Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 10 Feb 1927, p. 14

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[I if? R) E1 EFFECTS OF RIGHT AND OF WRONG TEACHING But here it may be objected that what has been said about man is not what we have been taught to mean by man. Very true; and that is why every one in so much the worse for what all have been taught. Let every one be taught, as Christian Science teaches, that man is the manifesta- tion of divine intelligence or Mind, and ignorance and mistaken beliefs of all kinds will disappear; lat f,'llM one be taught tint man in the - {caution o divine Spirit'and is wir- itunl, and materiality and sensuality with all their bebuing, degnding. chewing results will be overcome; let every one be Stl',' that man in the mtniteyrtation divine Princiyle, and nothing tmtstinejpled will be done; let every one be taught that high is tltryanitrtatipn of unending Spirit, thus Mind, and what the non- religionist or rationalist would call essential or immaterial conscious per, and thus also Minde-or, as ninth“! Arnold put it, "a power that is not ourselves which makes for righteousness.” But by whatsoever name one or another doctrine may desi te this power, it is what was in 5:. beginning or, as Mrs. Eddy more correctly states it (Science and Health, r? 502), it was "the only." Being fl mary, this river was and is, the on y Principle 0 existence, beingi conscious. it was and is Mind; and being "the only," everything must be its product, and must partake " its every property and qttalitr,--a Net whie applies particularly to its highest produet,--ita conscious ex.. E',',',',?") or manifestation, - man. ere, then, We have a rationalistic and incontrovertible statement of the first chapter of Genesu,--that God made all that was made; that He made man, male and female, in His own image and likeness, and that He pronounced all that He made good, very good. It is upon this perfectly Scriptural and perfectly rational basis that Christian Science declares that the only kind of a man there ir, is like the only kind of a God there is, and God being Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love, man is a manifestation of the complete good of All, or God. ‘ Life, and life will ttgrl Grill "the last enemy," ttg . a be 0v. enolne; let every - be “up“: that man is the mautifeirstation tt Truth, putd'deeeption and dishonesty will be banished;' md let every one be taught that man is the manifestation of di- vine Love, and selfishness, improvi- denee, enmity. strife, 1nd war will cease and the brotherhood of man will been)! {demonstrated fact. Yes, CtiristiG Mewnt‘igtrnknow quite well that .11 have been taught tt,t,1,'p2 {:dy’mwm 3"?” of a a oertmo.. thm, sh. a big mpxtu: not nub ". that, a one thdt-d in. to be, at: 1. il'tS I am sure that, like myself, you are able to‘see that one without human father and mother, and without hum- an descent, who was the Son of God, of Mind. of Love, without beginning or end of dnm--rq king. not of any Ttt material kingdom, but a King of rig teousnesl and pesos,-was.not a human personality, but the aipu'lt- ual, altogether a ne, pure, parts-it? right, and true idea of God, and His universe including man; the di- vine idea of all right, of all well be- ing. the Christ, the only Sanour: seen perhaps dimly, perhaps, more or less efN1ttently by Abraham, by Moses, , the rophets, and by us, present t en and) now. I am sure that you are able to see that it was this) divine idea of being which came to Abraham at eventi o-the' even tide of ht', ttie/tS-il',',',' that it was to this dea to whic Abraham paid trib. ute of worship and adoration; that it was this divine idea which revealed itself so fully through Christ Jesus because, more than any one of whom we know, he paid tribute in complete admission, submission, and obedience: worshiping it by mplying it to all human needs and iriomitmtintt its power to meet them; thus lungv mani- festing it. It is the divine, t e spire itual, the right idea of being, then, that is the ever present Christ. the true Saviour, and Redeemer,---whieh is " Emnnuei--God with us. How beautifully, how 'rr,A'd how wonder.. fully then, has Mrs. dgootold us of Christ, when in the text k of this Science (p. 333) she has said that "throughout all generations both be- fore and after. the Christian era. the Christ, as the spiritual idea,--Ahe re- fieetion of God,--hna come with some measure of power and grace to all prepared to receive Christ, Truth." MAN But Christian Science also shows us the true nature of man and of the universe in which we live, and it is bf so doing that it frees us from the il s to which the flesh has been be- lieved to be the heir. The gotten, like Tv"',t,l',i,,ng in Christian ience, is very simp e, but, in order to achieve results, an ntigett,',t of the subject and an honest app in- tion are required. In an