"The first council meeting of the North Shore area will be held on Friday night, Mar 6, n the New Trier high school, at 6:30 p. m Pot, lowing the dinner and meeting, the Troop 35 of Ravine, is rejoicing over the winning of the lttter-troop Scoutcraft emeiency shield for Much, They are the possessors of the leath- er until the end at April. Troop 37 of Oak Terrace school. Highwood. is making good progress. -Sorribe Wesley Swan. Plan Round TIN:- Every scoutmaster and assistant, and man troop comniinee chairmen are planning to attend the Scout Leaders Round Table to he held next Monday evening. April IR. at the Wil. mette Central cafeteria at 6:30 p. m. Many interesting topics wilt come up for discussion. DAG! room Frank Wichman, scribe of troop 33 of the Lincoln school reports a good meeting last Thursday with an at- tendanee of approximately 20 scouts. Committeeman Reiehardt give in- struction in drilling and judged an inter patrol drill contest. Mr. t. C Rasmussen is seoutmaster. Highland Purl Tn... Troop 82, under the leadership at ttrat new seotrtmaster, Wilt" Ruh- il making rapid strides, The “tent Ana. new over 20 scouts. An oe-) the troop committee is helping to give: leadership to the troop plans. New mun are joining each week. Ed- ward Dostalek is scribe. EASTER, ATTRACTIONS Telephone Highhul Park IM no and A"... 13,34», ias We have given particular attention to Easter items" this year and are pre- pared to serve both the grown ups and the youngsters. Among the sea- son's specials will be found _ in all the new shades " mark-bl: prices WINCANTON SHOP Easter Baskets Candy and Easter Novelties Special Ice Cream f and Easter Favors Opposite the Northwestern Passenger Station Robert W. Pease The Wincanton Shop ' ' . Chinese Damask - Wash Silks New Summer Dresses An event of importance at the Frénch Voile: and Dimities PHARMACIST "We must impress, upon the stomp An our patrols and our troops that â€any are scouts all the time." says James, Quinley. patrol leader of troop 45. Lake Forest. Jtrek DeBeers, a patrol leader of "cup 22, Glennie says "We must let the members of our patrols know that a scout should act as a scout every- where." _ group will axiom to the luditoriun where n puttKeourt of honor Ill! scout demonstration will be held at R p. m. The Elmhunt Boy Scout Drum and Bugle corps will furnish music. The public is invited. No charge for admission. North Shore Ankh“! One of the problems that the boy omens of the twenty scout troops represented at the Junior otEcers con- ference held last Saturday morning at the Cu, new Union church was the living of the smut oath and law. "A scout who simply wears a uniform and earns maps." one of the smut: rrrnarked. "is a fraud, unless he also tries hard to live up to the spirit And thy letter of the Boy Scout oath and law." A senior patrol leader, emphasizing thr importance of habits of conduct outside of the troop meeting said, “If you can be good at only one phone it is better to be good at home than at scout meetings. Then yoire not minus: under false colors in your troop'." ' Free Delivery Service The {mat annual festitat of t& Civic, Music asoseiatior, of Chicago will be held in Orchestra hull, Sundiy afternoon. April " At this concert thvre will be heard the massed chor- uses of children's voices-MO strong The (“43:09 Village board. at its "muting Monday evening received I crmmuntVation from Philip Harrimz- inn. actirue chic! oneineer of the Sanitary district of Chicago. giving _which have been trained by the w sociatiort's teaehers. The Civic orches- tra, Frederick Stork, director. will “lay three works and there wilt be community singing under. the diree- tion of Frederick Carberry. The children's chorus will be I fen-l mm: of great interest. It will inter-) put two groups of part songs and .l' Cantata, "The Voyage ot Arlen" by, Earl T, Moore. under the direction of; Fvlix Borowsku1 Mr. Stock's and Mr.) DeLamarter's trainintt of the Citric' crehestra has brought international} fame to that organization and its member; Will otfer pinyin; of 1mm _tualitird worth. I the villaee permission to make a con- nection between the St‘NOfS of the vil- lnze of (Human and the north shore intkrreepting sewer of the Sudan district near Vllley street and Milton unmnur. The hermit Via»- formany ar- t (pad by the board. ' 'Thetmv'uwmmbu wart-ttte-ttut--- tgp the ilpylynbiu a! conduct was through"expem mind- that: heather. "dividmt good tutaadratrotroodt-sdtioo. goodtnmlnbeingplnnndintheir "000t- The coalennce expand their Hunks to their hosts last Saturday. Troop " and " of Gleam. who pro- vided the media; when and the luncheon. Everybody had . good time and more than enough to eat! CIVIC MUSIC ANNUAL IN CHICAGO APRIL M GLENCOE Tn HAVE SEWER CONNECTION P'omiuv-.em-to- uhn-hh-uliiuuvdtt- sum-nttm-Ichdnndbucu- tWMthhu-Win‘ te-er/ether-ith.-" afseoerti-. With North Shore Sanitary Dis- trict System; It Is Announced - The Mar Junior GEL-en conference wiilbeheHatLahePoemrtoatut. are: morning May " Remember the good old days when cotton stockings were as“! for some- (hing else than hanging by the fire- plam on Christmas eve? _ Ahor hem-u good through doing 5, YoarabtiWr :" ""+t.aV _ 7 “WM“? "irrta3atPAat$t-aagaaaatram.guaNum Easter will find you men mixing with crowds at church - greet- ing friends everywhere - really placing yourselves in a posi- tion to be judged by others in a dozen different ways. That's why it's a dr.ess-up occasion - a time to look prosperous and content - smart, snappy, and stylish. ti,)fi'iett Easter Clothixg ' 2 - for MEN tip BOYS ')i',iiir,l,,C_",,"ii,i.'_i",',"wi'" ['i, l, . Meierhoff _,')-,,)';,)-,,-:'";';"'-:,',')"; '_', 1 Hardware Company For Bargains -- See the Want-ad Page Suits and Top Coats Hart Schnffner 8 Marx ATTRACTIVBLY STYLE!) SUITS Dan“. tre-ted or link Ira-sud Mb. Ooh-t {this - planing panel-n- and and My: and can: undo-inning. Nts-tro-r nib Whithcoluqdpwnu. locum. '06:thme -druid..rethereut-untttqd.. 2‘. $22 to $40 TRIM [MING TOP 00A" Michael Stem $35 to $50 by Tidy Cleanliness is half the bat- tle for happiness. To have things around you looking spie and span, everything sparkling clean and in its place makes for a content- ment that keeps one smil- ing. r ' Apply soap, water, sponge and brush with vigor wher- ever they're needed and be generous with the paint on the bare spots! Police your yard and lawns! Rid your premises of all unsightly debris! It's clean up and paint up time! You will need Paints and Vamishes Brooms Paint Brushes Scrub Brushes Shovels - Rakes - Hoes Step Ladders Pails and Ash Cans Tel. Highland Park 197-198 Next door to Post Office CLEAN UPI PAINT UP! Spring Tawny for Your Boy , Your buy is without doubt just Setting to link. oit his heavy winter clothu. Bring nil-1n here And let us outtlt him in eoenfoetnttk spring styles. Besriui6-t%itn $12.50 to $15 Boyu' knkher Slit: Sizes 8 to 15 $15to$22 THURSDAY. APEU, u. Iâ€