'iiiirj)so'm'i*ste diam @4ng T""" ipdnriil be in? ofthege attrac- mt any obligation to LAUNDRY E}- Md: lots only, - i, k' yin will find 'f$reeitleaf. 231 Y. t Huh-d Park 513 mm MOTORS I all is Launderers" fads Free by Park 3 a l e ary 30th $7.85 Auto Sales be Shop Slippers? buckles,. or Pontiac at '71irt) (I IL' tt Ha VI I? Y! NI _ - NEWCHURCH I PllPldllliiloa g. a: weeks, the other 1taiattthat ofthe _ lkrth Shore Convention. In“). ip) an an muement be made-writ}! T': " village of Kenilworth for the ap- vaent of Dr. Howard A. Orvis, cs' Mb our of Winnetka, as health . tttt of Kenilworth, than unifying 'r work in the two communities. _,".' l Xenilworth would pay to Winnetka flat: at. share of the may, trane . tion and once expenses tor the “r. otBeer, hosed on popnhiion of '53-“ " two vim fl": This moment was approved 5?", . the Kenilworth village bqird at 13’ meeting last week. , I H Ne'xt V This is the second new church for which provision for construction has bun made in Glance within the put 511-30sz OUR ADVERTISERS. . tt"t A of the First; Church of , t , Scientist. Glencoe, to' erect a " church " 230 Beach mad to cost more than $100,000. ion-ch Shore Comrreedtion. Intel. â€presenting an improvement, with FEM†ofo1e,000, . A. Z annulment was made daat week Work will be tuned on the new Christin Science church " noon " weather conditions will permit. It in pped to have it completed within the t yen. P The building will be of concrete and . k, nn imposing end beautiful have. it is aid. Leon E. Stan- ‘Spe, of 252 Walden drive, Glencoe, . the architect and Harold H. Reyes, M 1422 Edgewood laugh etudrttttttt of the building committee. w, The First Church of ChrUt, Scion- tut, Glencde, eartatrlitshed m February, 1921. ha enjoyed . â€mm. growth in membership, and with!!! the short period of six yam h .519 to realize it. building plans. Ita meet- ing: are now held .in the Bunnie temple. FORMER WINNETKA MAN DIES IN TOWN Stanley Clam. Founder of The Audit Bureau Plan Passes V _ Away Jan. 19 Stanley Clam, formerli of Win., neth, one of the founders and for the past ten yem managing director of the Audit Bureau of Circulation. died at 8:30 o'ehrek, Wednesday eve- 'sittit, January 19, at the Henrotin hospital Chicngo. Mr. Chgde had been indiepoeed for several months, trot continued working until ten days before his death, few of his associates realizing the seriousness of his con- dition. " Be was born on the Isle of Man, " the Coast of England. April 10, 1872, coming to the United States when he was twenty years of age. His first ‘yoaition was that of secretary to the Ste Dr. Charles W. Eliot, president _d Harvard college. Por a number of ms he served as head of the ad- vertising service department of the Credit Publishing company ot Phil- athia. Leaving that organization 5 1908 he organized the Clam Ad- vertising Agency, which consolidated In March of 1916 with Taylor, Critcho kid and company. Mr. Chane be- lle vice-president of this coEipnny, vhich was" then known " Taylor. rtMteMeld-CUtrtte Advertising tttietr. HEALTH OFFICER ' Win-Ah village couiwil last met tgr', the recommepdution I the th commission, of which In. B. P. unworthy in chgiman, 'proposes" Gan, "itii,ifli-ii-iii"i" to. Cost mo, , Rapid Growth- & THE SCIENTIST BODY the Elft,iEc I in mm Section iort BOTH TOWNS PART TWO of 'fkrd W "ii"tutiiiiisi iss a mu to “we now w__9§51v PLAva . ON _ if?†t . N; SCHOOL SITE Special 'r, l to Be Held A "new e," on will be held by the bond of tlon " the Hub- bard .Wooda hoot, Sunday, Jan. 29. from 1 to . m.. for the purpose of outbox-lung .tlie board of adm- tion to pure . a new school lite. The neceuity or buying the new school site at present time in ex. plnlnéd by perintettdmtt, Waah. bnrna u folio t t "Winnetka growing steadily and rapidly. The hool enrollment he: increased 51 .1910 from 585 chil- drentol.6500. . iiiiriUGrit been the eligh It indieatiott of my dW thr t ma, of growth. The village will u “.have reached nature. tion, as far 't, avtihble building smell: co ed, even with the present zoning new: and boundaries, until the po tion reaches about 20,000 as as: t the present 19.500; although the ine of increase in ttrowth Ihouldd top " when the vil- lage '"mu1atioiiyic1"s 15,000 or 16,- 000. 