earlier part of the lecture it was shown that pri- mary existence is what the rlegigionist calls God, wltptJeauy decla 7 to be but made like unto the Son of God; (who) nbidettt a print continually. Both the Old Testament and St. Pun] tell us that Abraham paid tribute to this Meiehisedee who as the King of_rt.hteoutrr- 59d pong; he wot u lie, for out one: the order, of I _ " who was “King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is King ’01 pence; without father, without moth- er, without descent, “Viz: neither minimal 1sf do» 'hor s of Itfy, ”Eton Manhunt was, I an,“ attd, 2gesr2u'rtf,.h"gtey,t'g,,,e and of the world.” very martin ty man- that Christ that, custody shun does and than "ut. It" was f2ttt {£11 In no; gram! - me--- et-sat? . V fir-wing of the_Chrl-t, said thl, ammonium evtt-nesfrortr.et1rrtreeq> tmpncy' ,ordm,oudtllnf-tohc ted,tit,t.""Pde1ra'"""?,', “But n9"- _srtrtiiteit9tr, - ist ctriiit an} thittirtuia, whisk ttctt Yeti! " the Ptth, “is. no: FOUR (Continua! limb I!" 3) , feather!” bi But I _ who _ .mon In... what mm“, d,t'llfli m, ALL showed forth the God-crowed. the 'It WAN SCIENCE God-anointed, or Mia-nun. all! to thou who manifested little more than _ t I . , _ _ . :7157; a; . . .' T, . "r" sr'i-e--. T _ b $. '13. «a. _ l , 1hr sr susl' w. imam .. My 'f", 1'"tvH _ k, “any.“ t t" .,rr'eu?riiiri:"iiy, /7 due to right ideas and devotion to them. On the other hand, everything that has hindered our onward a our upward march has been due to the tenacity with which people have clung to wrong beliefs. Now, let every one here take the simple truth of God's allness and of God's ttood- ness which Christian Science teaches; let him practice what it teaches for a minute) an hour, a dag, a week. a, month, a Yetu',-rett, let in conform to this allonasterinf right idea of being until it takes ull possession of him, and then let him, as he is sure to do. tell what it has done for him. I shall tell you now what I am truly (able to tell you from my own exper- _ionee,--.ves, from the experience of thousands of others. He will tell you that it has made him a better, an abler, a healthier, a more loving, a more enlightened and progressive man; a man who has life, freedom, happiness, and has them more abund- antly than he ever dreamed that he could possibly have them. More than this-a-what has been said here about the truth of God, of Christ, and of mam-no matter what your present view of it may be, will never alto- gether leave you. Sometime, some- where, when perhaps you need it most, it will come to you, unfold it- self to you, and help you, comfort you. and free you because it is the truth of God: and the nature of the truth of God is to make free from all that is contrary to God, and so contrary to good. During the trying years through which the world has been passing, all men and all countries have' been look.. ing for some one wise enough,i strong enough to save and to dellveéuthem. Christian Science teaches us t the God-anointed or Chrt'gt-iden, the im'- ' age and likeness of God, is 3e only true mam-the one whom T must emulate. It teaches us that this di- vine, this spiritual, this rm idea of beintr--thit ever present _ st or Truth-is the only one wise enough. strong enough, good tsno.tdhi com- passionate enough, and loving enough to save and to deliver all. It teaches us that this, the only Saviour, has come, and stands knocking for ad- mission; and this idea is none other than Truth, the Light of the World, the Prince of Peace! His name is- Christian Scie ce, and he "% rule all people and? all nations th the rod of unending and unbendint Love. MISSOURI WOMEN ' ' SUPPORT MEASURES Six measures will be ndv in the Missouri General Assemtly by the, Missouri League of Worn n Vet- are, according to Mrs. Luck St. Clttir Moss of Columbia, presi t of the state league. _ F s nities; amendments to the chi“ labor laws; Aeeeptanee of the terms: of the maternity and infancy met by the state; measure to unite won: I elixi- ble to serve on furio- in Henson-i; support of "tequate Man for the lagoon! mum-y eetui,iorv, I standard vi-pre-tve net. The meaghm incinde: btii for ".P.a1ixation yt eglngatignal_ Wu. I tliink it we Ar'aifr" Hugo 'who said, "There is no power like that of an idea [whose tilrlne is $0119." It 'tttt no oracle' to te us t a evetyt us that has .myle.tor progeny has been We have ascertained here in a Ker- fectly simple, logical woKathnt t ere is only one real Mind; t t this one and only Mind is all-good and Infinite and being suchâ€"irrespective of all appearances, ineffective of all that is believed-this Ind is the Only real presence, the only real power, the only real consciousness, and there. fore the th true cause of everything that really a; of everything that can be thought, felt, known, experienced: Does it not follow that everything that is realy thought, felt, known, aaureotperieneed is in .g'2,tg,hp,St this ell-able, and all-inclusive ind? Ascertained truth is Science. I aub- mit, therefore, that in accordance with this universally accepted def1ni-i, tion, by all the rules of logic. by all) the rules of common sense, what we have ascertained here is Science, and] nothing less than Science. . in righteousness nnd true holiness"; that is, in health, harmony, and per- fection. Indeed, it is in thmiwny that healing by Christian Science is brought about, and such heating is al., ways reformstory. Every Christin Scientist will tell you that the un- demtandinit of the nature of God, of Christ, of Truth, and of tttttm-the understanding that the kind of man which God made-is the only teal mun. has cabled him to be a better, I healthier, a cleaner, a kindlier man than he formerly was; that it has, made him freer and happier, and that; in thousands upon thousands of cases it has prolonged the spun af human life-“beyond all expectancy. .. V thou whoUiniAitid little union thin :maw-hlity, little more than an or- groneogn mg ld Gad apd .Lmj'go ituiitlikirirtti '/2tilUil'tfi?ll V M tty as: in PP"" f oti it" it: and _ an: , Pttutl'tid T ' own: or ' ' t “it.” Allotwhkhmuns till“. ‘N who entertain s more noise _' . : l -r..rMl.r.-tr- . militant. selfish, sensual of be. ' f It m the product of Uncle Sunshonld have s prosper- l f sity, of which ting. tombs: with ous your in 1927 unless sll signs an than upon whom " pow sud This is the view of the leaders in the '/'gttilic1tii1'iit'i'io ttge?," tttte 322.. go tee,',?,' mist u . Y, e e ssoc as recon and. s ) o'2lggo,tttth'niait, a}; in' survey at the' sitnstion sad the mutt- Proverbs. To the chemist: Inter is Ihov that everywhere conservative always H20. To the "iiiiri)iiirti an. Americans are optimistic about the tttl',',', my; $65le3? gases and "y,'sf,'l"t futitre. ' _ I eness 0 . n “I ;” STNt Gary him.“ . chemist.know- the truth tlitt mtg. Sticl 'e,,','?,',',',,,',', Mufti: ht; Christian Salami knows V . [ gem shout man. He also knows no one can be certain about the fur that gust u the [chemist maintain... pre, there ia no mm why Itr0Ste-i tion, ysright process of al instion, “(durum the comm; you mil be can restore'pure water, mo, so the seriously interrupted. Christian Scientist knowing that msn. Continuing, he decks-ed that "it the rttfleiort of Mind. COMM! only business shsll be seriously diminish- of right ideas, can by the purification ed during the coming year it will be of thought, and the diminution of the fault of ourselves and not the superstition, of ignorance, ;material- fault of natur l nditio the luck ity, and their attendant tests, dis. . tll co t y or mes, nntruthfulnesa, dishonesty of consideration and fur trestxnent greed, malice, envy, hatred/ "iiiiiirii'r" by the National Administration." revenge, 'qtd.ittyttoraiitr, rqstore the, High Rate of Production revenge, and 'dl,"tflte'8, restore the trueyen, “which my ad js freaked i?iii,rii','ihiii'ft,?rii.fii?1ii lust. your father yo . do. H. m I. murderer. hem 99W- uni and. 606%th 'sr; L-.ak' .The total valuation of railroad property in Lake county as assessed ‘by the' state tax commission is $6,290A51, tt ‘Iomewlnt higher hm. than but year. ' County Clerk Lew.A, Hendee he: received the state valuation: for mil-, roads and corporations from the state tax commission and work was Ital-t- ed today by his force in extending taxes on Lake county property. The state tax commission for the past two years has been tardy in forwarding these valuations to the county clerk and this year " last year a delay of several weeks in extending and collec- tion of taxes will result. Mr. Hendee said today that the work of getting the tax books ready for gun” Treasurer Brasher, so that col tiona can get started. will be completed at as early a date a possible. BRIDGE CLUBS AND PRIVATE PARTIES MAY HAVE SCORE PADS FREE BY TELEPHONING B. P. 178 on CALLING " THE RELIABLE LAUNDRY. ade YELLOW CAB RATES RAIL VALUATION IN COUNTY IS RECEIVED Total is $5,290,451; Work of Extending Taxes Begun by County Clerk The results have proved that the nationalists, were right. America is today generally prosperous and the future, to far as we can see, is s bright one. Nor hhs Europe been destroyed. On the other hand, the nations across the water are show- ing visible signs of improvement. All of them are looking forward to bet- ter days in 1927 and most of them feel that they have. rounded the cor- ner and come from the shsdows into the sunlight. There was s (rest outcry against these policies from the internation- alists who declares that the princi- ples were short sighted and that they would result in the disintegration of Europe and the consequent impover- ishment of the United States. The American people adopted I program which had for its policy the rehabilitating of the United Staten along sane and constructive lines and without I dtMation