b I , K531 ls. J, FEE? .3 ' 's a). " ,3 ',', RS ', , t . f. 4 i331 H} 5.32 EN; i3 .1: r4 NASH MAgLBl Daniele of the tastt Motor comr My ere of the opinion that um em locker “he record will be establish- ed by Nash in 1927. Nematode!» just ihmduced by the compehy and than for, the Met time " the New York atttorAttiU show, they believe, will re- sult in decided sales impetus end that the popularity of the Neel: line this year will reach greater heights than eve: before. _ _ PAGE an Hymnal. ", you-in tdtt,gr,l't'Athtllglfim'; bGr,'aeeudirwtomrttitnumudt'o Jiit, Null mama “munch! abr, T tight gig aria, oqutptmd with T, um am my: and yen- ttf2t't,tat,),'1i,1ittr', and intact“. “an!!! out the Into-z mobile broine public 5171me- dart inc the m in: dead; and mp1; 3.10341 pereeattnhead3tfelenfbr the previous year 1925.11: this con- Mich, it h pointed out.E another rec- ord wu ntablinhcd train September 1 to December " When Null gala exceeded by 18.8 cent sales for the “me period 1astiter. :With two than: tommmt re- p? backing the pro construc- tii. by the UnitedAur rand pug- REPORTS SLUMP IN PRIVATE SCHOOLS ThereUs beenaIlunt inthe pri- veto and, comments] lagoon of the country during the put time or (on: yous, "mmhhttt to reports u. sued by the United State. Baud of Education. Undoubtedly this has been due to the Net that high schools ‘3: other bunches of the public ‘ ls have been broadening their cttttmes dong commercial lines. GOVERNMENT REPORT _ BACKS UP WATERWAY diva! l shimmy from {the Atlantic in the Great Lake. to tho m. Low- tehco river, it might seem that Con- I"!!! would put the mature through at the present session. _ However, cam. which would apparently bon- ettt most by the cam], "en" to have cold feet on the proposition. .NOTICE is hereby given to all per- son interested, that hide for the fur- nkhintr of all labor, tools and mate- riel: neceeury for the knee] improve- _ nt of the roadway in Highland 31%, Hillside Drive and Roger Wil- liam Avenue by paving with rein- forced eoncrete and otherwise im- proving, ell in the City td Highland Perk, County of Lake, end Sate of Illinois. were opened on the 14th day re NOTICE or AWARDING CONTRACT andDelioered When Desired S Clocks Called ', For a. lu---""""!"-----:,", AL . nos Wilmette Aie. _w1raniirrE Grimm Wilmette 6 AS BIGGESE YEAR IN [ ( Expert Cloth Repairing Correct Glasses' " Modervnethods and years of ex- periente assure you the best re- sults. , A thorough examiniitidt of. your eyes at regular intervals' is an, as. suranée of good wisiin, 1 q Phone for an P _)..,.1J.,,r,c,P,,'i),S.,.lC,l,i.lY itttrAed ovetrto him. And he is My (panned to repair the mtuuueorters. _ c. old t1m.ndfattter clock, w bu been standing idl in your hall, or been sto am in the attic, will an I new lease on life if and "sou t y rely on his abil ty to igiti. Iny trouble you is gifting you. and cure ita lg quickly. He is m ef.. fieid, t worker and a rapid ' r pairéfmén in the coun- try ,to t.rtr his gull time to ourrtror . {Years of exreri- tnet" have Aituttht him al the any} point, of clpck mfg, ' 3 2lo. t. 1460 , ie yudo of excavation for "tttent and comm-Cd 6“:de “a Mat; of ' , nun-phi: men-Mum ]32’, No. 8 A F 600 ' c yua- of mutton for , an, including Mud at! Wind "than! of m- plutti “muted tutorials. measured in the cut. at One ooua#7e Cent: ($1.10) per 2650 mare pings!