[I h tird $35 H12 , l E? hr: is if! hfr..nnd Mrs. Walter Clark ietarn.. ed home Sum-thy from Alberta, AU., - th-v have my the past three - Vith In. Clark’l relatives.‘ his: Pun-mam. Conrad was the Ink-end “to! Mia. Marion Lem of,ThraeAai-. » A large And appreciativq tndience greeted Cant. Madam“ on Friday evening in the high school auditorium when they all mommied him "tt the North Pole in his Tttiff and mum-l motion nictura. on! hope he ,rttt mm min "talt ', Mm. L. R. Rigdon nnd. Mrs. John T. Fitzgibbons were butane: on Tuesday afternoon to the Presbyter- ian guild " the home of Mrs. Mu. Plans were diseutmed and flrut11r acted upon for their annual play to be given on March It. Next week’s Pres: will announce the, play to be given and the cost. l Mr. end Mrs. Rolland Brand' of Chicago on the hoppxpmnts af n son born the later but of December. The b Brand. Mr. and Mrs. George Bahr will en- tertain n few guests " seven-thirty o’clock dinner tonight. The out of town ttmists will be Mr. and Mm. E. D. Edgecomb of Chiento and Min Louise Crowell of Newark. New Jer- Mr. 1nd Mrs. CUries Jtuekholt of Evanston and Miss Mnyme'Duvié of Milwaukee, Wig., Tere Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Zimmer of Oakwood avenue. d Mm. Charlet, Green entertained a few friends " her home ort-Grten Bay road at end; on'Thnndiy " ternoon. Kin Adi Johnagn of Glencoe ave- nue spent the week-end u the guest ofAer brother in Kenosha, Wis. Mm. Robert Sleizhback entertain- ed Butte Nu clubfat her home on Oahood avenue‘laat Thursday at one o'clock luqcheon followed by bridge. Mr. ind Mrs. Charles McGregor entertained at three tables of bridge on,Tuetsd" evening. Nine mothers from tie north end ave a ,very delitthtfar, sleigh ride party to niheteen little tots on Sun.. day afternoon. They rode titll around- Highhnd Park, later stopping at the home of Mrs. G. E. Ration N. Green Bay rend, where they had refresh- ments. All had a dandy time. in John Kampe is I week in Downers Grow was ealted on mount 0: imtess of her brother-h Tholin of that city. You are cordially int'itt4 to make use of the reading room, 361 Central avenue, which is open a ery Weekday from nine in the mo n: until six in the owning and on W "dars un- til 7:30. The madNtlroom is also open on Sunday " n from 2:30 hue; {branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mum, holds â€when every Sunday morning at $35 and on Wednesday evening at ii, o'eioek, when testimonies of Christian? Science hes]. in: no given, ihtrtdnrtkhool meets, nt"9:30 mm, and is open to 'pupils' under the an. of twenty. Subject for next Suhdny’s lesson Sénnon, "Love." l, Fint Church of Christ, Scientist, Hichlngd Pltrk, Ilt., 387 Haul avo- TMS p. m. Gospel service with in- spirational conventional angina. Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock the midwvnk payer service in conducted. Wekom to d). First United Evangelical Tetttf p. a. Christian Mm. Tow, “How Show Loyalty to Our Chunk." _ 10545 a. In. Norm worship. Bee- mon by the -tor. . Great Buy road and Laurel "can , 9:80 a. m. Bible school for In"; (HI, m nod women. V My, tr."' . w, ( Sunday, 9:80. . , 1 On “My evening there will trd, a joint much. of the Luther In.“ and the Glam Young Punk?! - PAGE TWO Friday night-Choir :reheu'ul. Second street near Laurel "mute, J. G. Pinkheiner, mm. tPaF---Nndn, school session. 11t10--Moreting wotihip. Tt46--Evenhttr unicorn. . Wednesdhy night-Mid-week serv- bapy'n name is iiiir'iiria' Bethany Evangelical CHURCH Wish "Nice. 11. Christian Séience Zion Lutheran Ratio-for Wat Catt! - W. P. Salmwutor I mice. 10:30. taboo]: "ii'i2'r"gf, Soc _ W'tiw 4*. 'c/i'.' "yV,0T'"'CYi",C, "tr '~ _ v? . . "_" H8971 , .. 19 4}: ':l",'rjs, (Ct _ _r'e; _ tor this eotmrttt Iii-II ifâ€. 'eiirta,?'i.d, “WI? no.