from American principles. _ The principles included with withdrnwnl~so fer no possible of the government from private en- terprise. the [adoption of a protective tariff an adherence to the time hon- ored principle of non-interference in the affairs of Europe, and a determi-j nation to have nothing to do ofBeituir with bolshevism. l First two-thirds mile ..............35(: Each additional " mile ........10e No chm-go for mem mange". PHONE HIGHLAND PARK 2000 The predictions for a proiperous 1927, barring unforseen conditions. are therefore well nigh univeml. While we are enjoying prosperity it behooves us not to forget the policies which have brought prosperity shout. Only a few short! years ago we were trying to recover from our path in the moat disastrous war in all his- tory. . I William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor is iiikewm optimistic about 1927 and ‘deciares in the America: Federation- ist that conditions are strongly indie cative that 1927, will be as good if not a better year than 1926. He adds that another favorable hidicetion is the halt that has been celled on com- munistic activities in New York City,, declaring that so completely hove the; communists been discredited that it will be lest easy to impose on the workers in the coming year. Sara Prospects Good ' "Prospects are good,” Mr. Green declares in conclusion. "and our anions should be planning to keep abreast of this progress." ' . The manufacturer: hue their me- diction of a good your on the has that industry in operating it a high rate of production; that there in un- ple money at reasonable rates, that people are contented and there are gradually fewer labor disturbance. Continuing, be doubted that “if business shall be seriously diminish- ed during the coming you it will be the fault of ourselves and not the fault of natural conditions or tho Inch of consideration and fair trutment by the National Administration." WN AN CIERS OPTIMISTIC an: aim an , national "amuu.m"Mm High Rate 0! Production El Minimum. of am am away!” 'd,Gdlht,"d and: hereon ,'lrtr'ttg'tr',ddt, Lgttdtntt Gil rtyvil k Umted Traritiiqt.F)1ey) Back C here line. i: I: "ported from Waw Results Are Proof 'sr-sr/Sherri-ish"?.'?, i ,Sun-apots are said to be making Ruble. but unity of an“ looking t our puma, are more worried by he lack of ten-spots. T Methods of whim murky lave changed, nd the forum- kid: till ask if they are and“ lieu new nthout the old fashioned “in 7.1!. pain behind which you could read matted that it will 50 I m of mly a short time Wurst!» m di- ‘ect service is put into afteett. j Great possibilities its Vision“ in he new plan as up“ out by the Worth Show “no in. compliance with many requests. One of the asst ob. ectsuseenstthlstimeisthedo- relopment of Libertyvills u the rah with] town of the Waukegan unio‘ mrasi. All-nay 161* In: staitat on myxiul changes dong the not: " wecn both cities. it I. laid, and it is / they out than -iriiiiieiti; tthttps to crib at. 'orth Shore Line In new About to Make Canadian Hamlin h, Elected rrro-tiht--u,nrateo's or Inn-eel wove, eta, oi for Ml: Judo T Meyer, one of our new operators. ' , . Cali and make your appointment for permanent waving doy - or evenings. . 148 North First Street COAL or, COLD I! . For Ladies and Children only Rooma8-9NewMate'Baat1itts-taim . . M stalling Mulcurlng SPECIAL FOR TWO wan ONLY With every Shanon I Golda Gib: Tree HOURS: 8:30 a... to. "Woan. FRANK SILJESTR LIBERTYVILLE, PLAN mama VALLEY mucus cnxcmosonvn can PETROLEUM CARBON can: D. L. MUSTRIC BEAUTY SHOPPE . The word "Coal" covers a variety of qualities; it pays to _ w the differences in coal. That’s our bushes - we select coal it, for the least money and the least effort, will drive cold at. You can depend upon'our experience to provide you wit) aeo- nomical warmth.. Tirutrtuidmairemrrore- . r Bright,, airy rooms, up-to-fate equipment. Painstaking nurses and attendants-Moderate charges. , The Highland Park Hospital is essentially a Highland Park net!- tution. The,funds forms erection and maintenance u been supplied almost entirely by our own citizens. . It is your h ital and well worthy of your support. . The Highland Park Ilfospir Rit Pfl Th,rlrigNand Pugh Hospital Highland Pail: 2550.2551 STEAM OIL PROCESS Water Waving Hair Dyeing V PERMANENT WAVE 1nttithtttrhmsDaiir) " 'h't'f,r2 Which would you bu if 1" E, "1 ' ,uuttttdttsnturtdittt ' {;1 dollars to invest in .. tbe (:iij1 2* 1 _ portsptittrt--ieiinemr, ' r,','i41 t, " 1 _ ora1argsran4higtPr _a' 't'r. j, . used. car? The an: . is dill ' 71 . obvious to anyone 0 C Sll 1.13 , . knows our reputation , 'r';' ,. ' q f. J Highland Park T P 'es 120-121 j.’ 3 - At,tBeneAtttSt2NtafaSt' DABLE f v."",,' " we DEALER was It a' , 'i YOUR CHDIUE POCAHONTAS FRANKLIN COUNTY . BUILDING MM '"lf1'il112",",,tlyJ,'" Mm prim, II but: 65 Eirl

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