is rt- £1 if If! gt; A Nrh.ttttnttth-aetheaetoftttrehg,tm. " Hittlatitr Pit/fi-ith/iid of their out-0140'": friends " dinner Sunday evening titer which five htm.. dred «I W. The “prize. whe aomrded to It. all": (71ch Iraraer. of W, and In and In. m m a! Wuhan“; 'iliiitEgiigiiiEi.ii"iriiiiii'l"i"iv' a: La. Mg. utsCE Mr»: irrPrr. h "trttt 3% In. Georg. E. Pattern! of perm. fUld road, win. and to 'Cloquet, Minn., beam of the illne- ot her mother, Mrs. J. E. Km. Mm. Mar. 'tetttrturetumedtorrtas lund‘Pu-k an. morning. Mr. quid Mm. Jack Km ot 317 AIM-1.16 “any. mttrtpitttd I map The Highland Park Womah't club have compleped plans for the card put! to be given Wednesday uter- noon. Feb. 8. , more: complete Ic- connt will be found in another action of this paper. d In. uni. suck of Chicago id spending a few weeks with Mu. M. J. Water: of the Monks estate.' Mr. George E. Patterson Ind fam.. ily of New Proud, were the din; he? gum Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hunt of laurel avenue. ' In. Martin hymn wu hosting on Wednaday night to a few friends at dinner. - Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Ohrttttittd of Glance road, had us their we)krend (nuts, Mr. and In. F. G. Bartel! of Fond dn Lac, Win. 1 _ Mr. Paul Rowland will speak' on "The 1nttueesee of the America: Col- legu in the thar But," " thq Sun- dar Evening club. l Min Ruth Prhetthat, of Ruvinia who underwent '19 operation tor ap- pendicitis during the Christmas holi- days, Mutual Snturdny to Rollins college. Rollins, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McLaughlin of Chicago sp'ent Sunday with Mr. McLaughlin's tirandmother, Mrs. M. J. Walter of Che Monroe estate. t Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Goucleman of Green Bay road, and little son. have left for Mission. Tex-skyline they are building tt bungalow: in an onnge and grapefruit mve to which they will go each winter. They re- port the weather as warm and‘lunny Mr. tutd Mrs. Gougleman and son will return home the latter but of March. Mrs. Everett Elston entertained 12 ladies " one o'eloek luncheon Tuesday preceding the meeting of the High- lnnd Park Woman's club. The-guests composed the legislativo committal: of the club end Hrs. Harold White, who is chninnan of the motor vehicle 1i- conse bureau of the I.F.W.Q., who gave a short address at the club on, the some day. 4.' a Mr. and Mrs. George Gates of Chi.. cm announce the approaching mar- riuge of their daughter. Vera Mae, to Mr. George Frederick Glader, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cinder lot this city. The ceremony will be perform- ed at the home of Miss Cntea’ parents on next Wednesday, Feb. 9. Mm. Edna Shufer, a sister of thabrlde, will be bridesmaid while Mr. George Bahr of on. city will 'ertre as best misrtvAf- ter a .phort honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Glnder will be at home after March 15th in the Tone npgrtment building. .' On Saturday evening a group of twenty-four young people gathered at the home of Mrs, Fred Bother to en- joy at sleigh ride party which they had planned, but on account,1of the melting of the snow the ywng'people spent A very pleasant evening playing -. _ . The Sheridan Rebekah lodge' will hold its next regular meeting on Mon- day evening in Odd Fellows he" on Laurel avenue. Mrs. Martin Install and Mri. Mar.. sh" Sampsell are 1easr'trttr'td.dto for a three-weeks’ trip to Camden, So. Carolina. _ The government saves money by reason, of the lapses btmthat is not the way this government acts. President Coolidge not only appeals to those holding policies to continue them in force but he has approved a plan by which even where the policies are lapsed when normal health conditions continue, reinstatement is allowed for those who will pay m: monthly premiums. For the disabled reinstatement is allowed " they will gay the balance of premium due. The period from January '31, to. ebruary 7, has been minted tor reinstatement, and the Pretn'denetusks the press, pu1pitAapd all agencies in bringing this lesson home to' the veterans. l P _ A firie thing about our American; government is its elasticity. its freedom from the chains of casein.