Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 17 Mar 1927, p. 14

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rm I003 Scouts began arriving at 3:30, retr- istered, received their identification tags, and examined the exhibit that had been prepared. They were greet- ed It the station by local scouts and [followed a trail that ha them to the school house. _ " _ I Eighty-eight boy one." of neon! “an“: M to In" M l troops of the North Shom - All of the noun " the HM cred at the Lake Bluir ghoul Park sunk»: will land the April‘ Saturday morning, lurch 12. for the eourt of award with their trooPs in mud monthly junior "1eers' con- I body, which will he bald .. M (create. Wilmette had " reprem- day aight, April A, at the City Mail hum present; Kenilvorth 4; Glen» eouneil chamber. N01. all! - an coo BJavinh a; Hiehiand p.“ 4; of the noun be there, but any will mtthwood 3; Lake Forest 4; Luke bring their talents and (rind; Bluff II. This will be the occasion for the r' . ----_- --t-, -..-- 0.. Alvin Bathohmew of Troop 5, Wil- mette, is the general chairman of the crrrsfhtttee 1nd Wm. McAllen. Troop 21, Glencoe, is chairman of the pro- gnm committee. Tlimited/ct/ei; MBiiiateiiilPl Becker, "tntht Chicago Tribune, who told a story of an experience with inn Indian boy in the Yukon territory. Then followed a demonstration by William Solms of Wilmette who ex- hibited several articles innit from artstotte, and demonstrated it use. Ted Grant of the Chicago suit. and Morriss Wright of Lake Bluff spoke briefly on the opportunity of spending a period at Camp Checau- gua This summer. Mr. Grant also taught the group an Indian song. Following the small group discus- sions, and a story, eats were served. Much credit is due the ladies-moth, ers of Lake Bluff scouts-Mor their big help in making the reference thi, success that it was. The April conference will be held) in Glencoe Saturday. ApriL9. ( Issue Council Piper A group of picked scouts, all of them junior omens in their troops. were recently elected an editorial board to gather material for a scout paper which would be issued to each scout in the council. The first issue of "The Talk o' Th' Troops" appear- ed last week in mimeotrraph form and "rfiects considerable upon its staff. Prescott Lothrup of Glencoe, 21. is chairman of the editorial board. Oth. er members are Delmar Caldwell, 2; Wilmctte; William Springer, 13. Kerk ilwurth; William Masonick, 42. Lake Bluff; Randall Roberts, 21. Highland Park; Brent Wrenn, 45, Lake For- est: Richard Wagner. 37, Highwood. A supplement for junior officers only entitled "Patrol Pep" is also issued. Modern Plumbing “a“ 31* nun-momma..- by...” ..1, WITTEN BUILDING MO CENTRAL AVENUE Telephone- Shop H. P. 1404 I. M. P. 439-184: This will be the oecuion tor the} awnrding of green service Mars to all scouts who have new a W! service in scouting‘ Mud “VIM menus and merit badge and: will also be made. Mr. George B.. Lake is ehairman of the count. April d will be a big event in the scouting year. Don't miss it'. Executive Attire-us Club Scout Executive Walter McPeek appeared on the program of the Op- timist club of Wilmette Inst Tuesday mwspejking on “Scouting as a '"gtlrrttriaGiii%ilir" looking shed WI“. Cari' m; to spending I period at Camp Snse- perinteetdent, s caugua this summer. but applications yet In has no id have actually begun to come in. Most used for this p, of the North Shore troops plan."! county will be attend the "North Shore" period in retrard to g from June 27 to July 9. This is the until after Cool period of the big etlebrttiorc consin routes r Hold My Din-or t The March dinner and get together far all scout leaders was held last Monday night, March 14. at the Highland Park Presbyterian church. Wiimette Scouts Cooperate Wilmette scout troops are hard at work on one of their big united prw jrcts of the year: the "more attrar- tive Wilmette" campaign. Scouts are co-operating with the school in en- courazding children and adults to use walks instead of paths, protecting shrubs, and keeping paper oft the streets. Troops Prepare for Rally Many of the troops of the area are preparing-for the scoutrraft rally to be held at the Deerfield-Shields gym- nasium on Friday evening, March 25. This is a rally, open to any troops who care to enter. including contests in drill. signalling. knot-tying, first aid. fire-by-rrietion. and an equip- ment race. Robert Ansparh, scout- master of Troop M, is the host chair- man. Semi-Annual