“ r'"' pending this where she the serious -1nw, Victor "ia; AndiPé’rsonal 't -_- "r"" .u. "capes-n. A lathe number of that; are expected to I.? pageâ€. A futt account of the my F is . in the" Emma $1510: Mtg] suturing With an infection in Ltd 1_A‘ aw: lg A Mr. Frm 'Ill!,, and M, ai i ed ca c tulatil l 'ts repay n ,' A r. W. W 8 'tFits, W foot. V V ,7 ---_._. "new au. cumin] 'N Ghent-0e avenue announce the arrival of tt six months old baby girl. Betty Lonise csme on Sunday to make her home with her new mother end daddy. ‘Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Easter-day left o1riTuesda, for Havana, Cuba; en- rq'qte they visit in Washington, D. C. a' _ Miami,' Florida. r r. Ind Mrs. Julius Laekner of Rn., "rt" ' ’drive were at home on Tuesday C ' 'ing to their friends. tt hnvintl 'r theit tenth wedding anniversary. ' rt rs. Louis P. MeOmher, Jr., is en- tthainiritr with three tables, of bridge 5 her home on Green Bay road tb. m trow afternoon. lt Thursday evening twenty of M f Agnes Duifph, friends came'to hi ghoms on 8. Second street and tt 'ttered her s very pleasant surprise w T they-came to help her. celebrate f shirthdsy anniversary. Cards were ti , ed'during the evening hours and Mons iesttxsahrnentt, were served. , successful prize winners were M . ’Jsmes Welter and Mr, Fred R . y, tirtt,. Mrs. Fred Perryman s Mr. Fred Perryman, second, while lt, i. and Mrs, John McMahon were, I “ ed consolation. After much e misting and merry melting the ' l Ets reported n most plenum eve- " alias Emma'Evam was the guest off, Wedn'eadar of Mrs, Charms Me- 9,lt,l',,v. of Evanston. _ F 'ijil, rs. Robert Hagen of Evanston aihlMrs. John Edmunds and Mr. and Wg. Edgdr Winterson, Jr., of Oak 'tite were the Sunday visitors of Mr. a _ Mrs. E. P, Winter-son of S. Green Ibi' road. 1Mr. and Mrs: Ansel R 'hmtrt, " It w. w. my: If trtytth [Second Mfrs. Jack Danley and daughter, b tr" anne of Hubbard Woods, were mats on Friday of Mrs. Arch Aur.. chimtry of Lincoln avenue. fur. and Mrs. Raymond W. Schnei- der of ‘Ridgewood drive had as their, 2ttigf, guest Mrs. Sehneider'a [tther, Mrs. Powers of Chientro. Mr. and Mrs. c. R. Short of Mil- wiittkee, WU., were the week-end mots of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zahnle of) Vine avenue. T ers. Ralph Greenle‘e was hostess oil Tucsday'to . few friends st lunch- edg and bridge. L.- E. n. A, are hm them/month! $t.ieethw and pron-um tonight nt ‘epariah {page Jit Waukegun. A! tt number 0(th are expected “swan Boston," is the 't,',fft'. v; the day. - _ woo Morning worship. The . . t; Frank Pitt will preach. _ 75:00 Rehearsal of Girlu’ choir. (, 6:00 Young People's society dinner. ', cr' Mr. H. D.'Faxon will speak. _ all :30 Sunday Evening club " the - Woman's club building. Duncan :3 Clark, editor of. the Chieago Eve. y hing Post will speak on "A ', , Neighborly World," . mates-tav-,..- =i8:00 Church night pram-am. Group t' r,' Prof. Norman E: hichardson, 3 leader (in the subject, "The Real ; Relation of Religion. tutd.Srtitre." '; l "Group It, Rev. Frank Pitt, leader, _", "The Eternal Fundamentals of j the Christian Faith." , i _ irao Church school worker’s dinim ' 1‘; and conference. All teacher: we l ; urged to be present. » l , ', @145 Church school. Classes for II ty, Avian clue. "A my in i- ,5 ' of human doctrinal. hypothél j b, and vague conjectures "mit, no 9"?" ettuhteaee" (p. 504). I r b' "'rtutte' P, Vikii Mil, “f0 L . mum» at than in 'tt eoitnad _dittttmtth/' 'dr- Among t l C ed the Jd gnawing t1 'tha con me into l _ times: " eir deeds truth a deedt n t they I: 19.21). “a Ta-, [7: ed the Lennon-Sermon was the u "rtimrtttg from the Bible: "And this _ "the condemnation, that light ia ‘ e Into the world, and than loved T â€than rather than light, because air deed: were evil. But he that , truth eometh to the light, that a dude may be made manifest, t they are wrought in God" (John 1tF21). T _ (The Leno]: Sermon also included the following may“ from the Quinlan Science textbook, “Science 't d Health with Key to the Scrip- J' by Mary Baker Eddy: "The 513 of infinite Truth. when gather- into the fodus of ideas, being light irittantalte9tatun whereas a thousand j: ' "Truth" T wan' tho subject of' the E’ â€can: in all “Church“ of rr ' t, Selentiot. Sunday, thmry 28. 