“ precedent, its ability to move on an impulse for the aid ‘humanity.. Take the action of the Chief Executive. during 'the past week when he issued a proclamation appealing to the veterans who have war life itttnt., ance not to allow it to lapse and suggesting that thotrewho lowed it to lapse give consideration to the matter of renewal. It is estimated that over 95 per eentud the _five million men we called into service during the war took out Government insurance. The government has already disbursed over eight hundred and fifty millions of dollars as benefits either on account of death or because of permanent disability. But it also appears that less than six hundred thousand of the millions who took it are now urging such insurance either term or converted. l l PAGE -io-sa-ttoamtst,rsi1,ittuiu-,tritaand Inn. mona- anal-nth Au " I...» I in _ ' "xii-g; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1927 rtaa-htrtrviiouitrtti't-odit-Liria,"-'. OUR ELASTIC GOVERNMENT v-u- - om. “w oz “for 'F'""a'H ‘0'- my}. 'tri"'iiiCiirl'Jli'Ci"l,r,y nun, Q11: Mr. Ind n.3-‘John O'Kede m Ieayirttg 1utt in! New (Mm, mini. and" than}! . for 1 three incur-010$. ' ' r var, "eomt, pad In. Donna mitt consolation. A "er amiorabu after- noon m MA by, alt.' ' _ ' Mm. Funds limbo mm, several friends " homo Wednuduy attemopn. Warm awarded to Mrs. tlies, fhst, In. J. D. Boa two teeth Ind badly "1aAriiiiitir it; mouth, Although bully bruised ht in getting dong nicely. . . [ They Were attended by Miss Agnes Sullivan and John Germ. Min Hue] Booth entertained the Shmet Club on Wednesday evening. Mr. Chalet Sack um badly hurt Tuesday evening of Int Week when he fell in front of the McKimp prop- erty' on Central avenue. knocking out Anrtityteement is made of the mu- riage of Miss Alice Gerken and Mr. kenneth Manson which took pche May evening at the Bethany Evangelical parsonage, the Rev. J. G. Finkbeiner performing the ceremony. Miss Helen Bord is hostess tonight to‘the. Young People', Missionary cir- cle.of the Bethany Evangelical church. Mr. PGrt. Ulien who iiGiGi past ‘-month at his much in San Benito, Texas, returned home Satur- day. . ( ' T n Mr. and Mrs.' James Collins spént the Week end in Kenosha, Wits., vidit- in; relatives. ' f: , Mr. and Mm. Wm. F. Peter and family left My for Biloxi, Miita., wttre' Eheynyill ,pend seven! weeks. Mrs. George Burratre and her mother Mrs. Fenton of the Moraine hotel 'have gone to California for a aver-l months stay. Mis. W.' P. Cutler left Saturday for Ithaca, N. t to visit her daugh- tsr, Marjorie, who is teaching at Cor- ntll university. . _ Mr, and Mrs. D. S. 1.30ynton left last "reek for San Antonio, Texas's, where they will visit their sister, Mrs. Edgar M. Snow. T . MT. John C. Richter of Oakwood wen le left Tuesday for an extended trip to California. She will stop at Salt Lake City and Colorado Springs upon her return trip home. Mrs. A. W. Person left Monday for Detrbit, Mich., to.bring back the first mew Hudson Super-Six to be showyin the northern Illindis district Mrs. Fred Shaefer who is spending several weeks in Florida reports the weather "just like June." She is en- joying the winter there vertmueh. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Porter returned Sunday from Florida and the Caro- linaa' where they sperit the month of January. Mt. Edward Booth, who left two Wee]? ago for Seville. Fla., has arriv- ed t ere, havintr motored down with the McQueen family of Elgin. They expect to be Cone until April firtt. Miss Anna Berlin of chiadis%s iting her brother Mr. Robert C. Ber. lin__for g few days. . Mrs. Catherine Allen Was takén to the Highland Pafk hospital Tuesday where she underwent a very serious operation. She is reported as getting alone nicely. Mrs. W. H. Underwood to Dayton; 0., where she her sister for two months. F Mrs. Scott, bookkeeper at the Bow- den, market, slipped on the ice in front of the McKillip property on Central avenue last Tuesday ‘and fractured her wrist. V Mrs. W. H. Underwood has gone to 17ayton,' 0., where she will visit Mrs. Fred E1lintrrorth, They] will also visit in Kansas City before they return. V The North Shore committee ot Jo- hanna will meet on Thursday. Feb. 10, at 12:30 o'eloek at the Moraine hotel, Highland Park. Mrs. Matt A. Mayer will be hostess. - I aeitrt T i I Prrp,t,tt I. Sterol Ftu' "i2tt?dd tiiiiiii,ri.'iut MF, , . amtgpartramtrarurmu-,mt1maNDramrs,namom L?.") V -" W I-u‘lll pm for mid control. â€Where to! a time the missions impoaéd sods! ideas and ideals of another ehttisttttton,astrw the government in 1t,g'M', and»: its own school: along ' Winged by the missions'nnd to bring back the ancient Chinese uniting " . T back- ground for its 'dut'atitpti. _ of her own and has some industries manned entirely by Chinese technie.. ians (educated in foreign countriea). There has Ilsa been [tremendous growth of trade Mom in very re. cent years. Now thit 'ttrtrtimr Chinese ittdustriatitan in ftttttandtnir a return m China of tariiCGiiiirG; 133". general movement tonal tuning for Chins; control at her on trade; The ‘same that!» but ' place a,__ __-:-! --- A I Fi-... A At a particulsrly opportune time when the daily papers are publishing news of startling developments in Chins, Dr. Paul Hutchinson addressed the annual open meeting of the Wom- an’s Civic club of Ravinia on Tuesday evening, Feb. 1, on "The Struggle 1for Control-in China." Pr. Hutchin- 1son of Winnetka, managing editor of The Christian Century, has spent many years in China in work that has given him a broad tuid thorough un- derstanding there. Publisher of a book on the subject, “Chins's Real Revolution," he is considered an au- thority on thtrChinetse problem. Dr. Hutchinson gave an smlysis of the long struggle that has been going on, resolving it into a dish between the attempts of foreign We" to im- pose control from without md China's I purpose to assert control hom with- in. This war has men 'ttur, in.three fields. In the "onom!'tTAphisre for- eign powers have sought control and trained it by obtaining mmy conces- sions, br. imposing Pri?ttspherety of fnfiuenee and by ietruutiitit China's tariff. On the other hand Wm has begunfto develop industrial centers Dr. Hatehimron's Address at Ravinia Woman's Civic , Club Is Educational CHINESE SITUATION INTERESTING SUBJECT in addition to the work to be finished there will be an especially interesting short address given by Mrs. John Henry Hopkins immediately after luncheon. Mrs. Hopkins' subject has not been announced, but we are sure that what she has to tell us will be very worth-while and we are equally certain that it will be told in an in.. 1erestind and charming manner. The program was ',ii2rg, and cov- cred so many interest: . branches of the church's work that everyone who attended any of the conferences de- rived much inspiration and benefit from the convention. Sermon Topic The rector has announced that the subject of next Sunday's'sermon at the. 11:00 o’clock service will be "Gergesencs' Demonieals." Church Service League T The regular meeting of the Church Service league will be held next Mon- day, Feb. 7. It is hoped that this meeting will be Well attended because The nineteenth annual convention of the Diocese of Chicago was held last Tuesday and Wednesday at St. James church. The following men were named by the veatry as dele- gates from Trinity parish:'M_r. J. V'. Norcross, Mr. H. E. Mason, Mr. G. H. Merrysgeather, Mr. E. L. Easton and Mr. John Bunnell. Many of the parishioners