“ 2500 huh] feet oOsonerete eo".'- 12 cqtchbuins. mix 1-2M, inside diameter 4 Net, bottom and sidb wills 8 inches thick, with 406 1b., out iron covers. in.. 'tttt all excavation, bub fill! “Around catchbnin with sud; constructed complete " Ninety Doll.“ ($90.00) each [4 ' ' No. 6. 40 feet at 12-inch drain, "craze " cut " feet, and backfill, Appoin tinent eutrielt'ard .............. “f w No. 8 comhlued curb end gutter), r/ 2-3 mix, 4111». of wire fab-1 It?! 100 square feet, W, inehf.ttrrhaltie felt filled cross-i iointtr80 feet apart, with W, inchironnd dowel bars, 2 feet! long, g-teet apart, emit (reeled; withi'j‘l-inch cups, 10 inches; Ionrli(with' u longitudinal "V') shspfed Joint of 16 me mete; a], TN ‘inches wide, with *1 inch hund dowel but, 4 feet long, sleet apart, with a tmpl eaoidhl joint along each edge? of pavement, with 56 inch, round dowels, 2 feet long, 5 feet jupart. painted with an; â€pinkie paint, cured with 4t “mfg! ealeitnn chloride per etteir/tiatr of cement, A11ing Ionditttdinal joints with a Mt, amino: cement; laid comm Ciiiiauitst Eighty-Five Cent: ($0.85); per lineal root........ 2,125.06 f _, No. 6. ' SEES: Two F Disiiam Sixty» Pi - Cents ($2.66) per square) yarn l. binéd. irurb Ind gutter, mix 1-353“. with Ipne-hulf i%y inch anew coat mix 1-2, height 14 inches, width " ine shy curb 6 inches thick. gutter 8 inches thick; laid E Itll' engaged one of, Fe.betst clock re- mt, 8 a of 7,022.50 1 ,080 .00 550.0 _. , '. Fatwa: mph. "IE ‘ '0 "aid - " h Dolla- Elghty Cent: " A) per halted: tw.-..... _ No. , " 1866 I weal Net of. 8-inch drain, .e'mv-r " cut " Net, out): _ r J, i ' opettOitnta, includ- i a excavation" and, remov- sl ' surplus materials, laid co . late at One Dollar Five Pd e (31.06) per linen) foot ' No. 9. 78 I feet of 12-inch drain, a cut " feet, earth ' V.open Joints, including nl caution and roman! of cu In: ,rurteriahr,.laid com- pl " One Dotiar Forty- _ F Cents ($1.45) per lineal , No. 10. ' 261 - feet of 15-inch drain, ' 7 4- w cut, open joints earth h = , ' including all excava- iq and removal of surplus . ', a rials. hid complete at e Dollar Seventy-Five Gents (81.75) per lineal foot ..t....... 489.25 ', Na. 11. 1 co , q headwall. 9 feet long, , l feet high, top width 15 'MX"., i bottom width 8. feet, .. i 1-2-4; including all ex- . ca ation and retrieval of sur- pl If materials, eonatrueted _ co Me at One Hundred l, Ni ety Doll- ($190.00)...... 190.00 3 I No. 12. r 5 co rote guard pom. mix r. i' m'ortar cont as inch thick, , 1- mix, each post reinforced % neh 'qunrrdeformed bars. ' of "lengths speeftud, center ... to have pipe for wires; _ di unions of posts as speci- + f; installed complete at Fif- te Dollars ($15.00) each‘.... Tti.00 i, No. 18. 