53,111: Golden Text m tron halal: 35:1. tp Lord, than at my God,' I ï¬ll an]: thee, I will praise thy name; _1g thon “he! dtmt row-ml thins-z LI m Areiir tle citations which 'coin- H. P. Presbyterian come): of old are kiwi“; :/is' l'," "cis-ti. ' , ~- f out tit hutatiitiF on Proved" _ ','l',."til,'"d,t2ti m ' _ 'tttttVit, ettmitthnasitcto her aunt. '. ' ' '. _ 'N, miifrithtotmgttitprtriiri _ n. mutual! B. Summon enter. . . .' T ' nod the when of her luncheon Christian Science c _ qt ler, bomb on 1.1m place m. If“; "' Ansel E. Smith of 335-7 us iw iifiltiiiel'j fiat eating» at mo nd, the [ dar, . M, for zanizi and .1 chair . T One use all all the must in thin count appears to be tut it is too cold i winter and too hot in mm- mer. _ _ Pf' aw, GLE COE WELFAEE I CENTER OFFICERS stab for suedetted. -De egation from the Lake county boar of supervisors were in Spring- field t week where they went into eopf nee with Gov. Len Small re- ttard _ tr possibilities of state road build tr in Lake county for 1927. , Th am who made the trip were Chai an Ray Paddock, Supervisors Geo Bairstow and William J. Obee, Con V Superintendent of Highways R. _ Lobdell and County Clerk Lew A. dee. l had two routes in mind that they ope the state will pave this apri r One is the continuation of Gm avenue, " Lehman's corners, near ox Lake, to the Belvidere road to t . south. This would bring the Wan nda-Mundeiein mod that would conn It in at Crystal Lake,' Memmrr road near Vole. The second is the) that me inquiry may be made eel to en the county will receive itsI coun . they aprir Gran near to " Bran conn road RO D DELEGATION ON . F VISITS T0 SPRINGFIELD . tt stated _that. the commission plat surfacing of Route 69 from Leh- ma Corners to Antioch; Route 59 fro Ingleside‘ to junction of route 20 Irolo and Fox Lake; Route 178 fro †Mundelein west to junction of In oe and Wauconda state road. Wo will be started early in spring he ted. ' e meeting Ms attended by about 25 embers of the Vusociation with C. J Herschberger as chairman. One of t features was the showing of i moti n picture on road building, M. Lobd'ell, county superintend- ent f highways gave an uddreu be- fort tht members of the Lake County Roads" Ofheiahs usqciation It Wa exam list week in which he de. tail tht plans af the state highway co l fusion in the paving of roads in La Cou'nty this year under the 810 000,000 road bond inue.‘ D AILS PLANS POR , , STATE ROADS HERE Co 'ty Highway Superintendent ens What Paving Will Be Done in County Ill oh, hightva'y department charc- T that ttwdepartment had torn up i track: jolt with of Lake Zurich in rder to prepare for the extension of concrete highway across the rail- ro right of way. ' e argument was over the matter, of grade on which the highway tt Id crou,the railroad tracks. The ca had previously been taken into th courta and the cirent court indi- ca that the railroad had been dam- " to some extent by the projection pie ned by the highway department. Th indicated damages were $2,000. ' meme Commission in Chicago at w h time fopmentntivu of the n road, including the receiver. up- --- ed a pnplulpnnt- min“: the l t the old T0tteoudrv.Paintirt. ilrond,eomtianr may be down and o but not entirely abandoned 3nd t t its resurrection into lctIul life "at operation in a pogalbillty of thel to was strongly indium! it the 1 eat hen-in: before the Illinois t.? e governor was asked if the as any preferences in paving ke county under the $100,00tV. f mot the" two route: will be eating» at the home of Mrs. ' nd, the new president, Pri- . M, for the purpose of or- t and appointing committee 1 County Supervisors in Con. , twice with Governor on ' Highway Prospects , Mn. Expat Gardner ir in Roches- ' Minn; for a M vain. my. The“, irere “Halve. manic“ ll Meeting 18 Held Recent- t Home of