1 "Careful fi es"have been compil- ed of the pro lo growth of the vil- latte school b . _ ing needs during the next five you . These are based upon detailed ", tisticl for the past ten yoga and tt n on examination of ham e _ showing Whit Iota handset: h T upon and what Iota ore um um! * for building pur- - L Cale ions of the Illinois Bell T lepho 7 ; cominny have also until the po . ti 20,000 " as: 1: although the I kt growth should, to lune populatio Ire 000. J, "Careful h n es ed of the pro ole latte school tttif it next five year upon detailed , ' ten yo and m1 i,1'ld;ltg', ', ' Madman MI, t are all! mm! y-h poses. L Cale , h Boll T lepho ttre been chsulted if - “As i a ', " evident r, g 'ttsl building wan l 11 west part of dl, ' Nriair?rRrriai The New high school Moth, ers' add Dang ' banquet original- ly- scheduled f Jamar-y 21, has been postponed un February 4, 2t poatpbttment ' due to the fact t t the Evanston- ew Trier basketball Came was self uled tor the same night. , 5g: "Apgone wh {attended this banquet last sietr kno what she has to look forward to," _. has the New Trier News; 9. "And' "his year’s banquet promises to eq [ 1, if not surpass, that of Itult year. ere will be speeches by various m bers of the commit- tees and the o era of the club. Then, too, class can will speak, and, of course; Miss right will amuse us too, class oiN will speak, and, of course; Miss right will amuse us with'one of.he humorous talks. The dinner isn't t Lleut pirt of. the ban- ("TL The \ talenied of 'the girls will see that u enjoy yourselves. WAUKEGAH MAN Roy Miller,, years old, father of two children, d a realtor in Wau- Kegan' for a mber of years, serv- ine a sentence n Juliet penitentiary; will he given; is freedom on parole on January 8 when he will have completed a y of tn indeterminate sentence of " 1 to 14 years. This announcement "as made Wednesday by Hinton G., "bautth, head of the state pardon parole board. It was stated that er was winded the parole at a h " last September. NEW PAST? NAMED FOR ' . s. METHODIST The Rev. H 1d C. Case has been appointed as artor' of the North Shore' Meth _ Episcopal church, to fill the vaeanei used by the death of the Rev. Geo ‘ MucAdam recently. Mr. Case has, Bllirttr the pulpit since Mr. Matt . um’l death, and is a ponultr choie ' ' watched his first sermon as _ a r on Sundny, Jan- uary 23, at 1 I 'clock. At Humid Woods Jan. pimp T AUG] New his] d Dang ' b: duled f Janna ted an Feb: tment ' due tt vanston- ew T was self uled 1% lot these studies it is Mn dive years a new neededcin the north.. village.†MOTHERS AUGHTERS DAY “I“ BE PAROLED o'IJ]lit,i'; NEW! SERIAL STORY! r,' HOT C ON PROIHOSED BOND ISSUE Interests humming Tract to _ Mart ctive Opposition of Project, Say No Chance township ed upon to expres- themaelveo t the polls, on April 5, in the matter of the proposed “quill- tion, by lune, of all or part: of "No M: 'tt Land," the new - advertiqed ytrip of land lying "me, the lake' fr t between Wilmette end Kenllwort barker: of the verbal comma-cl {projects in course of de- velopment. Pr, in eontrrmrUtimt are laying pre miner-y plus to present their pee! on in the more or lees heated co. paign which promises to provide deepmd interest from now until lection day, aeeordintt to W1nnetka d Wilmette papere. Men be ind the motion picture theater p Jeet last week conferred with offiei s of the Vista Del Logo and Break Beach club developments regarding lane for eoneertetrrtetion ip.presenti tt their common cause to the elect ate. Other preliminary confere are scheduled for next week, it stated. Exehan pf letters between Ar.. thur Bon t, representing the Citi- zens' com ittee, through the instru. mentality f which the petition for the $600, Township Park, Bond is- sue 'exec’tidh m tuid with County Judge " ki, and promoters of the new thee project 'tpp6at,td have effectively launched the campuign that is to culmlmte in-the election on April 5 Mr. Bo tyrt's letter published in port rece ly in the Wilmette. Life and aski the theater promoters--- all of wh m are prominent north shore reel ents-r-to halt their plans pending t outcome of