175 'uare yards of bituminous , adam for pavement con- n-Ii ions at Green Bay Road, ' 12 riches thick, 4 gallons Tar- vi per square yard top dress- ed with % inch layer of M in , gravel; including all exca- " pn, removal of surplus mtv. te als, and rolling; laid com- pl a. P, " Three Dollars Twen- ty-I ive Cents ($3.25) per sq Ge yard yr-ry"-""'" 588.75 No.,8. M 0 all feet of lO-inch drain, . up out 4% tak,- earth ll, open Joints, includ- dl exemption and remov- al t surplus Mariska. hid co Nets “One Dollar Twen- ty gnu ($1.20) per lineal . - No. 14. t to be mbbed out, one (1 foot below “We, hole "mtM'tiii" m" A supply of hot water for your every need at all ham. February! Green Tag Clearance S . I -.- - e , , - . q; la! Cl W ' ' lis 'ive ‘ A ‘ 3 Bil agar: f I Lu! g tlllllllillllBhl ligllllllllii - l, i " glgillllrl 'ltliltl ‘bl: l . i, Llat :2; dl I ll [gar lilllili1:l,i I ' " ( Li, CCCrlllS ‘l "r- . . r a , 3’ K), ' "L0RAIN" OVEN HEAT REGL'L TOR' > 5' / Controls your oven heat to any baki g you ‘ I. may need. i " 1 .1 RI i 'its",? In.†l glllllelee5 F ' _/"'"m' u NI " " , t tl -iti.i) l IFR-, _, ,, RiElll, ,7 tgit !-2, including 911 n93- HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. Wt AUTOMATIC! gmmcn C.'.:'..,.':.'..'........"...'..... mum Look for the GreenITag and Special Price and Easy Terms on These Appli l 18.10 72.00 'ii'h"'d NORTH SHORE GAS co. (88.00)roaeh 3 . “2... 's.... 8.00 - No. If" - t _", 2 co to be “in“ to am ' a grade when located, " Pi Dollar: (85.00} each .... 10.00 T No. tq.', l F 20 cu ie yard: of and for back- till for tranche: above opac- ifl ' in place " Two Dollar- f iiiiiiiifii' ?citcetd; iiiiiii'éggC: giiigisaeii--iiiii: J "2i2iiSiiei.?ii iiiiitiiEti)U 'jtC.fsfia'"éiiiii =u-e = TELEPHONE HIGHLAND PARK 194 with and. "it ,tl in? gieal Place to Buy Gas Burning Appliances 'stcrii'/,,itjt'?,', OF GAS-BURNING APPLIANCES FEBRUARY lst - FEBRUARY 28 'r,'ih'iiiiflf,; : 'itf 'fit),; -trtw-it"- Craftsmen t' a _l' ' w on guard man an Hamilton“ when ironing day I plenum man CYLINDER WASHERS Clean theaiaintieat fabrics CADILLAC q SERVICE l 5 ','l,l,,,ie' MMI giihh%tm = & w? I iv'i1,5l:,,f, 62tE-'Y ‘-';"’.“";, ' n ii 'ii:5fiir'itr) i1tk5'r5f,g'si',"ijr,t “in†= £3.22 CADILLAC MOTORS“! COMPANY {Q Craftsmen, with pride in crev adng, build Cadillac. Cram,wich pride in guard» 'ii%rGiirtLweetir, guietli, powerfully, with unvnrying sucisrnennveuvesiomr4hmil. hr with the Cedillee chad: andt,odr--eatrettoueryour carniwkrsattebests Living in this Mann should consider Cadliinc com- munity service in your pur- chase of a at. Beau-e ouch iersaer-tssettthy4totte dependedonforteguhrimpecv tiona as well an emergency te- oairi-incte-enrvaiue. TOTAL AMOUNT or BID $15,894.85 The ma of, . 'gtntttettr A, Pt qheo-ogB9tet9frE""l; m"iiiiG"iCtisiiuiriaftyrtrtl' 'ii'iiGtaeta,nr-isaidrorj_trt iriuarlitir,wstsistroeyttth, "B, date ireaotreuetst-tidnror, of 'ii2'ertri'iU'ri"GitiiiiGriliat,tol.t?+ iiiGiiiiGG0itArere-tamHe" widow-($8.50)»! 1810 “Amman M0600 . . Bowman: “mums? G 'yoqrpeedt iitii"i'tii 'i"stiils,,ti',t"t,ii, . .2 '-ijFfi'di] HOUSINCINW‘ 'e 're, burn your url "lamina" oven boat control linings. F I??? P.“ the _ ' V / CLARK JEWEL Gate A“. .FRANK LYLE ' Zom‘jncimntor. I! es