attended various sessions of the convention in addition to the five Ten who went as the representa- tives of the church. y DELEGATES MTEND ANNUAL CONVENTION Church Service Lea ue Meets Feb. 7; Sermon {nigh at ' . Trinity Chure We with to thank our relatives and many :friends for the beautiful floral ofretiittps and kind expressions of sympathy shown us in the toss of our beloved wife-and mother. A card party will be given Wednes- day evening. Petr. 16, at Masonic Temple by member, of Campbell chapter o. E. S. tor the benefit of the organ fund. Bridge and tive hun- dred will be played. ,The public is cor- dially invited to attend. Di, J. P. tyttoniteti who bu under- gone an operation " Rochester. Minn. is reported as getting along as nicely as can be expected. f l Mr. L.,J. Rice who has been con- "hted to " home for some time_ia getting along nicely. Mr. and Mm. P. .J. Deer-in: an- nounce the marriage of their daugh- tor, Miss Mary Deering, to Mr. Arthur Proctor, which' took place Tuesday morning at eight thirty o'eloek at the Immaculate Conception church. the ' Rev. Dr. O'Neill odiet'ntintr. Min Deering was attended by Mia. Mary MoPeck and Mr. James nearing served his brother as best man. A wedding breakfast was "wed at the Green Tea Pot, Mr. and Mrs. Proctor left on a short trip and upon their a return they will reside in Highland Path. Mr. John Pitaeitrbems who Eu been recently operand on fob appendicitis in the Alice Home hospital. Lake Por, tf is 'rportedaittettittq Along tttee. Y- ' T _y'ytsed hill . 1:11ch Maud than ‘diy " 311:!le "hoot. 8k. is M ttag not; My. .' The Knight- of Prtttias lodge Na. m m having.- Imokor and antar- thlhmont on turdny waning, Petr. " in Odd Fellows hall. . Mr. W. E. Brand and family 49 ,rttheonmusiotritfthehmttt CARD OF THANKS trout) tuid the . , s7f,?lyt?ir1',v':yWr,'i, 'vicg ev n'ittht'frum Pets. 4 to Feb. ‘18, incl ive, with tht' 01609th of ‘Monday and Thadâ€, Pd). T-8. Mr. McDon , a singer from China». will be ith us the first evening. Come and bri ybur friends, , Sund , Feb. 6. 10:80 um. Sun- day sch I followed by u sport period: of won p. This will be the am Sun-j day mo in: mice thntare Mn had for a lo time. 6:00 pan, Eiimteth Lawns. ttmt half he " our league ' . luring the next in Sunday: will be devoted to , lb lion ' Como only " p.m., ev game service in English. hmeinl , . V High cod avenue end Evert- place. Rev. illiam W. Nellon, pastor, cr" Frid , Feb. 4, 7:45 p.m., We shill begin series of evangelistic may has. he seinriees will be conductid‘ in the nglish language; Rev. L. 3. Hill f the moody mu. lax-time, win be e "attain. The meetings, an plan , Vin extend over Sunday evening Fe!» Yh -'rhertr)11 be u ur- J Prel 'inary steps for the loncut- range adding ever reported in this city re taken last week by John Hume 'an employe of the Ermine Cleane a, Highwood, when he procur- ed a arriage license It Waukegan for hi self and Mia: Rose Contrini of Stein utr/Austria. Later, Mr. Hunter said w en asked about the matter, he cone!“ a priest in' Ennston and nece y papers were prepared for the p xy wedding and sent to the bride- -be in Austria. ' PLA thrill , running into " overtime peri the score being a 25-25 tie at the e of the game. Joyce, who also led th scoring, sunk a long field goal in th last ten seconds,' giving his team a 27-26 victory. ‘Zanier also playe a consistent game, making sev- en po nta. Peddle, who is in school now, ill be a big addition to the likhts _ q The Evanston heavyweight game was somewhat slaw affair, ending in 317-14 victory for the locals. Heine an crashed through with eight points Dickinson was the outstand- ind s r for the lights. sinking five' baske ' and leading his team to a 28-26 in. l filled he place of Lindenmeyer in a prom ing manner. Thomas proved even ore what an asset he is to the team, because of his ability to out- jump most every center and to