the election, brought p mpt reply from the group as follows _, “Vex-in members of T our group which is ~:-ncemed in the ownership and develdbment of s portion of the land lino-- as 'No Man's Und' on Sheridan ad, between Kenilworth and ttrel, te, have received your let- terofJal-yIO. ‘_ P 1oieeta to Continue "In the first place let ine say that the majo ty of tliose interested in) our devUlGnent are citizens of thei north shor towns and have been iden- tified wit' every movement for the public troof in that neighborhood. If we disagre with you it is not at all a huestio [ of division of opinion be- tween out iders and those with public spirit andI a local group of well ins tentioned entlemen such as yourself. With intimate knowledge of north shore eoMitiorus, sentiments and us- pirations, ive made our purchase with a desire . giving the best possible type of d velopment to the are: in- volved. I r improvements are un- der way nd we are bound to both our contr ctors and our lessees on their acc nt. There have been no mew deve pments along the north shore t , add or subtract to the considerat on: that we had in mind at the time , our decision. l 7 Says Imtrrnetieat "Beyond this, your suggestion is ‘entirely it practical " the proceeds ‘from a t,' I0,000 bond issue will not remotely urchsse the' complete area included i 'No Man's Land,' or even a eonsideiable fraction of it. In ad- dition to our project, and indepen- dent in e cry way from it, the Vista Del Lsg' club and the Breakers Beaieh clu have let building contracts involving . very large sum ormoney and have incurred very eo.mdderabhs Del Lag . club and the Breakers Beech ch: have let building contract: Involving very large sum ormoney and have incurred very considerable expense. .You would find that your final cost i, would represent I mm of eight or ran fold the amount men- tioned." V _ With the) citizen: of New Trier iiiaiii" d-T ies, oust “mum A my Saunas _ Ion s- NOTNNG qlllt, I I) MAN’S IAM)" tht MAKES me so tMB, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2t, -it vs: tui country at far hori- zons, and or not scratches pooplcd mainly, in one mightjudga ftom the ' lct inatathaesbo- A union- Want E!!! In the Imate of ttttttttable bnke man we re making; hit new of twenty miles an hourlucmh the greatest ntry on earth. Yet des ito the novelty of such I ride behin mo. surfeitod with already five d-ys' steady travel, engrossed ehietiy in "in: a clear. dainty profile uniting for the glimpses. time to ti e, of a pair of exquisite blue eyes. ie Merely indulge myself in ferns inlne bee ty, however, t need not have take the expense and fatigue of joume " from Albany on m Hudson o to 0min on the plains side of th Missouri river: thence by the new mutinentnl line into the lndi country. There are handsome women a- plenty in out; and of was, nleo to a you of funny an pup! But he I was. advised by the physicians to "go Welt" “all“ by this not 3 ply the one-time west of Ohio, or linois, or even to“, but the remo and genuine west lying beyond th Mimutl. The Un on Paeifle tutpouncetmrrttat acclnimed but this summer of 1868 the mill uld cross the Black Hills mountains of Wyoming to another range of e Rocky mountains, in U- tah; and at by the end of the year one migh comfortably 'ride elm to Salt Lake City! And somewhere in the exp of brand new western country, e, plains and mountlina I would d at least the breath of life. When I rrived in Omaha the tick- et agent enabled to sell me trun- portation way to the present west- ern termi us, Benton, Wyoming ter- ritory i lf, 690 west of the Min- ouri! , Of Ben n I had never heard. But in-rmmd re: TO miles! Pmetieal- ly the dis ce from Albany to Cin- cinnati, R d itself distant from Al- bany ove two thousand miles! All by nil! ' _ The In y of .the blue eyes we: bound for the same point. Ye gods, but she 3 little beautr, n perfect blonde, o the petite and fully form- ed type ith render features in.. clined to e clean-cut Grecian, a piq- uant mo h deliciously bowed, two eyes of deepest blue veiled by long lash , and e mass of ttlintintt golden h ir upon which perched I. ravishing little bonnet. The md ral wearable was enme- ed by he