Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 17 Mar 1927, p. 4

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:__ rumour, MARCH w, 1921 Mr. William Guyot who has been district mung?!- fur the Public Ser- vice Co.. in this vicinity. is attending the president's school in Chieauro, During his absence from the local of- --c-sry:er<Mtmryitt tttthis pgsnwion. F - -. _ - __ his all" Ind an; aiAUViiri,' w_-a- carried out iii' uric, Thur-thy tuning Min Florence _ of Gig-view avenue, mm}... "theadB...-t gmitehUfssot hi: 5-- Thiph No. m. A can»... Dr. use! In. Keno" Speed of s.) m... mud hue returned from a h Indu' motoring trip J2U) Wit. The Woman's Christian Temper-l pace triihin will meet It the home of( In. Hall " Mo ()1th avenue o'nw Wain-adv nftemoon, March 23. "The Yuan: People‘sSociety of the Pmbyterian church will no to Ar- de- Shore, where they will enter-l hill the members with I party. _ Dhan Carpal Mukerji will npetk on 0. "Reborll Eat _. h It Friend at My?” at the Sunday Evening in!) this coming Sunday The Junior Star Club will hold their next meeting Monday evening It which time the newly elected "ttie. at: will be imrtaned. The annual her will be held " the Orritwton MM, Evansmn. Mr. and In. Theodore L. Osborne [an I charity bridge party at their home on Kinetic! Avenue on Snturduy for the benefit of the phihnthropy fund of the Woman's Civic club of hviniu. A very pie-ant evening is reported by the fifty (we. present. Messrs. Sum Santi, Frank Silic- ltrom, Tony Leneiortie Mike lencioni, Frank Russo and Mr. Johnson are enjoying a trip to Colorado. On ac- account of the heavy snow storm in Denver they are being detained in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs, George MeRugh Ind children of Chicago were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs M. Warner. Carol Bennett who has been eonfits- ed to her home with a severe cold is slowly imprOVing. Mi. FCW. dishing returned last Friday from a two months' trip to Nassau, Bahamas. The annual meeting and fellowship supp-er of thet Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Chareh will be held this evening at the YACCA. auditorium. The Lake county clinic for crippled children will in held Wednesday. March 16. at 1 pm" at the chamber of cnmmerce. Waukegan F National Bank byildinz. sch floor. Mrs. w, Richardson (Grace Ful- kersan) is in the Highland Park hos- pital where she underwent an opera- tion for aependicitis. She is getting ar6iirag tttcairarEiii' bi; expected. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Jones have re-l, turnad trom Cuba, where they spent; the past two months. While they were away their home was ransacked and numerous things taken. Mrs. W. H. Hall enterta‘nod at L. r home on “HAM-n avenue, Lake Fur, est. Thursday-evening at a miscunam was shower in honor of Miss Mar, guh'lte Steffen who is to be marricd to 3'r. R. J. Sheahem in April. Mrs. Sommerviiie of Bloom street, was give: a pleasant surprise party Saturday evening by a number of her friends. Mis/s Eva Siljestmm spew day in Chicam, as the guest Herman Goldberg. Mrs. Bliss Larneelt of Evanston who has been spending the past twr weeks with the Andrew Decker fam- ily, has returned to her home in liv- Inston. - St.aCharles, In Mrs. H. G. Winter was dclizhtfu!1y surprised by a number of henhiends Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. Warner have re- turned from Detroit, Mich., where they visited Mr. Warner's sister, 511’s. Rodney Briggs, who has been seri- ously ill. Mrs, Eileen Kelly Shufeldt and Miss Portia Bartlett are planning to sail April t to spend the sprihg aad summer abroad. Miss Harriett Foreman