take the Js ll off the backboard regularly. Johns n was right in form, putting baske s in from all angles. Th lightweight game was a real ore a record-breaking crowd of 1100 people, both Waukegan teams went home defeated, but not by very large scores. The heavies led most of t game, finishing with tk 23-16 victo . The team showed just about the -st teamwork and co-operation whic it has all season. Faker led the wing with seven point, with Hein nan following close behind.: Hein nan displayed some brilliant) floor, ark in this game. Daugherty‘ filled he place of Lindenmeyer in a prom ing manner. Thomas proved‘ even ore what an asset he is to thei team. because of his nbilitv in nul-’ B ‘ annexing two more sets of vic- tori over Evanston and Waukegan the I tserfuld-shielo basketball team- nre * and of a moat nucceeaful sea- son, [although they have tive more mind to may. Maine comes here on Feb. , 1, and after travelihg to Bloom Eva '.ton, and Blue Island. the team: meetNew Trier here March 1. The local I eavies have won ten games and lost no. which is the' same record N ew Trier boasts. Although New Trie has beaten them once, the boys havegreat hopes in their next dish with ‘ hem. DEQZRFIELD DEFEATS , F r the uninitiated Dr. Hutchin- son' clear 111:1th m I treat My, bri init. the daily news from China out f a haze of eoMietine report; inter underutnndnble thing. I " your: ago With. 'tti/shi-Wit', bell n which we: the“ 'tr-ter, to o May “them Will I: le to cope mt!» {W hi; flue ce. Thu we: allowed by the-1 ‘80 r war in ett'd, tn 1911 â€my firs of the See ‘ It See revolution: whi h have bestrr,rmttimsed,mt dove to e present time; At lent Within the last yw‘theu be: We run nnrhrtte movement With it! hub qua en at Cantdrrwhiet, will soon be in C ntrol of that part of Chin loath of t e river. Thli nationalistic now- me has attracted the young Chinese fro all over the nether. pert vhe hav gone into it With the most eel! sac fieintt spirit imelineble determ- ined to bring China through with her dest ny in her own hands. 'r1+rh,ioe-io,tGruiiitii, " y Chin’s was to mart its 1lt'. politiul impala. __T_hll_ but}: 3221 ' AUKEGAN; EVANSTON T. . Cagers Ashe Two Games In Last Week; Steward S TO WED GIRL N AUSTRIA BY PROXY edish Methodist Season'Seen The unnul luncheon of the Infant cu rtte.soeittroteiieiirGruriiii"il2; Jast Wound-y, Jun. 26 at the Ptl. of â€Home. oLet"ettturiu-iiik, ttttue-tae-ini-e/i-itat/ie' dam, , _ ct'r.weietettuevawale" 1tte'l'd1dtm'a:u1atitiiedil,e, beettPthrmsteui',aG, . tar, INFANT WELFARE MEETS m CHICAGO JAN. " 35 Evening, Dinner, Street and sock Frocks HIGHWOOD Phone Mt . AIMS TO GIVE Plumb“ .tmtvfcrrukiir, m' Savings A, Let Us 'tfltg',"rdJggt gl" I . mt Qty t x . , . lance ' A Handy Checking Account _ "Wmtrt GROWING may q GROW wrrn U _ Our Savings Departmen Welcomes You to Mart mi Account Behtre the N Save $1.00, $3.00,‘$5.00, .50 $10.00 ' s 10 North Sheridan Road $5, $10, $15, $2siit3s.llli::, .'jNighwood State Join Our Christmas savings Use the preparatiohs of Eliza t'Arden EARL W. GSELL ' CO. "_,; The Loretta Shop .. many healthy, and so at.» you lovely. too. An Elis- MArden 'rrrntttse'tti"-detr"bt, , a" Aal Weâ€. Cleaning. with Vania: cm T Too- 'imr,withArdimsskat'orsieereqed ' Nam-um, with Oman 85. Food or the at - $Yiera Cream. The: same and; steps, which Irena-y need otthe akin, ihould be a part of your " [can of the skin " home. P, 'r: ' ' EtuatretVArdeis Vanuatu Toilet Prepd {on _ . are on talc at . _ " F inal Dispoial >5 Your, Money NOW -- Save stetrretalLatert. ANTI SAVE THROUGHOUT mu m . PHARMACISTS 389 Central Ave. 389 Roger ll Many values that will astouhd e Loretta Phone 2600 Redueisd to a low figuris .Ggaamunity Bank HATS- . Open sum Nights“ "tini diary“: or Fri" 901m: you a i In: boa rt' mam-3am; uni-haw t'tr"ttmbeMrtiar thou-.- mvmolml -Hetit Manhole-m2. “up Mdmm, w“ at.“ Tel may a; ahve. 468 M L†"t A!