Meeting Soon At the recent meeting of the em active hoard it was decided to hold the semi-annual meeting of the noun. cil sometime early in May. This will be the time of the report on the work of the proceeding six months. and will have as a special feature In orard of court of honor advancements. all sorts of tin and sheet metal goods. We do not coutine ourselves to stand- ard articles such as ventilators. chin- ney tops, furnace fiues, leaders. gut- ters, comma, ete. If you wish anc special article made, such as a milk cooler. for instance. come Ind we'll make it in first class style and " a low class price. It is just as easy, Ind just " cheap. to put in modern plumbing 1"gype . - . A "3.; AA A. ., w r..- - ....--__ F"-'"'" - " it is to put up with the old-full- inned equipment. At your eooveeti- ence visit our show room, select the bathroom and toilet equipment you prefer nnd we will (in you tn esti- mate of the cost of irwtanatioet. Our fixtures In unitary and atrord our veniencc Ind luxury. T _ PUT IN MODERN PLUMBING HENRY G. WINTER Women know the perfect comfort - the happiness - of I modern kitchm. They want I kitchen sink that is any to work at. It's their workshop and they have , right to a moe. ern one. Arnold PM Moran Brothers [’ch "Um, Plumb tFoed PM 386 no" William Am. WE MAKE RIGHT HERE 'LUIIIG Ann mm M . P. “I m Km. “new 'ttttter, I _ 'CC, ' ' - K. r'ktrtrre tir Gig l tst-only looking attta Lowell. m: 30mm“: MTWAYW "e-ty-oe-ata" [duh-Iowan,“ nth-‘0‘ Ten - “I.” [in from ch circling 150 nilel nun-d Clint. won-919". we tteeeee fiiliiTiiitG)G "f " ak.ttrypLefy -e---'" -"F-'..." me-'-' .7 m pun-ed to prepare Chicago for the “all: needs of a eitg of “cm-7 000. The Irv ready-till cost - than 850-090-000- milk‘m. mat project I" b- in. worked out by Gum." d tho Routes of mm Dupace county w- perhighway links. plum tor “I a» million along Cook county Mia’s and for the damn!» superhighway vinunlly luve beers but.“ ruse' highways will out more but New routes toward Gary and Hum- mound Ind the southern end of Luke Hickman, northwest. went and south- wet5t, will be developed later. Virtually 100 per cent civic co- operation in dedicatihg In. alt-foot rights of way is W [In perinteetdent, sud Reentry that as] yet in has no idea what routes will Pi used for this purpose. He lays Lake; county will be Mable to take actionl in regard to zettinz rights of way[ until after Cook county and the Wis-, consin routes are determined. " Supervisors Take Action For This Purpose at Meeting Last Week PUT BELVIDERE RD. IN STATE AID LIST The board of supervisors last week voted top lace .Belvidere road. from the city limits of Waukegan to the farthest paved portion. which is the west county line. under the state aid system. With the state controlling and maintaining this strip it will take it off the desiznated state aid roads for Lake eounty. In this way it will al- low for the paving of 1 strip of equal length of Belvidere. Upjuntil that adieu was taken the designated state aid routes in the county were filled, THERE can't be anything wri- ously the matter with a man er.- cept ill health. The most serious thing that ever ailed a housc is bad heating facilities or other inferior plumbing. Your health depends upon the sanitary crm- ditioli of the place you live in, Telephone ‘us. T.H. DECKER&C0. PLUMBPNG&EEEATiNG Pb- W Pu'k Mt " B. Bt. JOI- Au The Milky Way -t-atPa-tetattl.eaME.8uaMt. te,titb, - mun-i. - - For the Ig"" milk you "If dunk. . --Sars Billy Brut O'Dny to Health -WAV‘ MIL; EWMWâ€"W Spring Spirit f/ at Linden avenue and Ravine drive (three blocks to Northwestern and North Shore stations and Large living room, 16x25. Four master bedrooms. Special designed dining rocm, kitchen and breakfast room. two newest style colored tile bathrooms, extra lavatory, specially designed electric fixtures, Arrange to see the char- acter o' construction before finishing. For prices. terms and details, see 160 N. LaSalle St. 'ariit'ttst mom for Spring 1606 Cue- Avenue Four Beautiful Brick Normandy and English Homes OPEN SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS FOR INSPECTION $15.00 to $45.00 It’s Time to Clean Up ttow Nearing Completion ' One Block from Sheridan Road Duffy 6:ny CLEANERS AND DYERS Telephone Mitrhtlqgtd Put 1820 - 1821 GUS ROSENAU with many new fedtnres diaaiaiiLAi, . AtDnvioStnot 1’.va Ph2ne State 3658 or Res., Glance 1267 "MAY. “'1'. - $32.50 to $60.00

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