and Miss Mayme Doryeh spunt the week vnd in tirL/r(srsWsi; -siUriiic; of this city, and well known here. __ Miss Ruth Bearkisley who has id, on the sick list it rapidly improving. Mrs. Jnhn K. mom-{oi 62.5533 avenue was a mum visitor at Cata- lina Island, Naif. Iran; Chiik" Lawreesci, 12rudart, Baum 'wa,tiii'rk's't?t'isltrt a! {torn Februery 26. Mrs. Lennie was Mr. RotUrt M. Cobb i; enjoying a two weelu' sojourn in Florida with his plums. _ Mrs. John Dingle in It the High- land Park hospital where she under, wet' an operation Tuesday. " 'tt"LttTggttrgtttgti. LtiVhtt.thteltteart III-nu " Highlanb Park we; uteuetis.oeetroaeoaoid "'""-trtrtterrrserriaGLTi'TI qivvn by the Presbyterim Guild on Friday night at the Lincoln School Auditorium before a banality audi- once. The two New Were very well Tenn- (Hidden and [guise Rufrnvr will entertain at luncheon and bridge on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry L Glidden of Montgom- nry road. Mr. and Mrs. macs Wcrhane have returned to Highland Park and are iesidirut at m Oakwood avenue after a year's absence“ Northbrook, Mrs, John Pansie in company with her "sister, Mrs. Fritz Baht and daughter. Mrs. Edward M. Conrad, returned to her home in Fisk, Wir, after spending a week here. Mn. Pansie’s health is mint impr, _ ed. Mrs. Conrad and Mrs. Bahr will; return home Friday. i Mrs. John I. Must..." an...“ b_l, _ "--V"9_r-r.. u. v:- bome of Kincaid avenue an Munday afternoon. Mr. John Harman of laurrl nun nue returned to Highland Park Ire" Tuesday. He spent a few weeks wirr, his wife and daughter who have beer. spending the past two months in California. Mrs. John I. Mush-ll returned to ha-r home on Tuesday from Florida and has opened her home at 140 Prus- pect avenue. and is joined by Major W. A. Rafferty of U.S.A. bar “633' -tieeiki' ‘ h "g; her 'fmetrseeoad birthday anniven car-y Monday at the home of her daughter. In Brunet of 1375 Green{ Bay road. A large number of friends) visited during the day to extend their] congratulations td the dear little wow man who is held in tsuch high (stern? in this community. Cards and t.c:,l ers were received in great abundance from relatives and friends from‘ Angela. _i't1"ltit-t3tiggtatrr,iAai in] The womaics iiésigmry f the Presbyterian church he home of Mrs. Theodora When you want to look your best, you will certainly be smart in any of these exquisite new Coats, Frocks and Hats. In: RoseottBremer eueheatod ggnup-uI-usm-‘a very interesting program A Distinctive Assemblage of Fashionable Spring Costumes SPRING GARNETT' _ new weeks with; r who have been two months in Modes to accentuate natural beauty and bestow the poise that comes from the consciousness that one's attire is correct. NUMBER 3 DISPLAY met at society was ENOW , mnunltofand a member of the fauet- ly of the Sherwood music school. lo- cated tn the Fine Arts Building, Chi- mun took pm in a song recital xiv. en Qundaj. afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in Frrerwood recital hall. Mrs. Buck- 'rev:ham is a resident of Highland Park having come here sevétul nurnrhs ago and resides at 663 Cen, tral avg-hue. thr Woman's Club. -Duteh, ‘Colohiil; and msugggsmmes tf Megcgun: tries wm 'trr'evideiiee. "XlrMt'atMU' Mr.andMewrsdat-ett- can “can: "hmmMteq a. birth ct a son My. larch 15, at tho 'ri.. land Pare Marital. . m: C. N. limbs]! of (in. Bag mad with bre son Willi-n Will-en Kimball, returned Sign“, aftern- from New York where tur had - for the dedication of the Kink.