vetter, Elects; Annie illman, warden Thilo H. Toll, sentin .' _ , A delightful t nnge in the type of p'rorrtuntr'proNed by the committee that has them 5 charge, was given Thursday_ site 1 can. when leans-es on edueational bjects were set tuside for an ente ment by three local artists: Miss , Comer, the teacher of public 'mei f - Tin the Deerfleld- Shields high tl . ' ran the gamut of emotions from , ve to ‘21,th G',','; ing mm isodqr poets to anecdotes in NIH. LN Llnebook of 1926, 1td1teit,', the Chicago Trib- une. g ii al _ of one {digger-t Frost's rs' ". poemso t cw England man ' F did hot understand his wife, wss , poignant thst sp- Melinda-Shield High Schqql P. T. A. Arert4iy Legion Auxiliary Adieriean Legion _Dr. Arthhr P. Brfuld, ‘wlth In. mumm- Mean-m1. Hath a the Qpiano, "it The†were DEW 'to- Sell" John Item; "A Btlly- um Ba " from County Antrim: "Wil" b t McDowell: " Piper" (mu- sic by Mikhul Huduwords by Sew plum wk withhold. It named a "et4ietN to the telling of the “an. Silence in the lac-{compliment to Miss Comhr’l art. From poems of tyld1ttod.1o than of adult Mg Min Cow’l yer-unity wu,cxhibitod in her indiviihsa1, charming banner. - piano. l to Sell" i w, 3:; "Wil" ', H sic by M ' In ma: O' all Love†by la by Flay! tt no wind a Grant Salim ma: O' nlllvun); "Grandfather" Love†by lean Hint; “Min Maria†by Flay we Bartlettr'nmftwo, ne- gro spirf all“, “Little David by Grant B4haefer, and "Run Mary Run" by David W.4rhm. . in. 3.41» htoott 3M, Dr. Arthur P. Brfuld, wil The popularity of that three wom- en ar talent was evidenced by the ap- plauce to) eneoNs, and the beautiful tiowerg presented to them: . Women of Lab Forest were. host- esses during the social hour; . The February meeting' will be .held in thé w hing. when Dr. Horace J. Bridges 0 the Chicago Ethical soci- ety, will the speaker. ' o. E. s. Meeting Thursday evening, Jan. 6, Mrs. A1- ma Deck wedded at the last meeting of the y at 1926 of the Deerfield chapter 3.113., at' which time the, omeera for) the ensuing yea;j were in- stalled. i Mrs. Alma Deck, has, is worthy matron of Deerfield chapter, guided the “hits of that organization in a businesslike manner and the year has proved a Every prosperous one. She is to be cl mmended upon the re' able growth of the chapter during the year it which she presided. Mrs. Deck has formed many fum friend- ships for the chapter With suburban chapters and also with many lake shore chapters. F N THE ',trrarraND. pm puss. mam pun. mom As a token of appreciation the ome- ers of Ihierfield chapter and friends presented her with numerous beau- tiful gifts and flowers. Grammar School Notes Little Mary Cashmere 'celebrated her t,at, birthday with an attrac- tive birth/ " party .at school. Friday, J an. 7. Ghmes were played and songs were. sung. Shtrreeeived many ain- cere and happy wishes from all her little friends in the grade. Dainty refreshnuints were served. Mrs. A. Cashmore and Mrs. B. Eamon served with littlei Mary assisting. The children of the second grade who have Pviaited the dentist this year are: Adina Mentzer, Richard Car- nos, Edwdrd Neckville', Dorothy Bon- son, Fra Barmrrovisr, .Delver An- derson, A3313 Marie Hermann, Alvin W. Knaa ' Jr. It is 'tr) to have one hundred per-cent n the second grade at the end of the school year, which means that every1 child will have visited the dentist this year and that his teeth will be in a favorable condition at that time. Fifteen minutes in the sec- ond grade' is devoted to health inspec- tion and health'conserv‘ation by Mrs. C. M. Knaak, The dentist record of each child is posted in the room. l, Mr. and Mrs. E. W._Beach of 532 ;Oak street left Tuesday, night, Jan, :4, for Human, Ariz., to spend three 1 or four (months. The little people in Miss Ledger- wood's room have abet 10! new books which they'are enjoying very much. . Mr. 'and Mrs. Roy Neargarder gave a party and diiiner in honor of Mrs. Maude Sokup’s (Maude Near- garder) birthday Thursday evening. Jan. 6. A good time was enjoyed by those present. V . Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pfsuehtintter of 947 Oak street are leaving for Flor- ida next week, to be Cone until the end of April. They will be at West Palm Beieh and gt'Beue Glade in the Everglades. " Mr. aha Mrs. Herbert H. Taylor of Glencoe _ ecently announced the en- gunmen; of their dautthtef, Alice, to t't1",','g1tg Tomkins Clark, son of Mr. and _ rs. Robert S. Clark of Eva anston. Mrs. John Livingston of the Libra; ry Plaza; hotel had added her name! to the roll of those in the younger; married Set who are identifying them-' solves with daily "iobs." Mm. Liv- ingston is associated with Mm. Alan.. son Follhybet in her shop, "Chez Moi," 88.Temple court, Winnetka. Mrs. James Austin Richards left Thursdai for a three weeks visit on the weattrn eoatt, going first to Belli- ingham, :Wuhington, and Inter will visit " points in Oregon. _ . Mr. aid Mrs. R. L. Bunch of BOO Sheridari road and Mr. and Mrs. John Husughf were in New York City for Chrintmdls visiting Mm. R. L Hus- zagh's Amber and mother, Mr. Ind Mrs. P. a. Wickett. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. chindt of 205 Chestnut' str.eet, md Mn. deWindt's father, t. H. Amold,'left Sam-day, Jan: 8, tor Biloxi, Miss, m they will spew five or six wash. ' Narth Shore News Continued from page 1, part 3' M vitae! TURN T0 OCEAN m ‘ RAW MATERIALS NOW ". Industry, bucked by "uttees bl turn“; to the can for m with]. ;A nesting {new has â€but to draw, bromine from no: "he: that Various Manufacturing Phat: ThttrUtiiiae Matter FM ' ', Sea Are Reported tho :Whilu af the mum may ttrn with lot. was. . ' _ _ ', Them, is plenty of wealth to p“ ';mrageru..that ha been known for - Eé-butthojobhubocntogotltont it a price which would be Wide. Not so may year- ago u company to get gold out of m vats: vol Ictivc- sly selling stock. And-no one could "iUpute that there is gold in on water, about an ounce in 6,000 tons, but the company paid no one one its promoters. - Thus far our chief products from the sen have been fish, and “It, peed- and shell, kelp and tsport-'itmttle, but inaitrniNant in value competed with the things that In there which we haven't touched Ind moat of which we don't know how to touch. Sea water isn't the 'ume in the amount of solid matter it contains, but the makeup of. this solid matter is strangely constant. There in Ice: than' one per cent of “line matter in sea water in the Baltie, and it run! up to 5 per cent in the Red Sea. Water from the Gulf of Mexico showed I total salinity of 3.63 per cent and the avenge salinity of the ace-n is 3.5 per cent. Of, this saline matter, analysis showed Among other things approxi- mltely 55 per cent chlorine, " per cent bromine, 30.8 per cent sodium. th little aver one per cent of both potassium cud calcium, 1nd 8.6 per cent magnesium. If you want something more dazzling to reckon with, there one gold, silver ind radium in the on, one investigator ‘having found about 6 milligrams of gold per ton of water. SUBMITTED BRIEF SERMON ON THRIFT A man who makes a living with his head was trewttilintr the other dny that he had not bttrun saving earlier in life, and that he had not saved more. "Well," said a consoling friend, "you-ve still trot your head, and it: still works.' Why worry'." "Yes," said the thriftleu one, "but the trouble with me is that I have neveryset aside enough for depreeiar tion'on the intellect." Submitted " a brief lemon on thrift by the Nation's Business. WEKDS 3ANVAi, ' BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING ' . i set,'"',,',',',,',";',",)',",",',,',, m erm..rrw.em-et-mt-.r'» $7.50 'rdt'etr1rrl'lr-.x-t-,--,-'i ftgr,',fle1et'11'f?r_..-.,-...., $4.50 2p'2Tgirt'sl; 'dtc'rr.-.ri, 'eg"ie,,ftltt'2eftr-...-., $4.25 't'r'/)ril';'r-i----v----r-r--.-i 2erg 2/ettt1fl'tr.'.f.l1r..t.., $3.25 vet'led.ttftr.C...--.-,-i" A display so attractive in its varigty India tow priced you’ll quickly decide li' , you’n not going to pass up. Shirts for home, oNee and the“ war --.'the very . “his. 13 Smith St. Johns Avenue Boro' Knish-r Snib values up to $10 and 812 Kayne Children’s Suits $6.50 value .--_.-t_t-..r-e-..".-r'. Kayne Children's Sula $5.00 and $6.00 value: k Corduroy Pants and Flannel Shim $4 and S5 values'""..e' $40.00 vnlue for e-tr-er-wr."- $45.00 value for MM‘ 950.00 vulue for r-'-"--'" $2.00 value. each -te..wM_tt'_ ' for .._......M $2.50 when IN OUR CLEARANCE S. (iiips,,t,,t:ii,s,,s,e,_i,l,y.s? OTHER STRIKING VALUES MENS OVERCOATS A pmam'mu Inn-ids.â€dm in celluloid: .umtr'irttitettsttrt8M00e man at. _ 9cm; (Bmathmrtt-tar,htFiw York 19 aide! ($00,000 {and to pm?" theta-1m mums!†originl “Old Intuition" for puni- “Old Irqttaided" Injgtth With tr. . â€any an to an an†My collected. am In“ for ttit out. boxes for "no. and the M are donated to.the food. The Mm than the one-the pride oft-tnb-tttttheel' pout†pit-tee of 1804 end we: pro- duced by the Ream Players-lair corpontion with the man of tingleâ€. use story was written by Lemma “has. . A dinner " the Biltmore hotel by the “Save Old Iron-idea Fund." It which. Curtis ly. Wilbur, um, of the navy. spoke and which we: et- tended by prominent new] and mo- tion picture men, preceded the show- . FELL LAKE VILLA CHIEF 1 ORDERED REMOVED Action hum-by Comma Vet'- diet of Jury in Charge at Nuance Chief of Folios Burned Elwin of Lake Ville Wedneeday we: ordered removed from can by Judge C. C. Edwards, fn the circuit court. " Judgment on the verdict of guilty voted by e jury four Weeks ago after charge: of malfeasance in 0600 bed been heard Want the emcee. Under the law the eonrt'codd have removed Heinlin from oiBee and wasted e, fine not to exceed $10,000 or both. The removal and coat- of the case were placed :31th the of- tleer. new triul. V inclement was en after Judge Edwards had denied t motion for u C. F. McDonald Products Co., 844 N, Call St... Chicago, Ill. Louis Boilini. Highland Pare, Ill. CHICAGO AND NORTHWEiTERN RAILWAY COHPAN " Freight Chin Department January 6, 1927 Pile ELY-58278 Pleue take notice that on Feb. I, 1927 it 10:00 um THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY will all " public auc- tion It in {night Mon at m- sruiaruotarrrri1rit.1Md 'iiiiiiriirt 7' Miibl . Aid itlM2l M $2; SHIRT SPECIALS $1.35 $1.65 Your cumin v15 â€at?“ vs muons . GAIN m “more $40.00 8min sole with two "one†.r.r Boys' - weight. " tool golf stocking: 8150 value "'"," Bon’ Overcoat- , ' _ $12 vying y--""."""'""'""""'" Elsie Knit-Cups ' ulue 81.50 --..--t-.---" 850.00 Sula . son. with two "me" _.... HUNDREDS or, FINE BAIT SQ! MARX and MICEAEL sum at urge "doetio---the era-1! 2 for --.....' $3.5. 7.1.0 810.00 Silk Bhirtn 0mm MING VALUE MEN’S SUITS! . 3 ' mil-1'8; Jen-dud trtftirgal!1'idieta1ttht . “:1th huh. In" " the w quires! but of ttmf.: W rt,'Ltigtt,2,'g, oft ' also m' cmcmo 'ritdmome EINRAILWAY m CHICAGO AND.) [ may“ C. P. Iona-kl _ r l 00.. 844 N. Cant! Bt., ‘ . Chm m. . , e W.-A. Non-hag. l Highland Put. Mt. r ' _ Plea-e uh node- 8111 III Pit. 192.7 at 10:00 aan.' H, cum I NORTHWEST l I RAILWAY COMPANY wilful! , punk no- tketntitatmieM+t* nau- had Park, mu ' F - proof no... OHM C: P. la- Dondd PmdttetaCet.,i, r Woodttt.. Chicago, m. my tVI, - - “in: tJui/h',t"gt lm' " - “a Highlutd N M u been held maimed ' u .4 an. in â€com with tbob rr lav af Imnoianndttodumtdtt thtmhthtM. THE CHICAGO A y ' y, retry. ERN RAILWA Cl) “AN! by W. C. JV 'vm.. _ . Freight cum) "l u CHICAGO AND tay, RAILWAY 1"ty Franklin Punt Co., 8208 mun; Ave., Cknlami.0liio. 281 N. St. John- t . 7 Highland Park. I FC ' _ Plane W 3660; an Pats. 1. 1927 it 10:00 LII. CHICAGO & NORTHWES RAILWAY cgunuv win A - anc- tiou " It freight it Eigh- rand Park, Ill., r hilt-bald! Liquid Cement, t k' a.“ and , use brushâ€, ' M Ih. Franklin Paint from m. Cleveland. Ohio,' A 2. 1988.309- land Park, Ili., IN) Elvin it. held the required of tilt. in accordance with the It! of ms- not and no dupes! trratkttoL, THE CHICAGO & "mrtrtrB. ERN RAILWA t "ANY- . _ P' T " J' _ LA: tr', Pmight Chili Fisk-ht m. ' _ New. 2 ' Id Park, Ill. ' an node. an “1. 10:00 aan.' CHICAGO WEST! T WPWAY tl a. tux-sub 8.50 PPV.' $1 . mt_P $1 Y17 IWESTIIN ANY Me CHICAGO RAILWAY - aw a it Hith- ' " _ w; '..itaiS".'es'ttf.loFs',ir','ij, FIVE