‘2‘ "'teetrat I’M-ct and Value " “a Olin! In Grad; Pad. . Aha-t Pretti- Are "bb-derfrMtrheeanare.trsm. rr.,.tb.ao-tuatAevettimrrrs VV ".Evagtntoettoq-erttef -h._rartTtbepretirnt-, . 'h.Nhm_ethan1swhiettarfrr .1 "gMatth_.Apef12.mtdS0. i; oqi-atB-_tyytitlttedeV , trr-tret-er, " the i m. 'hr-ofthe--) g. teiabai-teve-t.l, .. gun-await only. it ii) At a chemical exposition in New , York, the United States Department of Agriculture had a number of ex- hibits representing results of tests to determine the effect of nitrate of soda upon the-protein contents of wheat. A eard describing the exhibit of the photographs of loaves of bread, and wheat, carried the statement: Nitrate Elect "Breads from wheat to which ni- . mm of soda has been applied at dif- ferent states of growth: The later the application of nitrate of soda is made up to heading time, the higher, we. in the near future. It in barn. however, that the committee I Wm that will - thU mt will tourist of J. H. Bunk-oh. I. M. Cody, and R. Stube. The land Wt of thvesmn tmiver-l " win. in (in. Ink out a pro- = of who“ Ind mtminmt‘ the Mm . A: I m [suture the commune g. 'ret the Austin High Set-co! eostestiatobeApri1 lcbutmede- tpiln of the proerym,_the lune: of the judges. ,irreute2 mum win Twenty-two Chicago high school bands which wilt include 1500 young musicians will Assemble at Patten gymnasium of Northwestern univer- sity for the largest contest in high new build history in the nut fu- m, Intending to In Inmnncement but received nt the presideot's once in Em. The end date of the 7 Mletttl DAKUI'A B an! WHEAT STAR To Be Held at Northwestern in near Future: 1500 Compet- itors.Espeeted is the protein content of the wheat. Sometimes an increase of 50 per cent of protein is obtained. The hiking quality of the wheat is improved with the rise of protein content. HIGH SCHOOL BAND C CONTEST PLANNED In thou good old days people pun {erred short eolloquiatisms in place of definitions of proteins which in- volved at least a superficial knowl- edge of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, and perhaps a sprinkling! of sulphur. North Dakota has always}. than favored in raising wheat, Ind it hos always admitted it. in fact we! hare known politicians from North Dakota who have risen on their hind legs in congress to claim that wheat was originally discovered on the banks of the Red River, and that the products known lion's the Nile and the Tiber were base substitutes. What Quality North Dakota station has recently) published an Mieial bulletin on when! quality, "Quality as well as quan- tity of production is a factor in the making of the growing of wheat n profitable undertaking,“ says the of, ticitd Spokesman of America's banner wheat producing state. "The mainte, lance of high protein content is of real importance to wheat growers, since high protein content usunlly means a preferred market for the! product." No baker, whether a trustl with the fartury, or only a simple cook with an old-fashioned nit/ burner stove, can make the best kind of bread out of poor flour. And good’ ttmsr, if we are to credit theC of the Jolly Old Miller, or the modern milling trust. must be made out of the wheat with high protein content. 1 High Protein Vllue _ The United States Department of Agriculture has' repeatedly found that the value of high protein wheat is many cents over wheat with I low protein content. The North Dakota Bulletin traces the direct relation ex, isting between the protein content of wheat and that of flour, and timis that: while the ratio of protein in wheat to protein in flour may vary. that as l a rule the high protein wheat give high protein flour, and vice vet-u. l North Dakota admits its hlizzards, I but in spite of them it insists in stentorian tones that it has "the" climnte and soil to beat out the world in producing wheat. Many year ago North Mot: run; the bull's eye of popular acclaim when it um its citizens to the national con- vention: of the nut political Pere tiea, and hunted was: their broad been†highly colored badges con- taining the erytrtie slot-n, "North Dutch Ad Hard." You knew that that had something to do with the quality of wheat. . l IVIN CLAIM "S ORIGIN HI... "t,iii,iiii.iiiiil1. MAtltCtAaIN6t wu- nm In: m "a“. nun-n. uniâ€. um. um -B'rtty.-'rrbtdrr WU." In JC,",',,','.",',','.' mum =t"t,f2t."JJ,t.et t,el't.'e1u1t2T,,'t2' 't".g'ggt'"'"ft"u' -deth.rttnevert bu w M, jail: on)?“ u "'"1utt:2,T,ag,rgttttt'gd'tgr-t mun-mum ' . - _i,i"iiiiij"iiiii"f,i"ici"iii] D L. l)h-ieBeantrshiue Iggy-gild- It _-_ ---, -- _ - ___ C g. “vi , Ill 's-tvery,.....----.