costume, all of black, from the close! fitting bodice to the mat. ling crin line beneath which that. peeped o tiny shoes. I had oppor- tunity al to note the jet pendent in the shell ear toward me, and the fhurhing ' gt upon the iittgers of her hands. i, F Could a by my chance live in Benton woman dressed " 'she was,» Itch-l: modeulfsho walked B adway in New York? Om- nha itael had utonishod M with the displ upon its streets; and now if Bento for out in the wilderness. should p ,ve mother sur---'. Indeed,gthe western world was not sol-aw, fter all. ‘ . wGdobs, by Gtelimei' and puk- " from Albany on 4lte to 0min on the plums Missouri river: thence by mmsettntinenU1 line into venue out was """"" nus cum†out 1 (MIT! aeitttt THEY REE qua; h._ 'uttodot-tattttitttad been deem-11y and,» than. .tout,,md-psesd-yytyyo2tmne thebueofspyrunldofbom-nd punk. _ She n- ma: North M ttumhemitmitmii-.mrrL1tatM urriattirtetrtBsett'etet., Showman“. “I reckon you’re I enabler!†It. -uiifit making hedthlnthewod.’ I said, “what: the :1qu a nu and dry.†. - -- __ ‘___ “My and!’ ’she blurted. “mo and dry! You’re going to tho right plus. For all I he†toll; B-tmt is high enough. nnd dry enough. But Iawsuaki.,rtudoet'tt-dtorttMr fur. Yottennn-iiatespee" North Platte. or Sidney or Chemo. They'll inculp you sure at Beam- unless you watch out mighty dun.†“How no, my I aakt" "You'm certainly can." dh. - prised. “Bacon's roarin' - and I know what that moons. Didn't North Platte mart I loan it " its Inch- nin's. Myold nun â€damn-m than iron: the fact, what: it mid in as the unload tau-mind. Mr sakes! but than wort tins! Gnu- blin', drinkin'nnd shootin' and hith- cockalormm, night and dart "run- n't no place for innocence! Eu, come, any“, that m thawed. I don't "2t what times were (and. though. y old man nonmetal gov- ernment freight and I run a any house firthe miirondem so we nude money. Then when the railroad - But since I had creased tho lio- souri something had entered Into blood which .rendered mo mm "that Welt diorama. For is: North Platte. “Itdctly meal.†I had no ardent feeling. I was let up. Benton. _ ed terminus the rest of the and moved, too. You stop " " m Pitta. Nehru-Ry. It's healthy and 'it's moral." , And in after iinrr--aoon to if?!†--1 bum-1y regretted that I Ind my yielded to her mud. GiisK "re-Iii“ lam. mt out Ppttttt td,'::"',,.':',,', or upon? f,,", an Plum! A “an 'd'.'gt/teiit't'e ennui in Noni hat!" "N an Pm!†as. - me. Tnetf,'ltrp'rC'ldrTI PddtegltiN; Read tu'ditiiiiiu, - Ih., "WW 1on My!orhod;them mr-tred thetrboot.andahoes entail gatttrmtstusdatmtetthte zeta“- ,Unbvtoo.eninetheirbumnrtttt Mammal and†iittteirttendsttPttai, M Worm “It. Bahia-Madras T [amt t "But I have - - ticket to been." I “I! '1 don't lib it I an W Poi-My to Salt [Ah ' a De. steam _ T “lam“ 1"! Summit.“ “an htemaitrir--- ups-b (rheumatism a". beat- otth Md! Denver nightn't In bad but all“ an noraitroaaettMr. ‘youunnt madam-p ,stelerr ,ritttNaethPutM." . “Ithukm'l' “But-ina- 1..-dforB- til-it'll†on. Andlfrdwt in.†"e-inNoethPUtg. an." Shem“. . “Yucatan.†not“ restaurant. Hymn larch“ mméodauhup. Bid“. twilighthmlw apt. fruit-prevalent dustbin-tum; all" mmatuofreatsttmrtatd, junta-l tutorofaetrtdas an!" lowlydhrrieddh -.. [WWW Plum." The w M to. wmmm oil-mandthI nun bells! I. d) Mlle. But the an. and; mummw Nowftat.irmd,amr slim; Italftheunmlhul mu with: for her to "lsr h“. NIWW 'nehkuw onettbyntdofttt. Junk“. ua'irs,roBertomt lab. ittgguatotthemar. Theeoaseharaathe that“, Imppdmupou 'b-ekpht- foeauetrftudtotr. Ir ' At-ru-tdt- .CNN “munch ‘am. Two undo-Ital. ttq-hm.. whoatltoiteruarfM m- nyodutronnw 7, Acre-0ndâ€! Wu (moth about» .disttrtesuhe,nrttht+tisityqref "ea-tat-dm- it; Thumb“ and. ' “Hal's-dam ' t_Eeaert?te.dy.'tr",r 41th. Btirettreh'ndi#rsedt. Astral anthem-abstin- Newrthohu this val Tu". Wu can “haula- "YM' toe North P' "No, tit, Baton. W Terri- 2trgr11t1txtt','tti,'dt I“. “that “Nu-ti J"Grrot"rrr.iiiirt . vainly. wqdburriudedh Impala-Raw: Thw'n» 'dhdou. belt-numbn- irtnrstgeetton PART TWO an tertat. TELEPHONE RIP. "ea" IN In whilst. d May itank.tht milk-h then-h" but“ p: .thh r â€my. bun-hut. rill m- as: _ Mi Mb- b Adi-unto! In It.“ maul. I',,','.",',,",',".'. dith- 'i' Ki