“ on gun which was Muted in the In!) theitri-in REV York. -__ v~ - Mr. and Mm. Hurry 1m ollju mend-1e avenue, Hitthwood, us thdw happy parents of a boy born wed-'," My. March 16, at the Highland: M Park hospital, in Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Nun... en~ tertained sevérnl guest: " dinner on Tuesdly evening. After dinner bridge was enjoyed at two tables. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Hake of Luke Forest are the happy parents " a girl born Tuesday, MIMI Mr, at -he Highland Park hospital. Inc-ind and m‘mm. a a. Ge?" pry)“ in in“ On Monday the flexing of the series " dancing lessons for the year of the Atbar L. Bournique dancing Ithool. under the direction of Miss Pocock. a>sisu~d by Miss McNunn. took place. The members of the class enjoyed . mm: delightful masquerade party ll Mr. ind Mrs. Oscar Schmidley had for you. Others are taking advantage of this special proposition »â€" why not you? S100 cash starts you toward success. My methods are worth untold happiness to you and yours. ""t"luaa'r"t"rrrttmrri-tsaat.raarr, _ DESIGNER S: BUILDER Phone Deerfield 188 Dee $100.00: A Wonderful Chance E. B. FOXWORTHY ON -to'?'IrL"C', __.Jnver the he 1'erssaEiiiigtiltt, ryant i'.iryiartttkt6etrrl'lr"al'adb"skt' 'ed mi Park theater was formerly hated, te, has resulted in many rumors regard- tcltwt Iggy. one of which is that "e chin store which in: tut-kc flan: the, my. WW.” Mr. and Mrs. Sieree eaio.Ta"iiGu' cm tad we are glad to Idea-In them to [1&3th Park. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our (heads for their srmpathr and kindneu shown a: during our recent hen-mt.- In.“ In Cod-4. -- just rectum istrreUaed a. Waiter W. Hoops hon; It 229 Pt-et av.- “W- and took Possesliol Itat week.‘ REPORT INJUNCI'ION HALTS OCCUPANCY Del-y in occupying of the newly remodeled store room: in the Gold- berg building, where the, Highland Ive-u: another chain store comm, which. it is 11km. had . provision in it! lease of another Goldbcg building to the eihst that the owner should not. lease any of this property, with- in 100 feet of the first Ell-in store. to another similar busi es: concern. The reprrt could not be eoafirmed he- Cause of the absenee from the city of the managed of the Goldberg or tate. _ mumm.mhn bemseoo"edt.theiruiruathth. anhhwboma‘h. Jab Linn-tall hummu- mm-‘mmkm Sushi "Goa, vili "uCGiu'ir, In John I. Hank-ll " PM guru-Eduuugnhlr lawn- saluiCd, '77:? 57...... Mn. _ Mathias 2mm ".1 (IE; 3 Deerfield, m. Afternoon Gowns 4 North Sheridan Road Keep _ r, - Healthy,- See your Doctor at once ind your Drum should be called upon to supplement his help. Here, we' are all tuned 1sit.anOtyitirig to/ttsew,.,,.,, every resarei-titiEcid _. __ --- vcciiirtirrist -. .m- h the work of‘making you healthy. Three doctors wait upon you constantly' - Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merryman. But alive and active germs get by all these three and now ind then yarn have recourse to two - . 10Ntrrthstterianqtoad . TuerhttetemtrttiaasdP-as8 We have a splendid array of the newest Spring Modes in Spring Millinery ready for/your se- lectiqn. You will find exactly the style that be- comes you individually. EARL W. GSELL & CO. In Exquisite Spring Versions The Loretta Shop i-e-_-os-ar-u. Huston-Jo see-si-o-tai-o.. or"... 389 Central Ave. 380 he: Willis-s Are. Pt-re 2600 Phone 230. . Our Spring Opening Mabel Ann Ernst Chiffon, sheer crepe, silk crepe, and, satin are the other important fabrics. The Loretta Shop After- noon Gowns stand for the. utmost in simplicity, elegance, any beauty! Lace is much in evidence for entire gowns. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Munch I7, 18, and " Honest Helpers You are invited PHARMACISTS WOW to attend Highland Park 315 TIMI. use. tc. m

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