--,. -iqtglr.g- Puat"t-eet0"ie, Giver, of Lake, and sua, of Illinois iri7iiii', ordered the construction of a connect» ed system of sanitary sewers in Grorelnnd Avenue, Oakland Drive. and Lyman Court in Ravinia Wood- land, all in the City of Highland Park, Lake- County, Illinois, the ordi- nance for the same being on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city and having applied to the County Court of Lake County for an assess- ment of the costs of said improve- ment aptording to benefits, and In assessment thereof having been nude SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE NO. 316 Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested thlt the City Council of the City of Highland Park. County Dated at Highland Puk. Ttl., April 7th. All, 1927. Said meat is payable in ten (10) installments. with integest " the rate of six 16) per eel-tum per annum on all installments from and after date ot issue of ttrat voucher. All penons desiring nay tile objee- tions in said court before said day and may appear on the hating mad make their defense. l Notice u - [In a " pots was blunted that the City Council ot the City a! tmhuasd Put, Com, " uu, uni sm- " Illinois having out!“ the mm at I eon-oct- ted - of ea1t in. can: ask- in Onhtnatd Drive and Lynn 0mm in Ravi-Ah Wm, " in the City of Highland Park, Lake County. ttti. noil, the ordiaaoee for the nine " iProttfurusttteutrieeottscit, Clerk of said city pyd having applied to the County Coda of Luke County tor u: autumn! of the cost- of anid improvement â€cording to hen-MI. and an “acumen! thereof having been made and returned to said court.‘ the final hearing thereon will be had‘ on the 23rd day of April A.D. 1987, or " soon therafter a the business of the court will permit. . T SPECIAL “gnu“! Hone: You will have absolute pri. vtcy in our hunt, and hair cutting parlor. . Why go to Chicago for a Perma- nent wave when you can get the finest kind right here at home. Don't wait until the hot weather sets in. Now is the right season. If you want fingers, combs, “tar waves or maul ,rrseir, phone Highland Park 1990 for an appointment. Permanent Washing It's Time to Retire 'it We have built up our business with We Cut the Very Latest Steffen’s Auto Supply 522 Central Avenue. Highland Park Telephone Highland Park 350 FRANK LAING. Oiticer appointed to make said Annulment. Fisk Tires You can build Four mileage and Mute your tire expense by using them. Have them put on now before 'the Spring and Summer driving mum Keen Steam Oil ( Said assessment is payable in ten LNG) lnstlllments. with interest n (the rate of six (6) per eentum per annum on all installments from and 111'th date of issue of tirsst voucher. All persons desiring may tMe objec- Jtions in said court before said day land m-y appear on the hen-ins and 1 make their defense. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE [ NO. 317 Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the City Council of the City of Highland Park, County of Lake, and State of Illinois having ordered the local improvement of the I roadway in Ruth Terrace, Grovuhnd Avenue, Oakland Drive, Lyman Court 'and Woodland Road. in Ravinia ‘Woodland and Ravinia Dells, till in “he City of Highland Park. lake} ,(‘ounty, 1llirtois, by paying with ye-) iinfon-ed concrete, the ordinance for) the same being on hte in the otBee Lof the City Clerk of said city and ‘hAving applied to the County Court _ of Lake County for an assessment of f the costs of said improvement accord~ 'ing to benefits, and an assessment "hereof having been made and re» ‘turned to said court, the final hear, {in thereon will be had on the 23rd day of April, All, 1927, or as soon {thereafter as the business of the court will permit. Dated I Higmmd Pukfrif, April 7th, A.D., 1927. than in said minute}. nah, and my - on the but. Ind mahetheir Menu. April 7th, All, 192T ngi-muhhhi- (Mryirwuhmaou, with int-nun th.rateotfu:or)tre-tm.re. "y"tms.tiitsatathetmtuhRt.aU afterNtoofi-ofamtvGeue. '.'trtmoeetru-uer- Duted It Highland Park, W., Omeer appoint“ to nuke _ _ aid AWL -dr-.a.um-t,-airt trdeturr.trq.yri1ets. manna-Human- “Wrath-mo! "l'"-'rraa-tmaaaat.rasut,aaaven, FRANK LAING. Officer appointed to make said Assessment. FRANK LAXNG. 6-7 6-7 U" ' Fresh; Rich Und Pure! "k-, Amus Jiggtttttgr.ClpMramr it Telephone 2700 orltatitmg-tigtamiiir"""'""" e 1"e,tttte,ttd,te'"" boats Mug and (NP 'tide,', manic 1tt:hiseraGe, FOR ft YEARS THE ST Order today - before you forget. Either from one of our courteous milknden' telephone 2700. There's nothing liner in the world than milk that is rich, fresh and pure! And there is no finer milk than Bowman's Milk. we no mistake about that! Bowman's Milk is produced under rigid. sanitary conditions. Paateuriaed and bottled in the mat modern bottling plants in America. Delivered promptly and roll-My by n smooth-working org-nil- anon that realizes its responsibility to the health and welfare of the community. In fairness to yourself start using Bowman’s Milk new. Its delicious, Minn] taste, its richness and its purity will win your lasting approval. _ 7 OLESOME kods-tinn crisp ss_t1ttdr--rppetixine {men ice: 'and d--.. vhnds my and frm1s--ehme we joys of Electric Rehigerationt Alvin cool, always dry, it main. tain- a constant low turpentine which PeSCWm food for I 'tttrefs. My long time . . . . Come in and aekrtam-emldmtrahternodeid Vew MC Refrigeratats lunar com utgeahuttas-gt. 1Tgtt_UOr ANDAID or QUALITY