Mrs. Sheldon In That Village string Before Commereé Com- mission Indicates It May Be Revived vwly elegtei angers held their nu: Bream mun; Pm: LL SOME LIFE JN PALATINE RAILROAD 1i: _ will angi- Jst. next week's t,fW1Fiy.,'i. I, of pain on _ydiditr Snail erstertaht" illiam J. Smith, editor of the W ukegan Daily. Sun. ha been re- tt ointéd by Governor Len, Small for an ther term as member of the Illi- no Commerce commission. Alexan- de Johnson. Patrick Moynihen and E. . Wright, all of Chicago. and Hal W. Troviilion of Herrin, other mem- be of the commission also have been re pointed. David H. Jukeon we: up inted u chairmen of the cone: mi sion to succeed Prank L. Smith an of the appointment of Alexander Jo son and J. P. Kuhn, the letter of Ba via, to fill Weie- on the com- mi ion. Julius Johnson of Molina w reappointed aeéretery. S ITH REAPPOINTED‘ BY GOVERNOR SMALL i' tarie Elliott Hickman. of Highwood. t _ mother of two children and wife o two army men at Port Sheridan, w o was held to the grand jury last ek on a charge of Mammy and held f several days in the county jail released in bonds later and while a .wu in mud it qureported Ihe h been starving herself in jail. Her ds, $3,000, were furnished by Jo- s h Oltuslcy of Waukenn. t" t the tsheeitPg Dace it we: said t _ t Mrs. Hick-on had eaten but one f l meal during her week in the: c nty jail. She is said to, have re-j f . to eat or drink anything on! so a days. telling the jailer: that she , Id _rather starve to death than to " y in jail. Called back to Enzlwd utter a for rformtutees, than linger: in 1925 e blinked a mpttatioet which bring' t 111 back for s lure number of con- c in 1926 and 1927. Their momma ll Include several folkaong 3mm- nts and work of old composers f m England, Italy, and Fume. f The Winnetlin Music club is we. the "The Wish Staten†in its f nrth concert In the current Artist. ital eerie. on Momur, Petr. tl.,' ttioup of singers is made up of t tee women end three men, the s g with carefree perfection, “and i ormelly about a table. the club u- p rte. ' i Hum-1‘ a: pone. Input-i! . "ta . “Km: ho r'lht',kntlriit'rii, iitttf. w . m ili'lrchtll'lill, at m in he inttarhs wink carnage-MM _ p. T _ Loch told pone. an an bandit, both he done!“ " kid; six feet- l, Inn . in the shadow of ' can. that a h “and mm Mi cur t mum- mind I!" ehind him pruned I revolver was: hit lide‘ 3nd said, “Stick 'etrr l p. ld f' '. . _ The thief than leisurely mw' is victim, took the money all In at of the ammo. Loch immediately hm to his home ind notified the po- . ce. A network of (and: wu rown about the city but no trace the bahdit m" discovered. LAN TO PRESENT ENGLISH SINGERS GHW00D WOMAN m ' RELEASED ON BOND Set In Vain? Speciat.Sate Priceson Hiriiru7ad Baa ths Ou Entire Show} '35,}; , rfor Women g,ftittd Values from' $12.50 to $201.0 wmwmmcanonsawovmzmpmmm Am) DISCONTINUED LINES or man moss, SPORT mom EVENING AND AFTERNOON DRESS SUPPER:- 'iig;j,ii,1,lfjiitsi. T 1l.I,lrj,lei1tr1'i?: "e".'""".'- - v - HOTEL SHOP .RUBYS,~ SHOE SALE A 10%Disoount '. omNch'm F .85 In ‘Two Group, -. l "atyout'-tahl? linen in ltd by hull N That you may hivewmr :7 fl ', complete, Rough Dry, or at ' at a that is a saving over any, method laud ' Wouldn tyou like to gimr trial? " Our phone is HIGHLAND ‘, ' K 178, 5; , t tia Us , 'l, term watiharerahithein! f . That this water is 7 to 10 during the washing process? , That your clothes are w aitrirt b and: of neutral soap as T your soap? .... . _ t ._LI- 1:--- " A AA 1...! Ihatmrcti'"'iit"'iiiithsartti Men's, Young 3N. and Boys' Su Overcoats, Sh and. F urnishin "Dry Cleaners " well as iei1erereti' Highldnd Park) _ .32 “hay-MM-JWW January' Clea RELIABLE LAUNDRY "W"ii,sTi2s'ovd All Merchandise adne ' iithe Chicago papers are also on in our Evanston Shop. ' . T F Evanston Shop "_-,', Now in Progress ThmattrhdV an Presenting Decisive That in! use Soft water as “ff as rain Spas "hdNdrrtm-dSl om new-a 'ro:,,,!,!,),?. Fifi} Ffid {a on. . E: