Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 21 Jul 1927, p. 2

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Tl): Highlanh Park Puss I-g-seo-pci-tret-eye-it-tre"" 5GiTiira, TGTAG '3; EA of a...” 7 N 3.1..” , THURSDAY, JULY tl, 1927 Coolidge has already made plain his belief that if we are to have real flood control, Coturressional word control is a first nee- essity. When the statesmen, real and near, were insistent, even while the flood was at its crest, that they be allowed to reassemble and talk it over, he refused. He saw inevitably what their talk would amount to. It would fatten the pages of the Congressional Record. but leave the levees broken and flat. To the credit of Senator Jim Reed of Missouri, the quiet but effective "No-No" of the President to all demands for an extra session, has been as- sayed at its true value, and Reed agrees that an extra session as suggested would have been actually harmful. . L " “nuns, .5..t...u..... um. ........u... "'"""P"'r v- ._._ “no V, -." area. The substance of these investigations will be incorporated in the President's message to Congress, and it is the opinion of 'those who are acquainted_Fith all conditions that while even in February next, the exact line of procedure may pot be clearly evi- _dent, that there wilt be enough actual facts and conclusions in 'hand, so that definite legislation can be put under way. Once again the President has proved that haste makes waste, and that in many cases, to use the old saying, the longest way 'round is the shortest way home. """riiFaG"iriria2 East -iaGriiie:iGause it has been utilized by the President in the forwarding of careful, systematic engi- neering, agricultural and financial surveys of the flood swept __ _ _ . . _. .. ... . ._,,______x_A The time has gone by when.the things people want can be had on. the silent method. People have to ask for things they want. If you are looking for anything, and just sit patiently and wait for people to speak to you and ask you what you want, you will have to wait a long time. You have to ask for what you want. . -ihiiitFiaijid'uiriids, to business success. You have to ask the public for patronage, and show reasons why that patronage should be given, before you t" get it, . If a 'in'Giiiii's,GGiascG $370316 secure patronage. and just waits quietly until it comes, it will wait a long time. People think such a concern lacks the spirit of enterprise, _ Newspaper advertising furnishes an abundapt means by which the business people of this city and vicinity can ask for patronage, and show reasons why it should be given. It is the kind of appeal which people expect in these times, and to which. they will respond. . C. F. Schriver. minister Sunday sérvices are as follows: Sunday school it 9:45. I Classes for all ages. Worsflip at eleven, message by the pastor. Theme, "The Supreme Call." "Christian Endeavor meeting at 7:15. Topic, "Causes and Cures for Unrest." W, There will be a meeting of the con- gregation of Bethany Eungelial church in the church loud-y evening, hties.atirp.m.tor ilk-purpose of considering eeruin'mntters rein- dve to the new building. " is de- sired that each member be present lav. A. J. Bras, our wedding elder, will he with m at that time. P. C. NW. Chaim-n Building eommittee, C. P. Schrim. pastor. By order of the building committee. iiCruir, at eight. Theme, "Godhs Great Promises to Us." _. _ During these vacation months let all of us who are at home be faithful to our services. When you are any keep eyes and ears open for sugges- tions and methods of work which may be used at Bethany. You may make a great find if you are only on the alert. ' First United Evangelical "mi p. in. curm- Ind-m. MWANM-IOII u! my" Iain. m- Int-I We are glad to hear that Rev. H. T. Kuist of New York City is to visit Highland Park again this month. He will preach at least once and perhaps " both services Sunday, July 31. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Erickson sang for us. The pastor wishes to thank them and all others who have been singing for us Sun- by mornings. The Mission band meets Friday, July 22 at 2 p. m. at the Bethany church. Transportation will be ar- tin‘ed to the beach where ' party will be hehf. Mrs. E. D. Fritach. ''mforimtthatm" but. Thesettootisfteeoferrpe- '.mtrehBdmrhar-dmrhetotte Mu. Thrhmrrsnrefre nil» t.e4.sto'er.eeikrednrsnweA. t..rr,T'ta 0:. m.Mh6e.ehorttforl, Olin-muddy. WYou. dear reader, in ini-ited to worship with us. ".in.m.Frhte_Ber. ”haul-b5“ -- _ Green Bay mad and “Laurel - F. R. Cardwell, pastor The names of malty-Iv: childrm hwbeenr 'tterrdwithmsntrUtooe mud i our Summer V-mtian - It Our - ntteod- - in theuehoot last week w ”iv-nine. We expect I larger av- ”this“. wacekwillhe “that. We willhe via-duh.” CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS "iiij-.-otrr-, Bethany Evangelical _ H. P. Presbyterian FtLuidaeeirbrprqeirAegrw.osat-t_ TWO 'N,,tie-torthi.eotumn.tsouhtbeiartothePm-"heehrTh- of the w.eeoesmw-tioite, I-their-r- CONTROL WORDS FIRST! ASKING FOR BUSINESS tel minor-ad cometath church More 'rrrerav-liiou-iiiGoAinF. Ecol-wink km'llhelprmidedfornllwhohnmqu- IMP.” "teeoftheir own. FM the P" 2iiliiiTie;ii,7iiieiriiiiuiariithii7t ning services, as "all other services, are continued all Bummer. We wel- come you. North' avenue and Lauren: place Wm. B. Doble, minister Sunday, July' M: 3:30 a. m.-Sunday school. 10:43, a. rm-Morning worship. Thursday eve, July M: An ice cream and cake social an. der the auspices of the Ladies' Aid on the church lawn. Thursday: 7:30-Publie session of the Daily Vacation Bible school. All.pnr- ents and friends are invited. susriF. 9:t,'r--Charch school in all depart- ments. t1:00--Mornintr worship. The Rev. Frank Pitt will preach on "And Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil." Soloist, Mrs. Frank Horn. Porta-ue-ai-match- 'lTttT.uutgnNtet, "rl"llu"T'alaTfdATh"fg Greer, Bay road and Home“ Ave. K. A. Roth, pastor On Sand-y. July " we expect to have our annual congrentionnl out- ing. As usual. if the “the per- nits. we will have our Sunday school Ind serving out in the woods. Mem. hers nnd friends In urged to spend the day with u: in God's beautiful tmt-of-doors. Bring your basket din- “mien-Ilium”- 'reeoet"ti-'nbe-- West Cantu] Avenue W. F. Suhr, pastor Sundny school, 9:30, German service, 10:30. English Invite, ll. An oMeUt handbook and dim of our church has just been whlinhed. Anyone wishing I copy free of charge wiIi plan 115ny d). the pastor Gr one of the deacon. ttorrrhretehmrettttetmt-eo-Ht- teewittheirteh-e. T%endterrorr. "tat-q-ttht-and-tte- m-W'm. Mub- numb-mink” medic-RM. Mvmh. Zion Lutheran Church iiday: 9r00--Ctosing session of the D. V. B. S. Pictures of Child Life in Win will be shown. St. Johns Evangelical Grace M. E. Church NUMBER 21 nib. Tum-th......--- {db-mmmhhlbu wstiiroae-tetu-& I.“ medndthvuh'nq‘h mm toe (an. Thet-dBi-ako-ity reached Iitthortlhlin, yeah-gong: Basic-linking fromthere. Oak Ridge nvenue and 11". m G. A. o. Eastman, - Sunday, July 24: 9:45 Sunday school. 11:00 Morning worship. 8:00 Evening worship. 'ruesdar, July 26-Prtrer hooking. Yi's'st12l,l't,fC,ri2w 1rat and it in will had-a that; . . . Mat-heel she in called - time l Tm” My 26-Pr- m" again for a display a her haaatiial I ------------- tone quality, as well an for that l Swedish Methodist vocal power which makes her one of l the world', greatest dramatic sopra- l "e------"---""-,-'-. Thepartotlz‘luearvillhesm Highwood avenue and Evertl plaoe by Giovanni lartinelli. and it is well- _ Wm. w. Nelson. pastor iltnown to all Eavinia patron that Thursday. July 2t: ‘this is one of the - masterful ti:00 p. m. Prayer meeting " the creations in the repertoire of this church. , great dramatic tenor. In it he eon- Saturday, July 23: ;binea splendid acting with unusual 5:00 p. m. The Woman'l Sowing? vocal expression, making this role not circle win meet at the home of only a great portrait, but an author- Mrs. Ole Broten in Highvood. tive piece of iettepretatims. Icon Sunday. July 24: ',Rothier will be heard no Cardinal 10:30 a. m. Sunday school. Brogni, which role given him every 6:00 p. m. Epworth league meet- opportunity for a display of the ing. rich quality of his, voice. A: the 7:45 p. m. Evening service in Cardinal, Mr. Rothier utiliaea the Swedish, Rev. E. P. Swan. our‘ French method of singing and acting, dintriet superintendent. will hei which means perfect fiaeue. Flor- with us. The Lord's snppuvill» ence Macbeth till be cast as the be administered after the sermon; Princess. which often this excellent American artist a chance for bril- t-'"".r..1.-.""-7,'.-,'"-- liant singing. Jose Molica is to be _ Trinity Church _ given the part of Prince Leopold. [ . Others in the cast are Desire Defrere. 'i-'-;-,,,:,',,",,,,,,,,-,,,,.."",":",',-,'.'--! Louis D'Angelo and Paolo Amnian. RH. Christoph Keller. rector Louis Huwlmans will conduct. July 24. 1927 “Migaoa” Joly TI Sixth Sunday After Trinity "Mitptott," Amman Thomms' melo- Holy Communion, 7:30 I- m. dious opera, which was restored to Morning prayer Ind sermon. " "l the Ravinia repertoire last week, m. proved to be so gratifying to the ree- Monday. being St, James Das/ ord audience that heard it that an there vnll be a celebration of the early repeat of this work has become Holy Communion at 9.230 a. m. imprrative. Therefore Mr. Ecksteirsl ___ T T has scheduled it for Wednesday‘ GETTING FREE FROM _ night, July 27. The same cast which QUACK FARM RELIEF' Rave a memorial presentation of this ----_ opera last Saturday night will be Agriculture 'lgeh, been heard. Madame Bari has added to From Fake Cure-A Pro- her Ravinia laurel: by reason of her Posed By the PUitieinns interpretation of the _ title rote, for ---_-ee- this is another of those parts so dear Hope that American agriculture to her heart. giving her unlimited has taken a big step toward freeing ,c0pe for brilliant singing and equal- itself of the quack farm relief meas- ly brilliant 'aeting. Mario Chaulee iures which are being thrust forward has found the part of Wilhelm par- ' continually. is expressed by the Farm tirularly ratifying to his lyric ability and Fireside as a result of the meet- and likewise as a character “ally. in: of the American Institute of Co- Florence .Macheth is perfectly " operation in Chicago from June 20 to home-as Philine, while Leon Rothier July 16. ’ ls profoundly impressive as Count "This educational meeting has Lothario. Ina Bounltaya does splen- proved its worth as a constructive did sitatirut IS Frederick. others who force," says the editorial. "It is u- are importantly east are Desire Do- other hopeful sign that nericuiture"" . Inert. Look D'Angelo. and Paola going ahead on its own feet. regard- _ Ananian. Louis Hesselmana rill con- iiuss of what calamity howlers and duet. ' Hope that American agriculture has taken a big step toward freeing itself of the quack farm relief mens- ures which are being thrust forward continually. is expressed by the Farm and Fireside as a result of the meet- ing of the American Institute of C0- operation in Chicago from June 20 to July 16. _ "Those whose knowledge of cowl)- eration is limited are bound to bp im- pressed by the tnmendmus growth and wide scope of co-operative activ- ity. The personnel has grown ,so large and the tasks so specialized that there are even union-l mil~ tions of ro-operative mutant: Ind lawyers. A conference of editors, of eo-operative organ is also to be held." "This educational meeting has proved its worth as a eonstruetive force," says the editorial. "It is - other hopeful sign that agriculture?! going ahead on its own feet. regard- less of what calamity haulers and farm relief denvattogues say to the contrary, Managers. students and mamists as wen as fnrmers, are tilting .. greater interest than ever before in the movement. urchin" tn records of attend-me at the institute. which is held at Northwestern university. "Btlmt.LaNDPart_MMMrLANDPABE.89a80tt" "Preserved lumber" is recommend. ed by the Nltionll committee of wood utilization of the United States Department of Commerce, Official tests have shown that up wood in just as strong in heart wood for con- struction purposes, “though in ita natural ante it is not so durable. But up wood, the expert! tell us. absorb wood press-vain with greater use than heartwoodmsd_iuetfpar- titululy wdl to the was of bail: PRESERVED LUMBER IS RECOMMENDED In _ ,,, __ 1'4Tdtde2tdltl"drtlt ”Mfummdb , .eth.a6eq.trdh-dtttttenm- fsethea.dtfteeqh..i.ivem.tuti. Hymn”; “pm” These new suggestion- In" resulted from system-tic ettorta hibernating-Inmat- tte-tsta-du-ri-det- mrit".-dth-r-o-" spasm EFFORT '5 ml WORLD PEACE Genev- Colfm Aimed In AH_[!_h_at 91mg.” mult- d M - gathering. Tho Ania-mum. 1|le M to mm th. "mr-tMr-tues-rt-gt. RM urn-'1': in! unit-Ht! Another “new attempt to bring better auditing for humanity into the world h being made by th- nprmhtivu of Greet Britain, Japan. and the Urtited States. with onlookin‘ nations. at the Geneva cor, ferertee. The istematiqrrat mud-sling": an trrimrtobetituetheefrortstut- being m. a! 'r-mrtse lend-_ men! than“ the mid to - mine mrHtemr In be the cone".- Highwood Lutheran~ Run Christoph Keller. recto: July PA. 1927 Sixth Sunday After Trinity Holy Communion. 7:30 I. In. Morning payer and sermon, " t m iiuieldiuVd WWII“ MIAMI“! alumna-Ennis“. TN. torio_-thr-uhaqo "RAMVQIIIEB ”.MM omen in the cu? m cm H- trinieri and Ann. Corn-ti. Guam Plpi will com -__ - One of the '_I - ir-tsta" in; works ism Ne My night, July 26th. via: "la Jilin" wilt be presented. Eli-um W. wilft,etteardigsthetiti.m-ik A veritable festival will he given for the children on Thursday after- noon. the annual carnival replacing the regular Concert and entertain- ment, which are weekly features throughout the Mn. under the ehasirmantship of Min Isabelle Cline. As in seasons past. Miss Bertha L. Mes, general director of the Chit. drenls Civic theatre of Chicago. will be in charge of the carnival. This :.'oar she will be assisted by Donald Marya, who has costumed and ar- ranged an elaborate pan-ant entitled "Ye Olde English Festival.” This pageant unfolds an interesting Itory which will ihtrigoe the imaginations of all the children. and during which group after group will Ipmr in colorful scenes ind dances. l-ic will be furnished by the Great [Aka Nun! Training Station hand. All children twelve yum of In and un- der will be admitted free to the cur- nivar. which will be held an the spac- ions north ampu- at Ravinin. Sun in the stadium will be tree for my- 1112728. Thereisetorrtmiedr- iasth.eiireGer-ti.twtdehh- -r-lthmtthi.Wi-eHgt wilt._u|d hvinia in mic-Indy John-n rarthetGr.rtoeir_. mmummmbh- trr-tmi-ost-att-eat Uni-In] inure“ in asttaehed to the Manama: of "Lohengrinf-which trill ttt - ol' M! 'sight, cum in the nah. yet in“ it on undivided in: a to the -ebth15eat 'trat-tion of chi “role. ILJohu-knthw- on“: new“! Wm. ling-r, who hype found {WW-"790 be one .1 hi; mum-air. in Re gunnigungupdmmhthvin www.m‘u'mgu in G-atrtarhtuNrth.qmttime wutuu-nrareoerretiGiir I, -Fhi.epreirttnm-vG B"PFek" Bail. WM...- ...) n... -t-/rgiffi. “up; n, .30. on - wqtrrtetemseGrerttmcu-sdr -hetdHG-.igseer-th.V. “mgphmuaghm .-.xrhasnrf1ibehe-dit.ortroc ulD'Ae6trwfriumot-tt. "tesnr-ttoxruehh.-dt.. mwhDe-hbdhnvmh ”gum-Hw,& haul-15mm mgwm‘mn; ('hildrm'l All-III Carnival Cami-album! 0am Walt cult-Au uh." oeuedua-.ehutm. July " Vi: "tsa-_-e-tate'..) .r.et_-f.ettr0ttadterhi, vacationing-Ill.“ -a.t-tS-wittbeGio: WNW Thrmraatititrqt Mr. In“ t Vikki-owl. hat 'th.eei.-uMptsrrrouiashise mwvmm-u-m- e. omit-any for th- umb-(ion a! 1ti.dmmatiemkqtHatutofsam- seardnatuadrs-r,wEiuti timeMa.ioBnauuotheeaat the “upwam‘oumm be hand an: Leak D'Allvlo. Glor- but Ptttrinieri. cm. cuein ml lmi- Dunn. Lou'- Haul-n- will to“. M " On Saturday night, Jul} an. than will be 'mother presentation " than manor-He o’er-tic twins, “Pugh? ei" and "Cavalieri. Baden-I.” his double bill u one that never hill to brig I "cord audience, and thin time mm! itinerant nttaehqd to the "Nqliaeei" performanee In via of the an that Lucretia Bari will ho heard for the first time this man asNedda. Thiaiaapartiawhieh Madame Boei enjoyl Vorld-vide fame, and it will be remembered that itmrasirtthisparttutBhemnde- hvinia debut some mum! to). Her interreetation of Nodd- il entirely Rugs - Draperies - Garments Read Over Our Saturday Specials We wish to thank all those customers. who visited our store on opening day, Saturday. July 16th, and hope all were perfectly tsatisfied. We plan to satisfy all our cus- tomera in the future, and carry a fresh line of fruits and vegetables daily. P..-. J. Webb Cola, tieh? Juicy Sunkist W nodal. two dou- ...._.-.f-r Highland Park It sudden-h spam. 4 1.. new SPECIAL SALE The Public Fruit Shop Thank You! “Dry Cleaners as we" a: Launderrn" WombhnFa-tymcnaul Waosrk-,hmhh-.aaademrrfht_ mumuvm Curtains Laundered and Stretched to Exact Size with Perfect Edges. Family Laundry, Finished. Rough Dry, or Wet Wash. Dry Cleaned Beautifully Reliable Laundry IOMSLJchm htJSC "ttht' Phone 1 78-1 79 49e 2Se t'ATgtta"a'fat'N8lt' ',geT.t2t."S"Wdr WW _ -ttb-du.ct-rs-' hhMuthI-Ibdh Maul-wink. 'u.rd.ghs. ”Moon-talk”.- (hesitant-nan!!!” ution that nub all It "h. Gi-rep-true-us, thin-birds. Milan“ mum-“whit JiaiitG rum" T717357“ "ar. a . -- m'. - not: loch . vii-BI ,r_raatq Silvia In (and... tt-mhofsaastr-uNh_ lunkm‘ on My In“. July " will “tin haveth dramaticrote.whiehia.o_dtr "itodtohervoeale-aW,-d which alte also claws-link 1tltt.1"e,1; MCWVWIII n Ttxriddu.a part Viki ho .i-.ahdaetawittsq-1duthae- tims.andoesireNb-wi1ib.ea.t u Akio. Glad” What's a- cellenl voice will show to spatial ad- will a Mama Lucid Mr. my cal-dud. both opens. Why-I'M- MM“! Id I- (“an I.“ 8 h --C... mm". sou-u. In! V 25e 2Se 2Se IN 19c

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